Good Enough | hp

By Aristeria03

4.1K 128 21

When will I be good enough? Self-assured, outgoing and gregarious on the outside, Estella Lena Granger is the... More

First Year Cast
1| Do You Believe in Magic?
2| Castle on the Hill
3| Starting Again
4| Quidditch Madness
5| Christmas Reunion
6| Eventful Endings
Second Year Cast
7| Starting the Year Off with a Crash
8| Pixies and Heartbeats
9| The Spell Gone Wrong
10| A Puddle of Dread
11| The Debate in History
12| Quidditch and Bone-less Arms
13| When Three Become Four
14| Fireworks in Potions
15| Pretty Obvious
16| Skewed Loyalties
17| Cupcakes and Staccato
18| The Consequences of Cat Hairs
19| The Black Diary
20| The Singing Valentine
21| Blood and Lies
22| The Promise
23| Kill Two Birds With One Stone
24| Again and Always
25| Webs of Doom
26| The Sudden Turn of the Tide
27| The Fraud
28| Prove It
29| Phoenix Tears
30| The Soldier, The Accomplice and The Lost Mind
31| Accepted Apologies
Third Year Cast
32| A Proposal
33| Letters and Owls
34| Crookshanks
36| Teacups and Omens
37| First Class
38| A Conversation With A Friend
39| Pink and White Daisies
40| Advice and Assistance
41| A Sirius Infringement
42| A Stream of Doubts
43| Christmas Discontent
44| Red Bedsheets

35| As Always

44 1 0
By Aristeria03

They found Mr Weasley sitting in the bar, reading the Daily Prophet.

"Harry!" he said, smiling as he looked up. "How are you?"

"Fine, thanks," said Harry, as he, Estella, Ron and Hermione joined Mr Weasley with all their shopping.

Mr Weasley put down his paper and Estella saw the familiar picture of Sirius Black staring up at them.

"They still haven't caught him, then?" Harry asked.

"No," said Mr Weasley, looking extremely grave.

Estella sat down on a stool next to him, pushing herself in a small semicircle with her feet.

"Would we get a reward if we caught him?" asked Ron. "It'd be good to get some more money-"

"Don't be ridiculous Ron," said Mr Weasley, who on closer inspection looked very strained. "Black's not going to be caught by a thirteen-year-old wizard. It's the Azkaban guards who'll get him back, you mark my words."

Estella thought about saying something but at that moment Mrs Weasley entered, laden with shopping and followed by the twins, Fred and George, the newly elected Head Boy, Percy, and the Weasleys' youngest child and only girl, Ginny.

Ginny looked rather embarrassed as she muttered a "Hello" to Harry. Estella kept her mouth clamped shut and her expression impassive.

Still, she shot the girl a kind smile. She had, after all, been the victim of a young You-Know-Who's memory-infused diary only a few months ago.

Percy held out his hand solemnly to Harry and said, "Harry. How nice to see you."

Estella found it rather amusing how he was behaving as if they had never met before.

Clearly, Fred and George thought so too as Fred elbowed Percy out of the way and bowed deeply. "Simply splendid to see you, old boy-"

"Marvellous," said George, pushing Fred aside and seizing Harry's hand in turn. "Absolutely spiffing."

Percy scowled.

Estella stifled her laugh, her stool turning with her as she turned to hide her face.

"That's enough now," said Mrs Weasley."

"Mum!" said Fred, as though he'd only just spotted her, and seized her hand, too. "How really corking to see you-"

"I said, that's enough," said Mrs Weasley, depositing her shopping in an empty chair. "Hello Harry, dear. I suppose you've heard our exciting news?" she pointed at the brand-new silver badge on Percy's chest. "Second Head Boy in the family!" she said, swelling with pride.

"And last," Fred muttered under his breath.

"I don't doubt that," said Mrs Weasley, frowning suddenly. "I notice they haven't made you two Prefects."

"What do we want to be Prefects for?" said George, looking revolted at the very idea. "it'd take all the fun out of life."

Ginny giggled.

"You want to set a better example to your sister!" snapped Mrs Weasley.

Estella caught eyes with Harry and exchanged a look. He appeared almost as awkward as she felt- as though they were intruding on a private conversation. 

"Ginny's got other brothers to set her an example, Mother," said Percy loftily. "I'm going up to change for dinner..."

