Tell me something i don't kno...

By tumbleweed1D

175K 2.5K 546

lucy's parents died when she was 8 and miss stevenson fosters her but one day she came home and hit her and l... More

tell me something i dont know
tell me something i dont know
telling them the truth
what are we gonna do ??
whos eleanor, danielle and perrie!?!?!?!?!?!?!
his name starts with a J
i love lucy ...wait what??
the flashbacks are scaring me
what do you mean ??
who are you ??
no niall stop
singing to one direction
emily and sara
sleepover of hell
jason killed my parents and he wants to kill me
im officially lucy tomlinson
the scar on my back
did i ask you??
Tea's rea- woah....
murderer in the dark
paps are trouble
crying donating and a new song
unconsciousness turns to consciousness
sara+josh= jara
i hate you
love hate and #haylorisback
Undercover agent what?????
new room
brit awards
pizzaaaaaaaaa and pregnant ????
live interview
opening act.... duet with harry
double trouble
twilight saga
Ghost of my past
private tutor.............. WHAT
baby kicks
3 songs 1 show
justin the biebs
show time girlies
i cant be tamed
bad lucy
Rock God
another world
its just a game....
nemily... a mission and...arrested
im sorry....
im going to treat you like a princess
dont be scared
because i love her
marry me ?
world war 3 on Twitter
Jack and Finn and Marcus
do you want to be in our next video
going to the USA
don't touch me
jasons brother
98 times
near death
kiss you
snow in november
off to norwich
I'm just a school girl
sorrys and apologies
birthday party
taywhore is here
marry you
how babies are made ;)
California king
le hotel
idk what to call this yeah..
engaged.... what?
christmas time mistletoe and louis birthday!
Louis birthday
about updates..
Christmas day
what happens next?
are we punk rock yet?
that im so down
Fake Dating


1.3K 27 10
By tumbleweed1D

So... Yeah the ending ofthe last chappy was weirdbut you'll probably get it now lol


~ lucys pov~

Everyone stared at me

"I died.. I was meant to die" i whispered

"what do you mean" liam looked at me puzzled

"megan didn't get hit by the car I did.... Then I went into a coma.. Then I woke up.. And she was dead......... She gave me her heart to make me live" i explained

Everyone's eyes widened

"you nearly.. Died" i nodded

"i was meant to die.... Then I keep getting flashbacks but she got hit by the car.. It's all my fault"

" no your sister wanted you to live " liam stepped forward and hugged me

"sister?!" emily sara and the rest of the boys looked confused

"yeah.. My sister.. The one who taught me guitar" the boys nodded but emily and sara still looked confused

" i hada sister ok... She is.. Was six years older than me"

They nodded

"what's the date today" i asked they thought for a secound

"twentyfith of april". I froze.... That's why means ghost appeared

"where's the nearest beach" i asked

" uh.. Two hours away "

"let's get going you have a free day anyways ....... No questions"

~harrys pov ~

When to the beach lucy ran straight for the see

" lucy LUCY STOP YOU CANT SWIM" niall shouted running after her

We all ran aswell

Just before she ran into the water she stopped we stood around her

Her face blank no emotion

Then she spoke

"mum.. Dad" aren't they.. Dead

"i missed you" she stepped forward

"megan visited me " wait.. She is dead

"noo don't go.. Speak to megan" then she shook then stopped again

"hey mum.. Dad" she spoke again

"omg look what lucy got.. Fit boy" she walked towards me... Okay.. Weird much

"naw cute pjamies" i look down I'm in my vest and joggers (sweatpants) I walk backwards then suddenly....... She fainted I carried her back to the car

~zayns pov~

Lucy sturred when we arrived back at the tour bus

Then she woke up

"what happened" she asked

" uh you saw your sister megan then you talked about you was mesnt to die.. Then we went to the beach then you talked to your mum.. Then you. 'turned' into your sister.. Went weird on harry then fainted.."

Lucy blushed,

"oh my god I sleeper walked again...... I do that alot"

we all laughe

" oh yeah remember.. Mr ice cream man" emily spoke up

Sara and emily laughed

"yep... Oh andwhen you danced in the middle of the road.." sara laughed emily nodded

"guys I can't help it" lucy blushed even more

Oh I love these guys

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