taken Ⅱ [jason mccann]

By justinslover69

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"You're him. You're the one in my dreams, the one that took me, the one I fell in love with." ______________... More

p r o l o g u e
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t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n

f o u r t e e n

1.1K 81 71
By justinslover69

[ J A S O N ]

"You're just adorable aren't you? You are just the cutest thing on earth." I said in a baby voice as I tickled Caleb on top of my bed. Caleb let out a small giggled and continued sucking on his finger while his chubby cheeks lifted up his eyes and a bright smile came on his face.

I smiled and lifted Caleb up carefully. I cradled him in my chest and stood up from the bed, I paced around the room while the sun lightly glared in through the windows and you could faintly hear everybody setting up in the backyard of Fredo's and Nick's house, where Fredo's birthday party was being held. "You know that pretty lady you saw a couple of days ago? That was your Auntie Aubrey. She was gorgeous wasn't she?" I asked the four month baby in my arm.

Caleb's face lit up in a smile and it looked like he was agreeing with me. I sadly smiled at him and felt guilt go through me. Because of me, he will never get to know his godmother Aubrey who would've loved and spoiled him so much.

The bathroom door suddenly opened up and Cassie appeared in the door way in a neon pink shirt and shorts that covered her bikini that was underneath her clothes. "There's my baby!" she gasped with a smile on her face and walked towards me and Caleb with open arms. She took Caleb out of my arms and cradled him in her own arms. Her eyes shined with compassion and love as she looked down at him. "Thank you Jason for watching him while I changed." she thanked me with a smile on her face.

"No problem." I smiled and kissed her cheek in a friendly way. I walked over to my phone and checked to see if I had any important notifications on my phone.

I sat in the bed and scrolled down on the screen while Cassie continued to cradle Caleb in her arms. She walked towards his car seat and carefully placed him inside, getting him ready to go down stairs. She sighed and carried Caleb with her to the arm chair in Fredo's guest room and sat down on the chair. I scrolled down on my phone, completely in a trance until Cassie asked "So Caleb met Aubrey?"

The room became completely silent and I gulped to myself. I never told anyone about the encounter with Aubrey. I kept the whole thing to myself because I knew if I told someone, they would flip their shit. Cassie would just get excited and cry a little. She wouldn't tell me I was stupid or anything. "Um-yeah. Her brother threw the ball into my backyard and they came and asked if they could get it." I explained and rubbed my temples.

Cassie looked at me with sadness in her brown orbs and leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees and her arms dangling off of her leg with her hands intertwined with each other. "Jason, you're not the only one that misses her." she spoke quietly.

I looked at Cassie with sadness and I knew she could feel my pain. Aubrey was her best friend over here. They were as close as sisters. Hell, Aubrey was with Cassie when Cassie found out she was pregnant with Caleb; that's how close they were. Aubrey was close to everyone of my friends; she loved them and they loved her. "Jason!" a familiar voice squealed for me, breaking my thoughts.

Cassie and I both looked towards the door and saw Candice running towards me in sunglasses and a bikini. I nervously smiled and saw Cassie give her a dirty look as she passed by her. Let's just say Cassie, Pauline, Carter, Cameron, and Nick hate Candice. Cassie and Pauline hate her because I slept with her and Candice might've said a few rude remarks to each of them envoling their eyebrows, saying they're bushy and they should get them done, and Candice mistook Caleb as a girl.

Carter, Cameron, and Nick hate her because-well-she's annoying and clingy; their words not mine. I will admit she has been clinging to my side ever since we've slept together. And that she has changed so much; she is no longer that sweet girl I thought she was.

I've told her multiple times that every time we sleep together, it's just for fun, no strings attached, friends with benefits types of deal. She claims she agrees but acts like we are a real couple. She doesn't understand that every time I fuck her, I feel nothing. I'm still hung up on Aubrey. I will always be hung up on Aubrey. Nothing can change that.

Candice plopped herself on my lap and wrapped her arm around my neck, pulling on my neck and kissing my cheek. "I've missed you!" Candice squealed in my ear and I winced at how loud she squealed. Cassie rolled her eyes and focused on Caleb. Candice turned her head and realzied Cassie was in the room and smirked "So Cassie no nasty looks today? I never knew you could stop being bitter."

