The Salvatore Witch...

By ThoseSalvatoreChicks

50.6K 938 262

Megan Annabelle Salvatore is the half sister of the oh so much hated Damon and Stefan. She's a bit of a wild... More

damons_girl21 Part
Part 3
Damn now i need a new phone
What did he just say?
Let The Partay Begin
Because I have Jeremy.
why do I feel the need to yell?
Yeah, I'm glad you came.
Hide 'nd go seek :0 :)
I need you to be in my mansion.
Megan in a pink dress?? Ha, good luck with that.
WHAT! I can't be grounded!
Megan, she's mine.
I twisted it until I heard the 'crack.'
and bricks came tumbiling down
Give her your blood.
The Rock Door
Just to rule the world.
Im the impatient child? Yeah right.
Now I get it.
The Emotionless Witch.
Would she save you?
This stuff never happens.
The not so Evil (yet) Evil clone.
She's gonna kill us all.
Personal time... yeah.
We all love Matt.
What does the fox say? MEOW BIATCHES!!
Hey guys
Tut Tut Megan should learn to listen...
Damon's 165th birthday i mean 25th
You make me happy.
You will pay for that Sister or half Sister-whatever.
Damon -.-
Power drain
Trouble in Paradise?
Authors Note!

The Salvatore Witch...

10.8K 92 13
By ThoseSalvatoreChicks

I was currently lying on my bed counting the utensils on my ceiling.

Yes I know what your all thinking, and yes I am insane, certifiably so, seriously though I only escaped the loony bin last year.

I know what your all thinking why are there utensils on your ceiling? Superman put them there. No really? I got bored one day and put them up there because it amused me immensely.

No I am not mental. Just insane is all.

Now on to your next question, how are the utensils on the ceiling? Not bubble gum or glue of nay sorts I assure you, nope something far more boring, something that everyone has. Air.

Now that in its self is no problem, all you need is a healthy supply of pixie dust, no kidding... I'm a witch...

Told you I was crazy... well this time I wasn't kidding, I really am a witch... back to the point... I was currently counting all of the spoons on my ceiling, there were no knives on the ceiling, why? Because I didn't see the point in knives, hehe I made a funny... any who... forks and spoons are more dangerous... well I think so any way.

I walked into the main room of the pent house I was staying at when it struck me...

I decided to call that all too familiar number "Damon, do elephants actually paint their toe nails?" I asked

"Uhm... how to respond to that..." he mumbled "Nope not going to" what I would have given to see his facial expressions "long time... Er.... no talk?" he sighed "I don't suppose we'll be getting a visit from the tooth fairy soon?"

"Nope, not unless somebody finally tore out your k9's" oh I should do that "any who... before the remainder of my sanity's leaves me... back to the point... do elephants paint their toenails?"

"Damon please don't encourage her!" another voice yelled in the back round

"Nice to see you too Stefan!" I hollered back

"PEOPLE PUH-LESE I have eardrums here!" Damon mumbled

"Back to the point Damon. Elephants. Nail polish?"

"Ahh... bye now" he said ending the call

I frowned, Y'know when you get that stupid urge to do something? Let's just say I have the sudden or not so sudden urge to visit my home town of little old Mystic Falls... not enough trouble to cause here.


"Damn it!" I yelled crushing my phone

"I told you not to encourage her!" Came Stefan's helpful reply

"Shut up Stefan before I tear your heart out and paint it rainbows"

I frowned.

"Looks like she's rubbed off on you" Stefan said coming into view with a packet of ice blocks

We have ice blocks? Oh sweet mother of pineapples

"Great, now I'm thinking like her too, thanks a lot Stefan" I mumbled

We weren't even that good a friends, heck when you try to kill someone they tend to hate you for a while... maybe for eternity?

