
By Tintedsoul_19

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Rocky and Reena are two people from different worlds. Rocky is a tough ex-convict, while Reena is a tradition... More

Chapter 1: The Librarian and the Ex-Convict
Chapter 2: Between the shelves
Chapter 3: Awkward Encounters
Chapter 4: Second chances
Chapter 5: A night of Misunderstandings
Chapter 6: Shattered Bonds
Chapter 7: A New Dawn, A Harsh Reality
Chapter 8: A New Beginning
Chapter 9: Unspoken Desires
Chapter 10: A Day of Shopping and Shared Excitement
Chapter 11: A Tiring Day and a Helping Hand
Chapter 12: A Tipsy Adventure
Chapter 13: Unveiling the Past
Chapter 14: A Proposal and the Shattered Glass
Chapter 15: Engagement
Chapter 16: A Day of Shopping and Love
Chapter 17: Echoes of Heartache
Chapter 18: A Disheartening Discovery
Chapter 19: Healing Waters of Love
Chapter 20: A Delicate Moment
Chapter 21: A Morning of Regret and Choices
Chapter 22: In Search of Redemption
Chapter 23: Lost
Chapter 24: A Diagnosis that Changes Everything
Chapter 25: Marry Me?
Chapter 27: Confessions and Concerns
Chapter 28: Marriage and Complications
Last chapter

Chapter 26: Discovering Love Letters

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By Tintedsoul_19

Rehaan, fueled by a mix of frustration, determination, and a desire to evoke a reaction from Reena, embarked on a plan that would serve as a theatrical backdrop to the complex emotions surrounding their intertwined lives. He reached out to Rachel, his ex-girlfriend, with a proposition that would turn their personal drama into a stage for self-discovery and perhaps, a revelation of hidden feelings.

As Rachel arrived at the hospital, she found Rehaan waiting in the lobby, a sense of urgency etched on his face. He quickly explained the plan, emphasizing the need for Reena to witness the unfolding events.

"Rachel, I need your help to make Reena realize what she's missing. I want to stage a situation where she sees us together, moving forward with our lives. Maybe, just maybe, it will shake her out of this indecision," Rehaan explained, his eyes searching Rachel's for understanding.

Rachel, though taken aback by the unconventional request, could sense the intensity of Rehaan's emotions. She nodded, agreeing to play her part in this unusual drama. Together, they began to lay the groundwork for a scenario that would test the boundaries of emotions and relationships. They both went to Reena.

Rehaan, his gaze intense and resolute, spoke with a gravity that echoed through the silent garden. "Reena, I've made a decision. I can't wait forever, and life has its own plans. Rachel and I are getting married."

Reena's heart skipped a beat, her mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of his words. "Married? But... why now?" she stammered, a mixture of confusion and disbelief etched across her face.

Rehaan, his grip on Rachel's hand firm, looked deep into Reena's eyes. "Because life doesn't pause, Reena. We've been stuck in a cycle of indecision for too long. I need to move forward, and so does Rachel. We can't keep waiting for something that might never happen."

Rachel, standing by Rehaan's side, added, "Reena, I hope you find the happiness you're searching for. But Rehaan and I have decided to take control of our destiny."

Reena, her mind reeling, felt a surge of emotions. "But... what about us? What about everything we've been through?" she protested, her voice trembling.

Rehaan sighed, a heavy weight in his words. "Reena, we've been on this emotional rollercoaster for too long. I can't keep holding on to a hope that might never materialize. It's time to make choices that lead to happiness, even if it means letting go of what could have been."

The reality of the moment hung in the air, a palpable tension enveloping the trio. Rehaan and Rachel stood united, their decision final, while Reena grappled with the suddenness of the revelation.

Reena's eyes pleaded with Rehaan. "Is this the only way? Can't we find another solution? I... I need time," she implored.

Rachel interjected gently, "Reena, time is what we've had. It's time to move forward. We can't stay in this limbo forever."

As Reena processed the gravity of the situation, a tumult of emotions surged within her. "So, this is it? You're just going to walk away from everything we shared?" she questioned, her voice tinged with both sadness and anger.

Rehaan, though firm, softened his gaze. "Reena, walking away doesn't diminish what we had. It's a choice to seek happiness where we can find it. I hope you understand someday."

With those words, Rehaan turned away, leading Rachel away from the scene. Reena stood there, her world unraveling, as the couple retreated into the distance, leaving her alone amidst the garden's fading glow.

The echoes of their conversation lingered in the night air, leaving Reena to grapple with the sudden and irrevocable shift in the dynamics of their shared journey. The garden, once a witness to their intertwined fates, now stood silent, its blooms bearing witness to the fragments of a story that had taken an unexpected turn.


After being discharged from the hospital, Reena decided to visit the library where she had met Rehaan for the first time. As Reena stepped into the familiar surroundings of the library, a flood of memories washed over her. The scent of aged books and the quiet hum of whispered conversations invoked the past, bringing her back to the moment when her world had collided with Rehaan's.

She made her way through the aisles, tracing the path she had walked countless times before. The books, like old friends, greeted her with their worn spines and familiar titles. The first book she had lent Rehaan beckoned from the shelf, and she reached for it with a mix of curiosity and nostalgia.

