My One Piece (Book I)

Por Lord_Roronoa

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Monkey D Luffy... A Cheerful, Carefree Young Man from East Blue wearing a Straw Hat set sail on a Small Boat... Más

Author Note (I).
Chapter-1 The Execution.
Chapter-2 The King Of The Pirates
Chapter-3 The Pirate Hunter.
Chapter-4 To The Marine Base.
Chapter-5 Punishment for 7 days.
Chapter-6 My First Mate..?
Chapter-7 A Thief, A Pirate Hunter & A Prisoner.
Chapter-8 The Clown.
Chapter-9 A Mysterious Woman
Chapter-10 Orange Town.
Chapter-11 The Buggy Pirates - I.
Chapter-12 The Buggy Pirates - II.
Chapter-13 Captain vs Captain / Swordsman vs Swordsman.
Chapter-14 A Sling Shooter.
Chapter-15 The Merry
Chapter-16 The Black Cat Pirates.
Chapter-17 The Going Merry.
Chapter-18 Dracula Mihawk Hawkeye.
Chapter-19 The All Blue.
Chapter-20 A Promise.
Chapter-21 Battle OF The Swordsman.
Chapter-22 Between Life and Death.
Chapter-23 Arlong Pirates.
Chapter-24 Arlong vs Luffy.
Chapter-25 Going After Our Navigator.
Chapter-26 Nami's true face.
Chapter-27 Luffy, Help Me..!
Chapter-28 The Two Wings vs Two Gills.
Chapter-29 Fight or Die Trying.
Chapter-30 Arlong Park Fall.
Chapter-31 The New Beginning.
Auther-Note (II).
Chapter-32 The Loguetown.
Chapter-33 Zoro vs Baroque Works.
Chapter-34 Zoro vs Luffy.
Chapter-35 Is She Good Or Bad..?
Chapter-36 I'm Sorry, Zoro..!
Chapter-37 Wax Statue.
Chapter-38 Nami's gonna die.
Chapter-39 Return Of The Evil King.
Chapter-40 He is My Big Brother...
Chapter-41 You Must Survive, Vivi..!
Chapter-42 Let Me Join You.
Chapter-44 Partners..?
Chapter-45 Nearly Dead.
Chapter-46 It's Getting Worse
Chapter-47 Worried about a Friend.
Chapter-48 Sanji vs Zoro.
Chapter-49 The Spirits.
Chapter-50 The Shadows.
Chapter-51 Sacrifice for My Captain.
Chapter-52 Death and Alive.
Chapter-53 Zoro (And/VS) Nami.
Chapter-54 A Massacre.
Chapter - 55 The Awakening...
Chapter-56 The End..?

Chapter-43 Zoro and Robin..?

190 4 7
Por Lord_Roronoa


"Luffy..! Let me join your crew.." Robin says with a smile,

"WHAAAAAAT...!" Luffy, Nami, Ussop and Chopper screamed in shock, Sanji dance with hearts in his eyes and Zoro just glare at Robin with a confused look,

Robin have no business with Luffy and she certainly have no point in joining The Straw Hats.. so why she decides to join is what's on everyone's mind.


After defeating Crocodile,
Luffy fell unconscious because of the poison from Crocodile's hook.
Cobra tried everything he can but he can seduce the poison.
Suddenly Robin throw an antidote for the poison towards Cobra saying it will cure Luffy. Cobra looked at Robin with a confused look while Robin sat there bleeding from her stomach.

"Earlier, you told Crocodile that The Poneglyph only contain the history of Alabasta when we both know it have the location of The Pluton..
Why did you lie..?" Cobra ask with a confused stare,

"So you know, huh..? How cruel..
It makes no difference to me if Crocodile take over Alabasta or die...
I have decided from the start not to give Crocodile The Ancient Weapon." Robin says closing her eyes,

"Then why did you come here..?" Cobra with a confused look,

"I don't really know anymore,
Chasing a dream i suppose...
The Last Remaining Poneglyph that still carries the true history of The Void Century..
For 20 years i searched and this is the only better lead i got..
And i still haven't found it.
All i wanted is to uncover the true history and share it with the world.
I guess this is the end of the road for me, I'm tired of running.
It's finally over." Robin says with a sigh slowly passing out,

The building started collapsing more
While Cobra, Luffy and Robin still remain inside.
The Antidote Robin gave worked on Luffy as he got up and walked towards Robin and picked her up on his left shoulder and Cobra on right hand.