"Done there having a silent argument with yourself?" Stefan asked offering me an ice block

"No, I just don't get it, why doesn't she hate me Stef? I mean I did try to kill her more than once?" I mumbled barely loud enough for Stefan to hear

He rolled his eyes "Damon, she doesn't have it in her to hate anyone, even you, yes I know she can be a pain, yes she is weird, but considering we haven't killed each other yet, or even threatened to in the last three minutes, id say it'd be good to have her home again" he said pointedly

"So call her back?" I asked

"Nope, she'll be here soon enough, you know what she's like when it comes to things like this" he smiled before walking out the door for school

"Have fun at school, I promise if I even have the temptation to kill her, I'll let you know!" I yelled out after him

Damn, I had one conversation with her and I'm already acting relatively normal, and it was about elephants and nail polish, I mean who talks about that stuff? Ok I admit that was a dumb question.

"Knock Knock TOOTH FAIRY HERE reporting for business" someone yelled from down in the parlour

"Really? Seriously Megan?" I asked "Are you twelve?"

"I wish, but sadly no," she sighed lowering her head, oh this is bad real bad, whenever she does that it means she's got an evil plan "Any who... where is my favorite vampire?" she asked, lifting her head smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, I was going to be calling Stefan any minute "Uh... he's um... at... school?" I replied

"No way! Stefan's playing human, that's hilarious, I can cause more trouble here than I thought" she mumbled smiling evilly.

This girl may look like an angel, but when someone that looks so innocent being capable of that look is quite hilarious, and terrifying at the same time

"Oh uh-uh, no, you can't cause any trouble here Megan" I said

"That's where you're wrong Damon, I'll assume my room isn't occupied?" she asked, without waiting for my answer

It's extremely annoying to think that we used to be uh... friends... before she got in my way and I tried to kill her, but if that's anything to go on id say that she doesn't hold grudges, well I know for a fact she doesn't hold grudges for long... unless it's me... like the last time I painted her unicorn thingy, yes she has or had a unicorn... well a stuffed one anyway.

*Megan Annabelle Salvatore*

I smirked as I walked up stairs into my room. Well it isn't really my room, but every time I stay here it's the room I use. Even though I haven't been here since the 80's, horrible decade that was... yuck!

The room was painted a royal purple, with glow in the dark stars on the black roof, the curtains were an exotic black velvet, the room was amazing, I loved all the dark mahogany furniture it just blended so well with the dark aura in the house.

Although I've been told many times that I don't suit either of the Salvitore's because I'm so 'bright' and 'bubbly' if that even makes sense. Which I'm betting it doesn't considering this is me we are talking about.

I threw my massive suitcases down on the floor and tore them open flinging all my clothes around the room as if I'd been here for weeks

"Damon!" I called out "I'm going out!" I hollered as I flew, or hovered down stairs.

"And where is it that you're going?" he asked meeting me at the bottom of the stairs .

"Out, I'll be back to give Stef a rev though, don't worry fangs, I'll tell him" I said slapping his cheek.

He grumbled some foul Italian obscenities and a few English cuss words were thrown in the mix too.

"Certo che Damon, mi piacerebbe ascoltare voi, ma io vado ora." I smirked, Damon didn't like it when i talked to him in our native tongue, all because he lost his accent (sure sure Damon, i'd love to listen to you but i'll be going now)

More obscenities, "Bye then," he mumbled walking over to the alcohol cabinet.

I walked out to my beautiful Jag, yes im a girl who loves her cars, your point being? My XJ220 was my baby, I loved her, or him, what could you call a car? Girl or a boy?

I drove down to where the school was and walked up to the reception desk "Hi, Id like to enroll" I said smiling

"Have you got your papers?" she asked not looking at me

I whipped my compulsion crystal out "That won't be necessary, just enroll me as Megan Salvatore, put me in all Stefan Salvatore's classes."

I smiled when she nodded

"Here's your schedule miss, have a good day." she smiled.

Apparently, they don't get new kids here regularly, because I was attracting a lot of attention, but I was on a mission. I smiled when I saw the person i was looking for.

