Miraculous 1: Welcome to Pari...

By IsabellaAnne1803112

57.8K 2.2K 1K

Amber Bourgeois, formerly Cimarosa, is a foreign exchange student from Italy. At a boarding school, she met C... More

Origins Part One
Origins Part Two
Stormy Weather
The Bubbler
The Pharaoh
Lady Wifi
Mr. Pigeon
The Evillustrator
Dark Cupid
The Mime
Kung Food
The Past Year
The Puppeteer
Guitar Villain
Music to My Ears
Simon Says
Princess Fragrance


2K 81 49
By IsabellaAnne1803112

A crowd gathers in the Place des Vosges, where a statue of Ladybug and Chat Noir was about to be presented.

Théo, the sculptor, puts a lollipop in his mouth as he stands in front of the covered statue.

André puts his hand on the man's shoulder, "I'm sure you've outdone yourself, Théo."

"It was my honor." he bows slightly before pulling a newspaper cutout of the heroes, "And I can't wait to meet Ladybug. I hope she'll autograph the photo I used as the inspiration for her statue."

"Oh, it's nearly time. They should already be here by now to apologize." André looks out for them.

"Apologize?" Théo looks confused.

"Dad! Sorry, I'm late!" Amber waltzes over, wearing sunglasses over her eyes as she wore a white top with a raven on it, a black skirt, and leggings underneath with black ankle boots, "They hear yet?"

"Well...no, sweetie, but I'm sure they will be! After all, they are in the wrong!" André smiles.

Amber lowers her sunglasses as she looks at Théo, the sculptor tensing up, "So you made these statues?"

"U-Uh, yes! I did!"

"Good. If they don't show up, just show off the statue anyway and I'll take care of the rest." Amber walks away to make a phone call.

"Yes, Miss Bourgeois!" Théo bows.


At the school, Adrien was taking his fencing classes while Plagg was in his locker, eating Camembert.

"Ahhhhh!" Plagg screamed as Adrien's phone vibrates.

"You have 1 new message."

The black cat kwami shuts it off.

Back on the court, Adrien defeats his opponent then pulls up his mask, "Gotta get a drink of water. I'll be right back."

The blonde opens his locker and opens his bag, gasping slightly as Plagg was snoring after eating the Camembert, "Plagg, you pig!"

"You have 1 new message." the black cat kwami burps.

"Move, please, so I can check my voicemail." Adrien pulls Plagg out of the bag before checking his phone's voicemail, "Hmm, don't recognize this number." he then checks the time, "Oh, no! Now, we're late! I have to apologize to Amber! Time to transform, Plagg!" he takes off his right glove, his ring flashing.

"You know, Amber is a smart girl. She might have figured out that you or Ladybug are in her class because of your partner's big fat mouth." Plagg retorts.

"I know. I know Ladybug. She's stubborn and she won't apologize to Amber. That's why I am gonna make it my mission to apologize to her and clean up the mess that you made."

"I'm telling you that I thought it was a box of Camembert! I didn't know it was a jewelry case!"


Marinette and Alya run down the stairs and head outside the bakery. The bluenette had sent an embarrassing message to Adrien and wanted to delete it from his phone, so she and Alya planned to steal it while he was in fencing to erase the message before Adrien saw it. They stop in place when they hear voices.

"Woo-hoo! Yeah-ha-ha! Ha! Hahaha!" Chat Noir leaps over buildings, landing in front of the statue and waving at the crowd, "Hey, everybody!"

Amber puts her sunglasses onto her head, a small smile on her features, "At least he showed up."

The crowd cheers as Marinette covers her mouth and looks panicked.

"They're unveiling Ladybug and Chat Noir's sculptures today!" Alya looks excited, "I totally spaced!"

"Me too." Marinette mumbles as she hits her head.

"Uh, you never mentioned going to the unveiling before." Alya raises an eyebrow.

"I'm not, I mean, I am! Uh, I mean, I forgot?" Marinette smiles nervously.

Alya looks back at the ceremony before looking at her best friend, "Listen. About Adrien's cellphone, what if we go right after?"

"If we wait after the ceremony, Adrien's fencing training will be over, and he'll have his phone back by then." Marinette told her.

"Shoot. I gotta cover this event for the Ladyblog...I'm sorry, Marinette!"

"Don't sweat it. I can manage. I think!"

"You sure?"

"Yes, yes. I'm sure."

"Cool. Good luck, and stay out of trouble. And don't improv!" Alya runs towards the crowd.

Marinette runs towards the school as Tikki pops out of her purse.

"Isn't Ladybug supposed to be at the unveiling?"

"Yes, but Marinette needs to be at the school first."

