tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READ...

By tbhkrazy

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in which you join total drama world tour in need for some money, but a certain someone won't make that easy S... More



2.8K 99 115
By tbhkrazy

After walking back up to economy class to join the rest of your teammates, Izzy was still sleeping on the floor but Tyler had finally returned from sending Lindsay off. As you and Alejandro went to take your seats, the only sound going on was the whispers of Noah and Owen who seemed to be discussing DJ's, who was sitting sadly isolated on the other side looking down on the ground, current situation.

"I don't know what to say to him, I've always been the 'alliancee' not the 'alliancer'!" Owen said fidgeting with his fingers.

"It's like asking a girl out, only he's a guy." Noah whispered back causing Owen to suddenly understand what to do as he cleared his throat.

"Um, hey DJ!" he called out which got the poor boy's attention as he looked up.

"Hey! You wanna go for hot dogs with my buddy Noah? He said your legs are nice." Owen said, at the last sentence he lowered his voice by a few octaves and half-lidded his eyes before letting out a wolf-whistle. 

To say DJ was traumatised would be an understatement.

"Yeah, because that's exactly what I told him to say." Noah said looking unamused.

"One cannot blunder into an alliance, friends." Alejandro next to you randomly piped up causing you to look at him. Whatever he was about to say next was however cut off by Tyler who had now gotten up.

"Why couldn't you lose so Lindsay could still be here!?" he shouted angrily glaring at DJ.

"Tyler, it's not his fault." you said trying to get him to somewhat calm down.

"Listen, I'm sorry - I tried okay!? But you only have to put up with me for one more day." DJ replied.

"Going somewhere DJ?" asked Alejandro curiously.

"I'm losing the next challenge!" he responded.

"What?!" a voice from above exclaimed.

You looked up to see Heather falling out of one of the overhead compartments with a pen and notepad in hand. She let out a small 'ow' as she landed in front of Owen.

"What have we here?" Alejandro questioned looking down at her.

Heather didn't answer the question at first, she caught a whiff of Owen's feet and immediately sat up pinching her nose with her fingers.

"Eww!" she let out.

"Doing a little spying are we?" Alejandro asked again raising a brow.

"Uh- I-I just uh- uh dropped my pen!" she said looking around frantically before picking up her notepad and pen off the floor. "See? No scheming just scribbling. Owen, I am issuing you a ticket for fashion crimes. Your socks reek."

"Oh am I wearing socks? Heh, I can't even see my feet." Owen replied before attempting to look down.

It was obvious she was trying to change the subject, Alejandro nudged you gently in the side indicating he had the same thought: Heather was already trying to form an alliance with DJ.

DJ too may have picked up on this or he just felt down but either way he got up and went to the confessional bathroom. Heather saw this and climbed back into the compartment and scurried off. 

Once she was gone, Alejandro turned towards you properly and gave you a smile, one of the smiles he tended to give when he had come up with an idea. You to return it with a confused expression wondering what he was thinking but he merely shook his head. 

He obviously had a plan, but whatever it was you were hoping it wouldn't be too chaotic.


After a short while,  the plane started to go up and down hazardously which made you start to wonder if the plane was reaching its final stages considering how worn down it was. The movements soon came to a stop however as everyone was called downstairs to the basement unexpectedly.

"Attention in Total Drama passengers!" Chris' voice over the intercom sounded out "In accordance to emergency landing procedures, you will now be shown the nearest exit."

Out of nowhere, Chef came and pushed you all out the plane into the sea where the plane seemed to have landed. At this point, you weren't even surprised anymore.

Everyone landed in the water apart from Heather as you saw Chef walk most likely trying to find her. Looking around you saw that everyone else was more or less fine except from DJ who was waving his hands around frantically whilst drowning.

I forgot this guy couldn't swim...

You remember the plan Alejandro and you had discussed earlier about you having to 'befriend' DJ so you decided doing him a favour right now was some sort of a start.

"DJ! Are you okay?" you said swimming up to him and trying to help him stay afloat by letting him hold onto you. It sort of worked, the only problem was that he was still panicking and was starting to drag you down with him.

Just then, Heather came bumping up and down on the water sitting on top of a cushion screaming as she had just been pushed off by Chef. She immediately noticed you helping out DJ and glared daggers through you before tossing the cushion over to DJ.

"DJ! Catch!" she yelled and the boy caught a hold of cushion, he let go of you and clung onto it instead letting out a sigh of relief.

"Whoo, thanks (Y/N). Sorry for nearly drowning you." DJ said giving you awkward smile which you brushed off shaking your head. Despite Heather being the one who initially saved him he was thanking you. You smiled at this.

"It's no proble-"

"Care to join me in an alliance!?" Heather said suddenly swimming up to the two of you and completely cutting you off. Before you could say anything, Alejandro was already behind tapping her on her shoulder shooting her an unimpressed look.

"You're asking him that now?" he said.

"You're just jealous! Because you didn't think of it!" Heather stabbed back pointing a finger at him.

"Actually, I'd have asked him before delivering the cushion, but you do what's right for you." he said and Heather looked taken aback.


"Oh he is good." Heather said with her hands clasped together as she sighed dreamily and looked upwards.


"I want the tape. Give me the tape! How do you open this thing?"


Alejandro then gave you look indicating  that you swim back to join the rest of your team so you left DJ with a small pat on the back swimming off to be next to your teammates. Alejandro smiled at you, whispering a small 'good job' to which you didn't respond.

