Straight To You

By peurplelily

183 38 2

Can you imagine how someone who doesn't have any experience of having a romantic relationship can create a re... More

Twelve (part 1)
Twelve (part 2)
Eighteen (part 1)
Eighteen (part 2)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three (part 1)
Twenty Three (part 2)
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven (part 1)
Twenty Seven (part 2)
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty (part 1)
Thirty (part 2)


5 1 0
By peurplelily


It's been a month since Irene's paparazzi problem. 

During that time, Irene had finished several parts of her songs with Andy and Joe via zoom call and met them both in their studio, she was very happy because her new song entered the top charts in several countries, maybe because her music video had Robert playing as her lover so everyone knew about Irene's song. 

Today was the day when the invitation to the premiere of Stefan's film took place and Rachel brought the hairstylist and makeup artist for Irene that she had ordered a month ago to Irene's apartment. Everyone look so busy with their stuff, even Olivia ordered food for everyone in her apartment. 

"Rach, I've bought some food, the person who delivered the food will be here soon." She informs Rachel who is busy picking a dress for her artist but Olivia hears a door knock that she assumes it is the delivery as she opens the door and it was Chris, Stefan manager with a big box in his hands. 

"Oh Chris, I thought you were already at the venue, come in" Chris entered the apartment and Rachel greeted him too "oh, I thought you were at the premiere, what's wrong Chris?" Chris answer "I'm here to give this to Irene, is she there?" Rachel nodded and took Chris to Irene's room. When Chris appeared at Irene's door, she was shocked and immediately got up from her seat with curlers over her hair, "Chris? What are you doing here?" Chris then gave the big box to Irene "Stefan told me to give this to you, he hopes you can wear this on the red carpet." Irene here is confused because Stefan didn't tell her anything about this "ok Chris, thank you and can you tell Rachel when will I have to go to the premiere" Chris then answer "oh, you will go with Stefan, so you will come to the hotel where Stefan is getting ready now and you two will leave in the same car." Irene was surprised by the sudden information from Chris "so I'm going to the hotel where all the actors and actresses from the film are?" Chris nodded "that's right and you also made a cameo in that film, right? I just remembered that, maybe you will get an offer to play in a film and get to know several film directors and producers Irene, I will wait here for you until you are ready and we will go together to the hotel" 

Chris also left Irene's room and Irene was here still processing what had just happened then she opened the large box on her bed and found a pastel pinkish purple dress combined with white like a Disney Princess dress, even the makeup artist and hairstylist were shocked by the beautiful dress. 

"This dress is so gorgeous Irene, you should wear this" said Emma, her makeup artist, Irene nodding at her "of course, this is so beautiful." as she sit back because her makeup still hadn't finished yet 'how did he know I love that color combination?' she said to herself. Olivia went into Irene's room because she wanted to give her food, and accidentally saw the dress in a neat box. Olivia looked at Irene and almost screamed "that dress is very beautiful Irene! I would be so jealous if only... eh, nothing." Olivia giggling while giving her food. "if only what Liv" asks Irene while she gets her makeup done, "nothing, I was just mumbling for myself, eat the food because after this you should get going to the hotel like Chris said" Irene immediately ate the food given by Olivia because she felt hungry after she finish her food, her make-up and hair were neat and already done, she asked for their help to wear the dress that Stefan had given her.

Irene was ready with the dress she had worn and everyone had finished cleaning up everything from Irene's room. Olivia and Rachel saw that the dress Irene was wearing looked very gorgeous and beautiful. 

"Oh my god, you look amazing Irene!" says Olivia while Rachel claps her hands being proud at Irene "this dress looks so gorgeous than your music video's dress, Stefan's choice for this dress is kinda good, to be honest" Chris smiled because someone else was praising Stefan, Irene blushed with everyone's praise, she looked at Chris "Chris, I'm ready, Rachel is coming too, right?" Rachel replied "Of course, I will come with you, you are my responsibility." Rachel immediately took the high heels that Irene kept because she rarely wore shoes like that from the shoe racks. "I've brought these high heels, and I also brought you usual sandals so that when you come home after the party your feet will feel comfortable." 

