Trophy Wife

Autorstwa Tangotkt

524 15 6

Follow the life of Fiona Maria Ivanov. A girl born and living with only one goal in her life. To get away fro... Więcej

No Jalapeño sauce??!
The Surprise
Family advice
Sealed The Deal
Dragon Lady
Infamous in Miami
Listen to Daddy
There's a Storm coming
New Parents
Welcome to Our Casa
Apology Kisses
Apology Kisses - II
Painful Gifts
Blasian CEO
Sister problems
Second chances
Things aren't always as they seem to be
A game of doubt
Motherly love
Model Mom
Not Jealous
First Interview!
A dash of daughter or two
Love Hurts
Spanish Fiona
The Event
Sisters Forever
Dating Greyson


10 0 0
Autorstwa Tangotkt

Rumors about Kevin and Peppa finally passed and people are concentrated on something else now. Something new. I had distracted myself in the past two months by doing my daily schedule as perfectly as I could. Yes, it's been a month and I lost about 8 pounds because of my dedication to the gym and morning runs. Sometimes I'd take Storm on a little walk on a stroller with me.

Speaking of Storm, my baby boy is growing up so fast! His hair finally came in and he is a little blonde like his father. Blonde with blue eyes? My little boy is going to be so beautiful! He even dances now, he's such a happy baby oh but I know he'll soon crawl, he can even sit up now and when he does crawl, that's when problems will start.

Kevin and I went on a few dates here and there and Peppa kept asking me the obvious, questions. "Why don't you wear something short and strut those legs?" I can't exactly answer her. I want to tell her so bad but she will make me feel bad about feeling bad about myself and I might lose all inspiration to do this.

But in my relationship however, I'm pretty happy. Especially today because last night, last night was so good I'm tempted to make another Storm but I'm definitely being safe now. I mean, it was painful because it felt like breaking my virginity again but it got bearable and let me tell you when it did, I was on cloud nine. Or more like on cloud Kevin, I really did forget how amazing sex with Kevin is. Now that it's back, I'm afraid I'll have to stop myself from jumping his bones.

My everyday schedule however is perfect and I wasn't about to lose that. It might've changed since Kevin went back to work but I'm still okay with it.

-Wake up at 5 am, do my usual skin care routine.
-Go jogging at 5:30 am for at least an hour or two if I can.
-Come back by 6:30/7:00 am and check on Storm.
-Take a shower if baby isn't awake, make breakfast for both of them him if he is until his father is awake so I can then shower.
- Shower strictly BEFORE Kevin leaves for work. Because I can't shower knowing my son isn't looked after.
- Clean up when Kevin leaves, doesn't take much since he does clean up after himself most of the time.
-Take Storm to his grandparents at 9 am because they are our unpaid babysitters and they don't mind.
-Visit Lola for three hours to check up on her.
-Go to the Gym after visiting Lola, very important on the list.
-Usually Kevin picks him up but, pick up Storm after gym.
-Be home by four pm so I can shower, watch a little series and start cooking at 6 pm.
-Do it all over again the next day.

Damn I am a busy woman for someone without a job. Peppa has been doing great at work because she said she finally adjusted. She reported the behavior of her coworkers once she got enough of their bullying and her boss ensured it's not repeated. Some people in the workplace do hate her but she says he didn't exactly say who reported because she wasn't the only newbie at the job and she wasn't the only harassed person there. Her new work friend, Amarylis had the same problem too.

Today she told me she forgot to bring lunch and her wallet so she could buy lunch so I'm currently driving one of Kevin's cars, a dark grey Range Rover that I happen to like. Yes, I finally got my license and now I'm driving myself! Kevin still doesn't like the idea of having Storm in the backseat but I might've buttered him into considering it since I wanted to actually get used to driving.