"Okay..! Let's go.." Luffy says with a stubborn tone,

"Hold On..!
I have no desire to live anymore,
Just leave me here.." Robin says with tears,

"Why should i listen to you..?
You're coming with me,
Do whatever you want once we're outta here." Luffy says with the same stubborn look shocking Robin,

*Flashback Ends*

"At that very moment,
I wanted nothing more just fo die..
But you forced me to live.
I have no place for me to go,
So that's your crime..." Robin says sitting on the chair with hand supporting her cheek,

"I see, Welcome..!" Luffy says with his goofy, no clue face.

"LUFFYYYYY..!" Nami and Ussop scream in angey while Sanji dance with happiness,

She's not a bad person..." Luffy says with a grin,

Ussop interview Robin or more like investigate about her past and present..
She didn't tell him her entire story but just enough as she's from the family background of Archeologists.
Nami doesn't buy any of Robin's story as she threatened Robin that if she does anything, Nami will kick her out.
But Robin won Nami's heart by giving her some of the jewelry she stole from Crocodile.

"Oh Wow Sister..!
You are the best.." Nami says with Berries for her eyes,

Ussop still had his doubts being around Robin but watching Luffy and Chopper playing around with Robin's hands of her Devil Fruit, Ussop joined them aswell.
Sanji as usual prepare her a drink and started rizzing and simping.
Robin notice Zoro walking away without saying anything to the back of the ship and stand there looking at the sea.Robin got up and walk towards Zoro to have a chat with him.

"This ship has charm...
Is it always this lively..?" Robin ask with a smile,

"Yeah, it usually is.." Zoro says with a glare,

Robin walked close to Zoro and stand next to him, both looking at the sea.
Ussop and Nami can't help but notice Zoro and Robin having a conversation.

"Geez, that woman is a mystery..!
Moments ago Zoro was about to kill her and now he's pal with her..?
I mean i know Luffy take things lightly but i never thought Zoro will get comfortable around a strange woman so quickly..
I guess she has her charms.." Ussop says with a shrug,

"What..! You think Zoro is comfortable around her..?
But she's an assassin, isn't she..?
Also she used to be Crocodile's partner..!" Nami says with a concerned look,

"Well i don't know..
I mean Zoro used to hunt down and kill Pirates, Bandits, Thieves with Big Bounty on their heads,
In a way, they both are so much alike.
Besides, She used Crocodile's influence to get her hands on the information about something called Poneglyph or that is what she said..
What do you think..?" Ussop says with a shrug looking at Nami,

"I'm sure Zoro is on his guard,
He's not usually a trusting type.." Nami says with confidence,

With Robin and Zoro,

"You know, Swordsman..!
I always wondered What made you change your mind on becoming a Pirate ever since i read the news..
But now that i am here, i kinda understand why you might've joined." Robin says looking at Zoro,

"Cut the crap and tell me why you are here, Ms.Sunday..!" Zoro ask with a glare,

"Is it too much to ask you to call me by my name..? It's Nico Robin..!" Robin says with a smirk,

"Answer my question, Woman..!" Zoro says getting serious,

"If you're wondering i have alter motives for joining your crew..!
I can assure you there is nothing,
Like i said, i have no place to go, no one to return to and I'm all alone in this world.
When everyone wanted just to use me or kill me, Luffy is the only one who wants to save me.. He spared my life so i decided to join him and make use of my life for him." Robin says with genuine tone,

"As genuine as it may sound,
I am not completely buying it..
So, if i see you making a move against my Captain or any of my friends...
Trust me, You'll see why they call me The Demon..." Zoro says with hand in his swords threatening Robin,

"I'll keep that in mind, Swordsman.!" Robin says with a smile,

Nami and Ussop glued their eyes on Zoro and Robin with curiosity.
Soon they reached an island and All of em get to the island to look for supplies and stuff.
Zoro as usual remain as guard and Robin decided to stay there aswell.
Luffy, Ussop and Chopper doesn't seem to mind but Sanji is not happy about MossHead spending time alone with a beautiful woman like Robin.
Nami doesn't seem to like the idea aswell but she didn't protest.

It was night and they all camped on the island since they went a little far and it's already dark to return to the ship.
Nami seem to be troubled with the thoughts of what might Zoro and Robin be doing on the ship.
She had some wild imaginations but knowing Zoro, she sighed it won't happen.

At The Merry,
Robin is reading a book at women's quarters with a candle for light and drinking coffee.
She put the bookmark on the page and closed the book with a satisfied sigh,
She got up and walked out to the deck with coffee on her hand to find Zoro working out... He dropped the weights on the ground finishing his workout and whipe the sweat off with a towel and put on his dark green robe sitting down by the mast with a bottle of booze, looking at the sky and thinking about something,
Zoro heard footsteps approaching as he prepared his Wado Ichimonji almost ready to unsheathen the sword.

