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By buttmunchkin

176K 2.5K 1.7K

Just a bunch of Shouyou one-shots I write when I'm bored. :3 I love this tangerine so much, like, I can't eve... More

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1.8K 22 6
By buttmunchkin

Synopsis: Shouyou is the son of a wonderful baker, and a wonderful baker himself. Nishinoya is the son of a twisted and powerful mafia boss, and he's become infected with the same illness, the same as his father's way of... love.

Contains: rape, assault, violence, binding, kissing, making out, toxic relationships, mafia, guilt-tripping, manipulation, etc.



"He could literally publically execute everyone here and no one would be able to do anything, but no. He's too busy swooning over a baker."

"Granted," Sugawara answered Daichi, his mouth stuffed with half of a cupcake, "Shouyou is the best baker ever to exist."

"I'm pretty sure Noya's after a different kind of cake," Tanaka awkwardly spoke. His eyes drew past Sugawara's shoulder and toward the counter, where Shouyou had bent down to clean the glass since it was close to closing time.

They were the only remaining customers left, and Nishinoya is clearly taking advantage of that. He was snapping pictures behind Shouyou's back and grinning the most perverted, sicking smile they had only ever seen on Nishinoya.

Daichi decided to alert Shouyou and toy with Nishinoya in one go.

"Did you get a good one, Noya?!" He called across the building. Shouyou turned to them, then to the flustered Nishinoya, who quickly hid his phone and laughed and stuttered at the sudden attention Shouyou put on him.

"I-I think he means the cake! Yeah, Daichi-San, I found a good picture, I think I'll go with this one!"

Nishinoya's shaky fingers quickly saved the first image of a decent cake that a hasty Google search served him. Shouyou came around him and placed a hand on his shoulder, staring down at the picture.

Nishinoya hoped he wouldn't try to swipe.

"Oh, that's... a pretty popular cake design..." Embarrassment burned Noya's cheeks. He wanted to bury Daichi alive, then himself.

Shouyou noted Nishinoya's bummed expression and quickly tried to fix the situation.

"But it's a good decision! It's really easy to design- I like doing cakes like this! What's the occasion?"

"Uh- It's- It's my birthday soon! Like... Tuesday, so..."

These past seven months Shouyou's gotten to know Nishinoya and his friends, he's noticed that the two-tone-haired male has... A teeny crush on him.

It wasn't anything that bothered Shouyou. In fact, this happens often between him and the customers, typically females, but Shouyou could swing either way. He's hooked up with many of them, but he's always careful about not dirtying his mom's business with his sleeping habits.

This is why he'd never consider sleeping with Nishinoya, not even as a test run, because he knows Nishinoya and his friends are people of high power, someone who could tear his mother's business down with a snap of their fingers, and he couldn't risk that.

Of course, Shouyou hadn't a clue what these young men actually do for a living. He'll just serve them as every other customer, even if they come by a little more often than the others.

That's what he'd like to say, but Shouyou's gotta admit Nishinoya's become a rather close friend of his. His wildness, you could say, has left a lasting impression on Shouyou.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Nishi-San?! This cake'll be on the house, then!"

"Shouyou, I know you're not handing out freebies again!" His mom shouted from the kitchen, and he jolted. Nishinoya felt his heart stutter at the lovely sight of Shouyou's cheeks flushing.

"I-I'll cover it, Ma! Don't worry, it's for Nishi-San!"

Nishinoya wouldn't ever forget those words. Shouyou's going through all this trouble just for him, just to please him. He's such an angel.

Nishinoya reached out to Shouyou and grasped his wrist, he was grinning again, and there was a glimmer of something in his eyes that made Shouyou want to cower down.

"You're so sweet!" Nishinoya exclaimed. "I'll buy the cake so you don't get in trouble, but, on my birthday, since I don't have anything major planned, we can go out shopping together! You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Shouyou went to smile at Nishinoya, but Sugawara had yanked the guy away by the back of his shirt collar and apologized to Shouyou, but Nishinoya wasn't half as fazed by it as Shouyou. He continued staring down the little ginger expectantly.

