Scaramouche x Reader [Oneshot...

By KazuKazuyas

454K 6.8K 38.9K

This is a collection of Scaramouche x Reader oneshots!! ❗️I'm NOT accepting any requests at the moment!! Thou... More

Welcome + Warning
The Heat From Last Night (NSFW)
A Well Kept Secret (NSFW)
The Heat Continued Into The Morning (NSFW)
NSFW Alphabet (PART I)
NSFW Alphabet (PART II)
NSFW Alphabet (PART III)
NSFW Alphabet (PART IV)
NSFW Alphabet (PART V)

Fortune Favours the Wicked

4.9K 153 108
By KazuKazuyas

Scaramouche x Soothsayer!Reader

[1st person POV]

The sound of home is distant in my head. It seems reachable, yet the ringing in my ears obscures the thought process of me trying to recreate those memories. I can no longer see the busy streets. I can't smell the food from the street vendors.

Even the Opera songs my dear companion would sing are no longer comprehensible. I'm like an empty shell. A void of all things that made me into who I am - who I was.

But this numbness is proof that I'm still alive. Ironically, I've grown to be grateful for feeling this everlasting despair.

It's the one thing the Fatui can't take away from me. No matter how many times that wicked Harbinger would come up to my holding cell and seek out my company - this feeling of dread is the one thing that reminds me that I'm still human.

He comes up in the middle of the night, with water and food and the little trinkets from my nation that I requested for. Always the same routine, never more and never less. It's been so frequent that I learned to differentiate between when he lies and when he lets slip of the truth.

"Here are the Noctilucous Jades you asked for..." The Harbinger sets the stones down on my desk. When he noticed I hadn't responded to his presence, he turned my direction briefly before speaking with a firmer voice. "It took a lot of bribing and smuggling to get these past the border."

"I know," I replied, a little too carefree than intended. It couldn't be helped though, I was too busy admiring the rich, blue gleam of the Jades. Then, I noticed something extra in his hands.

The sight of blue flower petals instantly grabbed my attention. I watched as he silently replaced the wilted Silk Flowers with freshly picked Glaze Lilies. My favourite.

The first time he did this, he brought me Violetgrass when he saw how depressed I'd gotten in my cell. When he saw my indifference to them, he brought back Qingxin next. The smell of Qingxin brought me back to my home in the mountains, and I bawled in front of him like a child. Immediately, the next night, he appeared with Silk Flowers and studied my mixed reaction. I tolerated them better than the others. It was only a matter of time before he realized I stopped watering the flowers. He must have caught on by now that only flora from the city brought me comfort.

And his observation was right. I could never get tired of seeing Glaze Lilies. Witnessing them bloom is nothing short of a miracle. Oh, how it reminded me of the city...

I can imagine it was a bit of a challenge to bring flowers all the way from Liyue to this closed-off nation.

"I'm very grateful for your efforts, Lord Scaramouche..."

"Then you know what's next, Soothsayer." His sudden appearance beside my bed was enough to make my heart nearly jump. "I need you now."

I could never get used to seeing him eye to eye, that indigo colour pierced through me, unlike anything I'd seen before. His dark attire almost made him blend in with the darkness. And that looming hat of his, it was as if it were tailored by the Archons to shield anyone who came in contact with him.

Before I knew it, I was pulled to my feet and dragged behind Scaramouche with a firm grip on my wrist. He brought me to the space of the room where my divination supplies were laid out neatly on top of my table. Sometimes I forget that I'm one of the Fatui's captives, which I understand is totally unacceptable.

But it's different. I'm sure that if I had to explain it to an outsider I would surely receive harsh glares and recommendations to be sent to a psych ward. But it's different, I would like to highlight. It's way different than what I expected in the beginning.

Obviously, being forcibly taken from my home is something I cry about every night. I miss the performances darling Yunjin would put on while I tended to the other half of the crowd who needed their fortune read. Yunjin and I were a team, a duo - before I was taken captive by this Harbinger.

I should have known the moment he approached my booth. The moment he gave me his hands. The moment I read his fortune. The moment he smiled at my horrified expression - I should have known.

But it dawned on me too late, when the Fatui already broke down my door and swept me away. Scaramouche's satisfaction was so obvious in the cold blues of his eyes. I only stopped fighting back when I was stowed away on a ship heading to Archon knows where.

