Writer's Games Entries

De RocketK

827 68 28

Thought I'd post all of my entries for the writer's games that I compete in. Only the Games that I've compete... Mais

Tribute Form for D6 Male - Rex Tyree ("When in Rome")
Task 1: "The Interview"
Task 2: "The Bloodbath"
Task 3: "Voices In The Night"
Task 4: "Gladiator"
Task 5: "Power of Gods"
Task 6: "Remembrance" (QF) (E)
Tribute Form for D4 Male - Cyrus "Joint-Wrecker" Blue ("Crime")
Task 1: "The Training-Session"
Task 2: "The Interview"
Task 3: "The Bloodbath"
Task 4: "A Change of Heart"
Task 5: "For The Love of..."
Task 6: "Build Your Own..." (QF)
Task 7: "The Silence Before The Storm" (SF)
Task 8: "Chasing Life" (F) (W)
Tribute Form For D5 Male: Skylar Specks ("Race Through Time")
Task 1: "The Private-Session"
Task 3: "Nitokerty's Feast"
Task 4: " 'Til Death Do Us Fight "
Task 5 - "Aim For The Ring"
Task 6: "It's All Fun And Games Until Someone Dies" (E)
Tribute Form for D2 Female - Shadow Skye ("Rhapsody")
Task 1: "Saying Goodbye"
Task 2: "A Symphony of Death"
Task 3: "The Ballad of The Beast"
Task 4: "Don't Scream"
Task 5: "The Girl With The Black Ribbon"
Task 6: "My Battle Cry" (SF)
Task 7 - "Victorious" (F) (2nd place)
Character Form for Raegan 'Rae' Wolff ("Scream")
Task 1: "Psycho"
Task 2: "It" (E)
Character-form for Aerio of The Shadowlands ("In The Name Of The Seven")
Task 0: Audition-task
Task 1: "The Warrior"
Task 2: "The Smith"
Task 3: "The Maiden"
Task 4: "The Crone" (E)
Writers Awards: Contest 1 - #Lyrimuse
Tribute Form for Ax Nairn ("Bloodbound")
Task 1: "Rise of an Empire"
Task 2: "All Roads..."
Task 3: "Arachne's Web"
Task 4: "Cupid's Arrow"
Task 5: "The Raven and The Crow" (E)
Tribute Form for Europe-tribute Agnes Træet ("Planet Earth")
Task 1: "The Ball"
Task 2: "The Globe"
Task 3: "The Donkey"
Task 4: "The Witches"
Task 5: "The Banquet"
Task 6: "The Tempest" (QF)
Task 7: "Petty Players" (SF) (E)

Task 2: "Being A Sponsor"

7 1 0
De RocketK

A/N: Task involved choosing one of the three sponsors of the Games and write their pov through our tribute's reaping and them weighing pros and cons regarding sponsoring my tribute. This is the first task to be scored, dead-line is June 18th, but I finished early so posted this June 16th. Excited for the scores...

Neith's pov:
It's so obvious: I am surrounded by morons. Seriously, Roux and Turt never know when to shut the hell up about their sexual appetites or what an 'art' it is to actually be as good-looking as they are etc. We are not here to brag about our achievements. If we were, I'd make sure to shut them up as the youngest ever Secretary of Defense in Panem. However, I don't because that's not what I'm here to do. I'm here to sponsor tributes. I keep studying the screen in my hand as both Turt and Roux trip over something and at the same time try to get over the 'harsh' comments that they've received from some of the bolder tributes.

"Can you believe that kid from 5? He called me freaking ugly. He's supposed to be begging for me to sponsor him. Hah, in his dreams now!" Turt grunts as a grin unexpectedly forms on my face. "No, Turt, not his dreams, it'd be in his nightmares if you were to ever sponsor him..." I let out careless without bothering to see his reaction. For one, I found myself enjoying the boy's session. Both Roux and Turt were served up pretty good while I got off easy. Seriously, he didn't even scratch the surface with the 'patsy-tributes from 2' comment. If he kills them, it'll be because he is better than them. It will not hurt my feelings at all.

"You two are far too easy to manipulate. When I think about it, it's actually a wonder I haven't done it myself...oh, wait, that's when I remember: I couldn't be bothered." I let out as I finally look up at them from the screen I'm holding in my hand. They both turn towards me with irritated looks. They don't really like me. I suppose they don't like someone younger than themselves, being the Secretary of Defense of Panem. Even less do they like that the very same person is a sponsor in the same Games as them. "That boy didn't even scratch the surface because I didn't care about what he said. I know what I stand for...you two obviously don't when you're being that touchy."

I put the screen down and get up on my feet. Obviously, they are both just going to go for someone else that they like, rather than doing a thorough research on all of them before making up their minds. "Why are you even bothering talking about him if you're not in a million years going to sponsor him? Why don't you either pick someone who's good enough to be a model when they win or someone that looks so good that you'd do her...or him." I let out as I turn my head distinctively towards Turt at the last mention. "You've got some nerves, woman..." I squint at Turt right away and clears his throat. "Ms. 'Secretary of Defense'..." Turt mocks. "Careful, Turt, if I snap only a little bit, you won't have any balls try and match my nerves..."

I walk out of the room and head back towards my private suite. I have a decision to make. I've got a few candidates that I need to consider carefully before making it. Skylar Specks, the tribute from 5 might be on that list, or he might not. It's none of Roux' or Turt's business. The thing is, the boy from 5 did capture my attention, unlike a majority of the other tributes, including the Careers.