He disappeared and George heaved a sigh.

"We tried to shut him in a pyramid," he told Harry. "But Mum spotted us."


Estella sat, spooning mashed potatoes into her mouth that night at dinner.

Tom the innkeeper had put three tables together in the parlour so all seven Weasleys, Harry, Estella and Hermione could sit together.

Estella enjoyed the cheerful, bustling atmosphere around her. It did make her miss her parents a little, and she revelled in the sad thought that they could never truly be a part of the Wizarding World.

"How're we getting to King's Cross tomorrow, Dad?" asked Fred, as they tucked into a sumptuous chocolate pudding.

"The Ministry's providing a couple of cars," said Mr Weasley.

Everyone looked up at him.

"Why?" asked Percy curiously.

"It's because of you, Perce," said George seriously. "And there'll be little flags on the bonnets, with HB on them-"

"-for Humungous Bighead," said Fred.

Everyone except Percy and Mrs Weasley snorted into their pudding.

"Why are the Ministry providing cars, Father?" Percy asked again, in a dignified voice.

"Well, as we haven't got one any more," said Mr Weasley, "and as I work there, they're doing me a favour..."

His voice was casual, but Estella couldn't help but notice that his ears had gone red, just like Ron's did when he was under pressure.

"Good job, too," said Mrs Weasley briskly. "Do you realise how much luggage you've got between you? A nice sight you'd be on the Muggle Underground... You are all packed, aren't you?"

"Ron hasn't put all his new things in his trunk yet," said Percy, in a long-suffering voice. "He's dumped them on my bed."

"You'd better go and pack properly, Ron, because we won't have much time in the morning," Mrs Weasley called down the table. Ron scowled at Percy.

After dinner, everyone felt very full and sleepy.

One by one they made their way upstairs to their rooms to check their things for the next day.

Estella entered the room, took one glance at her very messy trunk, groaned, and flopped down on her bed.

Hermione walked in and sighed at her twin.

"You've got to pack you know," she said. "Otherwise you'll be more stressed in the morning- there won't be time." 

Estella knew her words were right, but that didn't make it any easier to hear.

"How have you already packed?" she mumbled through the blankets over her face. She rolled on her side and eyed the perfectly folded clothes just visible in Hermione's trunk. 

Hermione slotted a book into a gap and sat down on her bed. "I packed before dinner."

Estella rolled her eyes and turned back to face the wall. "I know that," she said. "I just mean- you have so many books- how're you even going to handle the homework this year?"

"I'll manage," Hermione responded simply. 

"You always do," Estella replied, the corner of her lips curling upwards. Still, there was a melancholy note to her voice.

Estella couldn't see her, but she knew her twin had nodded.

"Will you close the door?" Hermione's voice came through the fabric of the blanket obscuring Estella's head.

"You're closer."

"You haven't even changed yet," Hermione grumbled.

"Your point?"

Hermione sighed and a moment later there was the click of a door sliding into place.


Estella heard sheets ruffling and the curtains being drawn closed.

Hermione's bed squeaked as she turned to make herself more comfortable.

Estella let a smile cross her face, knowing no one could see. This was how it should be: this was how it would always be- just her and Hermione, against the world, no matter how many times they argued or jealousy interrupted their usual flow.

They'd stick together.

"Night Hermit," she said into the night.

"Night Estie," Hermione responded. It was the same response she'd given almost every night at Hogwarts.

Estella smiled and drifted off to sleep.


"For Godric's sake just stand on it or something!" Estella cried, wringing her hands up in the air.

Hermione was pushing down on her trunk as she struggled to latch it close.

"All that fancy slotting and you can't even close your damn trunk," Estella muttered, rolling her eyes.

She walked over and made to stand on the lid.

"No no!" Hermione waved her hands frantically. "You might damage the books!"

"Well, if you leave the top open tell you what will definitely get them damaged? Them falling out and getting crushed or-" she let out a theatrical gasp, clasping her hands over her mouth, eyes wide "- they might get left behind! The tragedy!" she flung a hand up to her forehead, closing her eyes dramatically.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Quit making fun of me and help."

"That's literally what I was about to do," Estella deadpanned. "Don't hold your breath," she warned sarcastically as she stepped down from the bed on top of the trunk.

