✓ 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗱, nikola...

By fireandbloods

39.8K 2K 149

- ͙۪۪̥˚ in which mischa romanov, general kirigan's own built assassin known as the black bird is betrayed an... More

𝟎𝟎𝟎. prologue
𝟎𝟎𝟏. novyi zem
𝟎𝟎𝟐. privateer
𝟎𝟎𝟑. who am i working with?
𝟎𝟎𝟒. the sea whip
𝟎𝟎𝟓. just another mistake
𝟎𝟎𝟔. not a pirate, a prince
𝟎𝟎𝟕. secret sanctuary
𝟎𝟎𝟖. from the shadows
𝟎𝟎𝟗. ties that bind
𝟎𝟏𝟏. not a queen
𝟎𝟏𝟐. the lucky compass
𝟎𝟏𝟑. the darkest secrets
𝟎𝟏𝟒. aleska morozova
𝟎𝟏𝟓. the fragile truth
𝟎𝟏𝟔. this isn't goodbye
𝟎𝟏𝟕. his dying breath
𝟎𝟏𝟖. a new beginning
𝟎𝟏𝟗. king nikolai's coronation

𝟎𝟏𝟎. nichevo'ya

1.3K 83 6
By fireandbloods


⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

   Mischa grimaced at the seamstress and the golden gown hung on her body as she stared at it in the mirror. She hated she was being forced to be fit for a gown for an engagement party she was forced to go to. What couldn't she just where her nice black leather trousers?

   Maybe because you aren't the Black Bird anymore, Mischa. Her conscience spoke to her. You're going to be a princess. Unlikely considering the moment Kirigan is dead and people love Grisha again this engagement will be ended and Mischa will be a solider again, hopefully.

   Mischa missed being a solider. Without it, she felt like a bird caged and her wings clipped.

   The seamstress fixed the sleeve. "How's that, moy milaya, better?"

   Mischa tried raising her arms above her shoulder line but it was too stiff and prohibited it. How was she to be able to fight if it came to it when she could even raised her arms over her head?

   She exhaled deeply through her nostrils. "Still can't move my arms."

   "I'll get another corset." The seamstress left the room in haste and Mischa huffed in displeasure as she gazed at herself in the mirror. Her makeup had already been done for the party which was a smoky eyed type of look with pink lips and her hair was pinned up on the back of her head in a neat bun. It was customary for women to have their hair up but Mischa never did, or at least the few times she did it was in intricate braids.

   This was just not her.

   "Saints." Mischa whispered under her breath as she held the head of her dress up to step down from the ledge and behind the privacy curtain to change into her robe and out of this dress as fast as she could.

   She was struggling as the door creaked open announcing the seamstress entrance. "I could use a hand with these laces."

   "While I admit it's a skill I've perfected, I'm not sure it would be appropriate."

   Okay, that was definitely not the seamstress.

   Hastily putting on her robe over her under dress, she stepped out from behind the privacy curtain to see Vasily stood in the room with her.

    Mischa plastered on a false kind smile as she approached him. "Moi Tsarevich."

   "I would prefer you call me Vasily, at least when we're in private."

    Mischa had to bite back the snarl that almost escaped her lips. "What can I do for you, moi tsarevich?"

   "You call my brother by his given name." He stated with a neutral expression.

   "We met under different circumstances." Mischa kept her head held high as she replied.

   Vasily clicked his tongue. "Yes, I've heard some find his whole corsair act rather charming."

    Mischa parted her lips, wanting to be done with this conversation before it even started. She also didn't take to kindly on how he talked about Nikolai. "If you'll excuse me, I have —"

   Vasily stopped her from leaving when he spoke. "You must realize, no matter his aims, he will always be a second son." He paused as he smiled at her, eyebrows raised suggestively as he took in her beauty before him. "Only I can make you a queen."

   Mischa pressed her lips tightly to together to bite back her words as she mustered up a pleasant obedient young women look. "I can assure you I have no such ambition."

