Miraculous 1: Welcome to Pari...

Por IsabellaAnne1803112

57.4K 2.2K 1K

Amber Bourgeois, formerly Cimarosa, is a foreign exchange student from Italy. At a boarding school, she met C... Más

Origins Part One
Origins Part Two
Stormy Weather
The Bubbler
The Pharaoh
Lady Wifi
Mr. Pigeon
The Evillustrator
The Mime
Kung Food
The Past Year
The Puppeteer
Guitar Villain
Music to My Ears
Simon Says
Princess Fragrance

Dark Cupid

2K 82 22
Por IsabellaAnne1803112

It was now Valentine's Day and Miss Bustier and her class were dressed for the occasion. Miss Bustier was wearing a red blouse with a white button up over top and a pink knee length skirt along with a heart pendant. Rose was wearing a dress with a white top decorated in light pink hearts and a dark pink skirt. She also wore heart-shaped earrings. Juleka was wearing a red and black outfit for Valentine's Day and also had her hair up, her bang still covering her face. Ryder was wearing his usual leather jacket and ripped jeans, but his shirt was now red with the words, "Can't Help Falling in Love" across it. Nathaniel was wearing a red dress shirt and jeans. Kim was wearing his usual attire, but he was wearing a red hoodie with a white heart in the center. Max was wearing a red vest over a long white top with black jeans. Ivan was wearing a black T-shirt with a white heart in the middle along with his usual attire. Mylène wore a white top with a long skirt that had flower designs all over it. Alix wore a red outfit, fitted with a red hat that had a pink heart on it. Marinette was wearing a pink striped shirt with a tiny white heart in the middle along with black leggings and pink ribbons in her hair. Alya wore a long sleeved red shirt with a big pink heart on it with her jeans. Amber wore a white top with a red faux fur coat over it and a black leather skirt with black ankle boots. She also wore rose studded earrings and had a red ribbon to hold her hair up. Sabrina had on a white sweater with red hearts all over it and black leggings. Chloé had heart-shaped sunglasses, a black halter top with a pink jacket over it, and a plaid skirt. Nino was wearing a red shirt with a heartbeat rhythm on it with his jeans. Adrien was wearing a black hoodie with his signature three stripes on the arms and his jeans.

"Thank you for all the Valentine's Day desserts, Amber." Miss Bustier thanks the brunette as different desserts were placed at the tables. There were red velvet cupcakes with either cream cheese filling or chocolate filling, strawberry flavored macarons in the shape of hearts, chocolate truffles that were either white chocolate, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate, and punch for drinks.

"You're welcome, Miss Bustier!" Amber smiles as she is placing different colored roses at each of the tables.

Marinette frowns to herself, watching as Adrien enjoyed one of the red velvet cupcakes, "Wish I made desserts..."

Chloé hummed as she ate a dark chocolate truffle, "These are so good."

"In most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell us why?" Miss Bustier asks her class.

Rose stands up, swooning, "Because only love can conquer hate!"

Amber smiles at the girl's bubbly attitude as she hands her a pink rose, giving Juleka a purple rose.

"Correct, Rose." the teacher says as Rose sat back down. Juleka smiles at her as the two eat their red velvet cupcakes. Kim raises an eyebrow at this as a pen was in his mouth.

Max stands up, "Technically speaking, this reasoning is only exhibited in about 87% of all fairy tales and-"

"Thank you, Max. That's enough." Miss Bustier says before spotting something on Amber's desk as she sat down, "Amber, I hope what you're writing has to do with my lesson." she walks over to her, "Can you tell me what I just said?"

"That's why in most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess because only love conquers hate." Amber recites as the bell rings, signalling the end of class.

"Very good, Amber! Now, everyone, don't forget to finish Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault tonight, and happy Valentine's day, students!" the teacher leaves the classroom.

Ryder makes his way to the door, humming to himself as Nino stands up.

"Dude, you coming?"

Adrien nods before hearing a sigh as his friends leave.

"Forget this." Amber throws what she was writing, missing the trashbin, "Like he's ever gonna see it." she walks out of the room, Chloé and Sabrina following after her.

Adrien swiftly picks up the paper and starts to read it, "Your hair shines like the sun. Your eyes are a gorgeous emerald green. Underneath your disguise, I wonder your innermost thoughts and dreams. Every day we see each other and I hope that you'll be mine, together our love could be so true, please, will you be my Valentine?"

"Whoa, now that's a love poem." Plagg comments as he flies out into the empty room.

