Blitz & Fizzarolli- Friends '...

By SapphireStories12

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A friendship fanfiction story on Blitz and Fizzarolli!! More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 20
Part 21

Part 19

612 16 55
By SapphireStories12

A few weeks had passed since Blitz had started staying with Fizz more often.

"Rise and shine, Bliiiitz!~" Fizzarolli sang as he hopped over to the snoozing imp.

Blitz simply grumbled as he turned over the opposite way.

Fizz was feeling quite silly this morning, as he wrapped his mechanical limbs around the grumpy imp, holding his arms in place as he brought him closer and started tickling the imp mercilessly across his belly and sides.

"FIHIHIHIZZ!! NOAHAHAHA!!" the helpless imp cackled and wiggled about, "I- HEHEHAHAHA!! CAN'T STHAHAHAND IHIHIHIHIT!!"

Fizzy simply grinned at the sight, "Ya gonna stop being so grumpy then?" as he continued with his attack.


Fizzy snickered a bit himself at how hard his friend was laughing, he even had tears forming in the corner of his eyes at this point right before stopping his attack and unwrapping his limbs.

Blitz caught his breath after a moment, "You're terrible, hehe." he joked.

Fizz then affectionately nuzzled foreheads with his friend, until noticing a bittersweet expresson on his face, "What is it? Do you not want me nuzzling?" he asked as he pulled away.

"N-No. . .It's not that. I don't mind it. It's just. . .sometimes you remind me of someone. And. . .I just really miss 'em. . ." Blitz explained with a saddened expression.

". . .it's Stolas, right?" the jester asked.

Blitz simply nodded his head.

"I'm sorry. . . I would say maybe you could go try talking to him, but Ozzie just told me some information recently and I don't think you should hear it. . ." Fizzarolli spoke.

Blitz immediately raised a brow, "Well now I GOTTA hear it. So you're tellin' me one way or another, clown boy."

Fizzy sighed, "Prince Stolas has a new royal parrot boyfriend. . ."

"BOYFRIEND!?!?!?" Blitz spat in surprise.

Asmodeus then appeared in the room, "Fizzy! I told you not to tell him!!"

"But I can't lie to him, Ozzie. And besides, he deserves to know that the prince is moving on, and so should he." Fizzarolli explained.

"I. . . I can't just move on, Fizz." Blitz spoke lowly as he stood up, "Stolas was. . . He was. . .everything. I know I never told him. And I was pretty shitty at expressing it. But none of that means that I didn't really fucking love him. . . I've just always been too damn afraid. And because I've been such a coward for so long, I'm too late. . ."

"Maybe you're not too late." Asmodeus spoke up with a sympathetic look, "I have no doubt that Stolas still has a place in his heart for you. With the way he talked about you, I could just see it in his eyes, how much he really loved you. But he never once believed that you could of loved him back. And that's what killed him inside the most."

"Well, if you're gonna do something, you may wanna make it fast. Before he and this new prince officially tie the knot." Fizz added as he held up an article on his phone of Prince Stolas and Prince Leroy holding a royal ceremony later today.

Blitz then had a devious grin on his face, "Anyone wanna go crash a party?"

"FUCK YES!!" Fizz cheered.

Blitz then sent out a group text to Millie, Moxxie, and Loona:

Mission PARTY KRASHERS is a go!!

Along with the ceremony address.

The group then met up at Stolas's palace where the ceremony was being held in the backyard.

Stolas was still up in his room, preparing himself as he sat in front of his vanity.

"It's been weeks, and I still don't have a single ounce of romantic feelings for this prince. . ." the owl sighed as he popped a depression pill.

He stood up and put on some white royal clothes with a golden trim as he admired the polaroid photo of him and Blitz on his vanity mirror. It was his favorite photo of them. Since it was the only one where Blitz was truly smiling, along with his sweet dimples exposed.

The prince remembered that day clearly, as it was a full moon night.

Blitz and Stolas met up as always, did their sexy lil tango, and snuggled for aftercare. This time though, Stolas wanted to snap a quick picture of the little imp snuggled on the owl's chest with a tiny smile on his face.

But once Blitz noticed the camera, his smile immediately falterd and a blush formed.

"Aw, c'mon, Blitzy. Smile for me, dear." Stolas tried to persuade the imp.

"Not happenin', birdbrain." Blitz spat as he remained in place.

The prince then had a devious idea, as he used the hand wrapped around the imp to scribble his side and belly a bit as he nuzzled the little imp's neck, causing the imp to laugh adorably and struggle.

Stolas then took the pic and ceased fire.

"Th-That was cheating. . ." Blitz grumbled with a pout.

"But I absolutely adore your laugh, Blitzy!~ Oh, and just look at your dimples in the photo!~" the owl cooed.

Blitz then rolled his eyes, "Y-Ya know what! Take this!!" as he pounced onto the prince and nibbled onto his neck, causing the owl to giggle with some little hoots as he scribbled his sides as well.

Stolas came back to reality once he heard a knock at his bedroom door.

It was Octavia

"Dad, are you ready? Prince Leroy has been patiently waiting for you." the owlet spoke as she entered.

"Oh, yes! I-I'm ready. I shall be down shortly, starfire." Stolas replied as he fixed up his feathers.

Octavia then left and went down to the backyard, "He's almost ready." she told the parrot.

Then, a group of imps hopped over the hedge along with a hellhound and one of the deadly sins.

The guests gasped at the sight.

"Asmodeus!~ Wonderful to see you." Leroy spoke.

"Wish I could say the same, but I'm here for business, Leroy." Ozzie replied.

The parrot then made eye contact with the boss imp, "Ahhh, you must be Blitz. I've heard awfully too much about you."

Blitz appeared confused a moment, "Oh, I guess you've heard about I.M.P. then?"

"Oh, no, no. I mean from Prince Stolas, my soon to be fiancé. Let's just say, I've heard more about you than I'd like. You're quite the little pest." Leroy answered with an annoyed expression.

Blitz slightly growled underneath his breath as he clenched his fists.

Fizzarolli stayed at his side as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

Stolas then finally came down, "I do apologize for the wait, Ler- Blitz!?!?" he squawked with surprise.

Blitz's pupils increased in size as he stared the owl's way.

The owl couldn't help but immediately feel flustered by the imp's familiar stare.

Prince Leroy then snapped his fingers, "Guards! Off with these uninvited guests immediately!!"

Leroy's personal guards came forward.

Millie whipped out her battle axe and stood in front of her imp boys as she growled and snarled at the guards.

Moxxie pulled out his gun as Loona wrapped her tail around Blitz protectively and snarled.

Asmodeus picked up Fizzarolli and placed him onto his shoulder.

All of the guests trembled in fear.

"None of you are welcome here!" Leroy hollered, "Leave now, are you shall be thrown out by force!"

"Hold it now, parrotboy! This is Stolas's palace! So shouldn't he be the one to stay who stays and who goes!?!?" Blitz spat and glared at Leroy.

Leroy then looked Stolas's way, "Well, Stolas? What do you propose?"

Stolas was a bit stunned for words, "I. . . I-I. . ."

-End of part 19

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