   "Is that so?" Vasily inquired with an amused half-smirk.

   Mischa nodded. "You've made no secret of your opinions on Grisha and Kirigan. My closest friends are Grisha, the people I call family are Grisha. I was Kirigan's right hand. Why propose an alliance with me?"

   "I stand by my previous statements. The Ravkan people are fed up of being held hostage by Grisha tyrants. Odds are some Grisha are good people. And some Ravkan's can be redeemed." He obviously referred to her friends and herself. He smirked down at her due to their height difference. "You could help me sort that out."

    Mischa fained an innocent look. "Where would you find the time? Rumor has it you find yourself quite preoccupied at Caryeva, between the horse races and the brothels."

   Her words made his step closer to her threateningly, smirk fallen. "How many true allies do you really have, Miss Romanov? Grisha scraps. Even though you were pardoned for allying with Kirigan, I imagine there are others things we can find that link you with him and the Grisha tyrants."

   Mischa narrowed her eyes on the man who just threatened her. He was trying to scare her into marrying him.

   Mischa didn't scare easily.

   Vasily chuckled softly. "You're a smart girl, consider your options." He grabbed her hand that was clutched to her torso and placed a soft kiss on the top of it. She looked away when he looked up at her, still holding her hand. "Until then."

   She watched as he left the room, shutting the door behind him. Immediately Mischa made s disgusted look as she wiped her hand on her robe to somehow get that kiss off of her skin.

   Her eyes gazed over to the golden dress with the double eagle printed on the front hanging on the top of the privacy curtain.

   That would not cut it.

   A smirk settled on her lips as she got an idea.


   Mischa admired herself in the mirror, adjusting the neck of the black dress with gold designs on her chest, waist and sleeves. It was a thin material and much easier to move around in than the golden dress on the mannequin beside her. Plus, it screamed Mischa. Gold and Black were her colors. Her makeup stayed the same and her hair was still in its intricate bun on the back of her head. Thank the saints for the Grisha fabrikators in the palace with her or else she'd be stuck in the other gown.

   Her brown irises drifted to the corner of the mirror where she caught Nikolai entering the room, also in formal attire. As she turned around and gestured to her dress with a small smile, a dazzling grin spread on his lips as he analyzed her up and down.

   "You look magnificent. Like sunshine in the midst of darkness."

   Mischa turned back to adjust her collar one more time in the mirror with an amused look. She had never been complimented like that before, it brought a redial tint to her cheeks without her knowing. "Thank you. Some of your Grisha were kind enough to help me put this together instead of..."

   Nikolai followed where her eyes gestured and he chuckled as he looked at the golden gown, preferring the one she was currently wearing on her over that. "I think I have just the flourish to complete the look."

   Mischa turned back around to to him as she watched him approach her closely and dig a believer pouch out from his trousers pocket.

   "A gift." Mischa's lips parted when he pulled out a golden ring with a large emerald on it out of the pouch. It was beautiful, but she also knew what it was. A wedding wing. "The Lantsov Emerald."

   "Understatement is overrated." Mischa quoted him from earlier, eyes fluttering back up to his face.

   A star sparkled in his eye as their gazes connected. "I love it when you quote me." Mischa smiled in return as Nikolai stepped even closer. "Console yourself knowing that, should you ever punch me while wearing it, you'll probably take my eye out. And I'd very much like you to." Mischa rose an eyebrow. "Wear it, that is. Not punch me. May I?"

   Mischa kept her lips closed as she held her hand out to him. He touched her hand to have support as his other slid the ring on her ring finger. His gentle touch made goosebumps form on the top of her skin.

   Mischa held it up to examine with astonishment. "It's beautiful."

   Her gaze flickered between him and the door, unsure of what to say. "Um.."

   "Yeah." Nikolai chuckled softly as he let her lead the way out of the room.