As I arrive at Peppa's workplace, I head straight for the receptionist. I am dressed in a white tennis skirt that shows my now beautiful thighs perfectly, although I'm also wearing some white knee length stockings. A nice sweater that also almost hides most of the skirt, it is military green and accommodates me to the weather perfectly. Since it's winter now but it hasn't fully snowed in Miami. A white shirt underneath, making sure the collar is visible. I paired my outfit some military cowboy boots to match and put on some green sunglasses so the color patterns still go together. I hold my favorite a black sling bag over my shoulder. And yes, it's Gucci and my lovely boyfriend bought it for me.

I feel so out of place because everyone is in formal pantsuits or tux's and I am in a very casual outfit so I'm surely standing out. I can feel it from the way people are looking at me, all in suits and pencil skirts but nothing fun and loose. They really need to live a little.

"Good day, Welcome to Royal Shadows, how may I assist you?" The woman greets but her tone of voice does not make her seem like she is having a good day. I can't blame her, imagine sitting here talking to random people all day everyday.

"I'm here to see my friend, Peppa? Peppa Winston." I reply with my cheery voice because I am totally having a great day. She doesn't reply back instead she starts clicking on her computer. "She works at the offices on the 38th floor." She comes her reply.

And she doesn't have to tell me twice!

I happily make my way to the elevator swinging my purse, back and forth. I am in a very good mood today and I love it.

As soon as I reach the elevator, another man enters behind me and he is in a dark grey suit that complements buffed up his body well. He seems cute but the way he's looking at me is definitely creepy and it's making me feel uneasy. He has a buzz cut that complements his dark skin beautifully, admittedly the man is majestic. The only problem is his look, he needs to dial it back a little.

"I hope you're not Greyson's girlfriend too." He says with a thick French accent that tells me that he hasn't been in America for too long.

I pretend to look around, hoping I find the person he is talking to because he sure as hell isn't referring to me as "Greyson's other girlfriend." When I don't find this ghost girlfriend of Greyson's, my eyes turn back to him, innocence is written all over them as I hold a clueless expression.

"Excuse me, are you talking to me?" I reply sweetly and I hate that I even did that, he does not  deserve me being nice to him.

"So the tabloids are right, you really are a spicy little thing." He chuckles showing his clear amusement with my situation. Does he find me funny? Because I don't find him funny. Not even a little.. Before I can ask him what he's talking about, the elevator dings and opens on the 5th floor. THANK GOD. "I shall see you, Madamè." He gives me a wink before he walks out of the elevator, his aura of confidence follows him like a moth to a flame. The man breathes confidence, which is attractive but then again, he's also weird and disrespectful for that.

As soon as I reach the 38th floor, I see a number of offices and people running and walking around and the excitement in my body increased tenfold being in here. I think I miss being this busy and not a stay at home mom. Well, they probably would kill to switch with me and I wouldn't blame them, my life is really good right now. But as a dedicated woman, I don't want to let all my hard work be for nothing because I want comfort. I'm doing this for my son after all.

I am quick to spot my blonde friend at her own little space of an office and I approach her. She looks so adorable wearing a formal cream blouse and a beige pencil skirt. Her butt is bigger than usual in that chair damn, she really has nice curves. Her hair is longer and lighter now because of her glow. I mean, she is a career woman after all. I notice she is talking to a brown haired girl who is casually leaning on her desk.

"I tried not to let it get to me but then again, some people just deserve a punch." I catch the conversation when I'm in close range before they both laugh out loud, it seems like a normal thing. They are friends and I don't know why I feel a jolt of pain from that discovery.

"Amaryllis you know you're being dramatic. " Giggles Peppa while she writes something ok a document before she turns back to Amaryllis. "I don't know how Keith bares with you."

"He's my brother!" The other girl exclaims. "He has to." She shrugs with a wide grin.

"Hey hey!" I sing with a cheery voice making the two turn to face me, well, them and a few other people who probably think I'm crazy for being happy at this hour or the day.