Uh, yeah, Nishi-San, that sounds fun!"

"It's going to be more than fun!" Nishinoya tossed his arm over Shouyou's shoulders and pulled him into his side. He tucked his phone, littered with evidence of his infatuation with this little ginger-haired sweetheart, into his pocket and grinned.

"We're gonna have the time of our lives!"


Nishinoya's POV

"Nishi-San..." Shouyou muttered hotly, his body pressed flush against my side. I felt pride in holding him so tightly with my arm over his shoulders and his warmth seeping into my clothes. His hand grasped tightly to my coat, yet he still shivered against me.

If I listened carefully, I could hear his teeth chattering, a soft sound, much like my fast-paced heartbeat. I desperately want to hear his heart. I want to lay him down on my bed and press my ear against his chest and hear how alive he is, and with each beat, I want to whisper to him how much I love him and tell him how my heart couldn't ever beat without his.

"If I have to wait one more minute, my ears are gonna fall off," Shouyou chattered, his shaking hand sneaking further into my pocket to entangle with mine. It's too cold outside for him, I know he enjoys the sun much more than the cloudy, windy, and cold weather of autumn.

Taking a tighter hold of him, I cleared my mind and tried to step out of the long line, but Shouyou wouldn't budge. He looked at me with his brows pinched, his nose scrunched, and his lips pursed.

"I didn't know the lines would be so long, Shouyou. I don't wanna wait this long~!"

Shouyou's smile is always so comforting to see. I love him so much. I love everything he does.

"But Nishi-San, it's your birthday, and you wanted to come here so badly... Just a little longer and we'll be able to ride!"

I glanced at the people ahead of us and saw someone sneak their friends into the line, further increasing our wait time. At this rate, we wouldn't get to ride this two-minute head spinner of a roller coaster until nighttime.

"That's why I don't wanna waste today! You even skipped your shift to hang out with me, let's go have fun somewhere else."

Shouyou took a moment to analyze my expression and I almost shivered when his fingers laced with mine in my pocket, tightened around mine.

He finally smiled again, right at me.

"I go wherever you wanna go, then, Nishi-San!"

Of course, I knew Shouyou was only saying that because it's my birthday. I wouldn't take him anywhere he didn't want to go, like the new sushi place that opened up recently and gave him food poisoning, or the clothing store in the mall where that weirdo groped his ass and Shouyou had to punch him down to the ground (I took care of that guy, but Shouyou can't know about that part).

I'd like to go somewhere romantic, somewhere that'd have Shouyou clutching onto me and laughing with me, showing me that beautiful smile of his and sending me deeper into this spiral of love.

God, the things I'd do for him are limitless.

"We can go ahead and pick up the cake? We got to ride plenty of rides, so it's pretty late! Why don't we go to my place and have a sleepover?"

It was on a limb, a measly strand of hope that I tossed out the suggestion of him coming to my home. Even under the circumstances, with it being my birthday and all, I still didn't believe he'd come. After all, I've been asking for so long, trying so wildly to bring him into my home.

I don't know how I'd act or feel if he was placed in my territory. For all I know, I could be overcome by my desires toward him and succumb to his beauty, devouring him in the process, or we could genuinely have a good time, just as friends.

But, still, I was willing to take any chances if it meant getting Shouyou into my home, into my room. My parents surely wouldn't mind in the slightest. They'd probably be in their "Special Room" anyway.

Me and Shouyou could make dinner together, then we'd eat our cake and I could wipe the frosting off his face...

But he'd never accept.

Shouyou fidgeted where he stood, glancing around at the fallen leaves blowing on the concrete and listening to the kids screech from the amusement park we were walking out of.

His cheeks were rosy red when he replied to me.

"I still haven't given you your birthday present, yet, and our plans didn't quite pan out, so... Why not? Let's go to your house."


What was I supposed to do now? I'm so excited. There's so much that needs to be prepared first, though. I want everything to be perfect for him.