   Mischa examined it once again as they began down the stairs, probably the last two to make it to the party. "Your mother will not be pleased you gave this to a commoner."

   "If my mother was as put off by commoners as she claims, I wouldn't be here, now would I?"

   Mischa stopped in shock he just admitted that, a lone with amusement and no offense in his tone. Let alone, realize that he just told a big secret he had probably never spoke about before.

   He laughed as he walked by her down the flight of stairs. "If you're going to be in the royal family, you must get better at hiding what you're thinking."

   Mischa exhaled as she caught up to him when he halted. "I wasn't sure."

   "I've heard the whispers since I was a child." Seeing her lips part but nothing come out, he looked around to make sure no one else was there. "I'll deny it if you repeat it, but the truth is, I couldn't care less if I have Lantsov blood. Given all the royal inbreeding, I think being a bastard is probably a point in my favor."

   Mischa looked at him differently now. He had in trusted a secret in her, one she would never admit out loud if she were in his position. Which meant only one thing, Nikolai trusted her. It's been a while since anyone other than Alina has installed that must trust in her.

   "It's nice." She stated, chuckling softly as they continued down the next flight of stairs to the main floor. He sent her a questioning look for her to elaborate. "When you drop the act, when you're just yourself."

   "I'm a prince, Mischa." He responded softly. "Being myself is a luxury I can't often indulge."

   She smiled at him as they rounded the corner, conversations being heard which meant they were encroaching on the party.

   "The throne is just a prize to Vasily, like some favorite toy." Mischa stopped right before they entered, Nikolai following. She didn't hide her distaste for his brother. "You actually care about Ravka. You'd make a good king."

   Nikolai paused as he smiled shyly at her compliment. Compliments in which she never gave out and he knew that. "Coming from you, that means a lot."

   Mischa stared into his eyes for a moment, feeling the tension in the air. She pursed her lips in thought before looking down at her hand, reaching out for his. He followed her lead and placed his hand in hers, enveloping them together. They fit perfectly. They shared a smile.

   Mischa exhaled amusingly as she teased him. "You're going to be insufferable now, aren't you?"

    Nikolai titled his head. "Well, I'm already insufferable." They chuckled together before he asked, "Are you ready?"

   She simply took in a deep breath before nodding and the two entered the lion's den together.

   Mischa's eyebrows shot to her hairline at the amount of people gathered. This was not a small gathering. "This is your family's idea of a small gathering?"

   "I did not expect this." Nikolai responded as they came to a stop and they separated their hands.

   "Miss Romanov, you look lovely tonight." Vasily approached, a glass of alcohol already in his grasp as he smiled mockingly at the girl from behind.

   Mischa barely glanced at him, her smile disappearing. "If you'll excuse me, moi tsarevich, I'm going to find Alina."

   She gave Nikolai a look as she passed him, aware of both the brother's burning gazes on her back as she disappeared into the crowd.

   She looked around until she found Alina with Tamar and Nadia who cheered when they saw her approaching.

    Alina's eyes brightened at the gorgeous gown she wore. "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day you wore a dress."

   "I think I'm starting to like it." Mischa shrugged with a faint smile on her lips. She admired the Leader of the Second Army uniform that matched Nikolai's when he first revealed his identity, but hers had suns stitched into the fabric on the sleeves on the side. "Grisha really came through for the both of us it seems. You look like a true leader, Alina."

   Alina shared a look with Tamar and Nadia but Nadia was the one to speak. "You seem awfully cheery. What's got you in a good mood?"

   Mischa's eyebrows knitted together. "What? Nothing."

   Alina hummed before she glanced around. "Have you seen Mal, by chance?"

   Mischa shook her head, helping her search by looking through the crowd. "No. I thought he was with you."

   "A toast!" The four girls all shared looks and rolled their eyes when Vasily's annoying voice erupted into the air and silenced the room. He hopped onto a stand where the royal seats for the king and queen were so he could speak loudly to the crowd. The man was obviously already very drunk."I'd like to share some words about my brother, Nikolai. Yes, yes, we all know he's pretentious...condescending, a man of the people."