"I was going to give you a nasty look but I see you already have one." Cassie saracastically smiled and grabbed Caleb's car seat while I tried to contain my laughter. "Jason when you're done taking care of the trash," Cassie looked Candcie up and down, meaning Candice was the trash. "come outside and hang out with us." she smiled and existed the room with Caleb in her hands.

Candice scoffed and turned to look at me with an astonished look on her face. "Why are your friends so rude Jason?" she asked.

"Well you technically did start that one." I shrugged and threw her off my lap. I walked towards the dresser and grabbed my towel from the thing and hummed to myself, clearly not caring that my friends were rude to Candice. I would care if Candice did nothing to them and my friends had no reason to hate her but obviously, she does start most of the fights.

"So you're on their side?" Candice asked with furrowed eyebrows and purse shock written on her face. God this girl talks like I'm her boyfriend. We only fuck, what doesn't this girl get? She's only been in town for three weeks, we've already fucked twenty times, and she's acting like I'm her fucking slave.

"I'm on nobodies side. I'm out of it. It's between you and them. I'm just pointing out the obvious by saying you start most of the fights." I argued and rubbed sunblock on my arms.

Candice looked at me as if she was insulted and got up from the bed. "Fine then. I'll go hang out with Alfredo." she snapped and walked out of the room with her head held up high, looking like a dumbass. I shrugged and held my towel in my hands.

I made my way downstairs and into the backyard where the patio was just finished being set up for a party and there was a clear view of the beach. Nick and Alfredo live right near the beach, like water almost coming into their patio near. Alfredo decided to have a beach/bon fire type of party since it could easily be held at his house.

Everything had just been finished setting up and now people were starting to arrive. I sat next to Pauline at our table, waiting for everyone else to arrive. Pauline and I played Tic-Tac toe on a napkin to entertain ourselves when suddenly I felt my shirt being tugged. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my head to see Matt standing there with a smile on his face. Pure shock went throughout me as I stared down at Aubrey's little brother who was staring at up at me with a bright smile on his face with a little button up on and red swim trunks on and sandals covering his small feet. "'Matt, what are you doing here? How did you get here?" I asked.

"I came here with Aubrey, Amber, and Carla! Alfredo Sauce invited me. Isn't Alfredo Sauce your friend? You remember from that big truck when Aubrey and I went into the water and Aubrey hit her head. You have to remember Jason!" he smiled and more shock hit me. He remembered me the whole time.

When I saw him and Aubrey the other day, he acted like he had never seen me before. Like he had never met me or remembered me from that night in the hospital. Of course, I wouldn't except Matt to remember since the last time I saw him was five months ago, almost six. "Matt, you remember me?" I asked in a whisper.

"Of course I do, silly! I only acted like I didn't the other day because Daddy and Mommy told me that if I ever saw you with Aubrey again, act like I didn't know you. I didn't hurt you did I?" Matt asked with a frown appearing on his face.


Rene and Michael told Matt to pretend like I never knew him. It's so annoying how they try to control their kids. They act like I'm going to hurt them when I promised I wouldn't do anything anymore. But they hide me because they're only afraid of me, and I'm ashamed of myself for that. "No buddy." I smiled sadly and ruffled his curly hair like I use to. "Come on, let's go find your sister." I huffed and turned to tell Pauline that I would be back.

I carried Matt as I walked through the house that was crowded with people. I searched through the packed house for Aubrey when I heard that angelic laugh come from the kitchen. I smiled to myself, loving the sound of her laughter. I walked towards the kitchen with Matt still on my side and there she was.

She stood in the kitchen, talking along with Nick and Alfredo with a smile on her face. She wore a black dress that covered her mint colored bikini and the rest of her body. Her long brown hair flowed down her chest while her bangs were braided and pinned the each side of her head. She wore no makeup, which was really when she looked her best. I always loved her natural face as much as she hated it. She always thought she looked ugly with no make up on but to me, she was the most beautifully girl in the world. She will always be the most beautiful girl the world to me.

"Aubrey!" Matt yelled and raced through the kitchen to reach Aubrey. Aubrey lifted her head up and giggled as Matt collided into her legs and wrapped his small arms around them. "Look who's here Bre!" Matt announced with a bright smile on his face.