"But it is a ceremony in your honor. And you have to apologize to Amber."

"And it's my honor that's at stake right now. I'll be in and out of there in five minutes. We can be at the ceremony in no time! And why should I apologize to Amber? She called me a superzero...twice!"

"Marinette, she thinks that you or Chat Noir stole her sister's bracelet. She has every right to be angry with you. You have to clear this up, or she will convince and turn everyone against the heroes."

"I won't let that supervillain do that!" Marinette shoves Tikki into her purse and runs off.


Alya takes pictures of the heroes, grinning.

Chat Noir looks over Amber and goes to say something, but Théo interrupts.

"Excuse me, Chat Noir, but Ladybug's not here." Théo looked around for the missing superheroine.

"Don't worry about Ladybug. I'm sure she'll be here any minute. I can handle this situation alone for now. I'm the one in charge anyway, you know." Chat Noir gestures to himself.

"Really?" Amber looks over at him, "I thought Ladybug was just an uptight bitch who felt the need to push you around to prove that she's an independent woman..." the brunette scoffs, "Which she's not."

"Hey, that's not very-"

"Well, sure she can be uptight at times, but she's mostly stubborn as hell." Chat Noir rolls his eyes a little, "That's probably why she's not here right now. She probably doesn't feel like she has to apologize."

"Well, she does. Her reputation is on the line." Amber blushes a little before correcting herself, "And yours too."

"Amber, I really want to explain the whole situation to you, but I can't say anything without jeopardizing my identity." Chat Noir told her.

Amber nods in understanding before turning to Théo, "Why are you so concerned about Ladybug showing up anyway?"

"It's just that, I wanted to ask her to autograph this photo. She's amazing. She's so brave and smart, the way she always saves everyone..." Théo strokes the photo of Ladybug.

Amber scoffs silently, "Bitch, please. That's like the opposite of her."

Chat Noir raises an eyebrow at Théo, "Uh...how old are you again?"

"Perhaps the ceremony should commence. It might bring her here faster." André suggests.

"Please, just one minute more, Mayor Bourgeois, she's going to come, I can feel it..." Théo looks up to the sky.

Amber gags and sticks her tongue out in disgust.


"It's only proper for Paris to pay homage to those to protect us from evil." André gestures behind him as the statue is unveiled, "Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

"Can I get some photos for the Ladyblog?" Alya asks the black cat hero.

"Sure thing!" Chat Noir smiles.

Théo looks up at Ladybug's statue and sighs sadly.


Marinette eventually finds Adrien's locker by calling him, "Here it is!" she yanks on the handle, but the locker is locked, "Gah! It's locked!" she holds her head like an insane asylum patient. She then bashes against the locker in an attempt to get it open.

"Marinette, what are you doing?!" Tikki pops out and looks at her owner as if she's crazy.

"I have to get Adrien's phone! I have to delete that message!"


The crowd leaves the Place des Vosges as the ceremony ends.

Chat Noir walks up to Théo, leaning his arm on his shoulder, "These statues are amazing. One thing's slightly off though-I'm actually taller than Ladybug."

"Ladybug didn't show up. I just wanted to express my adoration for her. Let her know that everything I had went into her statue. I'm sure if she took a little time to get to know me, she would see how much we have in common. Our devotion to the things we love."

"Ugh!!!" Amber was heard from near them, "What is it about her that makes her so attractive for you? I don't see it!"

"Well, I'm sure Chat Noir agrees with me." Théo turns to the black cat hero, who shrugs a bit.

"I mean, I've met prettier girls than Ladybug-"

"Why are you so bitter towards her anyway, Miss Bourgeois?" Théo asks.

"Because Ladybug is a massive bitch! She has a terrible attitude, an awful suit, a bad hairstyle, I could go on and on, but we can't fit an hour right now!"

"Miss Bourgeois-"

"She stole my sister's bracelet! She may be your hero, but she's not mine!" Amber storms off in anger.

"Amber, wait!" Chat Noir runs after her, leaving Théo alone.

The sculptor growls as he walks away angrily, "What do they know about her?"


Marinette bashes against the locker some more, leaving plenty of dents in it. She hears different noises and starts to get frantic as she bashes against it again.

"They're coming! Get away from there!"

"I haven't erased the message yet!" Marinette bashes against the locker.

"You're out of time!" Tikki told her.

Marinette gives up as the noises got louder. She quickly retreats behind the door as it opens, the fencer students walking in.

"Whew! That was rough. Ha ha."

The bluenette edges out the door without anyone seeing her, running out of the building in fear of getting caught.


Amber was looking at some of the paintings in the Louvre to get inspiration for more designs. She sighs to herself, "At least I don't have to deal with the heroes here. What is it that Chat Noir wanted to say?" her phone rings, the brunette answering it, "Hello?"