"Fiona?" Peppa's voice and face hold disbelief, I mean I didn't tell her I was coming. That's what best friends do right? They just poof! I haven't poofed her in months.

"Yep! Surprise! We're going to lunch." I engulf her in a big bone crushing hug that she grunts from me squeezing the life out of her. I have endless love and that means love aggression, and she's too adorable I missed her.

"Uh- well I don't have lunch in another 10 minutes, you're early." She struggles to say while attempting to shake me off, of course I won't let her. "Okay you can let go now." I release her finally. She dramatically takes long breaths making Amaryllis giggle.

"Well keep working, I'll wait." I offer putting my purse on her desk as a point. She looks at me like I've grown two heads.

"O..kay." She's looking at me like I'm crazy, but it's normal, a lot of people look at me like I'm coockoo when I'm happy. She turns to Amaryllis and starts introducing. "This is Amarylis by the way. Amarylis, this is my best friend I've told you about."

"You mean your best friend that is dating Kevin Williams??" I'm surprised of Amaryllis outburst. "Oh my god nice to finally meet you!" Amaryllis exclaims coming for a hug, a hug I happily return because I'm still in a good mood. I'm a hugger all day today. Although she was so loud everyone in the office is now looking at us in curiosity and some in realization. Yep, they heard her.

"Can I join you guys for lunch? Pleeaassee." She begs whilst still holding my hand like she just met her favorite celebrity.

"The more the meteor I guess ." I shrug returning her eager smile.  She squeals in excitement and disappears into one of the offices on the floor before her can say anything more. I think I might like her.

"She's a fan of the family." Peppa replies my unasked question after I catch her equally shocked expression. "Anyway, you look happy how is your day going?"

It's not something big that's making me smile, it's just that my life has been very relaxing, as relaxing as it can be and nothing is ruining it so far. I have a great son, a good daily schedule, the best boyfriend and maybe I might've been sent some flowers from my amazing boyfriend in the morning too. I love flowers! Especially lavenders! It was a peonies and Lavender bouquet and it was big too! See? Best boyfriend ever!

Before I can answer Peppa's question about to a very deep voice spoke behind me almost scaring the shit out of me but luckily only my heart jumps. But he did not have to scare me like that, who is this?

"Miss Winston." Both Peppa and I turn around to see who this is. My hand lays on my chest to ease my fast beating heart, except it doesn't help because my headset picks up even faster than before.

My eyebrows raise when I scan the man that's currently towering over both Peppa and I. He stands tall in dark grey dress pants and a pullover, his blazer is on his left forearm where his folded to perfection perfectly and held close to his abdomen. His abdomen that's very sexy and I probably shouldn't be staring at it right now.

His navy shirt's sleeves are folded up to his forearms leaving me to see his irresistibly beautiful caramel veiny arm. His dark to almost black eyes are also analyzing me as I analyze his unearthly handsome face. His curly hair is cut on the sides but the top still has some wavy curls falling on his caramel face. His face oh my goodness! His caramel skin makes those resting eyes look so much hotter than I want to admit. His top lip has a small mustache growing making his almost baby face look manly enough. All my mind can think of right now is HOLY SHIT. But I clear my throat and avert my eyes before I say anything I will definitely regret.

"Mr Choi. Is everything alright? I was about to head out." Peppa speaks breaking the silence and forcing him to turn from me to her. I don't know if it's just me but our moment of silence was too long, so long that many people might've noticed the sexual tension that I will never admit I just had.

"Yes, actually." He clears his throat too. "It's just some quick documents I'd like for you to go over, in my office. It'll only take 5 minutes of your time." He doesn't have an accent but I don't care because the sound of his voice definitely causes some movement in my abdomen, movement I hate to admit I like.

His voice is something I'd listen to everyday and of course I don't want to. He's not Kevin, I have to remember that I have a boyfriend. Heck, I haven't been attracted to anyone I've seen ever since I met Kevin. And I'm not about to start now, no matter how hot this office just became because of this guy's presence.