Irene looks happy with Rachel and she tries to wear her high heels that match with the dress. "You looks so beautiful, like an angel from heaven, I think Stefan will immediately fall in love with you" whisper Olivia and hugs Irene, she continue "now, you should go now and Chris already take your invitation so you don't have to be worry" Irene hugs back "thank you sister, I'll call you if I already at the premiere"

"hey, I can see you on TV okay, they'll broadcast it on TV"

Rachel and Chris are already at the door waiting for Irene, she walks toward them. They went down to the apartment lobby and Chris guided them to get into the van that Stefan personally had rented just for Irene's transportation back and forth. 

On the way to Stefan's hotel, Irene thought about Olivia's words that she had whispered to her. 'How could Stefan be like that? He might even still be thinking about his last ex,' she said to herself while looking out the car window with a view of the city and they arrived at the Hollywood area. Chris also parked the van behind the hotel because he wanted the paparazzi not to see Irene in her dress first, "Irene I'll park here and we go inside the hotel using their back door, okay? Stefan asked me that before I picked you up." Chris got out of the car and opened the door for Irene. Rachel came out from the other door and quickly helped Irene with her dress. "I don't know how long I will be able to wear these high heels, they are very uncomfortable" Irene complained a little about her heels, "after the party tonight you can wear your sandals again Irene" she just nodded and agreed with Rachel. 

Chris and Rachel were busy helping Irene and they arrived in front of the hotel elevator in a busy atmosphere because all the actors and actresses from this film were in this hotel, then Chris pressed the button to go up to the floor where Stefan was getting ready. They arrived on the floor of Stefan's room and Irene saw lots of people passing by in the hallway. Irene felt nervous seeing so many people in the hallway and she also felt nervous about meeting Stefan because she saw that the actresses she had met looked very beautiful in their dresses. 

Irene felt different from them and made her hands sweat a lot. They walking to Stefan's room and Chris invited Irene and Rachel into Stefan's room. Irene saw many people surrounding Stefan who were closing their eyes because his makeup artist was having his make-up done, but suddenly Chris whispered to Irene to sit down while waiting for Stefan to finish, she sit close to where Stefan was sitting. "Sit here first, wait for him to finish then you can greet him, otherwise he won't focus and will end up being late" Irene, who was confused with his words and she could only answer "o–okay, I'll sit here" Rachel accompanied by her all the time. 

Irene didn't make a sound at all but her eyes were only focused on Stefan who was chatting, joking and smiling a lot, something that Irene rarely saw because every time they met, Stefan gave his poker face or a tiny smile when he with her. While waiting for Stefan, it turned out that an actor came into Stefan's room. The person saw Irene and immediately greeted her, "Oh? Irene, what are you doing here? Hi Rach" Irene looked at the man and it turned out to be Robert, Irene stood up and Robert give her a hug, "Robert, hello. Maybe you can ask your friend why I'm here." Robert, with a confused face, immediately understood, "Oh, are you Stefan's plus one?" Irene nodded but Robert's mouth seemed to be half open looking at Irene "Wow, I've never seen you so beautiful like this, I even thought you were beautiful in a dress when you were filming the music video that time" Robert's praise made Irene's cheeks turn pinkish and Robert leaning closer to Irene, he whisper in her ear "Stefan is very lucky to be your plus one, should I ask him to swap partners?" Irene smile when she heard that they returned to a normal distance,

"Who is your plus one, Robert?"

Robert answer with a sad face "I come here alone, I wanted to invite her but she couldn't come here, she was busy with her internship."

"Internship? just like my roommate" Irene statement making Robert look flustered and he just laughing over it. Irene heard a deep and slightly hoarse voice while she was busy chatting with Robert, "you're here." Irene and Robert turn their attention to the familiar voice. "yes, I'm here bro" Stefan looking at Robert, "I'm not asking you" Robert grinning like a devil toward Stefan as he put his arm around Stefan's shoulder then tap his shoulder, "I think, I'll let you guys have a moment before the red carpet" Irene look at the two of them and Stefan just rolling his eyes to Robert. 