The brunette sits down on one of the seats, "Adrien? Are you okay?"

"Ye-No. Um, I finished up my fencing classes and I...I feel unsafe."

"Unsafe? Why?" Amber looks confused.

"I found my locker all dented like someone was...trying to break into it-"

"Someone tried to steal something from your locker?!" Amber stands up, thinking to herself, "Did one of the heroes steal from Adrien too?...". She clears her throat, "Okay. Just stay calm. We'll sort this problem out with Mr. Damocles. We'll report the attempted theft to him."


"I'll see you later." Amber hangs up.

Copycat, an akumatized Théo who was identical to Chat Noir in every way, strolls through the Louvre with a lollipop stick in his mouth, humming as civilians look surprised, some holding up their phones to record or take pictures of him. He spots Amber and growls a little, smirking to himself.

"Chat Noir?" Amber looks at him in confusion.

The akumatized villain merely glances over at her, smirking and winking as he steps across the rope in front of the Mona Lisa painting, "Don't mind me, dear. Just stealing this painting. Go about your business."

"What is wrong with your voice? You sound a little different." Amber points out, "And what's with the lollipop stick?..." she trails off before narrowing her eyes.

Copycat smirks before picking her up bridal-style, "You'll regret all the bad things you said about Ladybug."

"I gotta get this on camera!" a civilian starts recording him.

Amber looks in shock.


"And in some astonishing news, there's been a spectacular kidnapping at the Louvre." Adrien turns on the TV in his room, "Amateur video shows without a shadow of a doubt that the kidnapper, or catnapper, is none other than the famous hero, Chat Noir."

"This fan is the cat's meow." Copycat runs off with Amber in his arms.

"Amber!" Adrien stands up in fear, "Plagg, claws out!"


Chat Noir appears on top of the Louvre, which was being guarded by the police. The officers take out their batons, preparing themselves to attack him.

"Whoa! Easy, tigers! You've got the wrong cat! That thief's an impostor. I'm the real Chat Noir!"

Roger raises his hand, ordering the police to stand down as Chat Noir slides down the Louvre.

"Let me check out where the kidnapping took place. I have a knack for finding clues." Chat Noir playfully punches Roger's arm, "You know, animal instincts. The sooner we get started, the sooner we find Miss Bourgeois."

"Of course. Come with me. Thanks for your help, Chat Noir." Roger leads the black cat hero into the museum.

As they walked through, Chat Noir spots a lollipop stick on a table. He picks it up and examines it, "It's him..."

Suddenly, Roger presses a button with a smirk on his face, trapping Chat Noir in the museum with iron bars sealing him in.

"Hey! I'm the real Chat Noir! I'm way slicker than that guy."

Roger walks away from him as he speaks into a walkie-talkie, "Kitty's in the slammer. I repeat, kitty's in the slammer."


Ladybug watches as Roger walked out of the Louvre and Mayor Bourgeois stood still. The bug heroine landed next to him, "Mr. Mayor, this is ridiculous. I'm sure there's a simple explanation."

"My daughter's been catnapped by who she thought was her idol, Ladybug. This is no ridiculous matter."

"Kitty's in the slammer, Ladybug." Roger stated proudly to the heroine.

"Don't think you're gonna keep him in there-"

Roger holds up his hand in front of her face, "Now, now. Leave it to the experts, Ladybug. We've got it under control. Need I remind you that Miss Bourgeois doesn't like you...like at all. She explicitly said to ban you from ever seeing her and since she was last seen in the Louvre, you're not going in."

Ladybug glares with a "Hmph!".


Chat Noir swipes his right hand against the bars, making them rust with his Cataclysm power before he charges at the bars and kicks them down, running near the entrance where he is stopped by police officers, who bang their batons against their shields.

"Thanks for the warm hospitality, but I gotta split, so..." Chat Noir bows before taking out his staff, "I'll just say this one more time. You've got the wrong cat!" he then takes them all out with ease.


Roger hears a noise from his walkie-talkie.

"Chat Noir is getting away!"

Ladybug and Roger run into the Louvre. Once inside, they find the police officers on the floor.

Roger turns to the heroine, "Well, if he's so innocent, then why is he running away?"

"Well, if you were wrongly imprisoned, wouldn't you run?" Ladybug asks.


Chat Noir takes cover as sirens could be heard. He takes out his staff and starts to call Ladybhg.


Ladybug hears a noise from her yo-yo and slowly backs away from Roger.

"Requesting assistance, I repeat, requesting assistance. We are in pursuit of the suspect..."

Ladybug runs up the stairs as she answers the call, "Chat Noir, what's going on?"