As she opened the book, a small piece of paper fluttered to the ground. She picked it up, and her eyes widened as she recognized Rehaan's handwriting. The note contained a heartfelt expression of his feelings, a testament to the depth of his emotions during that time.

Reena couldn't help but smile, the words resonating with the unspoken connection they had shared. "I never knew he felt this way," she mused, a warmth spreading through her despite the complexities of their relationship.

Intrigued, she decided to check the other books she had lent Rehaan. Each one held a similar note, a silent confession of love and longing. The pages were filled with expressions of his emotions, capturing moments of their shared journey through the world of literature.

Reena couldn't deny the impact of Rehaan's words. His feelings, carefully hidden within the pages of the borrowed books, laid bare the depth of his affection for her. She found herself alternating between laughter and tears as she read through the heartfelt messages that spanned the course of their evolving connection.

As she reached the last book, a mix of emotions swirled within her. The undeniable truth of Rehaan's love, expressed in the privacy of these written confessions, left her grappling with the complexities of her own emotions.

A voice interrupted her thoughts. "Reena?" It was the librarian, a kind smile on her face. "I see you found your way back. It's been a while. How are you?"

Reena blinked away the tears that threatened to surface, offering a grateful smile. "I'm navigating through a maze of emotions, but I'll be fine."

The librarian, sensing the weight of unspoken stories, nodded empathetically. "Sometimes, books hold the answers we seek. Take your time."

With that, Reena gathered the books, each one a testament to the journey she and Rehaan had shared. As she left the library, the weight of the past mingled with the uncertainty of the future. The love expressed in those handwritten notes lingered, echoing through the quiet spaces between the shelves, a reminder that some stories find their resolution in the pages of the heart.

The note was dated back to when he had returned the book. Reena's eyes welled up with emotion as she realized that Rehaan had taken the time to leave her a message, a subtle invitation to cross paths once more. It was a simple gesture, but it carried a depth of sentiment she hadn't fully understood at the time.

Tears welled in her eyes as she read the heartfelt words he had written. In those letters, Rehaan had expressed his admiration for her intelligence, her kindness, and the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about books. He had confessed his desire to get to know her better, to spend more time with her.

Reena realized that Rehaan had loved her from the very start, long before the challenges and complexities of their relationship had emerged. The discovery filled her with a mix of emotions – joy at the realization of his feelings and regret for not recognizing them earlier.

With her heart full of love for him, Reena decided to find Rehaan and share her own feelings, to let him know that the love they had both kept hidden had the potential to heal their wounds and bring them closer together. The journey ahead was uncertain, but she was determined to find him and reveal her own love for him.

As Reena left the library, the love letters in her hands, she was filled with a renewed sense of purpose. She would not let fear or hesitation hold her back. Love had a way of transcending obstacles, and she was willing to take that chance for the man who had been there for her, who had loved her from the very beginning.

The realization struck Reena like a sudden storm, the calm before shattered by the fierce winds of truth. As she stood there in the library, surrounded by the echoes of her shared moments with Rehaan, a deep ache settled in her chest.

She clutched the books to her chest, feeling the weight of the handwritten notes pressed against her. The words that had once brought a smile to her face now served as a bittersweet reminder of what could have been.

Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions, each one vying for attention. Regret, longing, and a profound sense of loss washed over her. The warmth of the library seemed to fade as a chill settled in, mirroring the cold reality she faced.

"Why now?" she whispered to herself, as if the question could summon an answer from the universe. The books, witnesses to the unspoken love hidden within their pages, seemed to hold the secrets of her heart.

Reena sank into a nearby chair, the weight of the revelation sinking in. She closed her eyes, trying to shut out the flood of conflicting emotions. Her heart, once guarded, now lay exposed and vulnerable.

The image of Rehaan holding hands with Rachel played in her mind like a relentless reel, each frame etching the pain deeper. The laughter they might share, the vows they would exchange—each detail felt like a dagger to her already wounded heart.

A single tear slipped from Reena's closed eyes, a testament to the silent battle raging within. She had denied her feelings for Rehaan for far too long, convinced that their connection was merely a fleeting moment in the vast expanse of time.

Now, with the truth laid bare, she found herself grappling with the depth of her emotions. The fear of rejection, the scars of past heartbreaks, and the uncertainty of an unknown future weighed heavily on her.

A profound silence settled in the library, broken only by the soft rustle of pages as Reena absentmindedly flipped through one of the books. The confessions of love, once a source of joy, now whispered in her ears like ghostly echoes.

In that moment of solitude, Reena made a decision. She couldn't let her feelings remain buried within the recesses of her heart. Regardless of the impending union between Rehaan and Rachel, she needed to speak her truth.

With newfound determination, she rose from the chair, wiping away the lingering tear. The library, once a sanctuary of shared stories, would bear witness to a new chapter—one where Reena confronted her feelings head-on.

The path ahead was uncertain, and the echoes of unspoken confessions lingered. But within the quiet corners of the library, Reena found the strength to face the storm within her heart and, perhaps, rewrite the narrative of her connection with Rehaan.

End of the chapter

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