"Didn't i tell you to not stand beside me..?" Zoro ask with a glare side eye,

"You're gonna catch cold if you sat there dressed like that.." Robin says with a smirk walking towards Zoro,

"The only people who catch cold are those who let their mind guard down.." Zoro says relaxing the Sword and covering himself with a blacket he already had,

"Okay, i guess all those stories i heard about how tough The Pirate Hunter Zoro is, are really true..." Robin says standing next to him,

"For The Record,
I never once called myself as a Pirate Hunter.. It's just a name stucked with me." Zoro says with an annoyed tone,

"Is that so...
Well you mind if i company you, Kenshi-san..?" Robin ask with a smile looking at the stars,

"Still not used to being alone..?" Zoro ask with a sigh,

"I do but now that i have crewmates,
I decided i don't want to anymore.." Robin says looking at Zoro,

As long as you don't bore me.." Zoro says with a sigh,

"Fufufu.. i hope i won't.." Robin says with her mischievous smile sitting next to Zoro,

Zoro pour her a cup of sake but she refused showing the coffee mug.

"It's not polite to refuse a drink when someone is offering you, especially when you wanna company that someone..." Zoro says with a glare kinda surprising Robin a bit,

"Fufufu... My..My..!
I never thought The Infamous Pirate Hunter to be so generous.." Robin says with a giggle,

"Tch, Shut up..!
I told you that's not a name i came up with and that life is in the past now.." Zoro says giving her the cup,

Robin with a smile put down her coffee and accept the sake cup.
They both drink the sake while silent surrounding the atmosphere,
Surprisingly Zoro break the silence.

"So, earlier while Ussop questioning you, you said you lived alone and on the run since you were eight..
And i happened to remember seeing a wanted poster of you somewhere...
I usually don't remember The Bounties of children but 79M Berries for a kid..!
That's not something anyone can see often and That much Bounty for a child means she must've does something so dangerous, So who are you..?" Zoro ask with a questioning glare,

"It's-- Complicated to explain..
I had a really horrible past." Robin says with a fake smile,

"Fine.." Zoro says turning away chugging the bottle,

Robin fake smiled looking at Zoro,
She can see he's just trying to know about her to know if he can trust her.
But her past is not something she usually share with someone.

"It's not that i don't want to tell you,
It's just--" Robin says looking at her drink with a sad look,

"Just you're trying so hard to forget and move on from your past..?
What happened to you is not something a child should experience, am i wrong..?" Zoro says putting the sake bottle down with a satisfied ahh,

Robin's smiled knowing he can atleast guess this much and she kinda felt comfortable that he's not judging her by her past, she want to give a chance on making friends.

"You ever heard about an island named Ohara..?" Robin ask looking at the sky,

"Can't say that i have..
Is that where you're from..?" Zoro ask with curiosity,

"Yes..! My mother was a Scholar and also part of the Ohara's Archeologists.. The Scholars of Ohara uncovered the missing history of Void Century by their years of research..
To prevent the information from leaking to the public, The Government called in a Buster Call." Robin says looking serious,

"Buster Call..? What's that..?" Zoro ask with a confused look,

"The Buster Call is the ultimate form of military attack used by the Marines.The strength of a Buster Call is equal to that of an entire nation's military...
Five Vice Admirals along with 10 Warships equipped with high tech deadly weapons fire apon a single target completely demolishing the island into nothing.." Robin says with a sad look,

"What in the..!
You mean The Marines have..?" Zoro ask in shock,

"Yeah, because The Ohara's scholars deciphered The truth about the missing truth of 800 years, They completely destroyed my island and my people..
I am the only sole survivor.." Robin says with an emotional eyes looking at the sky,

Zoro felt really bad for Robin and he can't imagine what that did to an eight year old girl..

"I'm....Sorry about that.." Zoro says with a regretful tone,

"I survived and escaped from there,
Traveling the world, jumping from ships to ships, assassinating those who are after me, evading The Marines and hiding in the shadows..
That's how i met Crocodile,
And then Luffy saved me." Robin says with a smile,

Zoro sat there not knowing what to say or how to console her.
It's not that he don't want to, he's not an emotional or sentimental type.

what about you, Kenshi-san..?" Robin ask with a smile,

"Me..?" Zoro ask sith a confused look,

"What about your story..?
I'm sure it must have lots of adventures, Fufufu..." Robin says with a smile, giggling.