"Yeah? You and the others have been to my house plenty of times, so if it's fine with you, I'd like to visit your place, too."

Bright hazel eyes surrounded by long lush lashes flickered to the grass we had started walking on bashfully. His hand moved from my pocket to rub gently beneath his eye.

"Your place is probably a lot, uh, fancier than mine, so if there's anything I need to know before we get there, I'd like to know now, please."

I could hardly gather myself. When I jolted out of my fantasies of seeing Shouyou sleeping soundly in my bed, using my shower, brushing his teeth beside me at my sink, and meeting my parents and the house staff, I bumbled away from him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let me, uh, make a call real quick! It'll be quick, promise! Stay there!"

I turned before I could see the confusion on his pretty face and headed toward a bench sitting beside some kind of candle shop that was getting ready to close for the day.

I dialed the house security first, and desperately told them to relay the message that Shouyou's finally coming over and that the house had to be spotless, especially my room, and that no guns or weapons were to be visible.

They knew all about Shouyou and my crush on him, and anyone who didn't support us was immediately tossed out.

After all, if they didn't support me and Shouyou, they wouldn't support my mom and dad's relationship either.

People have different opinions about relationships, and, to me, my parent's long-lasting and happy relationship has always been right.

My three older sisters never seemed to be fond of it, but it didn't matter since they were off living their own lives, free from the hands of Dad's hidden mafia corporation.

I don't know why they wouldn't accept our parent's relationship, but I don't care. All I care about now is Shouyou. He's all I need to care about now.

After I hung up, I glanced over at Shouyou, who had wandered over to a tree and was watching a trail of ants climb it.

He's so precious. I couldn't ever imagine my life without Shouyou. Before, all I cared about is preparing to take over Dad's business, but, now, I have a real reason to live. I want to make Shouyou happy, I want to love him and take care of him and his family.

If I had to choose between anyone else in the world and Shouyou, I would always, always choose Shouyou. Every single time.

I got on the phone with Dad.

I could hear chains scrapping against the wooden floors of the basement in the background before he spoke.

"My dearest son, you never call at this time! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Dad, you won't believe it! Shouyou's coming over today for my birthday!"

An excited gasp sounded over the phone. I heard Mom choke up, but she sounded a bit far from the phone, probably on her bed or something.

"That's amazing! Sweetest dear, our little man's all grown up! He's inviting Shouyou over! Aren't you proud of him? Here, let me put the phone on speaker mode."

I waited for Mom's hoarse voice to speak, but she never did. It sounded like she and Dad were having their fun time in the basement.

Though it was awkward to know that I had interrupted them, I was still excited to hear Mom talk. She doesn't talk much.

"Nishinoya, dear, don't do anything to him that he doesn't want to do. You need to understand his point of view. If you do something he doesn't like, he won't want to see you again. Understand?"

"Mom, you don't know that! Force is necessary to get what you want! Right, Dad? That's why we're the biggest mafia corporation in the country, and that's why you and Dad have been together for such a long time, even after having four kids!"

"That's right, Son. I'm happy you learned everything so well, haha!" Laughed Dad. I heard Mom groan. I don't blame her for her way of thinking, she never understood what it takes to be a part of the mafia.

"We'll get this house presentable for you! Do you have any plans?"

"Yeah, yeah! We're gonna cook together and eat together and, uh, you know... Other things, probably..."

"Nishinoya, please don't-"

"Honey, quiet, our son can handle this himself."

They were talking together, but the rest had been muffled. Mom whimpered when the phone speaker was turned back on, and then Dad spoke.

"Go get him, tiger! Your parents will be behind you every step of the way!"

"Thanks, Dad! Thanks, Mom! I'll see you soon! I gotta get back to Shouyou!"

The call ended as I began my trek back toward Shouyou, who was now attempting to trap a beetle with small twigs on the ground by the tree.

When Shouyou and I start our relationship, there are going to be a few different things I'd do compared to my parent's relationship.