Hermione flipped the clasp down and sighed, sliding down on the floor and leaning against it. "Finally."


"Yes yes," Hermione acknowledged, "thank you so much Estie."

"I'll take what I can get."

She hopped down from the top of the trunk and bent so that she could see Hermione. "Come on."

She held out her hand and Hermione took it, pulling herself up.

They made their way down the stairs and to breakfast.

They grabbed their food and spotted Ginny, gesturing them over with a mischievous look on her face that rather mirrored Fred and George.

"Guess what," she said as they sat down on either side of her. "Did you know that Mum made a Love Potion when she was younger?"

"Wait what?" Estella said, laughing. "Really?" she asked Mrs Weasley.

Mrs Weasley had a rather sheepish expression but she confided in them the whole story. By the time Harry and Ron came down, all four of them were rather giggly.

When the time came, they hauled their trunks, owls and (in Estella's case) her guitar into two old-fashioned dark green cars.

Estella got into the back of the car with Harry, Hermione and Ron.

The journey to King's Cross was smooth and efficient, although Estella noticed that the Ministry of Magic cars would slide through the occasional gaps in the traffic.

They reached King's Cross with twenty minutes to spare; the Ministry drivers found them trolleys, unloaded their trunks, touched their hats to Mr Weasley and drove away, somehow managing to jump to the head of an unmoving queue for the traffic lights.

"Right then," Mr Weasley said, glancing around as they reached the brick wall in between platform 9 3/4. "Let's do this in pairs, as there are so many of us. I'll go through first with Harry."

Estella had passed through the barrier at least four times on her way to and back from Hogwarts the past two years, but it still gave her a burst of joy every time.

She and Hermione went through together, Hermione chattering about the Arithmancy book she had purchased and read very recently.

They wheeled their trolleys over to Harry, Mr Weasley and Ginny. Percy appeared to be talking to a girl with long, curly hair who Estella deduced to be Penelope Clearwater, his girlfriend.

The remaining Weasleys were just joining them when Estella spotted a familiar sheet of long blonde hair though it was slightly windswept.

Her face lit up and she turned quickly to say her goodbyes. 

She hugged Mrs Weasley, thanked Mr Weasley, smiled at the rest of the Weasleys(minus Percy who was still with Penelope), and waved to Harry, Ron and Hermione, who she knew she would see again, either on the train or at Hogwarts.

She then made her way as quickly as possible over to the girl, considering she was dragging her trunk, an owl cage(plus an indignant owl) and her guitar case behind her.

"Rissa!" she called.

Larissa turned, her amber eyes melting like pools of honey in the morning light. She smiled, said goodbye to a woman who looked very much like her and made her way over to Estella.

"Hey Stella!" she said genially, grinning. "Missed ya while you were in Paris."

"Me too," Estella returned as they stepped up on the train.

Larissa took her guitar case and helped her carry it, leading her to a compartment she'd already picked out.

"You're early," Estella commented, edging her trunk onto the overhead storage.

Larissa shrugged. "My mum has a staff meeting at the local school and she said she could drop me off here on the way."

"Your mum's a witch, isn't she?" 

Larissa nodded. "Muggle-born. She went to Hogwarts and all, but she always says that teaching was more for her, and she couldn't see it being at Hogwarts."

Estella bobbed her head up and down absentmindedly as she sat down beside her. They leaned back against the wall, kicking their feet up as they waited for the others.

They arrived one by one, smiles and laughs filling the compartment. Estella felt herself easing into the comfort of familiar voices and familiar faces as they discussed everything that had happened over the break.

The Hogwarts Express' whistle blew and they chugged down the tracks, along landscapes of distant buildings and eventually into wild greenery.

Estella found herself admiring the fluffy white clouds outside the window and she often pointed out the pretty flowers dotting the landscape to her friends.

The Trolley Witch came and left, leaving candy scattered around the girls as they ate their way through Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and read out fun facts from Chocolate Frog cards.

Around Mid-afternoon, it started to rain, droplets blurring the rolling hills outside the window and Estella had to retire from her cloud-gazing, instead focusing on discreetly grabbing a Chocolate Cauldron from Hazel's stash.

"Hey!" Hazel swatted her away and extended her arm across the pile. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm hungry," Estella pouted. "Besides, you'll get more chocolate literally tomorrow when your parents send some over."