Both of Alfredo and Nick looked towards me, each of their eyes popping out in panic once they saw me. I hadn't told them about my encounter with Aubrey from a few days of go. I hadn't told anyone actually. I just kept it to myself so that I wouldn't get in trouble by anyone. Aubrey's eyebrows furrowed and she looked up, her eyes landing on me. Her brown eyes shimmered in surprise as she saw me standing in the kitchen with everybody else. "J -- Jason? What are you doing here?" she mumbled out in shock as a small smile grew on her face.

"I could ask you the same thing." I chuckled walking closer to Alfredo and Nick just when Carla came out of the hallway.

"Aubrey, we have to go in the water -- Oh my god." Carla mumbled once she saw me and Aubrey standing in the same room. Her eyes lit up in panic and she froze in her spot, her body tensing at the sight before her. Alfredo, Nick, and Carla all stared at us in confusion while tears and anger formed in Carla's eyes.

"Aubrey...you know who Jason is?" Nick questioned, gulping nervously as he stared at us with curious and confused eyes. Alfredo and Carla stood silent at this point while I did the same. I wanted Aubrey to answer for herself, considering she did have no idea who I really was.

"Yeah, he's my new neighbor. I met him when Matt kicked the ball into his backyard." Aubrey explained, a small smile on her face as she explained the rather awkward situation to everybody. "How do you know Jason?" Aubrey turned to face Nick, who quickly covered up his nervous expression.

"He's -- um -- Alfredo's best friend. Right Alfredo?" Nick cleared his throat and turned to Alfredo.

Alfredo quickly snapped out of his surprised trance and quickly nodded his head. "Oh yeah. We've -- um -- been best friends since we were kids. We tell each other everything." Alfredo looked at me with stern eyes and I nervously smiled.

When Aubrey opened up her mouth to speak, she was quickly cut off by Carla's harsh tone that questioned, "Jason, can I talk to you?" Nervousness ran throughout my body. I already knew what she was going to say. I already knew that she was going to remind me about my promise to her. But I can't have Aubrey taken away from me, not after all that's happened.

"Right now? I mean --"

"Now Jason." Carla snapped, causing Aubrey to furrow her eyebrows in confusion as she watched anger flow through her best friend. A frown came over my lips and I nodded my head, knowing that this was going to come sooner or later. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and looked down at my feet as Carla and I began to walk towards the hallway to speak while Aubrey looked at us in confusion. The last thing I saw of her was being dragged outside by Alfredo and Nick, who knew she should hear our conversation.

Carla and I stopped in the middle of the hallway, but didn't say a word to each other. Carla's hands were on her hips and she looked up at the ceiling with anger in her eyes. I continued to look shamefully at the ground, feeling scared of what Carla was going to say to me. Wow. Me being scared of Carla Vasquez...that's the first. "Are you going to explain?" Carla asked in a low voice finally laying her eyes on me.

I sighed and leaned my head back, dreading the explanation I had to give. "Look, it's not my fault okay? Matt accidentally kicked a ball into my backyard and they came over to get it. She ended up recognizing me from that night she fell on me and introduced herself to me. I had no idea it was her at the door and if I knew it was her, I wouldn't have answered the door. I don't know what else you want me to say C." I spoke, causing a loud and aggravated groan to come from Carla's mouth as she paced around the hallway.

"Jason, you promised me you weren't going to talk to her, go anywhere near her."

"I can't stop it Carla! It's not my fault she showed up at my door!"

"Jason, you bought the house right next to hers so I'm sure it is." I stood silent at her reply, knowing that she was right. I should've stayed away. I said I would stay away I should've. The only reason we are in this situation is because of me, all because of me. My frustration ran through my body and I breathed heavily, trying my hardest not to lash out on Carla or make a scene at Alfredo's birthday party, which I'm sure I had already done. "Does Rene or Michael know about this?" Carla questioned, replacing her hands on her hips.

"No. They don't know anything."

Carla sighed and leaned her back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling while she was deep in her thoughts. Silence fell upon us, giving us time for each of us to think about the situation and what we were going to do about it. "You know I love her...right Jason? You know that I would do anything in my power to keep her safe, even if that means lying to her." Carla spoke in a whisper, looking directly at me with sad eyes. I nodded my head, knowing the bond they had shared over the years. "But I know she loved you. She loved you so much, she was willing to give up everything just to be with you." Carla stated and removed herself from the wall to stand in front of me.

