Blood Stains on Silk

By narililyy

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Elegant, refined, loyal; everything a royal is expected of. Princess Lena Malfeen expresses what she needs to... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

5 0 0
By narililyy

Lena glanced at her phone that read 5:57 PM. She grabbed her bag and headed out to the front entrance of the castle where Delphine waited with her car.

"Hey, Lena! Ready to go?", Delphine greeted.

Lena responded, "Yeah, let's go."

A couple minutes later they pulled up to a regular skyscraper downtown that held a bunch of offices for different companies."Is this meeting just our company or both?", Lena asked as they got out of the car.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure it's both", Delphine said, "You don't meet a lot of people from the other company, do you?"

"No, not really."

They walked through two giant glass doors and made their way through the lobby. Lena and Delphine hopped into an elevator that took them to the basement level.

Yet, as the elevator doors opened, they ran into a significant person. "Silk Eyes! My, I feel like I haven't seen you in a while!", a woman exclaimed, hugging Lena.

"Eclipse! It's great to see you!", Lena responded.

"Ah, and Honeydew! I hope you both are doing well", Eclipse said. "I apologize, I'm actually running a bit behind but you two go ahead in there."

Lena and Delphine entered an elegant, classy auditorium. The room was filled with yellow light and a dazzling chandelier, as well as the distinguished stage in the front.

No one knew about this place casually below an office building except the people filing into it.

Lena and Delphine went to go find seats. There were two sections, one for each company and Lena sat at the end of a row.

They chatted for a while until the house lights started to dim and Lena, from the corner of her eye, noticed someone slip into the seat across the aisle.

Suddenly, two figures stepped out onto the stage as they were welcomed with an applause.

"Welcome, everyone, to the first meeting of the new year between these two lovely companies!", Eclipse greeted through a mic. She looked to be in her forties but she was indeed an elegant and beautiful woman. Eclipse wore her hair in a low bun most of the time and always had dark red lips. "My name is Eclipse, CEO of the Assassin organization, and I'm very excited to see you all here today."

Next, a middle-aged man standing beside her started introducing himself in the mic. "Yes, hello, my name is Maroon and I'm the CEO of our amazing Spy organization. Tonight is a very special type of meeting, seeing as the new year is here. Eclipse, would you mind introducing?"

"Of course. As tonight is our first monthly meeting, our annual awards ceremony will take place!", Eclipse announced.

The CEOs began reading codenames off of a paper as people stood up in the audience and walked on stage to receive their awards.

Eclipse said, "This next award goes to our most dexterous assassin: Honeydew!"

Lena smiled brightly at Delphine as she went up to the stage. She came back to her seat just as the next person was announced.

"This award goes to one of our most skilled spies, someone who takes pride in their job, someone who uses all aspects of the brain and body to complete their job efficiently. This award goes to: Moon!", Maroon revealed.

Lena watched as a tall and slender male rose from the seat across the aisle and walked up onto the stage. He seemed to have brown hair and wore a trench coat that went down to his knees. Lena noticed the energy of the applauses suddenly increased as his name was called. He politely received the award and quickly made it back to his seat, briefly glancing at Lena.

"And finally, our last award of the night goes to the most charismatic assassin: Silk Eyes!"

Lena heard her name announced and suddenly snapped back into reality. She looked to Delphine who was telling her to quickly get up to the stage. Lena made her way up there as applauses came throughout the room. She accepted the award, went back to her seat, and continued watching the rest of the ceremony.

"Ayyyy, look--we both got awards!", Delphine said once the meeting was over and people started flowing out into the lobby. "I mean, as we should, you know. Hey, wanna get dinner or something?"

"Yeah, but let me go to the restroom first", Lena said.

"Okay, I'll wait out front on the first floor."

A few minutes later, Lena came out of the restroom and waited for an elevator. Once she stepped in, a man hurried in as the doors started closing.

"Which floor?", he asked casually, looking over his shoulder at her.

Lena looked up from her phone and realized he was talking to her. "Oh, one, please."

The elevator started moving upwards. "Um, are you perhaps Silk Eyes?"

Lena looked at him, "Yes, I am."

"Oh, well, I just wanted to congratulate you on your award."

"Thank you." There was a pause of silence. "You're...Moon?"


"Well, then congratulations you on your award also." Lena responded.


The elevator reached the first floor and they both stepped off.

"Have a good rest of your day, Silk Eyes."

"Uh, you too." Lena replied as they walked separate ways.

"What?", Lena said as she approached Delphine in the lobby. "Why are you giving me that look?" "What look?", she replied, "Nothing, I was just wondering who you were talking to over there. Yeah...who were you talking to, Lena...?"

Lena simply responded, "Oh, one of the spies--Moon. Why?"

Delphine's eyes grew huge. "Really?! You just started casually talking with him?"

"Actually, he was the one who started talking to me first", Lena mentioned. "What about him?"

"You don't know about... oh my God, Lena. Well, he's a highly skilled spy who, I think, has been doing his job for 4 years or something. And I mean, like, insanely skilled", Delphine explained.

"Okay, anddd..."

"He's just insanely good at what he does. Plus, he's pretty. And popular. So, what did you guys talk about?"

Delphine nudged her friend. Lena knew she wouldn't let this go anytime soon.

"He just congratulated me on my award and I did the same for him."

"Hmm, so did you by chance exchange phone numbers...?"

"Del, I think you're pushing it."

"I'm just wondering...", she laughed.

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