justin the biebs

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hey so.......... chappy no. 2 heheheheheheheheand  the concert in the 3 songs 1 show was the maternee concert which is the early one :)


~lucys pov~

to justin the biebs: sure :)

from justin the biebs: ok bring your guitar and meet me in trafalgar square

to justin the biebs: meet ya there in 20

i smile as i jump up and grab my suitcase and run to the bathroom

i change into my red jeans black converse and my varsity jacket

i brush my hair and put it in a messy poneytail

i walk back into the livingroom and put my guitar in its case

"where are ya going" louis says

"meeting up with justin" the boys nod but emily and sara look at me weirdly

"justin bieber" i speak like they should know

"OMG REALLY"  they scream

"yeah .. youll see the pics on twitter" i pick up my guitar and walk out

i wander to trafalgar square

then a little girl about 5 taps me

"hey you ok" i smile at her

"yeah.. can i have a picture... and can you sign this" i nod and sign the notebook with the boys on

her mum takes a picture

"can i take a photo on my phone aswell because she is the first person i took a   picture with" the mum nods and smiles as she takes a photo on my phone

she hands it back and they walk off

i post the pic  on twitter

@lucytommotomlinson: first fan to ask for my autograph and pic

within seconds  it got thousands of retweets

i turn around and see justin sitting on the stairs with his guitar

i run up to him

"hey" i smile he stands up

and hugs me

"so what are  we doing" i ask

"well... we are going to busk for a charity... which is called make a wish" i smile and nod

then we take some photos  and send out tweets to tell people to come down here and

and suport us

people gather around as justin sarts playing the guitar

i recognise the tune from any where



Well let me tell you a story

About a girl and a boy

He fell in love with his best friend

When she's around, he feels nothing but joy

But she was already broken, and it made her blind

But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right


But did you know that I love you? or were you not aware?

You're the smile on my face

Tell me something i don't know {h.s}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant