Oranges; Sinbad x Reader

By Higashikata_Heika

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"If love was a fruit, it would be an orange. A circle of sections are held together, but are separate - makin... More

-+- Author's Page -+-
The First Voyage
The Second Voyage
The Third Voyage
The Fourth Voyage
The Fifth Voyage
The Sixth Voyage
The Seventh Voyage
The Eighth Voyage
The Nineth Voyage
The Tenth Voyage
The Eleventh Voyage
The Twelfth Voyage
The Thirteenth Voyage
The Fourteenth Voyage
The Fifteenth Voyage
The Sixteenth Voyage
The Seventeenth Voyage
The Eighteenth Voyage
The Nineteenth Voyage
The Twentieth Voyage
The Twenty-First Voyage
The Twenty-Second Voyage
The Twenty-Third Voyage
The Twenty-Fourth Voyage
The Twenty-Fifth Voyage
The Twenty-Sixth Voyage
The Twenty-Seventh Voyage
The Twenty-Eighth Voyage
The Thirtieth Voyage

The Twenty-Nineth Voyage

265 17 2
By Higashikata_Heika

"For Solomon's sake, that idiot didn't go into details, did he?" It had been a few days since I agreed to join Sinbad in the Seven Seas Alliance as his Nineth General. However, I wasn't told of anything else. "Why does he have to make everything so complicated? Your knighting is in three days."

"What?! Then why didn't he tell me sooner?!!" Ja'far stared up to the ceiling in thought, sighing to himself.

"I have no idea what goes through his head sometimes..." He grumbled, still lost in his head, "I guess there is really only one thing that is due to your attention. You know how to dance. Manners are all taken care of. You'll run through the entire knighting the day of, so no problems there. The only thing is..."

"What is it?"

"I'm sure you know that it is common curtesy that a woman be escorted by a man to this sort of event, regardless of status." That thought had completely slipped my mind. Amadio was always there to escort me to these sorts of things, so I never had a problem with 'finding a date.' Huffing in defeat, I accepted my fate.

"So, you're saying that I only have three days to find an attendant that will go with me... That's fine." I sighed, feeling a something drop into my stomach. Anxieties took the reigns as I mentally panicked. Ja'far noticed but didn't dare bring it up.

"You know..." He started, catching my attention, "... something tells me that Sinbad would be more than happy to escort you if you were to ask him. However, I understand that you believe it is the man's job to initiate, am I correct?" A faint hue painted over my cheeks, as I nodded in affirmation, "Give him two days. If he doesn't ask, then I'm more than positive that one of the Generals will go."

"What about you Ja'far? Do you have someone to go with? If not, we could go together." I queried, as he gifted me a kind smile.

"I'm flattered that you would even think of going with me, (Y/N), and I would say yes; however, I must watch over my- well, our King during the duration of the night." He denied. I've never had to deal with this problem before, so this was going to be tough. Excusing myself, I got to thinking.

'Would Sinbad even want to ask me?' Conveniently, a small group of beautiful women passed me by, sparking my anxieties even more, 'I doubt it... Why do I feel so sad about it though... I shouldn't feel this way, so why?' A moment, 'There probably isn't a reason. I'll do as Ja'far asked and wait to ask someone till the last day.' I waited two whole days and there wasn't even a peep. In fact, I waited until noon. Nothing. My first target was Spartos. I blushed from just thinking about going with him, however...

"Sorry (Y/N). I can't take you..." The red-head spoke sadly, as his eyes trailed the floor. Before I could even think about asking him why, he answered, "I already promised Pisti that I would escort her." Looking to the floor myself, I felt like the world was collapsing. Well, maybe not that extreme, but I did feel a large sense of urgency, "Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your-"

"It's alright Spartos. I wouldn't want to get in the way of your plans. Besides, we can still talk and all of that there, right? But you do have to promise me a dance, alright?" He nodded happily, with a sweet hum to follow, "On that note, do you know who doesn't have a date yet?" I queried.

"I know Lord Sinbad doesn't-"

"Anyone else? Anyone except Sinbad??" I urged, baffling the red-headed knight for a moment, before everything went back normal.

"Let's see..." Spartos thought out loud, "Sharrkan is going with Yamraiha, since they apparently panicked about finding someone to arrive with. Drakon is arriving with his wife. Ja'far is supervising. Masrur is taken. Hinahoho doesn't have anyone to go with, though... it might be a lost cause. He prefers to attend with one of his daughters or go alone entirely." Thinking about it a moment, I felt determination fill my veins. Taking the Prince's hands, I gave him a large grin.

"Thank you, Spartos. I really appreciate you helping me." Running off, Spartos was left feeling incredibly flustered. Luckily, no one was there to make fun of his flushed expression. Running through the hallways, I finally came upon a distant Hinahoho. Ducking behind a pillar, I attempted to gain some courage. 'You can do this...' I thought, before I went to approach him; however, when I started to walk, I bumped into something hard. "Oh, sorry Hinahoho! I didn't see you there!"

"That would be a first!!" The Imuchakk chuckled, helping me off the floor.

"Hinahoho, I have a favor to ask you. I know it is a little embarrassing, and you're free to say no... but I would be honored if you would attend the ceremony with me." Mentally congratulating myself for managing to say something, I didn't notice the sudden blur of green and cream that was Ja'far duck behind a pillar to listen in.

"Of course, it would be an honor, but you don't mind that I'm a little big?" Hinahoho questioned, casting his eyes to the floor.