"I never thought that Amber would write a poem for someone. Who is she talking about?" Adrien skims through the poem.

"Hair shines like the sun, eyes emerald green, disguise...Kid, she's talking about you. Well, Chat Noir." Plagg says.

"Amber having a crush on Chat Noir? Are you sure?" the blonde blushes.

"He's the only one with a disguise, emerald green eyes, and hair that shines like the sun. And she kissed you on the cheek." Plagg told him.

"Amber likes me..." Adrien smiles shyly, "I need to talk to Ryder and Nino. They'll know what to do."


The three boys left the school as Max and Kim were having a conversation.

Max pushes up his glasses, "Operation Valentine's Day is commencing. According to my extensive research and cross-referencing of online shopping sites," he reveals a heart shaped box that was behind his back and hands it to his friend, "This particular jewel was ranked highest in popularity."

Kim opens it up, smiling at the heart shaped brooch, "That's perfect, Max! I better hit a home run with this one. Love is like baseball, right? You gotta have a strategy or you'll strike out." Nino spots the conversation, he and his friends walk over to them, "But if you aim right, you'll hit it out of the ball park. Score!"

"Oh, yes Kim, lovely metaphor."


"Hey, dudes!" Nino greets them.

"You got someone special for Valentine's Day, Kim?" Ryder asks with a smile on his face.

"Correct, Ryder. The recipient of this gem has already been determined. It's-" Max gets cut off when Kim grabs him and covers his mouth.

"Shh! Keep it on the down-low!"

"That's great, dude!" Nino says, "Who's the lucky lady?"

"That brooch is very beautiful. Any girl would be lucky to have that." Ryder told him.

Kim rubs the back of his head, "Technically, she's still gotta accept it." he gasps, realizing something, "What if she says "No"?!"

"There's no way she can say no!" Adrien reassured him, "You'll never know if she likes you if you don't go for it!"

"Operation Valentine's Day is underway!" Kim high fives his friends.

The athlete jogs in place, holding a map in his hands.

"Her route is highlighted here in yellow, yours in red. If you run at ten miles per hour, you're going to gain a four and a half minute advance on her. Halt and wait here facing northwest, the third most romantic spot in Paris." Max winks and gives his best friend a thumbs up, Adrien, Ryder, and Nino doing the same, "Go, go, go!"

"Thanks, you guys!" Kim salutes before taking off.


"Dear...Dear...Dear..." Adrien sighs as he lays his head on the desk in Ryder's room, "I'm not good at writing love letters...I sound like a total dorkasaurus."

"Only when you say words like "dorkasaurus"!" Plagg flies out, "Teasing, kid! Teasing!" he picks up Amber's letter and lays it down, "I've seen this plenty of times with all my black cats. Each one had an Amber of their own. Just think of her and speak from the heart. One thing each of you had in common was that you're all such hopeless romantics."

Adrien skims through Amber's poem, "I know exactly what I need to do."

"Dude!" Nino's voice could be heard.

"Nino, wait!"

Adrien gasps, "Plagg, hide!"

Plagg quickly takes the note and hides away.

"Look what we found!" Nino holds up a red heart-shaped card.

"It was in my aunt's office." Ryder explains.

"It's perfect. Thanks, guys!" Adrien starts writing the love letter.

"Don't forget to sign when you're done." Ryder reminds before spotting a ladybug, "Ugh. Annoying little things. But ladybugs are a good omen and good luck in the love department."

"How do you know that?" Nino asks.

"It's on Alya's blog."


Amber lies down on Chloé's bed as Sabrina was talking to her.

"Amber, you are a very attractive girl. Anyone would be lucky to have you. I'm sure if you sent that poem to the guy you like, he will definitely say yes." Sabrina told her.

Amber sighs, "How can you be sure? There are other girls out there."

"No way! You said that he flirted with you, right? That has to be a sign!"

Amber smiles softly, "I just wish I could've sent that poem. Now it's just in the trashcan." she thinks to herself, "Maybe I could do something else..."


Kim waits on the Pont des Arts bridge, his stance stiffening when he hears Chloé's voice talking to someone on the phone.

"That's right, in a 24 karat gold frame. Deliver it to Le Grand Paris Hotel and bill it to Daddykins, uh, I mean, Mr. Bourgeois." the blonde girl hangs up as Kim stood in front of her, "What are you doing here?"

"I-I..." Kim spoke nervously.

"You..." Chloé trails off in confusion.