We'll cook together, rather than just him cooking, and I'll never chain him up the way Dad does to Mom. It obviously doesn't make her happy, and I know Shouyou wouldn't enjoy it much, either. Instead, I'll keep him in my bedroom, and we'll sleep together chain-free.

I don't want to scar up his precious skin.

"Nishi-San, is everything alright?"

"Yeah! Are you ready to head toward my house?"

"Sure, let's go!"

He moved the twigs he had placed around the beetle, but it still stayed in its spot. Shouyou stood and smiled at me.

I'll treat him like the angel he is, while Dad treats Mom like his whore. Shouyou's not a whore, no matter how many people he's slept with.

I just think he's lonely, and he needs me to fill that void within him, not some shitty bedwarmers.


I'll never have enough of Shouyou's beautiful fucking neck.

His plump yet strong and well-trained body hadn't reached his neck. That's not to say his body isn't a whole other unworldly type of god-like beauty, but his neck specifically looks unmarked, untouched, like unclaimed territory.

Running, lifting weights, eating his mom's delicious cooking, sleeping with strangers, and going to work by evening, only to take a nap and play with his sister's dog until nighttime.

Nothing he does marks his precious neck. The hand-print-shaped bruises put there by men, the hickeys put there by women, and the scratches put there by his sister's dog all fade away. The only thing that won't will be my name, which I'll carve so deep around his neck that it'll never wash away and never heal.

Proof of him belonging to me.

And after that, we'll seal our bond forever with a long night of sex and love and I'll treat him and clean him up and we'll sleep happily together.

He'll know I'm his only one, and I'll know he'll never run into anyone else's arms for love ever again.

Shouyou's eyes went wide when we approached the gate of my home, I grasped his hand to comfort him and gave him a big grin.

"Don't worry, Shouyou! It's just my parents and the staff here, and they're all super duper nice! We won't be bothered!"

Maybe bringing Shouyou here wasn't the best idea. I feel as if I won't be able to treat him right...

"Nishi-San, I'm-"

"Nishinoya-Sama, it's a pleasure to see you. You must be Shouyou-Kun, it's good to finally meet you."

The guard bowed to us, and Shouyou flusteredly bowed back.

"Uh- It's, uhm, it's nice to meet you, as well!"


"Oh, you must be Shouyou-Kun~" Mom cooed softly to Shouyou, who bashfully nodded.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Nishinoya..."

"Oh, please, just call me Auntie, since we'll be..." She glanced over at me but quickly looked back toward Shouyou. "... Seeing more of you."

Before Shouyou could even raise a brow at Mom, Dad rushed over and tossed an arm around her waist.

"Oh, Shouyou, you're more handsome than my boy described! Such a fine young man you are! We'll get out of your way, now, but, please, make yourself comfortable! Our home is your home! Come on, Honey."

Mom waved goodbye to Shouyou, but I missed something he didn't, the gentle, quick look of worry and pity directed toward him. Shouyou felt something was off.

His sudden discomfort alerted me, and I got to work immediately to change that.

"Let's go cook something! Our kitchen is huge! We can make whatever you want! What-What do you want?"

Shouyou laughed a bit and followed my lead to the kitchen.

"Anything'll do, I'm too hungry to be picky."

So, we got to work and scrapped together some kind of soup to warm us up after spending all day out in the cold.

We ate peacefully, and Shouyou was happily making small talk with me about my family and what they're like, but as I explained certain things, such as how Dad never leaves Mom's side and how they had met in school and he had followed and trapped her here so they could be together, his expression began to become sullen.

"What do you mean, Nishi-San? Doesn't that sound... wrong?"

"Well, she can still go out and stuff! She and Dad just got back from America last month for vacation! But Dad gets lonely if he's not with her, and she gets scared when he's not around. She can't talk to other people very well."

Shouyou placed his bowl down and I listened to the quiet tap of his leg beneath the table. He was thinking of something, and he looked so perfect in his precious dazed state that I knew I had to make some kind of move now.