"Nonsense! I cannot comprehend why you're considered 'too big!' You should just have fun, after all, that's what stuff like this is for." My assertion made the blue haired Imuchakk pause for a moment. I didn't care what everyone thought about this ceremony. At least in the moment. If I could have went by myself then I would have, but my new mission was to give Hinahoho a nice night. No matter the circumstances. The male smiled tenderly, before crouching down to my level.

"My wife used to say that to me before we would attend some of Sinbad's events." He spoke, specks of melancholy in his tone. Speaking a quick apology, he shook his head with a smirk on his face. "Don't apologize, little Princess. You've reminded me of a happier time." It was gone as long as it was there before he stood tall. "I'll gladly walk you out tonight once you're ready."

"Thank you, Hinahoho! I really appreciate it!" Taking his large hand in mine, I pat it softly, before running off. Not a very classy move, but I was just happy that I had a date.

Back in Feanel, I would often preform knightings and such for my sister. Feanel didn't need a military, however, it was better to be prepared for the unexpected. Most would think that my dress was a normal one, however, to showcase power and authority, my ceremonial dress wasn't much of one.

On the top of my head was a golden filled, elven, circlet with a peridot center. Below my head was golden, shoulder accented armor with (F/C) chiffon sleeves underneath. Golden low baring necklace brought together the two shoulder pads with a peridot in the middle. A sweetheart, golden, chest plate with fine detailing covered my boson, as well as a (F/C), fabric corset underneath. Below which were a darker, frilled shorts. Golden, hip detailed armor with golden bangle across the front covered over a (F/C), front asymmetrical, open faced, mid-calf skirt with gold detailing. A vertical, detailed tapestry, which reached below the knees, rested over my shorts. Dark stockings reached up to my thighs, along with knee high pleaded golden boots. And dark elbow high arm sleeves were worn with golden, elbow high, gauntlets.

I always loved this outfit, considering that I designed it myself. However, something in me felt... oddly anxious. I was becoming one of Sinbad's Generals, so I had to play the part. 'Is this too inappropriate? Should I change into something plainer?' I thought, before taking the circlet off my head. 'Maybe I shouldn't wear this... Out of respect for the King, of course.' Placing the metal down, I continued to play with my hair before a knock resonated from my door. "C-Come in!" I spoke, before the blue haired giant opened the door quietly.

"Are you ready?" Nodding, I took his arm, before he lead me into the lit, yet empty hallway, "You look amazing, little Princess." He complimented, staring down at me.

"Thank you, Hinahoho. And you look very handsome!" Smiling up at him, we continued to move until we reached a closed door. "Is it behind this door?" I questioned, as he nodded.

"Ja'far will tell you when to come through. I'll be waiting for you out there." Then he disappeared behind the mahogany. The wait was only a couple minutes, but it felt like forever, as I paced back and forth. To and fro. Seeing Ja'far open the door, he gave me a quick nod, before I entered the ball room. The doors were open, as all eyes were stationed on my entry. In this moment of odd silence, Sinbad opted to speak.

"Sindrians, fellow allies, and honored guests... we have gathered today to welcome my Nineth General and Sindria's newest ally, The Kingdom of Feanel. We shall welcome her as she joins me on my quest to bring peace to not just the good people of our allies, but to all the world. Princess (Y/N) (L/N). Please approach." Taking nervous steps toward him, I started to copy the practice Ja'far spent so much time teaching me. Gracefully falling to my knees, I placed my fist into my palm, before gazing at the floor in great respect. "Princess (Y/N), state the following after me. 'I, (Y/N), do solemnly swear to serve, protect, and maintain Sindria, as well as our allies.'" Speaking the same as he spoke, he took out his sword, before tapping both my shoulders, "'And, in grace for Solomon, I shall serve for peace. Within and out of the Seven Seas Alliance.'" Repeating his words, the purple-haired sailor smiled brightly, before putting away his weapon. Something was placed on my shoulders tenderly, before I opened my eyes to find a robe similar to the other Generals, "In the name of Sindria, I welcome you, Princess (Y/N) of Feanel, into the Seven Seas Alliance." Turning to the crowd, he spoke, "Eat, drink, and celebrate!"

Slipping my arms through the robes, I felt a great sense of accomplishment, before a large hand was placed on my back. "You did well, little Princess! Ja'far must have crammed all that fancy stuff into your head, yeah?!" Smirking at Hinahoho, I nodded, feeling all sorts of emotions; however, thinking about stuff like that wouldn't do me any good. "Ready for your first dance as a General, little Princess?!" Nodding excitedly, he lead me down the marble stairs before the music started. Sinbad sulked on the top balcony, in utter silence.

"What's wrong now?" Ja'far queried, watching a grown man tear-up. The King didn't answer, instead he watched me dance with the Imuchakk. "Oh~ I see. You're jealous that she didn't ask you to dance. You know better than anyone that you dance with your escort first, no matter the circumstances."

"Why didn't she ask me to go with her...?" Sinbad muttered.

"She waited for you to ask her, but it appears that you chickened out. (Y/N) was so considerate, that she waited until this afternoon to request Hinahoho. And even then... she asked him, breaking the protocol of a lady. So don't even think about blaming your own nerves on her. Knowing how precarious you are, I know exactly why she didn't bother asking if you were taken." In the back, Sinbad's harem sat on his throne, cooing him over sweetly. 'How can someone like him be this lovesick?' The blond wondered, watching the spectacle in the middle of the dance floor.

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