Kim smiles nervously, clearing his throat and kneeling down in a puddle of water, "Will you...be my Valentine?" he presented the brooch to her.

A passing bike splashes water in Kim's face by accident, the teen boy wiping his face as a chip bag that was blowing in the wind sticks to the side of his face.

Chloé gasps before frowning, "Kim, I...I'm sorry, but...I can't accept. I'm not looking for love at the moment." she frowns even more, "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." she walks away, looking guilty.

Kim drops the brooch, pulling the chip bag off his face as he begins to sob.


Adrien, Ryder, and Nino stand in front of a mailbox at the park.

"Come on, dude! You got this!" Nino reassures.

"Yeah, you've been standing here for five minutes." Ryder smirks in amusement.

"I'm nervous okay?!"

"Look, let's give you two options." Ryder puts a hand on his shoulder, "Either you can send it to her through the mail or we can just run around Paris shouting for her."

Adrien gulps and quickly puts the poem in the mailbox.

"Man, dude, I hope the girl you like doesn't reject you in a harsh manner or something." Nino comments before yelping as Ryder whacks him lightly in the shoulder, "Ow!"

"Why would you say that?" Ryder asks him.

"What have I done?! Is there a way to get the letter back out?!" Adrien tries to get the letter out.

"Adrien, calm down. From what you told us, this girl would never do that to you or anyone else for that matter."

Alya, who was eating candy apples with Marinette, suddenly gasps, "What in the world is that?!" she points up at Dark Cupid, an akumatized Kim, who was flying around.

He looks down at them, spotting the heart shaped candy apples they were holding, "Huh? All hearts must be destroyed!" the villain shouts before shooting an arrow at Alya, who gets knocked back as her lips turn black.

"Alya?" Marinette looks at her before gasping as the ombre-haired girl stuck the candy apples to her shirt, "Hey, seriously?!"

"You're not my BFF, you're a joke!" Alya grins maliciously, "Adrien's gonna laugh his head off at your lame attempt at poetry!" she runs away, cackling.

"Run, dudes!" Nino and Ryder run away as Adrien runs off in another direction to transform.


"Ugh! I never said 18-karat gold! Those gold tones will never match my 24-karat toilet! Idiots!" Chloé complains to some movers who were helping with a giant photo of herself and Amber, "My sister deserves the very best!"

Dark Cupid spots her and goes to shoot an arrow at her, but a yo-yo hits him, making him miss and hit the side of a moving van.

Chloe gasps and looks up to see Ladybug standing across from the akumatized villain, the two of them on the rooftops.

"Ladybug!" the akumatized villain shouts.

"Stop, Kim!" Ladybug spins her yo-yo.

"I'm not Kim, I'm Dark Cupid! I'll never stop! If I can't have love, then no one can!"

"Chloé, we have to go!" Amber grabs her hand and takes her inside with her and Sabrina.

"Okay, Dark Cupid, I get it. Someone rejected you. But that doesn't mean you have to take it out on all of Paris!" Ladybug told him.

"Oh, yes, I do! I won't stop until everyone's heart is crushed. Say adios to your loved ones. From now on, you'll hate them!" he attempts to shoot at the heroine, who dodges all of his attacks as he dodges hers. She runs from him, eventually losing him when Ladybug slides down and nearly falls off the edge of the roof, hiding from the akumatized villain.

"How are you doing?" Chat Noir asks, helping her down, "I think I know what happened to him."

"That's Kim. He got rejected by someone."

"Well, judging by how he was going after Chloé, I'd say he had a crush on her."

"Come on! Let's go!"


"You gotta get out of here. Your friend Kim's turned into Dark Cupid and I don't know what he'll do if he finds you here." Ladybug states as she and Chat Noir stood in the hotel lobby.

"So he's attacking Chloé because she rejected him as nicely as she could?" Amber crosses her arms.

"Are you sure Chloé rejected him nicely?" Ladybug looks skeptical.

"Yeah. She told me."

"Why should we believe you?" Ladybug puts her hands on her hips.

"Are you calling me a liar?" Amber crosses her arms and narrows her eyes, "That doesn't sound so good for your image."

"Okay, let's get back on the right page here." Chat Noir separates the two.

"I only told him that I was sorry and that I wasn't looking for love at the moment." Chloé explains, "It's not like I ripped his heart out and stomped on it."

"I do have to give him credit." Amber speaks up, "He was able to confess right to your face while I can only write a poem."