"I get lonely... when I'm not around you, Shouyou..."

I watched his shoulders tense and his eyes widen. He licked his lips and turned to me with flushed cheeks and wary eyes.

"Don't say stuff like that, Nishi-San. You... surprised me, haha..."

His fingers were fiddling together beneath the table. I took my hand and carefully wedged it between his. He watched silently as I did so, but, when I settled my hand, he moved both of his and stood up.

"Let's get the dishes done so I can give you your present, yeah?"

When he reached to take the bowls, I grasped his wrist and stood with him.

"Don't worry about it! The maids do this kind of stuff! Let's go to my room, I've wanted to show it to you for forever!"

This time, I didn't let Shouyou pull away from my hand. I guided him by the wrist all the way up the stairs, and I guess what kept him from pulling away from me was the fact that after we reached the third floor and took a few hallways, he became lost.

I'm not stupid, I know I put him off, and I know he looks as if he wants to leave, but if he's in my room, he won't be able to leave unless I let him out.

I walked inside and felt myself bouncing on my toes from excitement, Shouyou went to take a step inside but he was rather pale, and he was shaking quite a bit.

He dug in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He held it out toward me.

"Here's your present, Nishi-San."

Confused, I stood in the doorway with him and unfolded it.

Free cake of your choice!

"It's all I could prepare so soon, but, uh, yeah! I'll take the heat from my Mom, so cash it in whenever you want, but I, uh, I can't stay here, alright?"

Shouyou's always had a knack for sensing when something was off. It's the only thing I hate about him, the fact that he's so experienced, but it also makes everything way, way more fun.

"Shouyou," I called softly to him, he turned back to me as I leaned against the doorframe of my bedroom.

"What did I do wrong?"

He seemed shell-shocked at me blaming myself. Self-blame is a soft spot for him. He came back over to me and we stood at the same height, face to face, confidently searching each other's eyes.

"I know you know I have a crush on you, Shouyou, but I just want to be friends tonight. I promise I won't do anything to you."

Shouyou shifted his gaze from me to the inside of my room, then back onto me. He smiled.

"Alright, you win. Let's go inside."

Immense happiness caused goosebumps to prickle my skin as I led him inside and shut the door. I couldn't lock it until he was in the shower or preoccupied, so I joined him in looking around in excitement.

"Your room is the size of my house, Nishi-San... Is that a chandelier?"

"It is! This used to be Mom's room while Dad made her comfortable here. Now it's mine, and it's one of the biggest rooms we have!"

Shouyou nodded and brushed his fingers gently and absently along the surface of my desk as he continued staring through the giant windows on the wall in front of him.

The look of contentment in his eyes and the smooth, gentle touch along my desk made me twitch. How could someone so seductive be so naive to their own charm?

"Nishi-San, your room's amazing..." He expressed in awe before his eyes met mine and his smile melted my insides.

"Why don't we take our showers first? Then we can, uh, play video games or something?"

I hadn't ever been so shaken by Shouyou before, and he's hardly done a thing.

When he bumped his shoulder to mine and chuckled, I nearly pounced on him. I can't handle his beauty.

"I'll have to borrow some clothes. That alright?"

I wonder how many clothes belonging to other people Shouyou's worn over the years. Probably a lot with how much he sleeps around, but mine would be special because it's the only other clothes he'll wear besides his own.

"Yeah, I'll get them to... I'll put them in the bathroom when I get them, alright? Ah, that door- that's the bathroom, there. The other ones are the closets."

He smiled and thanked me and told me he'd be back and the moment I saw him close the bathroom door I pulled my bedroom door key from its hidden place in the closet and locked the door. I hid the key again before Shouyou could see it and made my way deeper into the closet.

I found my favorite band T-shirt, one I wear often, and a pair of sweatpants. We're close to the same size, so they'll probably fit him well, but since he's thicker than I am, he'll probably fill these pants rather... well.

I'm gonna lose myself.

When I turned the knob to the bathroom, it opened. It doesn't have a lock, but Shouyou wouldn't have locked it even if it did because he wants clothes, so he wants me to come in and give them to him.