"You know I'm innocent, don't you, LB?"

"Stop playing around. This is really serious!"

"I'm gonna find the real culprit and get Amber back. I'll get back to-" Chat Noir cuts himself off when a police helicopter shows up, "Wha!"


Ladybug makes it outside to see Chat Noir running away from the police helicopter.

"Give yourself up, Chat Noir!"

"Aren't you gonna go after him?" Roger asks the bug heroine.

"Uhh, I'll leave it to the experts." Ladybug replies before swinging away.


Chat Noir runs into the subway as police cars run into each other. The police get out of the cars and run into the subway, "Come on, let's get him!"

Adrien, having detransformed, whistles and walks upstairs from the opposite side, acting nonchalant. He then hides behind a poster.

"If you want my opinion, I'd say the thief was akumatized." Plagg eats his Camembert.

"That much I had figured." Adrien holds up the lollipop stick he found in the Louvre, "See that lollipop stick? The sculptor. He must have gotten angry at Amber for her point of view on Ladybug. I gotta find her and fast!"


Amber glances up at Copycat, looking bored as she was chained up, "You seriously got akumatized because I said my opinion on Ladybug? That's kinda pathetic."

"Shut it." Copycat points at her.

"I mean, seriously. I could see you getting akumatized because Ladybug didn't show, but the truth is that she's not as great as you think she is. These heroes are all talk. They show up and act like they care about the citizens, when in reality, they could care less." the brunette looks down.

Copycat glances at her in interest, "What did the heroes have to apologize to you for?"

"One of them stole my sister's bracelet. Chat Noir said he would talk to me about it, but Ladybug didn't even bother to show up because she's so stubborn. What do you see in her anyway? I mean, she's the most basic chick I've ever seen. You could do better. Trust me on that." Amber smirks smugly, not noticing how Copycat was staring at her with a loving expression.

"Right...I can definitely do better." Copycat kneels down to her, tilting her chin up, "I'm surprised you don't have a fair share of admirers."

Amber blushes a little bit, turning away, "Well...I can come off as intimidating."

"I can see why." Copycat leans down to her, Amber leaning back in surprise.

"Get away from her!" Chat Noir pounces, tackling Copycat on the ground.

Amber, who managed to grab a hold of the photo he had of Ladybug, crushes it as the akuma flies out, the black cat hero using his Cataclysm to crush it.

Copycat turns back into Théo, "Ugh...What am I doing here?"

Chat Noir kneels down to Amber, fistbumping her, "Pound it."

Ladybug bursts through the doors, "I'm here to-" she pauses in embarrassment as Théo, Chat Noir, and Amber stare at her, "Oops...sorry."

"LB, could you help Théo out? I'm taking Miss Bourgeois back home." Chat Noir picks the brunette up and carries her out.


Chat Noir lands on the balcony, setting Amber down.

"So, let me get this straight. Your kwami, the being that gives you your powers, thought that Chloé's jewelry case was a container for Camembert? And then he flew into her purse and got the bracelet stuck around his head?" Amber raises an eyebrow.


"You do realize what you're saying. You are a student in my school...my class."

"I am."

"And why would you tell me?" Amber looks confused before Chat Noir cups her cheek.

"Amber, you are very important and special to me. I would rather lose my Miraculous than have you stay mad at me."

Amber smiles softly before kissing his cheek, making him gasp a little, "Thank you, Kitty-Cat." she scratches him underneath his chin before heading inside her room.

Chat Noir stares after her before slowly smiling as he falls backwards off her balcony, Aladdin-style.


"Someone tried to what?" Ryder asks as the blonde nods.

"I found my locker completely damaged and dented." Adrien explains.

Amber leans forward as Marinette and Alya walk into the classroom, "Whoever did that really wants something from you."

"What happened?" Alya asks the group in concern.

"Someone tried to break into Adrien's locker while he was at fencing." Amber explains.

"Really?" Alya glanced at Marinette, who looked scared.

"Yeah, and whoever did it is gonna regret it. I'll make sure that they never come anywhere near you Adrien." Amber reassures the blonde, who smiles at her, "We'll go to Mr. Damocles and talk to him about putting a better lock on your locker."

"I don't know if it's the same person who called me or not." Adrien spoke up.

"Did they leave a message? We can check it." Ryder says as Marinette trembles with fear.

"Yeah, but I deleted it as soon as I got my phone because I thought it was spam." Adrien told his friends as Marinette sighed in relief, nearly collapsing into her best friend.

"Well, I guess we'll see you guys later, huh?" Alya takes Marinette back to their seats, the ombre-haired girl looking at her best friend with disappointment.

Marinette glares down at Amber, growling like a rapid dog.

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