"Stefan," i said simply when he turned around.

"Megan, I didn't think you'd be back this early," he smiled picking me up in a hug.

"What could I say, the temptation of ripping out Damon's k9's was irresistible, i see you turned it back on."

"You know Megan, you are the evilest person I've ever had the miss fortune to meet that wasn't a vampire, now on to what you were really going to say."

I grumbled "Non posso credere che tu tornato a scuola" I mumbled (i can't believe you went back to school)

He sighed "c'è più qui di una semplice scuola di Megan, tutto quello che chiediamo è che non rovinare tutto per me, Dio sa di Damon sta per." (there's more here than just school Megan, all i ask is that you don't mess it up for me, god knows Damon's going to)

I growled "Quello è il punto di non idiota, mi devi la tua auto." i smirked (That's not the point you moron, you owe me your car)

"il tuo male." he mumbled (your evil)

"Io credo che l'espressione Damon usa è figlio di Satana." I smiled and laughed (I do believe the expression Damon uses is satian's daughter)

"Good to see you Megan." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes at some of the glares i was receiving, "I take it you've made yourself the new hot boy then?" i asked.

"Uhh," he scratched his head, "You could say that... I guess."

"Well, its either that or they don't get new people here often, especially not wealthy new people," i said giving him a pointed look.

"There's that too, look Megan, i have to ask you to please behave no matter how much you want to-"

I was glancing around the corridor when i saw the hottest guy walk in laughing, could you say yum, he had messy chocolate brown hair and the most stunning chocolate brown eyes, only thing was he was accompanied by a stoned looking brunette.

"Uh... Megan?" Stefan said waving his hand in front of my face "You've been zoned out looking off into the distance for a couple of minutes now, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just something caught my eye," i mumbled just as the bell rang.

"Or someone," he countered.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness "Stefan, I'm not a baby any more, I'm a fully grown immortal witch."

"I know your not a baby," he sighed, "but i worry about you, you tune out for absolutely no reason."

"Stef, i said something caught my eye, plus the authorities are worried enough that there's a mental psyco maniac on the loose" i shrugged

"Tell me you didn't," when i didn't, reply he said, "Oh god you did skip the loony bin huh?"

"They gave me yuck food, what would you do if you were in my situation?" i said struggling to stifle my laughter at the amount of wrinkles he had on his forehead.

"I wouldn't be in your situation, so its irrelevant, what did you do?" he asked me scowling at me.

"Chill... I uh... what did i do?" I mumbled scratching my head "Oh... that's... no... was?... no that was last time... oh i know... no no that's not it... i, Uh?"

"You don't know what you even did, brilliant," he mumbled "Come on, we have class, I'm serious, no killing anyone."

"What happened to the ripper Stefan, he was fun," i sighed.

"He was a cold blooded murderer," he said portraying not even a flicker of emotion.

As we walked into our home room i glared at the back of St. Stefan's head, it seemed like he was trying to hide something from me.

I walked up beside him, only to hear a gasp, of an extremely familiar face.

"What is she doing here?" I growled.

"Its not Katherine, its Elena, her doppelganger," he mumbled leading me over to her.

He smiled at her, "Elena, this is my... uhh... Thing?" He laughed.

"Sister." I cut in.

"Right, Elena, this is my younger sister Megan." he said.

"Hi Megan, I'm Elena," she smiled extending her hand to me, which i took, to see if it was Katherine or not, i saw her whole life flash before my eyes.

"I like her already," I whispered under my breath so only Stefan and any other vampires in the room could hear, not that there was any other vampires in the room. I received a smile from Stefan, a big smile, one that i hadn't seen in years, well the last time i saw either of the Salvatores was in the 80's so, that was a wee while ago.

"And this is Bonnie," Elena said gesturing to the girl siting next to her, to which i smiled and shook her hand.

