The unscripted scenario

By Eleanora16

101K 3.8K 282

Amaia has joined Jam Republic's team to take part in Street woman Fighter 2, a dance serie involving some of... More

The call
Meeting the Team
First day of filming
No Respect Dancer Battles
The Rookies
Making friends with the ennemy
Different strategies - Part 1
Different strategies - Part 2
True Leaders
Sisterhood - Part 1
Sisterhood - Part 2
Pool Party - Part 1
Pool Party - 2
Do you get déjà vu ?
Alone at Last
Reality Check
Jealousy, Jealousy - Part 1
Jealousy, Jealousy - Part 2
Dancing around
Heart over Brain
Home stretch
Final Countdown
Home run
Lights Out
Morning Bliss
Loud and Clear

Closing the distance

2.9K 124 8
By Eleanora16

Hot make-out session incoming, now you're warned :))))

When Amaia opened the door of the Uber, she felt suddenly hyper aware of the tension that had been building since they got into the car together. She couldn't help but notice the way Bada's gaze had become less discreet, her eyes lingering on her more openly as she took her hand to lead her inside the hotel.

Bada was taken aback as Amaia led her downstairs, and they reached a small studio.

"Remember how we talked about Latin dance?" Amaia had a mischievous smile.

"You mean how I'm absolutely clueless at it, and you're like the best I've ever seen? Hum, hum, I remember that, yes."

Amaia rolled her eyes, "Alright, well, here's your chance to learn from the best."

Bada looked around in surprise, "Wait, like now?"

Amaia grinned, "Yes, unless you're too tired? I remembered you told me you didn't want to be too exposed yet, so I figured our hotel's studio would be cozy enough."

Bada's heart swelled with gratitude for Amaia's thoughtfulness. "Of course, I'm down."

Amaia wasted no time, putting on some music with the AUX cable. She pulled the curtains to hide the view and dimmed the lights. Bada raised an eyebrow, and Amaia raised her hand defensively.

"I'm the teacher! I'm doing things right."

Amaia put on some music to warm up a bit, their bodies automatically following the beats. Bada could not stop smiling, this was the best date idea ever. She locked eyes with Amaia in the mirror and the girl turned to her.

"Alright, I'll teach you a bit of the basic steps on 4 counts, for bachata first, the easiest, and then maybe some tango".

"Ok got it"

Amaia broke down some key steps of bachata, "Ok, so step to the side, mark with hip, step back, mark with your hip again."

Bada followed the instructions, already impressed. So far she was hanging there

Amaia continued, her voice low and encouraging "Alright that's it. Now you must imagine that your body is always flowing, one way or the other, there is no harsh break as we can found in other styles. Now to dance together, you need to find a fixated point on me, like an anchor and imagine we are constantly connected by this point." Amaia's locked eyes with her "For example, if we do this together, you can simply hold my hand. If I add a turn, you can accompany my hand". Amaia said, turning and bringing her hand down to her chest. She never once turned her eyes away. Bada was mesmerized. Amaia then demonstrated some figures:

"You always lean onto the other and move as one, no matter the position". Face to face, Amaia slid to the left, turning gracefully while holding Bada's right hand. She smoothly passed it over her head and rest it on her shoulder, effectively bringing herself against Bada's chest. Their bodies moved in harmony to the rhythm, and Bada was fascinated by how fluid the other girl felt against her.

Yeah, she needed some water. The intensity coming from Amaia was overwhelming, her movements flowing effortlessly. Bada tried to immerse herself in the music but having the girl's back literally stuck to her as she rolled on the beat was simply too distracting. Not that she was complaining, but it did prove to be challenge to keep up with her. Amaia broke the tension stepping away with a bright smile.

"Et voilà!" She curtseyed. "You now have some basics steps and you can even follow me through some figures!"

Bada smiled, genuinely happy to be learning, but still dazed from the moment they shared. Amaia went to put another faster music.

"Ok let's do it for real now". Amaia returned to face her, holding her hands as the music started. From that point on, Bada couldn't really grasp what happened. Amaia moved in a blur, and she seemed to be everywhere at once, yet her green eyes remained fixed on Bada. She turned, swirled, and pushed their bodies together, and Bada's breath caught in her throat. She momentarily lost sense of space as they moved together, their connection growing with each step. She felt Amaia lean backward and instinctively followed her into a dip, a look of pure joy on Amaia's face as Bada held her up. As the music slowed down, Amaia pushed herself back on her feet grinning:

"Bada! That was so good! Is there a style you can't do ?"