"Have fun guys! Bye Rach!" Robert leaves both of them, "don't listen to him" says Stefan making Irene giggle because Robert loves to tease everyone including her. "It's okay, Stefan. I know that he loves doing that, ah this is Rachel my manager" They shook hands and Rachel said "I'll go first, it looks like Chris needs help" 

Rachel left the two of them and Irene felt awkward with just Stefan even though there was still Stefan's makeup artist and stylist in the room that full of people and noise. Stefan opened the conversation, "I have a short photoshoot in this room for the promotion and my social media. I hope you can wait for me for a moment, Williams"

"of course Stefan, as long as I can sit, I'm fine" answered Irene while showing her high heels, 

"I'm not used to wearing shoes like this" Stefan just hears Irene's little complain and then, ​​they heard someone calling Stefan, 

"I'll be right back, Williams" Irene sat back down, waiting for Stefan, who apparently was asked to take a photo to promote his film today. 

Irene realized that Stefan was different when he was with her than with other people. 

With other people, Stefan looked very relaxed when talking with other people or someone who had he's known her for a long time, but when he was with Irene, he became quieter and seemed like quite uncomfortable talking to her, 'maybe he just wanted other people to see he had a good reputation or maybe he felt guilty for yelling at me and he didn't want his reputation to be more damaged than before' she thought about it. 

Chris and Rachel came over to Irene, then Chris said "Irene, let's go to the hotel lobby, so that later you and Stefan can get straight into the car." Irene stood up and followed Chris to the hotel elevator and they arrived at the hotel lobby, there were lots of people passing by in the lobby, there were lots of cameras and suitcases in the lobby and the atmosphere there was getting busier because it was almost time for them to go to the premiere venue, Irene see several actors there were seen waiting their turn to get into their cars. 

It turned out that Robert was already in the lobby with the manager and all his staff. 

Irene felt like a small person surrounded by giants who might accidentally step on her. Robert and Sarah approached Irene, "oh Robert, hello Sarah" Irene waving her hand at Robert and Sarah "Irene still remembers Sarah? This is Irene Williams." Irene shook Sarah's hand, "Oh, is this the girl who was an extra in our film, right?" Sarah said while smiling at Irene, "Yes, that's right, she was the extra and I was also in her music video, you know." He bragged to her and she was shocked, "Oh? You're a singer? That's amazing, wait, I'm going to look for your name on Spotify." Sarah was busy looking for Irene's name on the music application. "You can do that after we are in the car, Sarah" Sarah hit Robert's arm and Robert acted in pain from the hit, Irene smiled at them. Sarah was curious, "Did Irene come because of an invitation for all the extras? Because all the extras were also there," Irene answered, "I didn't get an invitation for the extras but — " before Irene finished answering, they heard a deep husky voice from the elevator lobby, "Williams, I thought you had gone first" Robert pointing at that man "Irene is with him" Sarah was a bit surprised by that fact, "what? with that grumpy boy? Irene, you should run for yourself" Stefan, who heard that, immediately snuffled at Sarah, "Hey, I can hear that, grandma." Sarah immediately smacked Stefan's right arm, "Don't call me grandma."

 Irene, who didn't understand, was just shocked without making any difference to Robert's reaction, who laughed loudly at their behavior together. "By the way, are you guys dating? Why are you inviting this beautiful girl?" Sarah asked Stefan, Stefan immediately answered "It's up to me who I want to invite, she's my friend." 

Sarah's face almost like mocking him "friend? yeah right, I don't believe you Stefan, look at her, she is so beautiful yet gorgeous and you said she's your friend, oh cut the bullshit." Before answering Sarah's statement, someone was heard calling Sarah and Robert to take a quick photo and they immediately had to go to the red carpet venue. "I think this is the beginning of our acquaintance, Irene, I have to go until we meet again, and for you sir, don't mess with this girl." Robert seemed to stop Sarah from Stefan to go fight in this lobby, "Okay calm down girl, let's take a photo and see you at the event venue Irene" they waving at Irene and she responded by waving her hands too. 

Chris and Rachel were ready to go to the car, "are you ready, Williams?" while looking at Irene, "here's go nothing, right?" Irene smile at him, Stefan nodding "yeah, it is" but what Irene didn't expect is that Stefan's hand suddenly grabbed her right hand and took the girl to the main entrance of that hotel with many paparazzi already stay there, the universe don't know what courage Stefan had so he could do that. 





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