The Outcasts [Completed ]

By Fluffyunicorn111

2.8K 166 26

What happens when Lacey Hope decides to become friends with the other outcast at school? [Completed ] More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapters 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Author's Note

Chapter 44

10 2 0
By Fluffyunicorn111

2 days later

I knew that Henry was in a gang and that he probably has done illegal stuff but I didn't know that they were all wanted.

"C'mon guys we gotta keep movin!" Rachel yells.

We shuffle out of our hotel rooms and head to the elevator. Henry trails behind our group taking a bit longer than anyone else. Evan does the same. He kinda lingers behind.

"Where are they going?" I ask Liam.

He shrugs, "Don't know. But don't worry about it"

I nod, "How can I not" I mumble.

Paul returns all of our room keys while we all get into different vans. Oliver, Perrie, Paul, Rachel, Henry and I are all in one van while the rest are in another.

I'm pretty scared to ride knowing that we could be raided again. But as my grandmother always said, "Lightning doesn't strike twice"

"Go get Henry" Paul snaps.

I nod and get out of the car in search of Henry. I walk back into the hotel lobby and head straight for the front desk.

"Hi..I'm looking for someone. He's about 6'2 and he has brown hair, greenish eyes, curly locks, he's wearing a flannel and black jeans", I tell the lady at the front desk.

She smiles widely, "Of course miss. I don't think he so. Was he with anyone by chance?"

"Yeah he was with a boy about 5'11..he has light brown hair, done up in a quiff. He's wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt and he's wearing black jeans as well." I smile.

She nods, "Yeah, I saw those two leave the building. Good luck finding them sweetheart"

I smile, "Thank you" She smiles and waves me goodbye as I walk out the doors.

I walk back towards the vans and come up to Paul, "I couldn't find him. I asked the lady at the front desk and she said she saw him and Evan leave but she doesn't know where they went"

He hits the steering wheel which causes the horn to honk, "Fuck!" he yells.

He takes out his phone and dials Evan's number.

"Where are you?!" He yells.
"Come back right now! You don't leave when you both have girlfriends that need you!" He yells before hanging up.

I sigh and get in the van. Where were they trying to run away? Why did Paul say the things he did? I really wanna ask but I'm afraid of asking. It might not go well...

It's 10 AM and Henry and Evan just got back. Evan's hard exterior makes it hard to know if something happened. Henry just looks lost.

"Babe?" I ask as Henry gets in the seat next to me.

He turns his head and furrows his brow, "Did you date when we were broken up?" he asks slowly.

turns and furrows his brow, "Did you date when he were broken up?" He asks slowly.

What? Why would he ask that?

"What are you talking about? It was two years! I dated one guy but our relationship didn't last that long" I say.

"What was his name? What did he look like?" He asks.

"Henry just stop. Is everything okay?" I ask avoiding his questions.

"Please answer" He begs.

"His name was Sam. He was maybe around 5'6 or 5'7. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a scumbag so I dumped him" I explain.

He nods and turns away.

"Henry" I say sternly. He looks at me annoyed, "What?"

"What's wrong? You can't be mad over something that happened a long time ago. I was 18 Henry! It was 6 months after you left me. I decided that I would try and move on" I tell him.

"I moved on almost a year later..." He sighs.

I grab his hand, "Hey I love you. I didn't try to move on because I didn't love you anymore I moved on because I thought that would help me."

He smiles, "I'm not mad at you." I smile, "Good"
"Okay so this is the plan" Paul starts saying as we start to drive. "We will drop you girls at another hotel a couple miles from Maplewood. Me and the boys have to go to a meeting. If we stay out a bit later than expected call Alex."

I nod even though I have no idea who Alex is. "Who's Alex?" I ask Perrie.

"He takes care of us when we need to stay low or will be alone for a long time. He gets weapons and finds us houses. He does alot for us. Without him I don't really think we could survive" She giggles.

"We could survive without Alex!" Paul yells.

"Sure" She mumbles.

Well at least I know that everything will be okay if something happens. I wonder what this Alex guy looks like though. What kind of person is he?

"Okay here we are!" Rachel exclaims clapping her hands.

"Oo look Lace" Perrie says pointing to the hotel.