He's made me so curious I consider torturing myself through the reaping in District 5 just to see how real he is...or isn't. I suggested that for my two other fellow sponsors, but they're probably just gonna go for anyone but the one that had the nerve to speak up to them. District 5 isn't a district to capture my attention. I barely acknowledge that it exists if I'm perfectly honest, but Skylar Specks might be the one to put it on the map for me.

I fill my glass with something cold and bubbly as I sit down on the couch and turn my hologram-screen on. Hitting the right buttons, I will find all of the recaps of the reapings. Well, the ones that I'm interested in watching obviously. Having seen both tributes from District 5, I know I'll be for up for a show. That girl was badshit crazy and then you had the boy who was...well, not as crazy, but just too damn arrogant, which I tend to like. I skip through District 1-4 because they don't really spike my interest this year. It's a shame really. I always imagined that I'd sponsor a Career.

At first I'm not even sure if I want to watch the whole reaping from 5, but I decide to go with it. After all, who knows, I could go after a wildcard and hope that the girl wins. Yeah, right, a mentally unstable girl. Her biggest fault is that instability. She was far too eager to volunteer and she's far too eager to show her excitement of going to the Games. The fact that the rain was pouring down on her just makes it all the more...special.

I skip slightly forward as the cameras start to focus on the boy. The Capitol wastes no expense when it comes to filming the entire crowd to see if they spot any reactions or evil grins as they make their move to volunteer. The camera just seems to capture Skylar Specks as another boy is reaped. A confident and weak grin appears on his face. He's taking his time before making his move. He's patient. I might like that. It can be an advantage. However, it can also be a flaw if he waits too long.

I swing my leg across my other leg and just watch the moment that he raises his hand in the air as they ask for volunteers. I can hardly remember there having been any volunteers in 5 before, but when I see Skylar Specks, he does not flinch for a second. He knows what he wants and he's about to get it the moment he takes that other boy's place. Looking closer at him, I can also tell he's not from a poor family. He's too well fed. He's doesn't strike me as the 'trying-to-save-the-world'-type either. Good. I'm so sick of them. The last tributes who were like that started a damn rebellion and that nearly killed me.

At the same time, those tributes are way too predictable, which ultimately makes them plain and boring. This kid however, he is more unpredictable. It'll be hard to tell what he'll do at every turn of the Games. On one side, it makes him all the more interesting as a sponsor-subject, but on the other side, it can be a bad thing. Too unpredictable really isn't something that I favor much. When I pick one to sponsor, it must someone that shows who I want to be as the new Secretary of Defense. I have to make a decision here that strengthens my position.

Before I get to consider anything any further, I hear the door open to my right and I immediately pull out my gun and aim it at the person that so irritatingly has to show up. Turt. "What, are you gonna shoot a man for paying a visit?" He goes on and I grunt irritatingly before I holster it. "One millisecond and I would've shot you, so yes." I answer as I turn my attention back towards the screen. "Oh, come on, honey, don't be like that..." That's all it takes. I pull my gun out and shoot his glass into pieces. "Hey! You almost shot me!" He whines. "Too bad it was only almost..."

I barely catch him shake his head before he sees who I'm observing intently on the screen. I hear him grunt behind me as he pulls a new glass with something to drink. "I feel bad for you if you consider sponsoring that kid. I'm gonna sponsor someone that kills him straight off..." Turt goes on. I chuckle to myself. "You and Roux are just too touchy...perhaps it's because you're both Capitolites..." I let out myself as I freeze the image of the boy. "The boy has got potential..." I answer.

"Are you seriously considering sponsoring him? He disabled our defense and nearly threw a knife at our heads. Boy's got mental issues, and that ain't something that's gonna win." Turt goes on. I don't really have to defend myself to Turt of all people. He's just another poor excuse of a man. There's hardly anyone worth keeping, you know? "I don't have to defend my opinions from you. Do you think I'm even remotely affected by what you're saying?" I look over at him.

"I'm not up in your business about who you're sponsoring so I expect you to be out of mine." I say irritatingly as I place my hand back on the gun. Oh, how it tempts me to just shoot him. I'm pretty sure I'd be doing entire Panem a damn favor. However, I need to make my decision about who to sponsor. The new Head-Gamemaker seems to be eager to know and so does the entire public of Panem.

"I'm just trying to point out that the first tribute you sponsor usually defines you and your strategies." I immediately laugh and I do not attempt to hide it in front of him. I turn my head towards him. "Right, like the first one defined you and your strategies?" Which was a Career female of course and he hasn't backed away from them ever since. We all know what he's after. Greasy bastard sometimes even gets it. He grunts after a while walking towards the door. "No wonder you're considering that boy from 5...you're both the same personality-wise."

I sigh deeply, trying to contain myself. If that Roux comes in I'm not only gonna shoot his glass. I'm going to kill him and tell security he was acting threatening and that there was no other way. I almost prepare myself for the guy to come, but he never does. I take a deep breath as I turn my attention back towards the screen on the frozen image of Skylar Specks. I press play as I dig up my notebook among my many lethal pockets.

Four names, four tributes, candidates...unfortunately, I can only sponsor one of them. They all have their pros and cons obviously. I smile to myself as I might as well just be holding someone's lifeline right now. The power that comes with being Secretary of Defense is incomparable, but this right here feels pretty damn good too. I will find out what it's like to actually make the difference between life and death. I just have to pick one of these four, hmm, decisions, decisions...

Continue lendo

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