Bada blushed, still trying to recover her breath. "Amaia I literally just tried to follow you. You are insanely good. Like really. It's one thing to see you dance, but dancing with you?" Bada really felt like she was discovering whole new sensations dancing. She wondered how the girl did not get disoriented and kept her focus on her partner so well.

Amaia's eyes sparkled with appreciation. "Exhilarating, isn't it? I miss it sometimes, so thank you for being such a great partner tonight." She bowed, showing her gratitude for the dance and for Bada. She truly enjoyed the familiar thrill of her body connecting to someone else's, her steps so intuitively following the beats. Yeah she had missed it.

"You said something about tango" Bada said, ready for any other opportunity to keep the moment going.

"Haha girl, you forgot the "maybe"" Amaia said shaking her head

"No but come on, I want to learn now !"

"Trust me it's going to be a hot mess"


"Tango is much more... physical, let's say. There is a lot of lifts, and jumps, and I have a feeling it's going to be more falls than actual dancing," Amaia explained already imagining the hilarity that was about to unfold.

"Alright, let's do it!"

Amaia chuckled, "Okay, so the basic steps are chasing and following, if I move my leg towards you, you step back..."

"No, I want the falls and the jumps, the funny part!" Bada interrupted, even though she'd be happy with anything really.

Amaia grinned at Bada's enthusiasm. "Alright, let's try a hook." She demonstrated some footwork, hooking her leg onto Bada's hip. "Now you have to lift me and turn me around." 

Amaia lifted her face back up, smirking at Bada's blush "Oh look who's blushing now?"

"It's just the effort"

"Sure thing, now come on! Lift me up"

Bada's face flushed even more with realization as she assessed the only spot she could securely grip Amaia. It was, to say the least, a bit cheeky.

Amaia noticed Bada's hesitation and reassured her, "Go ahead, trust me, it's all part of the dance."

Bada knew how to be professional, but Amaia's leg in this skirt really made it difficult. She nevertheless lifted Amaia, carefully turning her around. The two girls struggled for a moment, their laughter echoing in the room as they attempted the lift. After a few attempts, Bada finally managed to execute the move without dropping Amaia.

"Okay ! Now let's connect it to a dip" Amaia said, looking at Bada: "So from the lift, put me on your shoulders, and I'll fall backwards. Catch me by my left leg, and then let me slide to the floor smoothly. In theory that's how it works" Amaia said, jumping in Bada's arms to be in the right starting position.

Bada caught her easily, and tried to lift her onto her shoulder but as Amaia leaned back, Bada's arms wavered, and Amaia felt to her side. They both burst into laughter.

"Maybe I should wear a helmet for this one."

"Or maybe I need better arm strength."

They tried again, and this time, Bada managed to support Amaia as she dipped backward, but it was far from graceful, Amaia's legs kicking in the air.

Multiples attempts resulted in tangled limbs, near falls, and almost tears of laughter. At one point, Amaia tried a spin and ended up bumping into a nearby chair, sending it skidding across the room. The girls' abs were hurting from laughing so much, and Amaia was simply enjoying the moment. If the tango was questionably mastered, at least all feeling of awkwardness from their physical proximity seemed to have disappeared, so she considered the date a win.

After several more attempts, Amaia said, "I think we should just put on some music and see what we can manage"

"Alright fine with me"

Amaia put on some music, much slower than the previous one, and led Bada to the middle of the room.

"Okay, here we go." Bada watched Amaia's face focus once more, eyes closing to match the music. Honestly, she simply had a front-row seat to her performance, as the girl began to twirl her legs. Somehow, Bada managed switching from the hook, lifting the girl onto her shoulder, and lowering her smoothly from her back. Resisting the urge to interrupt the dance to applaud their success, Bada let Amaia lead the rest of the dance. She freestyled a little, before coming back to her full force. Bada wondered how she knew exactly where to position herself, her eyes still closed. Forehead to forehead, they danced for a few more moments, before Amaia opened her eyes and hooked her leg around Bada to finish. Bada grabbed her leg with one hand and leaned over, filling the little space that remained between them, kissing her hungrily.

Amaia let out a small yelp of surprise, before melting against the taller girl. They didn't move from their position, simply lost in each other. Amaia felt almost even more intoxicated, as Bada continued her kisses, her hand against the back of her neck keeping her from falling backwards. She tightened her embrace on Bada's waist with her leg, bringing them even closer together if possible and wrapped her arms around her neck, deepening her kiss.

