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Hi hi bye bye


~Lucy's pov~

"aloha from Hawaii " Emily laughs through Skype.

"Good afternoon from England would you like a cup of tea" I laughed back. she shook her head.

"so... how is the honey moon " I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"perfect" she smiled as niall walked on the screen.

"sup dawg" I say.

"hey luuuucyboooooooo" he laughs.

"ha. ha. ha. sooooo funny" I say as sarcastically as I can.

"how r ya ?" he asked.

"bored. as. hell" I state.

"oh ok.." him and Emily look at eachother

"is there something you guys ain't telling me." I say slowly but suspiciously.

"Yeah... we wanted you to find out first... well basically.." niall starts.

"come on guys hurry up I haven't got all day." I smile.

"what niall is trying to say.. I'm pregnant.... again." Emily smiles. I scream really loudly flapping my arms about

"OH MY GOD REALLY THIS IS " I stop myself by screaming again.

"Vas happenin'" Zayn yawns followed by the boys . oh Yeah did I mention its 2 in the morning.

"EMILYS PREGNANT" I scream jumping up. they run over to my computer.

"really?!" they say to laughing Emily and niall.

"YEAH" I answer for them.

"lucy and harry.... we want you to be the god parents."

"really?!!" me and harry say rushing to the screen. they nod widely.

"oh my lord" I say falling backwards onto the floor.

"lucy?!" everyone says.

"I'm fine" I say. I stand up again.

"oh shit.... crutches!!" I say as I stumble over to them. I grab them and walk over to computer screen.

"well sorry guys we better go Cuz I neeeeeeeed sleep...Yep Yeah I do" I answer myself. and I wave bye and turn off the computer. I sigh as everyone files out of my room and I'm left alone. I go over to my bed and sit on it. I grabbed my stuffed carrot toy and I lay down. not sleeping. just thinking. thinking about me. harry. the boys. Emily. the baby. and life altogether.

"today was eventful" I smile. as the sun rose and a new day starts.

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