Belle laughed and tossed Estella a Pumpkin Pasty.

The sky darkened, a solid, shimmering grey now entirely covering the window. The rain thickened, pounding on the glass and the lanterns flickered into life.

The train rattled, the rain hammered and the wind roared.

"Are we almost there?" Hazel asked timidly, covering her ears as she crumpled in on herself, wrapping her arms around her legs on the seat.

"We have to be," Charlotte frowned, rubbing the girl's back comfortingly. "It's probably only a little further."

The words had hardly left her when the train started to slow down.

"Great," Belle said, starting to stand up, "I'm starving!"

"We can't be there yet," said Lucille, checking her watch.

"So why're we stopping?"

Estella leaned forward in her seat and tried to see out of the window.

The train was getting slower and slower.

As the noise of the pistons fell away, the wind and rain sounded louder than ever.

Estella walked over to the compartment door and slid it open, looking out into the corridor. All around her, heads were sticking out curiously.

She spotted Parvati and was just about to ask her what had happened when the train came to a stop with a jolt.

A thud echoed behind her and the sound of cursing filled the empty silence.

Then, without warning, all the lamps went out and they were plunged into total darkness.

"Guys?" Estella asked, edging her way back into the compartment using the wall as her guide. "Are you okay?"

"Oh it's fine," Larissa's voice echoed back, "except the fact that a trunk just FELL on my FOOT!"

"Is it bad?" said Lucille's voice. "Can you move it?"

"Yeah," Larissa said, sounding muffled. 

"What happened?" Amelia asked.

"Not sure," Estella replied, biting her lip. It was a distraction from the slight state of panic she had been thrown into.

"Do you think we've broken down?" said Charlotte.

"Isn't the train magic? How can it just break down?" Estella asked, her nose wrinkling.

There was a squeaking sound and Estella saw the dim outline of Belle wiping a patch clean on the window and peering out.

"Something's moving out there," Belle said. "I think people are coming aboard..."

"What?" Charlotte said in alarm. "That's not- who would come on here- is that even allowed?"

No one replied. Silently, they huddled together by the window, moving closer together.

"Wait," Estella said, her hands reaching out into the darkness. She felt the edge of her cloak on the seat which she had been planning to slide over her Muggle clothes before the train had stopped.

She fumbled with the fabric and extracted her wand.

"Lumos," she whispered. 

A small flare lit up the compartment and she saw her friends' faces illuminated in the light.

Amelia sighed in relief. "Thanks."

Estella had been about to reply when the door started to slide open. 

She tensed, an eerie feeling of anticipation filling her as it opened fully.

Standing in the doorway, illuminated by the small pinprick of light from Estella's wand, was a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling.

Its face was completely hidden beneath its hood.

Estella couldn't stop herself from glancing downwards and what she saw made her stomach contract and her breath catch in her throat.

There was a hand protruding from the cloak and it was glistening, greyish, slimy-looking and scabbed, like something dead that had decayed in water...

It was visible for only a split second.

As though the creature beneath the cloak sensed her gaze, the hand was suddenly withdrawn into the folds of the black material.

And then the thing beneath the hood, whatever it was, drew a long, slow, rattling breath, as though it was trying to suck something more than air from its surroundings.

An intense cold swept over them all.

Estella felt like she was drowning; like she was being slowly dragged underwater by an unknown, unseen force.

She couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything but stare in horror at the figure. 

All the previous joy she had felt in the presence of her friends had faded, leaving her feeling empty and dull, almost as if she would never feel happy again.

For what seemed a long time she stood there, petrified, and she felt sure that if the thing didn't leave soon, she would be pulled under.

Finally, it seemed to relinquish and it left, gliding away, leaving the door wide open behind it.

Estella breathed in and out heavily, her eyes wide as she watched its retreating figure.

Her hands felt clammy and cold and she knew the colour had left her face.

Behind her, Hazel let out a long, shuddering gasp and Estella found herself able to move again. She turned and looked at her friends, all of them featuring wide eyes and pale faces.

Wordlessly, they all drew together in a group hug, trying to gather some warmth back into their shivering bodies.

But despite their proximity, Estella still felt as cold as ever. The thing had left, but it had taken something else too.

She wondered if everyone on the train had been subjected to that feeling, and with a sudden, horrifying realisation, she remembered Hermione.