"Nishi-San, why are all the labels on your bottle ripped off?"

Shouyou stepped from beneath the shower head and walked on the cold tile over to me, who stood helplessly by the counter. He's grown to used to being seen naked as he contemplates the bottles in his hands.

"Which one's what?"

He held them toward me and waited for my response, but I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering over each of his curves, each strand of hair and the water droplets that trickled and bounced off them, and his smooth, wet skin, and his cock and his slim waist.

"The blue lid is shampoo!"

I quickly exclaimed before stumbling back in a fluster and slamming the bathroom door shut.

In my bedroom, I tried to calm my cock down and clear my head, but I couldn't, I just couldn't, not after seeing him naked, not after seeing every part of him so clearly.

I want to toss him on the bed and open his thighs wide and fuck him senselessly. I want to such his cock until he cries, until he begs me to stop.

I want to make him cry for me, and only for me.

Shouyou came out of the bathroom and called out to me, but I brushed passed him and shut the bathroom door. This had to have been the quickest shower of my life, and, probably, the coldest. I couldn't get it down, though, not with these thoughts of Shouyou running so rampant through my head right now.

When I came out of the bathroom, I was shivering, but I wasn't going to be suspected. Shouyou looks too busy looking out at the night, so I can grab my clothes and cover my boner before he notices.

But the moment he heard the door open, his head whipped my way, and he scurried off the window seat and toward me.

"Sorry about earlier," he softly apologized. "I guess I'm just used to being naked, and, uh, I didn't stop to take your feelings into account..."

I'm standing here with a towel to cover my massive boner, so close to my closet, where I could have covered up my humility and hung out with Shouyou for a little longer, but instead, I lost my cool.

Guilt surged coldly through my veins and I don't know why. It's what was always bound to happen. I'll take his body and soul, and he'll take mine, but something inside me wished I could wait longer, make Shouyou come to me willingly, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't wait a moment longer.

"Huh? Nishi-San?"

I led him to the bed by his wrist which I had grasped prior to our short journey from the closet, and I gently laid him down.

Because I was so gentle, Shouyou grew confused. Confused as to why I had laid him on the bed, perhaps he thought I was telling him to go to sleep, but when I got on the bed and trapped him under me, his eyes grew big.

"Don't you dare- Nnh!"

We kissed each other and it felt like the magic you only ever find in fairytales. His hands had pushed me away after a moment, but I still sat on his squirming legs, taking in the feeling of his plump lips on mine.

How much grace and strength pressed inside his plump body is inside him? I want to find out. I want to know if he can best my strength.

He had a hand on my chest and the back of his other hand on his mouth, wiping my kiss away.

"Just give in, Shouyou, treat me like one of the others. I want you, Shouyou. I want you to be mine. If you don't give in, I'll force you. You can't beat me in strength."

Shouyou quivered beneath me. I felt as if he'd disintegrate me with his sharp eyes. He yanked his wrist from my hand, the other one still pinned down, and sent a strong punch right into my cheekbone. I was lucky it didn't hit my eye.

He immediately tried to remove himself from below me, but my grip on his wrist tightened to the point I thought I'd hurt him. He groaned and bared his teeth at me.

"Get a hold of yourself, Nishi-San! This isn't like you!"

His palm shoved into my chest but I took his other hand and flipped him onto his stomach. My knees dug into the bend of his legs, and he froze and tensed at the sudden pressure. It'd hurt him if he decided to move his legs.

"N-Nishi... San..." He breathlessly whimpered as I pressed my bare chest and abdomen against his back, partly bare as his shirt rode up.

"Don't do this, please. You're my friend. Fuck, please, please, please, Nishi-San..! I won't forgive you if you do this!"

But what I wanted from Shouyou was never forgiveness. It's always been just him. I desire his body against mine, his lips pressed on mine, and his begs and pleas for myself only.