Dark Cupid flies into the building. He fires an arrow, Chat Noir deflecting it. Ladybug flips over the villain and uses her yo-yo to yank Chloé outside.

"Daddy!" the blonde screams.

"Run Chloé! Run!"

Chloé runs off, Sabrina, Amber, and Dark Cupid following after her.


Dark Cupid laughs, "You can't outrun me, Chloé!"

The blonde girl turns the corner, running into a flower stand and getting herself messy. She looks up to see civilians standing in front of her, "Help!"

The civilians, however, run away when they see Dark Cupid.

The akumatized villain aims his bow at her, ready to fire an arrow, "Happy Valentine's Day, Chloé. Now you'll get what you deserve."

"Hey!" Amber throws a rock at him, "Take the rejection and ram it up your asshole!"

Dark Cupid goes to fire at her, but Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around him and throws him in the direction of the park.


"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug throws her yo-yo into the air, receiving...

"A candy apple?" Chat Noir looks at it in confusion, "What are you gonna do with that?"

Ladybug peeks out from the tree, spotting the fountain, Chat Noir, and Dark Cupid, "Okay. This is gonna be a little complicated. I need you to throw this candy apple right at Dark Cupid's head."

"I like this plan already." Chat Noir comments as he takes the candy apple.

"When he's distracted, I'll pull him down and then you'll take his brooch and destroy it." Ladybug continues.

"Got it." Chat Noir peeks out from behind the tree, "Hey! We've got a Valentine's gift for you!"

Dark Cupid flies into the sky, ready to fire an arrow.

Chat Noir throws the candy apple right at the akumatized villain's head. Dark Cupid removes it, but now it's stuck on his hand, "Looks like you got yourself in a sticky situation!"

Dark Cupid shakes the candy apple off and prepares to fire an arrow at him, but his hand is now stuck, making him unable to fire his weapon, "Chat Noir!"

Ladybug throws her yo-yo and wraps it around Dark Cupid, pulling him down.

"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir pounces onto Dark Cupid and destroys the sash, grabbing the brooch and throwing it to Ladybug, "Happy Valentine's Day, Bug!"

"Awww, you shouldn't have..." Ladybug drops it on purpose, "Whoops!" she then stomps on it to break it, an akuma flying out, "No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" she captures the akuma, "Gotcha!" she releases the purified butterfly, "Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" she throws the candy apple into the air, reverting everything back to normal.

Dark Cupid turns back into Kim, "Huh?"

"Pound it!" the two heroes fist bump.

"I'll take the civilian home." Chat Noir helps Kim up, "Hold on tight, kid." he catapults away, the teen boy shouting in excitement.

"Bug out!" Ladybug swings away once she hears her earrings beeping.


Amber sets a Chat Noir plushie she made on the table outside her balcony with a little note attached to it. She walks inside and goes through the fan letters she received for Valentine's Day. She picks up a heart shaped card and starts to read it with a confused expression, "Your hair shines in the moonlight, chocolate eyes working their charm. How I wish to spend the nights wrapped in your warm arms. Yes, your Valentine I will be, our love will be so true. Together for eternity, my heart belongs to mew." the brunette gasps as she spots the initials C.N. with a heart around it. She immediately sits down with flushed cheeks, "Chat Noir?" she hears a knock at her door.

"Amber, my darling, there's someone here to see you!" André calls.

Amber raises an eyebrow and opens the door, looking surprised, "Adrien?"

"Hey..." the blonde smiles a little, "Can I come in?"

"Of course." Amber lets him in, "Is everything okay? Is it about the person who tried to break into your locker?"

"Yeah, but first...um...here." Adrien hands her a bouquet of red tulips, "I know roses seem kinda cliché, so I got you some tulips instead."

"Oh, they are beautiful! Thank you, Adri!" Amber kisses him on the cheek as thanks, the blonde blushing bashfully, "What happened?"

"Well, whoever it was sent me a Valentine's poem...it was kinda...disturbing, I guess?"

"What did it say?"

"They were trying to break into my locker to get my phone so they could erase an embarrassing message they sent. It was the number that I didn't recognize and thought it was spam."

Amber sets the tulips into a vase, "Seems like a lot of work for a embarrassing message. They could have just talked to you about it." she thinks to herself, "I'll tell you what, class rep elections are coming up. I'll run and impliment a special lock for your locker that can only be opened by you and you only. That way no one will ever try to break into your locker ever again."

"That sounds great...thanks Amber."

"No problem."

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