It wasn't long before Chris arrived on a boat in a weird sailor fit and said some incoherent things you couldn't understand before asking the question:

"Ever been to sea?"

"What with the who now?" Cody asked also perplexed as Sierra next to him gasped.

"It must be Newfoundland! Chris is originally from Blow-Me-Down-Highlands." she exclaimed and you started to internally question what was going on.

"Ay, It's a bonny homecoming for bonny McClean. Canada's beautiful east coast!" Chris said excitedly, again not making any sense.

"Birthplace of Canada's beautifullest host." Sierra sighed slowly sinking, you were pretty sure that wasn't even a word.

"Ah thanks, it's just a hop and a skip a-that-a-way." Chris said pointing to what looked like endless sea. No one had time to question on it as he went straight into explaining today's challenge.

"First part of the challenge: swim over to your team's boat and start paddling." he said pointing to three boats this time, one seemed to stick out from the rest.

"To keep this interesting, victory since you're a team of one, your boat has been set up with an outside motor." Chris said causing DJ to whine.

Your team swam ahead to your boat leaving an arguing Team Amazon behind. Alejandro got to the boat first and helped you up as well by grabbing your hand and pulling you on. 

Just when you thought he would let go, his hand held yours for a little longer than you hoped for as you watched the rest of your teammates climb onto the boat. 

With his hand in yours you started to feel more and more anxious though you didn't know why. You hated this unknown feeling that seemed to be appearing often as of late and did your best to stay away from it. But it didn't seem like he was letting go anytime soon.

So when you saw Tyler getting on, you used it as an opportunity to release yourself from Alejandro's grip and help your friend up instead. After he had got on the only teammate left was Owen, who was swimming at a reasonably slow pace while groaning.

"Izzy, could you throw the net out for Owen?" you asked turning around seeing that she was next to it. She nodded before throwing it out and catching 

"Oh-ho! You're quite the catch Big O! Welcome to my crew!" she said and started to reel him in. The rest of you helped her.

As you were pulling Owen in, you spotted DJ on his own just floating on the cushion he was given earlier. He looked as if he was ready to stay there for the rest of challenge, he definitely still wanted to go home.

You frowned at the sight and whispered to Alejandro who as pulling the rope from behind you.

"Should I do something about DJ?" you asked, eyes still focused on the teammate you were pulling in. You felt him lean in closer to you so you could practically feel his warm breath on your ear.

"No need, chica. I have another plan in mind." his voice said lowly. You felt shiver run throughout you as you immediately tensed up letting go of the rope you were pulling slightly. Luckily Tyler was really doing most of the work.

"Right..." you said.

Once Owen had finally got on the boat, it wasn't long before Team Amazon's had also gotten into theirs. DJ had been unwillingly shot from an orca's blowhole and ended up in his special boat, still complaining.

Chris returned in his boat once seeing all the teams were ready and got ready to explain the next part of today's challenge.

"Aye there contestants, ready to row row row your boats?" he said "The first two teams to get their boats to the shore will take part in the final challenge."

So there's another one after this...

"Oh and if you land some food along the way you'll get a special reward. On your marks, set..!" Chris added before blowing the horn on his boat to indicate 'go'.

There were only two oars and they were with Tyler and Noah. They sat in the middle and immediately started rowing, within seconds already beating a standstill DJ and Team Amazon who were going quite slow.

You were sitting in front next to Alejandro whilst Izzy and Owen were sitting at the back behind Tyler and Noah. Alejandro was in charge of telling Tyler and Noah where to go seeing he was the only person who actually knew where you were headed.

Owen was still tired from the swimming and sat out on any activities and Izzy and you were in charge of collecting the seafood,  Whilst Izzy seemed like a natural at it, you were struggling to get anything from the sea.

You leaned over slightly and held your fish cage in your hands, you were trying to get a better view of what was underwater so you could actually grab something. With both your hands on the cage, you weren't actually holding onto anything.

At one point, Tyler and Noah started to really speed up causing you to lose your balance. You were about to fall into the sea head first until your teammate next to you placed two hands on your waist to stop the fall.

I swear this has happened before.

"Woah señorita, be careful." you heard Alejandro say as he brought up closer held you against his chest, you were starting to wonder if it was all intentional or not.

"Uhuh, my bad." you ended up blurted out and quickly started to inch away from him not wanting to be close to him at all.

You caught a glimpse of him from the corner of your eye as he still looked at you, as if expecting you to do something but luckily Izzy spoke up releasing the tension between the two of you.

"Oh! Hey Snappy! Welcome to the Izzy Crew!" you looked back to see she was talking to one of the many lobsters she had caught.

"Tell your friends- hey!" the lobster starting to snap its claws at her but she merely dodged the attempts and laughed. Owen then took the lobster off her.

"Does anyone have any butter?" he asked and his intentions suddenly became clear. Alejandro had apparently heard his question and snapped his head around giving him a glare.

"Do not even think about friend." he said quite passive-aggressively. 

"Can I think about tartar sauce?" Owen asked to which Alejandro intensified his glare. Owen eventually got the hint and resorted to licking the lobster. You shuddered and turned away, hearing Chris speak up in his boat not too far away.

"Who's gonna make it to the rock? And who's going to the chopping block? Find out after the break!"


Ending Note:

not proofread, duh

This one is quite short cuz the episode cuts in half kinda early‼️


at this point I don't know if anyone is still here but I really want to get up to the part where Duncan comes back which is only in about 3-5 chapters so I might be more active these next few weeks

yeah im still at school and things are a bit hectic but!


adiós 👅

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