I lost count of how many days I've been away from home. Those first few days were the roughest, not only was I on a hunger strike but also because I was actively refusing to even acknowledge the Harbinger's existence.

Every time he came down to the cellar part of the ship, my prison, he would always try to coax me out of hiding. Luring me with his fake promises. Inching close enough so he could wrap a finger around my hair to feel every strand. Even after all that, I remained frozen and still.

But Scaramouche always loved a challenge. He found my silent protest to be quite entertaining; finding humour in trying to feed me something only to turn the spoon back into his mouth the moment the food touched my lips. Or that one time when he laid an array of beautiful dresses in front of me when my clothes were getting filthy, half-serious half-joking about taking a bath together.

Those early days of my captivity were on a ship. All that I've said was just a brief snippet of the teasing Scaramouche is capable of. I would be lying if I said I didn't get flustered by them. I'm not used to getting all this attention - more specifically, all this attention from one man. Let alone a Fatui Harbinger with questionable connections and an even questionable mission.

"Are we missing something here?"

I was brought back to the present moment when Scaramouche placed a hand on the side of my waist to guide me with him, bringing my attention to the items laid out on the table. His touch was cold yet gentle. I tried to ignore the increased beating of my heart.

"Are we missing something?" Scaramouche repeated, clearly getting irritated. "I would expect that you have all your supplies because of all the things I get for you."

"No, we're not missing anything..." I managed to mutter, his face closing in on mine. "Please, sit with me, Lord Scaramouche. I would be honoured to read your fortune..."

He didn't have to be told twice and I'm sure that he already knows my routine by now. Lighting the incense, adjusting the crystals, and organizing the little trinkets for the reading - he's behaving like a schoolboy getting ready to learn for class. Scaramouche even held his palms out, his hands moving impatiently for me to come to him.

I made my way across from him and took his hands, as I've done for countless nights now. His grip around me is firm yet the slightest bit of restraint can be felt. It's because, at this time, he is hanging on every single word I speak. The slight twitch of his eyebrow confirms it.

"What ails you, Harbinger?" I asked and he stiffened from the question. Without reading his mind, it is obvious that he is bothered by something. "There's this sense of urgency in the air. Has your operation run aground?"

His lips formed into the first syllable of my name, he's breathless already, impatient, "You know what's wrong, just give me the solution. The more accurate you are, the more you should expect something nice from me."

There's no point in trying to play coy with him, Scaramouche is quite the expert in sensing deception so much so that he might be the embodiment of it. Again, I focused deeply on his weary expression, the slight pout of his lips. The curl of his lashes. The vastness of his eyes.

In them, I see everything.

"You're scared..." I muttered, he was caught between a scowl and a frown. "Ah, that's it."

"Your gift doesn't grant you immunity to make such a statement toward me. Know your place."

Though he can sense deception, he's not safe from taunts.

"Apologies... Ahem... You're scared, my Lord Scaramouche." There was a slight flare of his nose and I couldn't help but sustain a grin for only a millisecond.

"Perhaps I give too much credit for your talents than I should," Scaramouche fired back with the same tone, leaning his face closer to mine. "Tell me, Soothsayer, what do you predict I'll do to you if you fail to give me a proper reading?"

I challenged him, leaning close enough to whisper almost along his lips, "You'll take my flowers."

His jaw tensed and his eyes broke away from mine, a scoff twisted with a laugh resounded from him. That was enough evidence that I won our little clash. I didn't mind basking in that victory for only a few seconds, Scaramouche was back to his usual haughty expression.

He donned a satisfied smile, "You live up to your title. I have thought about it, but I'm sure you wouldn't be able to let me go after that... and both of us wouldn't get any work done."

Just when I thought I'd won... I hated that my skin felt warm and then immediately scorching hot after Scaramouche found entertainment in my flushed face. I can't even imagine what my expression looks like. I don't even wanna know. So I do what I do best, completely ignoring that that just happened.

"A... As I've said countless times before, Lord Scaramouche... Your prophecy has not changed. I've looked every time you requested me to and I've only found the same thing. If you continue down this dark path, you will be defeated by a hero who hails from the stars..."