"I have to go," she said to her friends. "Hermione-"

Charlotte gave a small understanding nod though she still looked rather shaken. "Go."

Estella mustered a faint smile and hurried off down the train, peering through the glass of every compartment on her way in an attempt to spot a familiar head of bushy brown hair.

Near the end of the train, she bumped into a man who was just exiting a compartment.

His light brown hair was flecked with grey. He was wearing an extremely shabby set of wizard's robes which had been darned in several places.

He looked ill and exhausted though he gave Estella a kind smile.

She returned it and caught a glimpse of the compartment behind her. With a burst of excitement and relief, she spotted five figures.

She hurried through the open door and they all looked at her.

"Hermione?" she breathed, locating her twin. She rushed over and pulled her into a hug, burying her face in the crook of her neck. She would never admit it, but she had been terrified.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked gently, pulling back from the hug to look at her face.

Estella nodded. A half-hearted truth.

She still felt cold but the fact that Hermione was fine and standing in front of her made her feel more relieved than she could imagine.

She took a few more breaths to calm herself down and finally gathered her surroundings.

Ron was standing a little behind Hermione and Neville and Ginny were to the left of the doorway. Strangely enough, Harry was on the floor.

"Harry?" Estella said hesitantly. "Uh, why are you on the floor? Are you okay?"

He nodded, hurried sitting up and manoeuvring onto the seat. He was holding a particularly large piece of chocolate. She looked around and realised that they all were.

"Did you faint Stella?" he asked.

Estella's brows furrowed in confusion, tilting her head. "No," she said, but it sounded more like a question. "Why?"

"Harry fainted," Ron explained, gesturing to him.

Harry gave him a look. Estella frowned. It wasn't as if she would go around telling everyone.

"Did the thing come into your compartment too? What was that?" she asked quietly, walking in front of him and surveying his face.

"A dementor," Harry said, fingers tightening around the piece of chocolate.

"How do you know?"

"Professor Lupin told us."

"Who's that?"

At that moment, the man that Estella had bumped into came into the compartment.

He paused as he entered, looked around and said, with a small smile, "I haven't poisoned that chocolate, you know..."

Harry took a bite, his eyes widening as he did so. He held out the bar to Estella. "Try some."

Estella stared at him for a bit, then broke off a tiny piece at the end Harry hadn't bit from. She placed it into her mouth and was surprised when warmth spread suddenly to the tips of her fingers and toes.

She sighed happily.

"Take some more," Harry insisted, noticing her expression.

"I have more here if-" Lupin paused as if suddenly realising that he didn't know her name.

"Estella," Estella filled in, then gestured to Hermione. "My twin."

Lupin nodded in realisation, broke off another piece of chocolate from a bar and handed it to her.

She took it and took another bite, smiling subconsciously as the warmth filled her.

"I should go tell my friends about this," she said, looking back at Hermione. "Come find me if you need anything."

Hermione nodded.

"Thanks, Professor," she said to Lupin, bowing her head slightly. She waved goodbye to the others and returned to her friends.

The rest of the journey passed in near silence, filled with small reassurances and the munching of chocolate.

At long last, the train stopped at Hogsmeade station, and there was a great scramble to get out.

It was freezing on the tiny platform; rain was driving down in icy sheets.

"Firs'-years this way!" called a familiar voice. Estella turned and saw the gigantic outline of Hagrid at the other end of the platform, beckoning the terrified-looking new students forward for their traditional journey across the lake.

The crowd pushed her and her friends away along the platform to a rough mud track, where at least a hundred stagecoaches awaited the remaining students.

It must've worked by way of magic, given the way the coach set off all by itself as soon as they climbed in and shut the door.

The coach smelled faintly of mould and straw. Estella felt better since the chocolate, but the dark, gloomy night made the shadows of trees appear long and covered the stars.

As the carriage trundled towards a pair of magnificent wrought-iron gates, flanked with stone columns topped with winged boars, Estella saw two more towering, hooded Dementors, standing guard on either side.

 A wave of cold sickness threatened to engulf her again; she leaned back into the lumpy seat and closed her eyes until they had passed through the gates.

The carriage picked up speed on the long, sloping drive up to the castle.

At last, the carriage swayed to a halt, and they all got out.