It really is a nice sight. I really like it! I can't belive we will be staying here. The entrance has big glass doors with gold colored handles. The entire building is very tall with so many windows. It looks like a mansion. I can't imagine how beautiful it looks like at night.

"Have a good time" Henry says as I get out of the car.

"I will. See you later" I smile as I run to catch up with Perrie and Rachel.

We in the entrance and go towards the receptionist desk. I thought it looked good on the outside. But it looks so elegant and fancy on the inside.

"Hi can we get 7 rooms please" Rachel says.

"Of course miss. Do you have a credit card?" The lady smiles.

"Yes" Rachel says handing over her card.

"Great. Okay so what kind of room were you looking for? "She asks.

"Umm just a regualr hotel room is fine" Rachel smiles.

"Well you can upgrade to the residential suite or get the presidential suite. We also have the penthouse'' the woman says typing away on her computer.

"Let's just get the penthouse" Rachel says.

"Great! Here is your room key. Have a nice stay" She says.

After we got into the penthouse and got settled in our rooms we decided to explore the area. Marlee, Payton, Aubree, and Brittany just got here.

"Hurry up!! I wanna leave!!" Perrie whines.

"I'm almost done!" Marlee yells. "Okay I'm done"

"Girls maybe you shouldn't go out.." Rachel says. "It might not be safe" she warns.

"We'll be fine.Just come with us" Aubree says hugging her. "Okay fine" she says giving in.

We had caught a cab into town to check out the stores and cute little boutiques. At the moment we are in this cute store that sells all baby clothes and just everything you need to take care of a baby.

"This is cute" Aubree says pulling out a little pink dress.

"I like that" Marlee says running her fingers over the fabric.

"Are you guys almost done?" Rachel says.

Since we got into town she's been really on edge. She isn't really enjoying her time here because she's afraid something will happen. I personally think that when you live your life in fear you won't enjoy life. All these memories are all you're going to have when you're older.

"Calm down darling! We're almsot done just let Marlee pay" Perrie soothes.

After going to a couple more stores and buying a shit load of stuff we decided we would grab some lunch and then head back to the hotel.

"This place looks really good" Brittany says while looking over a menu.

We head inside and wait till we can get a table. A couple minutes later we are all brought to a booth.

We all order and wait for our food.

"So what's happening with the boys right now?" Marlee says taking a sip of soda.

"Nothing you need to worry about sweetheart" Rachel says.

"C'mon we're all big girls! We can know"Marlee pouts.

"Really girls not here. You should never talk about the boys or their jobs ever in public" She warns.

"Here ya go" The waiter says outting our food on the table. "Is there anything else you need?" he asks.

"No thank you" I say. He says before walking away.

"This is really good. Here Britt try this" Perrie smiles while giving Brittany some of her chicken.

"That's really good" Brittany squeals.

There are so many conversations going on at our table. Perrie and Brittany are talking about some store that they want to go to. Marlee and Aubree are talking about baby names and clothes. Payton and Rachel are talking about how we should go back to the hotel and places they want to visit. I'm just listening to all of the conversations. I'm not really in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment. I feel like just listening and observing.

"Hello ladies" A tall man says bringing everyone out of their conversations.

"Who are you?" Rachel asks calmly.

"I'm one of Alex's friends. Jase is back at the hotel. He's no feeling well je wants Payton to come back" He says cooly.

"Alex would have called us or came by himself. Who are you?" She asks more sternly.

"Listen Rachel, I'm Alex's friend. I'm apart of the gang. Just let me do my job. Come on Payton let's go" He says.

"Good luck Pay" Perrie whispers.

"Be careful sweets" Brittany smiles.

Payton says goodbye to all of us before going with the mysterious man.

"We're not really letting her go by herself right?" I ask.

"Hell no let's go" Rachel says angrily. "Marlee, Brittany go back to the hotel."

"Okay come on Mar'' Brittany says.

Marlee and Brittany caught a cab back to the hotel while the rest of us decided to go catch this guy.

We called Alex and he came by. Je had told us that the guy lied but what we did in the restaurant was stupid but it did save peoples lives. That man could have killed people just to make Payton go.

We have been driving around for maybe an hour until we found this guy. We weren't sure if Payton was safe or not. We ended up at this house.

Alex gets out of the car and goes and knocks on the door.

You would never believe who answered the door...

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