"It's hard for me to lie to her Jason. It's hard for me to see her so confused about that feeling she has. That feeling where she knows something's missing...but doesn't know what it is. I want to tell her so bad. I want her to know that there is a man out there that loves her with everything in him and would do anything for her. I want her to know that her first, true love is out there waiting for her." she whispered, sadness forming in her eyes as she stared at the floor deep in thought.

I looked in her eyes and whispered "Why don't you?"

She tensed and hesitated, thinking of her answer. Her eyes fixed from the ground to my own, looking deeply at me. "Because keeping her away from you is the best thing for her." Carla whispered compassion forming in her eyes. My eyes fell to the ground and sadness formed in my body, knowing what she was saying was true. I was soon brought out of my thoughts when a hand laid on my cheek. I looked towards Carla as she began saying, "But I know you love her and I know she loves you. I also know that you would protect her with everything in you. I see how hard it is for you to be away from her and I don't want to be apart of that. Rene and Michael may want you away from their daughter but I don't want you away from Aubrey. Which is why I'm giving you permission to see her and I won't tell Michael or Rene."

My eyes lit up in excitement and my body jumped in surprise. "Are you serious?" I questioned in a rushed tone of voice.

"Yes, I am. But I swear to god McCann, if something happens to her I will cut off your balls and feed them to the sharks. I will beat your ass like --" I cut her off my taking her tiny body in my arms, wrapping them around her and holding her tightly, feeling nothing but joy in that moment.

"Thank you C! Thank you, thank you, thank you." I repeated as I hugged her tightly.

Her arms wrapped around me and she gave me a squeeze as I felt her smile in my shoulder. "You're welcome McCann. But just remember, I may be tiny but I will kick your ass until no end if anything happens to my Aubrey."

After the whole heart to heart with Carla, I went outside and talked to Cameron who was holding Caleb in his arms and feeding him baby food. Word had gotten around that Aubrey was at the party, which caused all of our friends to rush to see her. They hadn't seen her in five months and probably missed her just as much as me. She was close to everyone. So close, the girls started crying when they laid eyes on her.

Even though I wanted to stay there and enjoy the moment of seeing everyone together again, I went outside and found Cameron again. Cameron and I continued our conversation when I saw familiar curls running towards me and I saw Matt run around the table to me. "Jason!" Matt squealed and jumped into my lap, causing Cameron and I to laugh.

"Hey buddy, you having fun?" I asked as he sat my lap fumbling away with his pixie stick.

"Yeah. They have a bunch of candy here Jason! Wubbzy even got me two cupcakes because I let him burrow my sand toys." Matt excitedly grinned at me.

"Cool bud."

"Jason." we heard a familiar voice call for me and Cameron instantly groaned, throwing his head back. "Here comes the bride of Frankenstein." Cameron rolled his eyes and sipped from his beer bottle while Matt let out a little giggle and I chuckled but quickly stopped when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

Candice leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear "Is this who I think it is?" and looks at Aubrey as she talks beside me to the girls. After sleeping together one night, Candice wanted to see a picture of Aubrey because I always said she was so gorgeous. Once she saw the picture, she completely agreed with me. I nodded with a head with a smile on my face. "Oh my god." Candice gasped and a smile came over her face. I guess she still does have a sweet side left in her. "Jason, she's gorgeous!" Candice whispered with a grin on her face and a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

"Oh cut the shit Candice. You can totally tell you're faking it." Cameron rolled his eyes, snapped in his British accent, and continued to feed Caleb. Matt let out another giggle but then quickly stopped when Candice glared at him intensely.

Candice then turned to Cameron and snapped "Let's play a game of fuck off, you go first."

"Hey Candice, if I throw a stick, will you leave?" Cameron asked, shifting in his seat and staring up at Candice

Candice gasped and looked astonished that Cameron would ever talk to her that way. Candice scowled at Cameron and stomped away towards the beach water. Cameron let out of a little chuckle and Matt yelled "But he didn't throw a stick!" causing a chuckle to escape from my mouth.

Cameron and I high fived Matt when Aubrey walked up to us with a smile on her face and a martini in her hands. My heart stopped as I stared at her walking towards us. Her hips naturally swayed and her bikini showed her toned, thin body. The smile on my face dropped and everything became a blur as I stared at her. Every guy in the room stared at her and fell in love with her in the matter of five seconds. "Hey guys." she greeted finally, reaching us.