Blood dripped onto the back of his neck from my nose, and I had the pleasure of watching it slither down his reddened skin and into the unseen territory beneath his shirt.

It has to come off.

"Watch your arms," I carefully instructed him as I worked his shirt off. He buried his face within my pillow and whimpered when I finally peeled his protection away.

"Ah, fucking hell... I've dreamed of this, Shouyou, do you know that?"

Shouyou gripped the blanket beneath him in his pretty hands, one of which I placed my own over while I caressed his precious, silky skin with my other hand.

Each time I brushed his nipple and his stomach, I could feel his body tremble and shake and beneath my hand, I could feel his fist becoming less wound together.

When I brushed my hand down his spine and into his sweatpants to cup his ass, he flinched hard beneath me.

"You're body's amazing, Shouyou. I just want to devour you. Would you like that?"

I pulled his sweatpants down, leaving his bare skin exposed, and gave him a good slap on his fat ass that seemed to snap him out of his daze. He moved his arms so that he was sat up on his elbows below me. His movement insinuated the narrowness of his nape even more.

"No, I wouldn't," he gasped to me, clearly on the verge of tears. "I don't ever want you near me again. Let go of me. Now. I mean it."

But I wouldn't let go of him because I know there's nothing he can do to stop me, like there's nothing he can do to stop me from kissing down the curve of his ass and to his thighs, equally as jiggly and precious as his ass.

His breathing was off. It was rough, yet gentle on the ears, and his hands looked as if they were choking my blankets. I traced my lips back up his spine, carefully placing kisses along each grove I encountered until I was at his ear, where I lapped my tongue over.

Finally, finally, I heard something from him that wasn't a plea. A choked hum forced itself out of his throat. He sounded shocked at the sudden pleasure, and a new, matte shade of red draped itself over the back of his neck and his cheeks and nose and ears.

"I'm gonna kill you, Nishi-San," he growled beneath me, but his words were meaningless to me. Each stroke of my tongue, pinch of my teeth, brush of my hands, and kiss from my lips sent him closer and closer to the finish line with a big bright banner exclaiming "Shouyou's Mine!".

I took my hand off his hip to toss the towel on me aside and wrap my hand around my large aching cock. Precum that was no longer soaked in by the towel was now dripping itself onto Shouyou's lower back.

He tried to pull himself away from me but my grip was still too strong. Still, he managed to turn himself around so that he was lying on his back again and kneed my hand off him.

While doing so, he spread his legs out to me, and a long groan spilled from my lips at such a heavenly sight.

I'd let him get off the bed for a moment. There's something I have to grab, it seems.

He pulled his pants back up and rushed to the door, but it was locked. The way my precum slipped hotly down his back as he stood devastated at the door was so fucking hot.

But I had to let go of my cock for a moment to grab the handcuffs beneath my bed. Two pairs.

He couldn't even react before I had already snuck up behind him and latched one side on his wrist.


Then, I had his other wrist in my hand, and I slammed it into the other handcuff and began dragging him to the bed with a pair of handcuffs hanging from each of his wrists.

"Huh?! Nishi-San! Nishi-San, no! Let me-! Let me go!"

Again, he was on my bed, but he turned around so he could see me forcefully grasp his wrist and lead it to the headboard. His other hand began pushing at me again.

I was too hard, too turned on to worry about him kicking or pushing or fussing. Soon enough he was attached to the bed, bound by his wrists, and his eyes began pouring tears.

"Oh, Shouyou, my everything, don't cry. I won't hurt you, I won't ever hurt you. We're just gonna have some fun. It's my birthday, remember? Don't you want me to be happy?"

My thumbs worked to gently brush away his tears, but his sobs wouldn't stop and he pushed his head deeper and deeper into the mattress beneath us. The pillows had fallen in the midst of Shouyou's struggle.

"What is wrong with you?"

I hesitated to answer. A part of me wanted to say "Something's wrong and I'm not sure what." but I knew that was just a lie. There's nothing wrong, I'm just feeling guilty for tying Shouyou up when I'd much rather have his arms around my body.

