
By Tintedsoul_19

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Rocky and Reena are two people from different worlds. Rocky is a tough ex-convict, while Reena is a tradition... More

Chapter 1: The Librarian and the Ex-Convict
Chapter 2: Between the shelves
Chapter 3: Awkward Encounters
Chapter 4: Second chances
Chapter 5: A night of Misunderstandings
Chapter 6: Shattered Bonds
Chapter 7: A New Dawn, A Harsh Reality
Chapter 8: A New Beginning
Chapter 9: Unspoken Desires
Chapter 10: A Day of Shopping and Shared Excitement
Chapter 11: A Tiring Day and a Helping Hand
Chapter 12: A Tipsy Adventure
Chapter 13: Unveiling the Past
Chapter 14: A Proposal and the Shattered Glass
Chapter 15: Engagement
Chapter 16: A Day of Shopping and Love
Chapter 17: Echoes of Heartache
Chapter 19: Healing Waters of Love
Chapter 20: A Delicate Moment
Chapter 21: A Morning of Regret and Choices
Chapter 22: In Search of Redemption
Chapter 23: Lost
Chapter 24: A Diagnosis that Changes Everything
Chapter 25: Marry Me?
Chapter 26: Discovering Love Letters
Chapter 27: Confessions and Concerns
Chapter 28: Marriage and Complications
Last chapter

Chapter 18: A Disheartening Discovery

73 11 14
By Tintedsoul_19

O khuda, bata de kya lakeeron main likha,

Hamne to, hamne to bas ishq hai kiya 


A symphony of anxious thoughts echoed within Reena's mind as she awoke on the morning of her wedding day. The day she had long dreamed of, the day she had envisioned with such joy and anticipation, now loomed before her, casting a shadow of uncertainty and nervousness.

The anticipation that had once filled her heart had been replaced by a fluttering of anxiety, a knot of worry that tightened with each passing moment. The weight of expectations, the pressure to create a perfect day, and the fear of the unknown pressed down upon her, threatening to overwhelm her.

As she prepared for the ceremony, her hands trembled slightly as she applied her makeup, her reflection in the mirror mirroring her inner turmoil. The vibrant colors of her bridal gown seemed to mock her anxious state, a stark contrast to the turmoil within her.

Her mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts, each one a nagging reminder of the daunting task that lay ahead. She worried about her vows, the fear of stumbling over her words or expressing herself inadequately. She fretted about the reception, the daunting prospect of mingling with a sea of guests, each one eager to offer their congratulations and expectations.

And above all, she worried about her heart, the unspoken love that still lingered for Rehaan, a love that threatened to overshadow the joy of her wedding day. The memory of his unspoken feelings, his silent sacrifice, cast a shadow over her happiness, a reminder of a love that could have been but never was.

As the day progressed, Reena's anxiety intensified. The constant stream of well-wishers, the flurry of preparations, and the weight of tradition seemed to suffocate her. She longed for a moment of solitude, a chance to escape the whirlwind of activity and gather her thoughts.

But such moments were scarce, and Reena found herself swept along in the tide of events, her heart growing heavier with each passing moment. The joy that was supposed to fill her on this special day seemed to elude her, replaced by a growing sense of unease.

As the ceremony approached, Reena's nervousness reached its peak. Her hands trembled uncontrollably, her breath caught in her throat, and her mind went blank. The weight of the moment, the significance of the vows she was about to exchange, pressed down upon her, threatening to consume her.

But amidst the turmoil, a flicker of determination ignited within her. She took a deep breath, steadied her gaze, and focused on the love she shared with Rohail, the love that had brought her to this moment, the love that promised a future filled with happiness and hope.

Rohail was supposed to meet her at the courthouse, but as the hours passed, there was no sign of him. Reena's heart began to sink, and her mind raced with worry. She sent him multiple messages and tried to call, but there was no response. Her imagination conjured up all sorts of worst-case scenarios.

As the minutes ticked by and turned into hours, Reena's heart sank deeper into the abyss of worry. Rohail, her fiancé, was supposed to meet her at the courthouse for their court marriage, a day they had both been eagerly anticipating, a symbol of their commitment and love.