"Well my past is not as tragic as yours but i do lived pretty much my whole life alone.." Zoro says with a shurg,

"That doesn't surprise me.." Robin says with a teasing chuckle,

"Are you insulting me, Woman..?" Zoro ask with an eyebrow rise,

"Fufu, Not at all..!
The things i heard about you are so...
Well let's just say mostly scary." Robin says with a giggle,

"You think I'm scary..?" Zoro ask with an unamused smirk knowing it's not uncommon people calling him scary,

"No, i don't..." Robin says with a smile,

"Then what do you think of me..?" Zoro ask with curiosity,

"Well i think you're an honorable man, But just too proud to make friends...
Apart from the crew, ofcourse..." Robin says with a smirk,

Tch, Shut Up...
I do had a friend but she passed away when we were little..
She's a fellow Swordsman, a good one too. I looked up to her, to be like her. So i made a dieing promise to her that I'll become The Greatest Swordsman In The World, for her." Zoro says looking at the stars,

"Well I'll be..
I always thought you hunt Pirates for Fun or for Money or for Glory...
Never have i thought you'd have such a cute story..." Robin says with a giggle getting an annoyed groan from Zoro,

They drank more sake and Robin stopped with a couple of cups not wanting to get a hangover..
Robin felt the chill in the air as she shivered a little in cold. Zoro noticed it and opened his arm holding one end of the blanket for Robin.
Robin giggled in shock looking at how red Zoro's face is.

"Fufu, Oh My..!
I never thought You're such a gentle and kind man, Kenshi-san..!
Earlier you're trying to kill me and now you're Sharing the blanket with me. How sweet of you, Fufufu..!" Robin says with a giggle with fingers covering her mouth,

"Tch, Shut up.." Zoro says with tomato red face looking away, still hand wide open, holding the blanket,

Robin with a gentle laugh moved close, sitting next to him and Zoro closed the blanket covering them both.
They sat there for a while, Zoro started telling her stories about their adventures and their travels from The East Blue while she shared some of her journey. They spend the night on the deck talking.
Around 5 in the morning,
The sun is getting up sparkling the sea and sending warm light throughout the island.

The crew was on their way to The Going Merry. Luffy, Chopper and Ussop running around chasing each other while Sanji is flirting with Nami the whole way.
Sanji got on board first on the ship and stand there dumbfound.
His jaw dropped on the floor with his aura turned depressed,
Ussop was confused looking at Sanji as he got on board and his jaw dropped on the floor aswell. Followed by Ussop,
Luffy and Chopper got there while Chopper sitting on Luffy's head.

Zoro is sitting there, laying hos back on the mast, arms crossed and sleeping while Robin was sitting next to him, laying her head on his shoulder, also sleeping.
What shocked them the most is Robin and Zoro sat inside the same blanket.
Robin wake up rubbing her eyes with a yawn and noticed the crew have returned safely. Then she noticed her head was on Zoro's shoulder and he's sleeping aswell.

"Good Morning..!" Robin says with a gentle smile,

The crew stand there dumbfound,
Sanji is on the ground depressed and Ussop's still shocked with wide eyes while Luffy and Chopper stand there confused.

"Are you guys sick..?" Chopper ask with a genius tone,

Nami get on board and dropped the things on her hand in the floor with a shocked look,

"What the..! What are...!
What- What are you two doing..?" Nami ask looking at them with a confused and shocked look,

"Oh Good Morning, Navigator..!
Sorry i was companying Kenshi-san and we must've fallen asleep.." Robin says with a smile,

Robin got up and covered Zoro with the blanket.She smiled at them and walked to the women's quarters.
Sanji had enough as he walked next to Zoro with a death glare,

"Huh, I wonder what they are up to these days.." Zoro mumbles in half sleep slightly waking up rubbing his eyes,

HOW DARE YOU..." Sanji says yelling with a raging fury hitting Zoro's head waking him up,

WHAT THE FUCK, DARTBROWS..?" Zoro says with a groan of pain rubbing his head,

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD..! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY PRECIOUS ROBIN-CHAN..?" Sanji says yelling and shaking Zoro's robe coller,

WHAT THE HELL YOU TALKING ABOUT, STUPID COOK..?" Zoro says confused and irritated by Sanji,

"You BASTARD..!" Sanji says getting his leg ready,

"BRING IT ON, LOVE COOK..." Zoro says unsheathening his Swords,

"Would you two SHUT UP..?" Nami says yelling in annoyance, bonking their head,

To Be Continued...


Alright, Guys..
Sorry if the chapters seemed a little bit too much OG..
I just wrote most of the original stuff to introduce the characters but since it's taking too many chapters,
I'll skip Franky and Brook's joining and began my own story...
Stay tuned, it's gonna be fun.

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