the flashbacks are scaring me

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yeah so this chapter is going to be mainly flashbacks so yeah.... I LOVE OREOS haha im not normal


~lucys pov~


"come here lucy" an unknown voice says from the alleyway

"n-n-no"i stutter im so scared

"your so stupid thats one of our rules" wait what who is this

"w-w-what rules? i have no rules"no what am i saying

"well it is now"

"wait who is this??"

"its jason" no no no he has killed people i need to leave now

i turn to run but someone grabs me

"no no NO LEAVE ME ALONE" i get thrown to the wall then i get picked up and my head smashed against the wall ... i feel something warm trickle down my forehead....... blood no no no.

"stupid bitch" i get kicked several times in the gut


"lucy lucy lucy LUCY"


I wake up to see everybody around me and niall hugs me

"whats wrong look who was hurting you" niall asks with worry in his eyes


~nialls pov~

i woke up to someone screaming

"no no NO LEAVE ME ALONE" its lucy shes screaming in her sleep

the door opens and the others walk in worried about whos screaming

"no OW AHHHHHH LEAVE ME ALONE OW THAT HURTS" she continues screaming so wake her up

"lucy lucy lucy LUCY" she suddenly wakes up and i hug her shes heaverly breathing

"whats wrong look who was hurting you" i question worried

"j-j-jason" what is he doing to her she was crying about him earlyer it has to be him. whoever he is he will pay for hurting baby girl wait what am i saying imeant lucy he will pay for hurting lucy

~lucys pov~


"hey lucy" no jason leave me alone

"look jason im in a hurry i need to get home"

"STAY HERE BITCH" now im really scared

"look i need to get home" i say backing up

"okay but can i do this....." he leans in and kisses me

i hear gasps behind me and i turn around to see people look at me

"what!?" i ask

"lucy when he kisses someone that means he has marked you and now you have to obey him or he will kill you" oh shit im gonna dieeeee


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