But as the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Rohail remained a no-show. Reena's initial anxiety morphed into a gnawing fear, her mind conjuring up a whirlwind of worst-case scenarios.

She checked her phone repeatedly, her fingers trembling as she scrolled through unanswered messages and missed calls. Her voice grew hoarse with each unanswered call, her heart pounding like a frantic drum against her ribs.

The courthouse lobby, once abuzz with the anticipation of couples embarking on their new journeys, now seemed to mock her growing despair. The cheerful chatter of fellow couples echoed around her, a stark contrast to the deafening silence that surrounded her.

Reena's mind raced, trying to piece together any possible explanation for Rohail's absence. Had he been in an accident? Was he sick? Had something happened to change his mind? With each passing moment, her hope dwindled, replaced by a growing sense of dread.

She sought solace in the faces of her friends and family, who had gathered to witness their special moment. Their reassuring smiles and comforting words offered a momentary respite from the storm raging within her, but her heart remained heavy with worry.

As the time for their court marriage drew closer, Reena's composure began to crumble. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, as the weight of her uncertainty pressed down upon her. She retreated to a quiet corner, her heart aching with a mixture of disappointment and fear.

The minutes turned into hours, and the courthouse emptied, leaving Reena alone with her anxious thoughts. She couldn't help but wonder if she had made a mistake, if her love for Rohail was not as strong as she had believed.

Rehaan stood by Reena's side, his heart filled with a tempest of emotions as Rohail's absence stretched into an agonizing wait. He watched as Reena's initial anxiety morphed into a gnawing fear, her eyes mirroring the turmoil within.

A surge of anger coursed through Rehaan's veins, directed at Rohail's inconsiderate behavior. He couldn't fathom how someone could be so careless, so indifferent to the significance of this day for Reena. He tried to call Rohail repeatedly, but his attempts were met with silence, each unanswered ring fueling his frustration.

As the minutes turned into hours, Rehaan's anger gave way to a deep sense of protectiveness towards Reena. He couldn't bear to see her so distraught, her heart aching with disappointment and uncertainty. He vowed to do whatever it took to comfort her, to offer her the support she needed in Rohail's absence.

He gently took her hand in his, his touch conveying a silent promise of strength and reassurance. He listened patiently as she expressed her worries, her voice trembling with emotion, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

Rehaan offered words of comfort and encouragement, his voice laced with sincerity and compassion. He reminded her of her inner strength, her resilience, and the unwavering love that surrounded her. He assured her that this setback, as painful as it was, would not define their love story.

Fighting back tears, Reena left the courtroom and headed to Rohail's apartment. Her heart pounded with anxiety as she knocked on the door, and it was Rohail's father who answered.

"Where is Rohail?" Reena asked, her voice trembling.

Rohail's father, a stern expression on his face, responded, "Rohail won't be marrying you, Reena."

Reena's eyes widened in shock, unable to comprehend what she was hearing. "What do you mean? He promised we would be together today."

Rohail's father's gaze remained unyielding. "Reena, I've decided that my son won't marry an abandoned daughter. You don't belong in our family, and I won't let this marriage happen."

Reena felt as though the ground had been pulled from beneath her feet. She had never expected Rohail's father to stand in the way of their love. Her thoughts raced, and the tears she had been holding back began to flow freely.

"Please, Mr. Sharma, you don't understand. I love Rohail, and he loves me. We were going to build a life together. Why are you doing this?"

Rohail's father remained resolute. "I've made my decision, Reena. I want the best for my son, and marrying you is not in his best interest."

Reena was devastated. She felt as though her world had crumbled. The future she had imagined with Rohail had been ripped away from her, and the love she had believed in now seemed like a cruel illusion.

She begged Rohail's father to reconsider, to give their love a chance, but his heart was hardened against her. 

His voice echoed through the hallway, each word a sharp dagger piercing Reena's heart. Her carefully constructed world came crashing down, the dreams she had cherished, the future she had envisioned, all reduced to ashes in an instant.

Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, but she fought back, her pride refusing to let her break down in front of Rohail's father. She stood tall, her chin held high, her dignity intact, even as her heart crumbled within her.