"[Y/N]," He says my name with such ease. "It's been months since you've first told me that exact line and you're not concerned this reading hasn't been fulfilled yet? I do love a woman who has faith in herself, but this might be all wishful thinking."

"I will read your fortune, Lord Scaramouche, but do not be surprised when I repeat my words like a broken record."

"I give you permission to look into my future... and tell me again how I await victory."

Again, that satisfied smirk on his face was enough to drive me to prove him wrong. No matter how many times I need to read his cursed fortune, I would do it for eternity if it meant seeing his uneasy expression once more.

It's always a little hard to concentrate on the energy in the air since this Harbinger was indeed a little too eager to hear the same prophecy over and over. I draw in on his future and behind my closed eyes I see those twin stars again.

"I see... I see..." My voice thins out.

A young man with a soft flowing braid contrasted by the sharp sword in his grasp. This hero from the stars, purging all evil. Searching. Scavenging. Succeeding. A saviour, my saviour... but I don't speak of it to Scaramouche.

"If you continue down this dark path, you will be defeated by a hero who hails from the stars..."

Smoke streaming from the lit incense moved across the air to shape the falling stars envisioned in my mind's eye. Scaramouche only watched me through the smoke and grinned crookedly at my annoyed expression.

"The longer you deny the prophecy, the more painful it will be when the time comes..."

Scaramouche caressed my hands softly, "You don't believe that the Traveller is the hero in your reading, right? I believe you're smarter than that. You know he's still stuck in Liyue, so don't get your hopes up."

"You're wrong," I fired back. "He is here. That's why you're scared..."

Scaramouche only raised his eyebrows sneeringly.

"You're scared because..." I gasped the moment I peered into his thoughts. "That blond Traveller has discovered the factory after all..."

"You almost sound happy," Scaramouche's spiteful remark made me cautious of my next words. "If you think that he's here to rescue you, I'm sorry to tell you that you're wrong. The Traveller has no idea of your precise whereabouts and I'm not too keen on letting you go just yet."

He pulled me more toward him (I'm almost bent over the table at this point), which is a habit of his when he sees me concentrating. He tilted his head slightly and studied my upcoming expressions.

"What do you see, Soothsayer...?"

"The Traveller..." I whisper, staring aimlessly at the shifting smoke.

"Who knew the Traveller was quite bothersome."

"A boat... From my nation... Three other companions... He's coming...!" There was an uncontrolled trembling of my hands to which Scaramouche grips me tighter, ultimately getting me under control. "The hero from the stars...!"

"Talk to me... Where is he?"

"Oh, Aether... he's looking for me...! Right now!"

"Get a hold of yourself, Soothsayer!

"The Inazuman Civil War...! The Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island...! The Army general...! Oh my Archon... Yunjin...?!"

"Focus, [Y/N]! Where is he?"

One hand broke free from the Harbinger's hold as I pointed out the balcony window, my arm shaking from the intensity, "There!"

Just as quickly, Scaramouche released me and shoved me to the floor to take cover. I landed on my side and watched as he swiftly unsheathed a dagger from under his sleeve - how the metal gleamed so coldly in his grasp.

He stalked toward the balcony, the swaying of his hat made his silhouette look quite scary. I saw the killer look in Scaramouche's eyes, I'm afraid that I've gotten used to it. There was a chill down my spine, the knife in his hand was eager to cut through anyone in its way as he pulled back the sliding door.

Scaramouche raised the weapon and I squeezed my eyes shut after hearing the blade stab into something. Something wooden. Something that sounded like splinters being torn up. I was too fearful to open my eyes, I might have hallucinated that Scaramouche hit the wooden wall when in reality he might have stabbed the Traveller instead.

After hearing a frustrated sigh, I slowly opened my eyes.

And my heart just about detonated.

Exploding into a million pieces.

Scaramouche stormed toward me and shoved away the table I was hiding behind. The furniture slid to a stop after hitting the wall, knocking the trinkets and incense to the floor with a soft thud. His chest heaved as he angrily pinned me on my back to grab me by the jaw, forcing me to stay still as he closed in on my face. I'm practically bending to his will now as he kneeled over me.