It could have been 30 seconds or 20 minutes, Amaia didn't know. As she barely broke away to breathe, she jumped up, this time hooking both legs around Bada, whose hands automatically landed on her ass to carry her against the closest wall. As Amaia's back touched the wall, she managed to say.

"I didn't think you'd resist this long, I must admit".

"I almost gave up the first second I saw you in that skirt"


And Bada's lips were on hers again. Amaia didn't really know where she was anymore, breathless and totally at the mercy of the other. She shivered when she felt a hand on her belly, gently tracing movements without going up. She felt very much exposed as Bada, standing, pressed her waist against her. She could feel that the desire they felt had escalated, and that the restraint shown during the dance earlier had totally crumbled.

As for Bada, she was lost in her sensations. She had never felt such osmosis with anyone, and the tension between them had become unbearable. She couldn't go on laughing forever to try and keep her grip on the moment, so she had finally allowed herself to feel the full intensity of the moment. Amaia smelled a mixture of amber and vanilla, and Bada could not stop kissing her, almost glued to the other. She began to leave a trail of kisses from her lips, down her neck and into her chest. Amaia bit her lip, her head touching the wall as she tried to hold back her sighs.

Bada could feel the other's breathing racing and preferred to stop for a moment to make sure she wasn't going too far and making her feel uncomfortable.

"Is everything all right?" she asked, returning to the level of her face with a grin.

"I'll warn you if you stop..." threatened Amaia, sounding furious that the other had interrupted. Bada snorted "Just checking" and returned to her kisses.

However, Amaia took advantage of the momentary pause.

"Hold on let me go or I'll end up leaving a trace in the wall".

"Oops, my bad" Bada released her legs gently. Amaia almost dropped, her legs tingling, and leaned on Bada, who seemed to be taking advantage of a moment of lucidity to let them breathe.

" had that planned all along ?"

"Come on! I can't let you be the mastermind all the time"

"I had to admit, best surprise ever" Bada said closing the gap between them once more.

As they kissed again, Amaia had regain some consciousness and hushed Bada suddenly.

Bada looked at her inquisitively, but didn't say a word.

A knock was heard on the door.

Amaia's eyes went wide, but Bada broke into a big smile, drawing her back to the wall of the door. Amaia looked at her as if to say What the fuck are you doing? but Bada encouraged her with a shake of the head to answer.

"Yes?" Amaia's voice was hoarse, her mouth dry.

"Amaia? We thought you were here! Are you rehearsing?" It was Audrey. Amaia bit her lip as Bada began to kiss her dangerously low on the chest.

"humm yes yes I, I'm stretching" Amaia was about to kill Bada

"Can I come in?"

" I'm almost done I'll change and go back up to the bedroom don't worry" Amaia bit her fist to stop herself from making a suspicious sound as Bada stayed on her neck long enough to give her a hickey.

"Well ok see you in the bedroom then"

Amaia managed to reply a strangled "See ya!" before pushing Bada away.

She was laughing out loud, obviously very proud of herself.

Are you mad!" She quickly turned to a mirror to see the look on her neck.

"Don't worry, I didn't leave a trace."

"Well, maybe not, but if I see Audrey in 5 minutes, the redness won't have disappeared."

"Oops, sorry?" Bada couldn't tell if the other was messing with her or if she was really angry.

"You're a lost cause" Amaia shook her head " And you've got to stop pinning me to the wall every chance you get" Bada blushed guiltily.

"What do you want? I can't help it!

"Yes, yes, I saw that. Anyway, now I don't think I have any choice but to go back upstairs, otherwise Audrey will wonder what the hell I'm doing."

"Worst case she comes back, no?"

"Yes, with Kirsten, who'll have realized in 30 seconds what's going on. Maybe less"

Bada swallows audibly at the mention of Kirsten."That's what I thought, now out you go, be discreet!

" We're keeping it a secret then? "

"Until the end of the competition at least, to stay focused on winning as we said?"

"Okay, you're right, you're right, but I can't wait the end of the show then"

Amaia's heart skipped a beat. Was Bada implying what she thought she was implying ? Bada, oblivious to her inner thoughts, put her shoes back on, and prepared to leave. "Come here."

They embraced in a final hug, and Bada kissed Amaia one last time before slipping away, leaving the other giddy, lips still.


Thoughtsssss??? I think for the rest of the story I'll jump to the final 4 of swf, so I have around 10 chapters to finish the story. 

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