California king

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hey. I forgot to update. oopsies.. I was busy fangirling over niall and alsoooooooo jack harries... a youtuber.. comment unicorn if your reading this. jack had a twin brother who looks exactly alike called finn so basically I had twice the load of feels in one.. Finn Finn the better twin jack jack the better chap.


~lucys pov~

I look at harry. he is so cute with his quiet snoring and mopped hair in a Orange beanie. I smile as I adjust my own purple beanie. I pull out my earphones and place them in my ears. I flick through my songs on my phone. finally deciding on California king bed by rihanna. I look out the window. darkness outside as we fly over the sea. I started to think deeply. why did I give harry a second chance. after I nearly died and after getting raped 98 times. why. he slapped my and ugh. I forgived him because.... I love him. I look over at him as he twists and sleepily drops his head on my lap. I giggle slightly. my hands found its way to his beanie pulling it off and started fiddling with his hair. twisting his dark brown curls in my fingers. he groans as his eyes open sleepily ad he looks at me.

"go back to sleep haz" I whisper.

"No..ok.. sing to me" he yawns. I nod as I think of a song. he closes his eyes as I think.

"another day,

another life passes by just Like mine,

its not complicated,

another mind,

another soul,

another body to grow old,

its not complicated,

do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you,

float down,

like autumn leaves,

and hush now,

close your eyes and fall asleep,

and your miles away,

but yesterday you were here with me,

another tear,

another cry,

another place for us to die,

its not complicated,

another love that's gone to waste,

another light loss from your face,

its complicated,

is it that its over,

or do birds still sing for you" I stopped singing as I heard harrys nearly silent snores. I smile as I switch my music back on. I was sill fiddling with his hair.

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