I was caught between gasping and letting out a quiet whimper, I'm certain I looked petrified as if I was in front of a murderous monster. Then it clicked in my mind that a Fatui Harbinger is not that far off from that sort of creature.

"You've had your fun, my lying Soothsayer." His cynical laugh was something that made my heart shrivel. "Did you enjoy watching me act like a fool in front of you?"

I fumbled with my words, "My Lord Scaramouche, I'm telling the truth...!"

"I've been kind enough to give you the benefit of the doubt. The other Harbingers call you a fraud but I see potential in you." He closed in on my ear, whispering angrily. "Don't disappoint me again."

"But it's true...! I saw it..." To my surprise, Scaramouche let me sit upright. However, he still had a firm grip on my chin as if he enjoyed watching my brief meltdown firsthand. "I swear to my Archon."

"Indulge me in your delusions, [Y/N]." He says my name so sweetly.

"The Traveller is coming to rescue me... to get me away from you...!"

"I'm not letting someone like the Traveller take you away from me... Nor am I letting our mission be ruined by the Watatsumi Army." Scaramouche's overdone calm tone was proof of his panic, he still tried to remain aloof. "I'm afraid that your little fortune-telling stunt almost had me convinced."

"I'm telling you the truth, my Lord Scaramouche. His search for the Delusion factory succeeds tonight. The Traveller is looking for us as we speak."

"That's impossible and you know it...!"

"It's not impossible and he knows it."


"Harbinger Scaramouche!" A frantic Fatui soldier ran up the stairs and almost fell to his knees out of exhaustion. "That Traveller... and his party... We spotted him around the area! They seem to be searching for the factory!"

With that, he finally let go of my face and stood there baffled by this sudden development. It seemed like the Harbinger was torn between me and the situation unfolding on the ground level below us. The way his eyebrow twitched told me everything I needed to know from his racing thoughts.

He's spooked.

I couldn't help but smile bitterly. Finally.

"Find the Traveller and bring him to me!"

"Yes, sir!"

"And get me Lieutenant Nathan - now!"

"Right away, sir!"

The Fatui soldier was almost frantic enough to tumble down the stairs as he ran away, seemingly to get one of his comrades. My attention was drawn back to Scaramouche, who was now pacing impatiently around my cluttered room.

I noticed the knife sticking out of the wooden railing on the balcony and had an awful thought come to mind. I know that Scaramouche has a handful of throwing knives hidden within the sleeves of his robe, he made sure I knew of them when I was first brought to my cell. He must have forgotten about that knife he stabbed in the wood.

"This can't be happening!" A sharp hiss resounded from him.

"Your fate remains the same, Harbinger," I called out. "You can call me a liar all you want but my readings are always reflections of the truth. If you continue down this dark path, you will be defeated by a hero who hails from the stars..."

Scaramouche's vengeful expression seemed to have boiled over and simmered down as he paused his pacing to glower at me. Even though he stood over me while I remained sitting on the floor, I stared back at him with the strongest glare I could manage.

By the crazed gleam in his eye, he seemed to have accepted a challenge that he pulled out of thin air - unfortunately, I knew what kind of challenge it was.

"Then I will kill the Traveller and prove you wrong." He said with a smile.

I was back to frowning.

It didn't take long for Lieutenant Nathan to come marching up the stairs. He saluted the Harbinger and acknowledged my presence right after. I didn't even look at the soldier, all I could do was watch Scaramouche fix the vase of Glaze Lilies on my desk.

"Lieutenant Nathan, gather more agents to prepare the factory for a potential incursion by the Traveller and his teammates. Also, expect some high-profile individuals from the Watatsumi Army and make sure to welcome them."

"As you wish, sir."

"And I want you to assign someone to keep a close eye on my Soothsayer. If she gets captured, I'll pray to the Archons that I don't start a war." Scaramouche turned to me. "And you know I don't pray."

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!!

SO YEA THIS IS LIKE THE KUNG FU PANDA 2 PLOT OMG I'M EMBARRASSED DON'T LOOK AT ME (y'all this is like if Lord Shen and his Soothsayer didn't hate each other and had an enemies to lovers moment which is so funny I'm so pathetic :skull:)

Is this the start of something exciting? Or maybe it's a oneshot that you can continue with your imagination? Who knows really? :3

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