"Hey Bre Bre."

"Hey Aubrey."

"H-Hi." I gulped and stared at her face in shock. Cameron stifled a laugh and Aubrey let out a little giggle while her cheeks flushed. A dreamy smile came onto my face and I looked directly at her face, completely hypnotized by her beauty.

"Jason, can you take me to the water?" Matt asked while tilting his head and looking at me with the most adorable puppy eyes.

"Of course. Well-If your sister doesn't mind." I simply said, turning to Aubrey and instantly seeing her shake her head with a smile on her face.

"Of course I don't. Actually, I've been wanting to go to the water for awhile now too. Mind if I join you guys?" Aubrey asked with a raised eyebrow.

I immediately protested and jumped up in my seat with Matt in my arms. "Not at all." I smiled at her and let Matt down. Aubrey bit her lip and stared into my hazel eyes. She nodded her head and walked away with Matt, towards the water.

I smiled and put my head down. I began to walk when Cameron caught my arm. I turned my head and saw Cameron smirking up at me "Have fun lover boy." he teased and I scowled at him and took off, making him laugh.

I caught up with Aubrey and Matt and we all walked side by side to the water. The hot sand went in between our toes causing Matt to giggle every time it was wedged in between his big toe and his second toe. We reached the moist sand, right where the sea line started, and stared out at the sea and watched the waves crash and the crystal blue water shine, thanks to the sun. A cool breeze blew by us, causing a smile to come on Aubrey's face. "God, I love the beach." she told me.

"I know." I mumbled quietly with a grin on my face. The beach was one of Aubrey favorite places to go. She absolutely loves everything to do with a beach or water in general. She loved swimming and being in water so much, her parents called her mermaid. "Let's go in." I said, unbuttoning my button up and revealing my body.

Aubrey nodded her head and bend down to undo Matt's button up. She undid button by button until Matt was bare chested. Aubrey turned around to face me and let out a quiet gasp once she saw my built body. She scanned my body up and down as her mouth peeked open and her eyes filled with desire. I smirked and chuckled before throwing my shirt on the ground along with Matt's "Let's get in the water!" I yelled excitedly, snapping Aubrey out of her trance and ran into the water while grabbing onto Matt.

I placed Matt on my shoulders and he let out a little squeal as he threw his hands in the air and I held onto him while splashing in the water. Aubrey giggled and ran beside us as we got deeper and deeper into the water. "It's so beautiful." Aubrey gasped as the water reached her stomach and she looked around at the clear, bright water.

"Splash Aubrey, Jason." Matthew whispered in my ear, causing me to smirk and wink at him. I watch as Aubrey stood staring at the sun in awe, before splashing water against her body causing her to jump up in surprise.

"Hey!" she squealed before splashing water against me. Matthew and I laughed before the three of us broke out into a splash war. We each genuinely laughed and smiled, enjoying the time we had together. Seeing the smile on Aubrey's face cause butterflies to flutter in my stomach and my eyes to sparkle at the sight of her. That familiar smile made me feel so warm...so safe...it felt like home. A home that I missed deeply.

And just for those few minutes, the feeling of happiness and joy surrounding us felt familiar. It felt like the way things use to be. It felt like things had never changed between Aubrey and I, that we were still together like we were supposed to be. And in those minutes, I was finally happy and at home.


guys im so freaking proud of myself. I WROTE THIS CHAPTER IN THE MATTER OF AN HOUR YAAAAS BITCH. oh my god, this is the happiest I've ever been about myself before lmao.

so a little cute, sad scene for you guys. please don't hate me. but hey, let's give props to Cameron and Cassie for roasting Candice. I applaud the couple.

i promise that you guys are gonna love the next chapter. it involves Carla being a boss ass bitch like the queen she is. you're gonna love her lol. if you guys are confused about carla accepting Jason into aubreys life, you have to understand that Carla loves Aubrey like a sister and she only wants the best for her. but she knows that Aubrey and Jason loved each other and that Jason would never do anything to hurt her so she let him into her life with promising not to tell Rene or Michael. also because she has a tiny soft side for Jason lol lol.

anyways, how are you guys? i hope everything is okay. if not, please fell free to message me if you need anything at all. even if it is to be listened to.

i love you all with all of my heart.

xoxo, justinslover69

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