Who Cares Who Wins? (boyxboy)

By mossfordgreen

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Alexander Morgan hated his expensive, yet exclusive, boarding school. He was bullied mercilessly by the rugby... More

Chapter 1. The Wall.
Chapter 2. Confrontation.
Chapter 3. A Bit Of Sport.
Chapter 4. Barriers Crumbling.
Chapter 5. Cannon Fodder.
Chapter 6. Signs Of A Thaw.
Chapter 7. An Unexpected Revelation.
Chapter 8. Xander's Secret.
Chapter 9. A Sight For Sore Eyes.
Chapter 10. If Music Be The Food Of Love......
Chapter 11. The Deal.
Chapter 12. Cliff's Secret Part One.
Chapter 13. Cliff's Secret Part Two.
Chapter 14. Perfect.
Chapter 15 Rugby Rules.
Chapter 16. Cup Game - Part One.
Chapter 17. Cup Game - Part Two.
Chapter 18. Confusion.
Chapter 19. An Apology.
Chapter 20. Temptations & Frustrations.
Chapter 21. Something's In The Air.
Chapter 22. Logan.
Chapter 23. Niko.
Chapter 24. Morgan's Farm.
Chapter 25. Status.
Chapter 26. Young Love.
Chapter 27. St. David's.
Chapter 28. Like Riding A Bike.
Chapter 29. To Hell With It.
Chapter 30. Awkward.
Chapter 31. Alexithymia.
Chapter 32. Finding Clayton.
Chapter 33. The Stuarts.
Chapter 34. Second Thoughts.
Chapter 35. Coming Out.
Chapter 36. Into The Lion's Den.
Chapter 37. Nobody's Fool.
Chapter 38. Return To St. Augustine's.
Chapter 39. Underhand Plans.
Chapter 40. Easy Peasy.
Chapter 41. A New Admirer.
Chapter 43. Retribution.
Chapter 44. More Revelations.
Chapter 45. A Strong, Good Feeling.
Chapter 46. A Cunning Plan.
Chapter 47. Hypothetical Scenario.
Chapter 48. Farcical.
Chapter 49. A Secret Love.
Chapter 50. Guilty By Association.

Chapter 42. Dissension.

37 4 28
By mossfordgreen

As Much A Man by David Dale

Clifton's POV.

I was awake well before Xander's alarm went off. It had been a good evening yet I hadn't slept that well.

When we entered the hall my father was already talking to Xander's father. It was like a love in. Both were saying complimentary things about us both, like how polite and respectful we had been when we had visited, and that we would be welcomed back at any time.

Coming from my father it surprised me. Not that Xander wouldn't be welcomed back but by him being so effusive about him. I could tell he was being sincere in his praise from his body language and gestures. It didn't sound like he was just buttering Xander's father up for business reasons.

We all dined out together at a nice restaurant. We had an earlyish meal as Xander's father was travelling back to London and then flying back to Hong Kong. My parents were staying over at a nearby hotel as Dad was coming to watch the game tomorrow. Hence the reason for my disturbed night.

Throughout the whole evening it was good to see our respective parents getting along, even splitting the bill equally without either one of them insisting on paying it in full. The conversation had flowed easily and hadn't reverted to our fathers talking about business to any great degree.  

Xander's anxious fears regarding Angela seemed misplaced. I found her charming and really nice. She was really pretty too and turned heads, not only in the school hall but in the restaurant too. She had greeted Xander with a kiss and been really complimentary about his performances to him. I felt it was all genuinely meant but then again I didn't know her like Xander did. 

When the alarm went off I picked up my wash things and towel and waited by the door for Xander to gather up his things.

"You look tired!" Xander remarked as he stood beside me. "Didn't you sleep well?"

"Not really. Dad staying over so he can come and watch today has rattled me a bit. I want him to be pleased with my performance no matter what the score is."

Xander chuckled. "And there's me thinking you're worrying about winning!"