Her face went blank, a Bennet witch huh? Well I'll see about that.

She looked confused and shocked at the same time, "Nice to meet you," she said sheepishly as if she'd gotten to see the bad part of my life.

I glanced around the class there were about three others, a boy with messy blonde hair and green eyes, a blond girl who looked extatic and was walking this way

"Hi! I'm Caroline Forbes," she smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Megan Salvatore," I smiled back.

"Tyler, Jeremy, Matt get your butts over here!" She yelled "Uh... Oops, hey Elena where is Jer?" she asked.

"Not here," she mumbled madly.

"Any way... this is Matt Donovan, and this is Tyler Lockwood-" I stared at Tyler, fitting name for someone so god like.

"I'm Megan." I smiled at the two of them not even breaking out of my trance. Tyler seemed the same, until I broke eye contact when Stefan elbowed me in the ribs smiling knowingly, which earned him a foot stomp.

"Oww Meg!" he whined, falsely of course because a simple foot stomp couldn't hurt him.

"Kitty got your foot?" I asked playing the innocent card.

"intelligente perdere giocando la carta innocenti stiamo? due possono giocare a quel gioco." (clever miss playing the innocent card are we? two can play at that game)

"Now now Stefan don't jump to conclusions," i smiled, poking the tongue at him.

"You speak italian?" caroline asked looking at me

"Sì, ovviamente," (yes obviously) I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

I turned towards the door when both Elena and Tyler narrowed their eyes, standing in the door was a guy that smelt horrid, but he had the most perfect hazel eyes, not nearly as yummy as Tyler though.

"Jeremy." Elena said sternly. Oh, they must be siblings.

"What Elena? I'm here aren't i?" He said.

Caroline rolled her eyes, "Jer, this is Megan." Caroline said smiling like a maniac.

The bell rang. "C'mon Megan, you can sit by me." Caroline said and dragged me over to a desk at the back of the class.

"What about me care bear?" Tyler asked doing his best puppy dog eyes, which i must say were adorable, and they suited him too.

"What about you Ty?" she countered smiling, obviously she was used to the puppy dog eyes.

He rolled his eyes and pulled a chair over in front of our table. "So Megan, how come you only just moved here, Stefan's been here for ages?" he smiled.

Oh man, my heart was melting. "I uh- I had this thing that said I had to come back, after I called Damon that is, he kinda made the decision with out knowing it really"

"Yeah, interesting point about the elephants in heels by the way Meg," Stefan said from across the room.

I rolled my eyes. "I was confused if tigers cant wear heels then can elephants?" i countered.

"How many stuffed animals did you come back with this time?" he asked smiling, but i could tell he was afraid of the answer.

"I lost count at thirty so I just threw them in my car," I shrugged.

Stefan sesased up, "please please don't leave them lying around the house this time, it makes it look less scary," he pleaded.

"Stef," I sighed, "the house is only scary when its empty."

He rolled his eyes and turned back to his conversation with Elena.

"How exactly did Damon help you to decide to come back?" Tyler asked.

"Well- he made a snarky comment about getting a visit from the tooth fairy, so I decided that he needed his K'9s' ripped out, hence me being here."

"Uh huh," he said probably unsure of how to respond to that.

"Don't worry, not a lot of people know how to respond to her." Stefan said.

I rolled my eyes, "again Stef thanks for the obvious statement."

History went past pretty quick, when you know about all the history of the town and lived through it, it tends to get rather boring, thankfuly though tyler kept my mind off class, he had his arm slung across the back of my chair and was rocking back on his

"Hey Megan?" he asked. "Do you maybe wanna come down to the grill with me later?"

I smiled slightly. "Yeah sure, ill text you, I don't have your number."

He smirked. "That's a new way to ask for a guy's number, care already took deliberately of swiping your phone and adding our contacts though," he said "mines under that sexy awesome ninja guy," he whispered.