"Nothing, Shouyou. I'm just in love is all."

I tugged his pants down again and tossed them onto the floor, but not without fighting against Shouyou's swinging legs.

And I brought my face down and took his cock into my mouth, making him freeze up. His legs sandwiched my shoulders and trembled each time I took him deeper into my throat. His eyes screwed shut and I could tell he was trying to muffle his moans.

"Uhn..! Nn- Ngh~!"

Even when I was choking, even when his hardened cock slid down my throat and pulsed against my tongue I still didn't want to stop. He was feeling so wonderful thanks to me.

I want him to cum, but not yet.

When he grew close to his climax, I pulled away suddenly and left him frictionless. Shouyou pulled on the handcuffs as if he wanted to finish the job himself.

"Look, Shouyou, my hands dripping wet from your precum and my spit. Do you know what I'm gonna do with it?"

On edge, Shouyou shook his head, but it wasn't that he didn't know what I was going to do, it was that he didn't want me to do it.

I spread his legs, and it took him only a moment to settle down after refuting my attention to his ass.

"I can't decide which side is better with you. From the back, I can see your fat ass and every single time it jiggles, but from the front..."

Shouyou's back arched when I pushed my tongue along his ab line and his belly button. Whimpers and trembles were gifted to me from him unwillingly.

"I can see your precious face and your stomach. Oh, fuck, I wanna bury my cock inside you and fuck you until your pregnant. We should have a kid, Shouyou. We should have a lot of kids. I'll pay for you to be able to make babies."

My cock rubbed against his stomach as I pressed a wet finger into his ass and kissed his pretty peach-colored lips. It was hot and we were beginning to become sweaty and each time I dipped my tongue into Shouyou's mouth I heard his handcuffs scrap against the wooden headboard.

Every sound and feeling rubbed me so intensely with Shouyou that it made me want to scream and groan into his mouth.

When I added a second finger and Shouyou's body pressed flush against mine, I began rubbing my waiting cock between our stomachs.

"Yes, yes, yes, fuck, Shouyou, I can't wait to be inside you. Just saying it gives me chills~"

Shouyou's squeezing so tightly around my fingers and it's so wet and hit inside him. His moans and cries are gonna make me cum before I have the chance to enter him. I'm so impossibly hard right now though that I'll have to cum multiple times before my cock goes back down.

Shouyou moaned against my lips, something I couldn't understand as I licked away the tears sticking to his eyelashes, shimmering like glitter.

"Uhn, mmh... Nishi-San... Please, don't... I can't... I don't want you."

For some reason, Shouyou's words frustrated me. I took a hold of the back of his neck and pulled him level with my eyes.

"And why not, Shouyou? You'll sleep with whores and sluts and everyone in between, but not me? Why not me?"

He was panting, his lips were swollen from all my kisses, his breathing was ragged from my fingers hitting all his sweet spots inside, yet he still had the audacity to glare at me.

"I don't sleep with friends," he scowled.

With that, I snatched his hips up, smearing the wetness from his insides all along his left hip, and lined myself up with him. His eyes widened.

"It's a good thing we're not friends, then."

"No, no, n- Nnh! Ah!"


I slammed myself hard inside him several times, but I buried myself deeply inside him and bent down to rest my forehead against one of the bitemarks I had created on his stomach.

"Fuck, I didn't think you'd feel so- so fucking good. I'm close to- Oh, my God. You feel, ugh, so fucking wonderful."

Shouyou moaned and bit his bottom lip to muffle it. His perky nipple, reddened from being played with so much, matched the precious peach color of his lips.

I pulled his legs up, no longer able to restrain myself from indugling in Shouyou's body greedily, and pounding his tight ass as he cried and moaned to me.

He called out to me over and over until I neared my climax and slammed one deep, hard time inside him, so hard that he choked on my name and came so suddenly that I was sure I gave him whiplash.

But we couldn't stop there. Not when I know this perfect body belongs to me after all this time.

I'll never stop because Shouyou's mine now.


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