"I understand your decision," she replied, her voice trembling with emotion yet laced with a hint of defiance. "I will not force myself into your family if I am not welcome."

Rehaan's temper flared as he heard Rohail's father's cruel words, his fists clenching tightly at his sides. The injustice of the situation, the sheer audacity of this man's prejudice, threatened to consume him. He took a step forward, his eyes burning with anger, his muscles tense and ready to strike.

But before he could react, Rehaan felt a gentle touch on his arm. He turned to see Reena standing beside him, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and determination. She shook her head slightly, her voice soft but firm as she spoke to him.

"Rehaan, don't stoop to his level," she said, her gaze unwavering. "His words don't define me, and they certainly don't define you."

Her words struck a chord within Rehaan, his anger momentarily subsiding as he looked into her resolute eyes. He saw the strength she possessed, the dignity she maintained in the face of adversity, and he knew that she was right.

He slowly released his clenched fists, his anger replaced by a surge of protectiveness towards Reena. He would not allow her to be subjected to such disrespect, such cruelty. He would stand by her, support her, and defend her honor, just as he had always done.

Turning to Rohail's father, Rehaan spoke in a voice that was calm yet firm. "Your words are nothing more than a reflection of your own narrow-mindedness," he said, his gaze unwavering. "Reena is a woman of integrity, strength, and compassion, and she deserves far more than the likes of you can ever comprehend."

His words hung in the air, a challenge to Rohail's father, a testament to the respect he held for Reena. Rohail's father, taken aback by Rehaan's composure and the depth of his affection for Reena, felt a flicker of doubt about his own judgment.

Rehaan turned to Reena, his eyes filled with admiration and love. "Come, Reena," he said gently, offering her his hand. "We have better things to do than waste our time with this man."

Turning away, she fought back the surge of tears that threatened to overwhelm her. She walked away from Rohail's house, each step echoing the pain in her heart, each breath a struggle against the suffocating weight of despair.

As she walked through the streets, the familiar sights and sounds of the city seemed to mock her misery. The laughter of children, the chatter of passersby, the vibrant colors of the shops, all blurred into a meaningless backdrop against the desolate landscape of her broken heart.

She found herself wandering aimlessly, her mind lost in a labyrinth of thoughts. She replayed the events of the day, the harsh words of Rohail's father echoing in her ears, the cruel rejection stinging her soul.

Why? she wondered, her mind searching for answers that seemed to elude her. What had she done to deserve such treatment? Why was her love deemed unworthy, her existence considered a stain on Rohail's family?

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the city, Reena found herself drawn to a park, a quiet oasis amidst the urban sprawl. She sat on a bench, watching the children play, their laughter a stark contrast to the silence that enveloped her.

Tears streamed down her face, her emotions finally breaking free from the dam she had so desperately constructed. She sobbed uncontrollably, her body wracked with pain, her heart overflowing with a mixture of grief, anger, and despair.

In that moment of utter desolation, she felt utterly alone, abandoned by the one person she had thought would always be there for her, rejected by the family she had hoped to call her own. The world seemed to close in on her, suffocating her with its cruelty and indifference.

But amidst the darkness, a flicker of resilience ignited within her. She remembered her strength, her determination, her unwavering belief in her own worth. She refused to let Rohail's father's words define her, to let his rejection dictate her future.

With a newfound resolve, Reena wiped away her tears, her gaze hardening with determination. She would not allow this setback to break her spirit. She would rise above this pain, stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As she walked through the city, her steps heavy and her soul in turmoil, she couldn't help but wonder why fate had been so cruel. She had disowned her own family for love, and now she had been disowned by the man she loved.

Reena knew that the pain of losing Rohail would linger for a long time. She had believed in their love, had dared to dream of a life together, and now all of it had crumbled to dust. She couldn't fathom the reasons behind Rohail's father's decision, but she knew that their love, once so strong and promising, had been torn asunder.

Reena's heart was heavy, and as she looked up at the sky, she hoped for a sign, a glimmer of hope that would guide her through this dark and challenging time. She knew that her journey was far from over, and that she had to find the strength to move forward, even in the face of this heartbreaking betrayal.

So guys how was chapter? 

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