He placed a hand on the door to stop me opening it and quickly kissed me, before placing his hand at the back of my head, pulling me towards him, kissing me passionately on the lips, forcing my lips apart and engaging in some serious tonsil tickling.

"Jeez Xander!" I exclaimed as we broke apart. "Now I will need a cold shower to kill the boner you have given me."

He threw his head back and laughed. "That's just to wish you all the best for this afternoon .... But no jerking off in the showers in case it tires you out!"

"Gee thanks!" I answered, covering my groin as I went to open the door again. "You could've just said! Doing that and getting me all worked up wasn't a good idea."

Xander put his hand back on the door, stopping me opening it again. "Tell you what.... To make up for getting you excited and being left high and dry, I'll come and watch you today."

It was my turn to kiss him. "Brilliant! I'll look out for you."


Trevor was glaring at me as we sat in the changing rooms waiting for the call to go out on the pitch.

I tried to ignore it but couldn't. "What's your problem?" I eventually asked as I glared back.

Trevor sneered and didn't reply to me directly. He placed a hand on each of Kasper's and Fabian's shoulders. "You know guys, I can't believe that Dickie is putting all his trust in a Nancy boy like him. You can't rely on that sort as much as real men, can you? It's looking like it's gonna be down to us proper men to win the game."

I didn't react but Leo did. He grasped Trevor by the throat and hauled him to his feet and lifted him so high he could only stand on tiptoes. He slammed Trevor up against the wall.

"If we lose this game because of you then you won't know what's hit you! We've got your number you....."

"Leo!" I shouted out, worried that he would spoil everything by unwittingly let Trevor know we knew what he had been doing. "Let him go.... Please.... We can win this with or without him. Dickie knows that and will act accordingly like he did before."

Leo cast an angry look at me before staring back at Trevor. It didn't look like he was going to let him go but it was Bradley's hand on Leo's shoulder and the quiet word in his ear that cooled Leo's anger.

Trevor hit the floor and crumpled in a heap, clutching at his throat, just as the call came to go out on the pitch.

We filed out of the changing room in silence with Leo and I leaving last.

"Sorry!" Leo apologised as we jogged onto the pitch. "I almost lost it when he cast the slur about you not being a real man. I could've fucked everything up for you if you hadn't called out......, but that toe-rag really gets my goat!"

"I know..., and I do appreciate you shutting him up..., but let's just win this first and then we can sort him out, once and for all, okay?"

I bumped fists with him as we all gathered around Dickie for his final pep talk of words which were meant to inspire us.

As we lined up to start the game I looked for Xander amongst the throng of spectators. It was only because he waved at me and was with Roland and Jacob, who always stood out in a crowd, that I saw him.

The smile left my face immediately. Mervyn Rhys-Jones was with them too.

'What the fuck is he sniffing around for!'  I thought as the referee blew the whistle.

Roding Abbey Academicals, on past form and on paper, were not the most difficult of adversaries but it was a cup knockout game and anything could, and usually did, happen.

With Logan gone Dickie had been forced to rearrange the team and had gone back to selecting his old standard opening team. I wasn't too happy with Fabian being selected instead of Chalky as Scrum Half as I, as Fly half I felt I had more rapport with Chalky. It was the same with Dickie sticking with Franklyn Spencer-Ryder as Inside Centre, as I thought that Dexter Bailey had progressed so much in recent games that I had hoped he would retain his place. I was more than happy with Zane Chester playing at Outside Centre, instead of Trevor but I knew having Trevor playing as Right Wing could likely cause some friction within the team if he didn't get his own way.

Trevor was one of those versatile players who could play at No 8, Scrum or Fly Half, or Outside Centre with no problem at all. I assumed that he had asked to be put on the wing so he could cover himself with glory by scoring tries as we all knew that talent scouts and international selectors often attended these cup games.

The selfish, glory hunting Trevor had resurfaced again.