They joined the crowd swarming up the steps, through the giant oak front doors, and into the cavernous Entrance Hall, which was lit with flaming torches and housed a magnificent marble staircase which led to the upper floors.

The door into the Great Hall stood open at the right; Estella followed the crowd into it and entered, heading towards the Gryffindor table.

As soon as she sat down, she melted into her seat, inhaling the warm smell which had wafted from the kitchens below. The golden plates were still empty but they gleamed under the light of the many floating candles.

She was hungry enough to start eating immediately, but she waited patiently as the first years were sorted. Strangely enough, it was not Professor McGonagall who carried out the Sorting Hat, but Flitwick.

Estella looked around in an attempt to locate the Transfiguration teacher and found that she couldn't see Hermione or Harry either.

As the sorting drew to an end, she leaned over the table to Ron, who looked rather uncomfortable sitting by himself.

"Hey, Ron." He turned. "Where's Hermione?"

"She and Harry got called over by McGonagall," he replied. "Any idea why?"

Estellat thought about the letters all through the break, the correspondents and the mentions of a time-turner.

She shook her head. "No." She didn't want to lie to him, but she figured the issue about Hermione receiving a time-turner was not one that should be spread around the school.

At that moment, Harry and Hermione appeared, sitting down on either side of Ron.

Estella leaned back, satisfied.

Charlotte nudged her and she looked up to see the Headmaster standing up to speak.

She turned to face the front and gave her full attention to Dumbledore.

"Welcome!" said Dumbledore, the candlelight shining on his beard. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast..."

Even in the warmth of the Great Hall, surrounded by familiar faces and comforting voices, Estella couldn't help but dwell on the Dementors.

Dementors. She had heard of them once before.

Hermione had mentioned them during the break before their first year at Hogwarts, referring - as usual - to a book she had been reading to better understand the wizarding world.

Dementors were the guards of the wizard prison: Azkaban.

Estella suddenly remembered Sirius Black, and how he had broken out of that exact prison.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued. "As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the Dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business."

He paused and Estella had time to exchange a wary look with her friends.

"They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds," Dumbledore continued, "and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises - or even Invisibility Cloaks," he added blandly.

Estella couldn't stop her eyes from flitting to Harry sitting opposite her.

"It is not in the nature of a Dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I love to the Prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure that no student runs foul of the Dementors."

Percy, who was sitting a few seats down the table from Estella, puffed out his chest again and stared around impressively.

Dumbledore paused again; he looked very seriously around the Hall, and nobody moved or made a sound. 

"On a happier note," he continued, "I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. Firstly, Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher."

There was some scattered, rather unenthusiastic applause.

"He was the one who told me about the chocolate; in Hermione's compartment," Estella whispered to her friends.

Their mouths formed an 'o' in understanding and they smiled and clapped louder.

"Snape looks pissed," Larissa said out of the corner of her mouth, nodding ever so slightly towards the Potions master, who was staring along the staff table at Professor Lupin.

It was common knowledge that Snape wanted the Defence Against the Dark Arts job, but Estella was startled at the expression twisting his thin, sallow face.

Estella considered herself rather adept at reading human emotions(owing to the many hours she had spent in front of the mirror practising the perfect smile), and the look Snape displayed was beyond anger: it was loathing.

"As to our second new appointment," Dumbledore continued, as the lukewarm applause for Professor Lupin died away, "well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs. However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his gamekeeping duties."

Estella's mouth fell open in surprise, but then she gathered herself and joined in with the applause, which was tumultuous at the Gryffindor table in particular.

Estella leant forward to see Hagrid, who was ruby red in the face and staring down at his enormous hands, his wide grin hidden in the tangle of his black beard.

"Well, I think that's everything of importance," said Dumbledore. "Let the feast begin!"

The golden plates and goblets before them filled suddenly with food and drink.

Estella ate the night away, reaching for the apple and rhubarb crumble as soon as dessert appeared on the table and reflecting, as always, that it would never be as good as her parents' recipe.

At long last, when they had all eaten their fill, they headed up, called out the new password to the Gryffindor common room: Fortuna Major, and made their way up to their dormitories.

Estella changed into a pair of silk pyjamas which her parents had gotten her and Hermione over the break and snuggled into her blankets, whispering a quiet "Night Hermit" to Hermione as sleep finally overtook her.

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