   Mischa felt a shiver go down her spine and on instinct, looked up at the window on the ceiling to see familiar dark fog roll over and create the room darker than normal.

   "But he has some hidden qualities, too. His intended should —"

   Vasily was cut off when the window ceiling broke and shadows poured into the room. People screamed as two landed on the floor, the shadows creating two large shadow monsters.


   David was telling the truth.

    The guards tried shooting them with their guns but they simply went through and one nichevo'ya even grabbed a guard and flung him to the other side of the room.

   Adrik came and took both Alina and Mischa's hands, dragging them to hide behind a fallen table whilst Tamar tried using her Heartrender abilities on them. It didn't work.

   "There's no heart, no blood."

   "All creatures have a weakness." Adrik protested, not ready to give up.

   Vasily, who had been hiding behind a chair, decided to make a run for it but one of the nichevo'ya grabbed him and lifted him in the air. Everyone else but Mischa looked away when it tore Vasily into two pieces.

   Alina jumped out from behind the table and with a wave of her arms, her blue light was soaring towards the nichevo'ya, burning through it. But, just like that, it was unaffected and began to shape itself back into a monster.

   Alina huffed, going back behind the table with the others. "It's not working!"

   They watched as a nichevo'ya killed another guard. Adrik caught on. "Did you see that? They have to be solid to make contact with their prey. That's when they're vulnerable."

   "Nikolai." Mischa whispered fearfully when a nichevo'ya began to sneak towards his group where he protected his mother.

   Adrik casted the wind to it and so did Nadia who joined them. It wasn't enough to kill it, but enough to distract it so Nikolai and those people could get away.

   "I know a way out." Tamara said as they stood to their feet to flee.

   "If these are Kirigan's, he must be close enough to control them."

   "If he's close, maybe we can end this."

   "No, we regroup elsewhere for a counterattack."

   "Wait," Mischa stopped as she felt around, no sign of any weapons on her and she remembered she left them in her room. "I need my sword."

   Alina looked at her with wide eyes, "What?! You'll get killed! Forget about your sword, we need to go now!"

   "I'm not leaving without putting up a fight, you know this, Alina." Mischa said sternly. "I'll meet you in the tunnels."

   Alina shook her head repeatedly, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. She didn't want Mischa to go on her own. But, Alina knew there was no stopping Mischa when she put her mind to something.

   Wordlessly, Alina pulled Mischa in for a a brief hug before she nodded for Mischa to go. Mischa gave her one last sad smile as if this will be their last time seeing each other before running the opposite way. Alina didn't get to watch her run, for Tamar was already pulling her away.

   Mischa picked up the edge of her gown as she quickly raced up the stairs. Thankfully, she had been staying there for a couple days so she knew how to get to her room.

   Once she was in, she locked the door behind her and immediately went to her sword and slung it's holder around her back. She tucked the brass knuckles in a pocket.

   She almost tripped over her gown. Cursing loudly she grabbed one of her daggers and cut the end off so it was kefta length and didn't reach the floor. She took off the cloak that was attached so it wasn't in her way. She unlocked the door and stepped out.

   As she was about to advance down the hall, a snarling vaporizing sound was made from behind her and then the steps of shoes as they approached slowly.

   "My little bird..." The voice of Kirigan purred from behind her. Her body went to a standstill and her hand reflexively landed on the tilt of her sword rested on her back. "You've fled the cage, I've come to find you."

   Mischa's breath got lodged in her throat once she turned and saw the large monster of shadows standing behind him, growling and ready to attack.

   "You've truly gone mad now." Mischa spoke lightly, her eyes wide in fear as she glanced at the monster who snarled at her in response. Kirigan spoke as if this was their second rekindling, as if her dream wasn't a dream after all.

   "No, I've finally see things for how they are. Ravka is in shambles, I've come to pick up and reassemble the pieces."