We actually got off to a good start despite Fabian missing me out when passing the ball back, opting to pass straight to Franklyn. When Zane received the ball a second time, directly from Franklyn, he ran past me, calling out "Go left!"

I signalled my intention to River and as I made a daring and opportunist kick, forward up the left line, River set off in pursuit. To his credit River was up to the challenge, and caught the ball and, with a neat sidestep of their full back, scored a try in the corner as other players almost caught him.

I converted the conversion kick, setting us up with a 7-0 lead.

Trevor, Fabian, and Kasper surrounded Franklyn. I couldn't hear what they were saying but from the gesticulations it looked like they were berating him. I assumed it was because the ball had ended up with River and not with Trevor.

Fabian continued not passing to me, or passing so badly that I either fumbled it or missed it completely, and I realised that I was deliberately being pushed out of the game. Franklyn then began not passing to Zane, as Kasper was positioning himself in front of Zane, isolating us both.

Kasper tried to kick the ball down the right touchline, trying to reach Trevor who had started a run, but the ball was too short and was easily picked out of the air by an opposing player.

With Kasper out of position they cut through our lines with a series of good passes that ended with them getting a touchdown right between the posts. The conversion kick was easy enough and the scores were level.

Trevor berated me for allowing their players to ghost so easily through our defence, trying to shift the blame from Kasper. He won some of our team members over to his side by saying I was fumbling the ball and deliberately not following Dickie's game plan, effectively splitting the team and its cohesion.

For the next ten minutes or so all the play was centred around Trevor, giving him the opportunity to be noticed by any talent scouts and selectors that were watching. He scored an excellent try but from then on the opposition were wise to him and reacted by thwarting all his runs and neutralising his play.

With our cohesion gone and no real defined purpose to our play, Roding Abbey took full advantage and elementary mistakes led to tries and penalty kicks being scored against us.

Although I had converted two penalty kicks we were now losing. It was only by six points but we were in danger of conceding more.

Dickie was not happy at all. He was shouting instructions from the touchline at Fabian and, with Fabian continuing not to pass to me, or passing in such a way that it made it unable for me to control catching it, Dickie lost his patience with him and replaced both him and Franklyn with Chalky and Dexter. He also then warned me to up my game or Graham would replace me.

He never made any criticism of Trevor. Not a word.

With Chalky and Dexter now playing, our game improved instantly and we began to threaten once more but we were definitely missing Logan's flair and turn of speed.

We pressed forward looking for another try. I got caught in possession and, as I went to ground, a pile of bodies formed on top of me, all trying to collect the ball as I released it.

The studs from a boot raked my inner leg up to my groin and it was only my quick reaction in parrying the green and white hooped stocking leg that saved my gruntfuttocks from being nurdled.

As Roding Abbey played in blue stockings I knew it had to be one of my own team.

I was pretty sure it had to be Trevor but I had no proof.

As the game continued I began to feel painful twinges in my groin. It was moments to half time and we were well up in Roding Abbey's half when we were awarded a last minute penalty within easy striking distance of goal.

I took the usual four strides back and one to the side and composed myself as I took my kick stance.

I felt a pain, deep in my groin, as soon as I kicked the ball. It was a sharp, intense pain that made me hop around on one leg and I sank to the ground. I didn't have to follow the flight of the ball to know that I had missed an easy goal from the groan that erupted from our supporters.

I was soon surrounded by concerned players who tried to comfort me by saying that it didn't matter and that the ball had hit the side nearside post and bounced out rather than over.

"Do you think you can carry on?" Dickie asked without even asking if I was okay.

I shook my head. "No! I don't think so. I've definitely pulled something."

Xander's POV.

I saw Cliff pull up just as he kicked the ball.

"Aw! Fuck!" Roland yelled in my ear. "That's all we needed."

"It looks like he's pulled something," Jacob added, "and he's going to have to come off."