"No Ty, yours is under Tyler Dumb Ass Lockwood," Caroline said smiling at his reaction "Mines under CareBear." she smiled.

"Coolies, any llama... ill text you okay?" I said looking back at Tyler, who was glaring in the direction of Jeremy Gilbert, who i had learnt was Elena's little brother, a drug addict and supplier.

"Yeah sure," he said shaking his head, "bye guys" he grumbled stalking off.

"what got into him?" I asked caroline who was shaking her head

"He doesn't like Jeremy, who happens to supply drugs to his girlfriend." she sighed.

Girlfriend. I let the word sink in to my head, of course you moron, you couldn't possibly think that that god of a man didn't have a girlfriend "oh, okay well I gotta go, bye Caroline," i said

"Bye Meg," she hugged me "Don't let that stop you," she whispered.

I walked over to my car, I could feel tears stinging at my eyes. I climbed in and started the engine when Stefan appeared at my side.

"What Stefan?" i asked.

"Megan, you may only be my half sister but i know you like the back of my hand, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Stef, just drop it alright?" i said.

"Okay, ill drop it, but I'm telling Damon as soon as we get home got it?" he said.

"Whatever," I said.

*Stefan Salvatore*

I looked curiously in the direction of Megan and Caroline when Megan bolted out her car, she probably didn't realize that she was running at an almost in-human pace.

She rested her head on the steering wheel.

"What Stefan?" she demanded, trying to sound tough.

"Megan, you may only be my adopted sister but I know you like the back of my hand, whats wrong?" I sighed, this girl has the worst emotions, she can be happy one second then ready to kill the next.

"Nothing," she growled "just drop it Stef."

"Okay, I'll drop it, but I'm telling Damon as soon as we get home got it?"

"Whatever," she replied and pulled out of the schools parking lot.

*Megan Annabelle Salvatore*

I scowled in the direction of Stefan the whole way home.

I pulled my car up front and climbed out slamming the door.

"Someone's in a bad mood," Damon commented handing me a shot of vodka.

"Damon, don't let her drink," Stefan said grabbing the shot off me.

I rolled my eyes and walked up stairs, the last time I had been here in mystic falls Damon tried and almost successfully killed me, had it not been for the stone on my finger, no not a daylight ring, it protects me from death, it's not my immorality crystal but close to it, if I die I come back, immortality is different, if I'm killed I wouldn't come back without my ring.

*Damon Salvatore*

"What's wrong with her?" I asked Stefan when she was out of ear shot.

"I don't know Damon, she was with Caroline then she was in her car almost crying," he said helping himself to my whiskey.

"Damn that girl and her emotions," I mumbled, we all know that meg doesn't have the best hold on her emotions, its rather annoying actually to be honest.

"I think that she likes Jeremy though," Stefan mumbled.

I growled, "She is not! Getting involved with a drug addict!" I snarled.

Stefan rolled his eyes, "Don't get too older protective brother," he said, "remember it was you that tried to kill her?"

I noticed that his eyes were completely black, which meant Megan was compelling him.

"Megan, let Stefan go, as much as it pains me to say, I would rather one of each of you then two of one of you."

Megan rolled her eyes "C'mon two of me would be amazing id have double the stuffed animals" she started jumping up and down "that's just what I'm going to do," she smiled satisfied dropping her control on Stefan and walking back into her room locking the door in the process.

"What's she doing?" Stefan asked.

"I have a hunch that she's cloning herself," I mumbled sitting down with another glass of whiskey.

"And what was her excuse this time Damon?" he asked.

"Something about soft toys," I mumbled.

This was going to be interesting... yay for me oh joy...possibly two Megan's and Stefan... that just reeks of fun... not.


First colab... no hate people... ok so this cahpter was written by me... Damons_gurl

Next chapter will be writen by my awesome buddy damons_girl21

Hope you like :P please comment vote fan! Thanks!

Yours in trouble ThoseSalvatoreChicks ;)

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