   "What, so we'll all be your slaves?"

   "Most, yes, they will bow down to me. But, you," He paused as a knowing smirk spread on his lips. "You will rule beside me."

   Mischa wanted to scoff. What was it with powerful men having their sights being on her being Queen alongside them? Did she truly give off the impression she wanted to be a Queen?

   "I have no ambitions to sit on a throne with a crown encrusted with all the jewels of all the lives I've ruined." Mischa spat at the man who grew a dark look. "What makes you think I would want to be a Queen? Nevertheless, with you?"

   Kirigan rose an amused eyebrow. "As much as you find disfavor with the title of queen, you are quick to act as one." He remarked, Mischa pursed her lips in response. "We are the same, Mischa, you need to realize. I can think of no other person better to rule beside with, not even that pathetic excuse of a Sun Summoner. We would be unstoppable, you and I."

   "I would never resort to hurting people, especially not my friends or my country." Mischa responded, hoping he wasn't realizing during their conversation she began to take subtle steps back. "I'm not like you. I never will be. I'm better than you, I've redeemed myself."

   His eyes clouded with darkness as his lip quivered into a snarl. "What makes you think you're life is worth more than mine?"

   "What makes you think you're life is worth anything at all?" Her retort was quick with sharpness in her tone, eyes narrowed into an icy glare. Kirigan was stricken frigid as his jaw slacked open.

   His jaw quickly clenched as did his fist beside him. He raised his chin a tad higher. "You will see what this wretched world has not only taken from me, but from you as well. I will make you see the truth."

   Kirigan stood still as the nichevo'ya moved around him and it's claws dug into the floor as it crept slowly towards Mischa. Mischa could only sport a look of fear as it approached.

   Kirigan's eyes widened when he realized his monster was encroaching on her. "What are you doing? Stop!" The monster ignored him as its eyes fixated on Mischa.

   Mischa didn't attempt to pull out her sword. She knew it would've been hopeless anyways, it would do nothing but make it angrier. And there was no running either. She had nothing.

   The only thing she could do was wait. Wait as it crawled towards her like a predator to prey and wrapped her in its grip and pulled her in half. She didn't even close her eyes. She accepted her fate.

   The moment the monster reached her it was so close she felt the gust of its breath hitting her face, sucking in a breath and never releasing. Kirigan tried yelling at the creature to obey him and stop but his shouts fell on deaf ears.

   Mischa made eye contact with what she thought was it's eye, it was hard to tell sense it consisted of only shadows.

   She didn't know what happened next. Only that at one point it was growling and the next it was whimpering as if it pain.

   The monster... cowered.

   She felt a strange feeling of energy flow through her body that made her feel as though she was glowing with a newfound strength. She didn't notice any of her surroundings as she looked at it's eye.

   The monster began to creep back in almost fright or obeying.

   Mischa didn't think twice, she didn't look at Kirigan or the monster again, or at anything else around her as she leaped into a sprint down the stairs and to a familiar corridor that held the tunnel.

   Once she arrived, she could hear boots marching towards her location and hungry snarls once more. Thinking fast, she pulled her sword out and began swinging it at the pillar in front of the open tunnel. She couldn't let me follow.

   It took s great few of forceful swings before the pillar began to shake and then crumble, the roof of the room coming down with it in debris. Just before a stone wall of debris was created in front of the tunnel, her eyes found Kirigan's wide ones as if he just witnessed something terrible before the debris completely blocked her fork him and his monsters.

   She didn't hesitate to flee down the tunnel to hopefully find others who had survived. Hopefully, to see her friends. She wanted to forget ever running into Kirigan.

authors note.

   I've made this chapter EXTRA long for you, so I could wrap up this episode.

   Honestly, we're making so much progress with this fic that season 2 will be ending probably during the new year and that's it. At least, until season 3 comes out ;)

i love you all, don't be a ghost reader!

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