"Shit!" Mervyn exclaimed. "Dickie's putting that useless twat, Graham on. If Clifton doesn't come back on we're fucked!"

As Cliff was stretchered off the whistle for half time blew.

"I'm going to go see how bad he's hurt," I advised and then pushed my way through the crowd towards the team benches.

Runny and Nessie were acting as medical orderlies for the match and were trying to assess how much damage had been done.

Cliff's father was there too, shaking his head and expressing doubt that he would be able to carry on.

"He needs an ice pack on it," I heard Cliff's father say, "and the sooner the better if he's going to play any more rugby this term."

Runny handed Cliff a tablet and a glass of water. I assumed it was Ibuprofen as that would reduce any inflammation. "Take that while I go get one."

I could see the pain Cliff was in and knew I could relieve it. The problem was, if I did, everyone would see.

I was glad that it was Runny that had gone. "An ice pack won't do you any good if you want to finish the game," I advised Cliff as I squatted down beside him, aware that his father and Nessie could possibly hear every word. "By the time Mr Mead gets back it will be too late. Lie flat and I'll fix it for you like I did before."

Cliff obeyed immediately and I promptly shoved my hand down his shorts and rested it on his groin.

"Xander! What the hell do you think you're doing!" Cliff's father yelled as he tried to pull me away. 

"It's the only way Sir," I replied, as those boys standing around us began to make disparaging remarks. "It's a little trick my mother taught me."

"It's okay Dad." Cliff interjected. "I'm fine with him doing this. Really I am. It worked before." 

"Will you boys please move away and give them some space?" Nessie commanded, shooing the gathered crowd away.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate but it was difficult because of the surrounding noise. I could also feel a tension in Cliff too and an increase in the pain he was feeling. I knew he was having an erection and wondered why it was causing him pain. I pulled my hand back slightly and without anyone else noticing I slid it discreetly under his jock strap and released his trapped hardened member.

"Thanks!" He muttered quietly. "That was getting a little too restricted in there."

"Just relax like before and I'll have you up and ready to continue soon."

Runny returned with an ice pack and I was glad that Nessie told him to wait a few minutes telling him that I was attempting to administer some special skill that I had to good use. I think it was the conviction with how Nessie was saying it that must have persuaded Runny not to stop me.

I concentrated on achieving that state of mind I was so desperately needing.

I could feel the heat from my hands spreading out through Cliff's body and knew that the pain was easing fairly quickly. Cliff did not move but I could feel his body relaxing. His erection had eased too and I sensed he was no longer feeling awkward or embarrassed by my actions.

I was brought out of my trance by a hand being placed on my shoulder and Nessie calling out. "Alexander! Alexander! Mr Dickinson is here wanting to know if Clifton is able to return?"

"How does it feel now?" I asked Cliff as he sat up.

"Feels real sweet," he answered with a grin, "you sure have a magic touch."

"Can you continue?" Dickie demanded. "If not Graham will replace you as fly half."

I could sense the anger in Cliff as he answered with a firm "Yes."

"You sure it's wise to continue, Son?" Mr Stuart asked, putting a comforting hand on Cliff's shoulder.

"Xander's taken the pain away Dad," Cliff replied, "but I think I can carry on as long as I don't kick again."

"What's the point if you can't kick. Trevor can take those so don't bother playing the martyr. Graham will replace you as you've been bloody useless today!" Dickie answered and strode away.

"That was some magic trick your mother taught you!" Mr Stuart remarked as he helped me get Cliff to his feet. "Pity the coach is not only blinkered but stupid."

I watched as he and Nessie each supported a dejected looking Cliff as they walked him back to the changing rooms.

Author's Note ✍🏽

I was going to use the following video as the selected music video for this chapter but then I was recommended the David Dale video. Both do fit the sentiment of the chapter which is why I list it now.

What Makes a Man a Man by Stevie Spit

M xx ❤️❤️

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