"Of course, sir. I'll be right back." Peppa immediately rushes to her work, her last words directed at me and so I nod in response.

"Don't worry, I'll keep your friend company." He takes both our attention again, prodding my heartbreak to ram inside my chest as if it wants to get out. Why is this happening? I don't need this. Peppa pauses for a second to looking in between two of us, unsure of what do say speak but she decides against it and leaves us there.

I can feel the million and two eyes in the office on us as if the people are waiting with suspense at our interaction. He doesn't say saying anything but by noticing me looking around the office, he smirks as his eyes twinkle and with an eerie familiar expression men give you before they tell you how much they want to bed you. Which is supposed to be disgusting and irritating but here I am, slightly turned on.


"My name is Greyson." He offers me his hand after our awkward moment of silence. I hesitate to take it but then I think, this is my friend's boss and I don't know how salty he is so I can't exactly judge yet. Even if I don't trust him even for a moment.

"I know, since you're famous and all." I said shaking his hand back with a nervous life. I'm attempting the friendly approach, after all I'm a stranger to him. His hand is so soft and warm I don't want it off of mine but then again, he is my boyfriend's business enemy. "I'm Fiona." I finish pulling my hand away from him as soon as I can.

"It's a pleasure Fiona." He sounds soft spoken, it contrasts with the mischievous look on his face.

"Likewise." I hold my ground with the same confidence he is, even if he's taller than me, I look at him straight on the eye. Maybe I'm just the one who's feeling intimidated, or more like my body is sexually pleased at this moment.

"You get more beautiful every-time I see you." His voice becomes lower when he says this, shocking me onve more. His choice of words made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" I ask.

"I'm not the only one who is famous." He says putting his hand back in the pocket of his dress pants. Oh right, how could I forget, he has the internet in his devices of course he's seen me somewhere in the Miami news.

"Infamous you mean?" I try making the situation more comfortable because I don't do well in awkward situations. He's just making conversation like a normal person right! He surprises me again by giving me a full smile revealing his perfect fangy teeth. What hot boy feature doesn't this man have?

Dimples! Yesss, because my boyfriend and son have those. Ha! Jokes on him. Am I trying to convince myself or him?

"I doubt it." He replies. I watch his body language, it looks way more formal than his face. "But I'm pretty sure if I met you first, you would've had my child instead of Kevin's."

I freeze at his words as they slowly register in my mind. The curves of my mouth that were holding a polite smile drop, my chest feels that familiar tug that I hate. I lift an eyebrow still trying to process what he had just said or even if I heard him right. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, then I close it. Resentment is all I start to feel as my jaw clenches, does he seriously think so lowly of me??

"I think I'll take my leave before I cost my best friend a job." I say blankly, not meeting his eyes and turn around to take my purse from Peppa's table.

"Wait." He stops me when I pickup my purse and ready to leave. "Don't you want to wait for your friend?" I pause my movements at his words and turn around to face him, I want nothing more than to strangle him right now.

I stop myself before I separate from him and leave. Instead I take a few steps closer so that no one can hear anything from our conversation. Even if I know they didn't before but just to be sure.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are or if this is some sort of game for you but don't you ever bring my son into your petty little feud." I whisper shout, making sure he gets the idea of my words. Rich and stuck up people always think they can say anything, he's really stupid enough to think I will just let it slide.

And so I take Peppa's stuff including her car keys and leave Greyson-jackass Choi standing there as if he doesn't believe I was gonna say the words I said. Seriously, what does he think this is? A telenovela? Fucking hell!

I'm so mad right now I jus- arrgghhhh!

This? This is exactly what I needed to ruin my freaking perfect day! Another idiot thinking lowly of me because I got pregnant by Kevin. Now he thinks everyone can just get me pregnant? He's crazy!

That dick!


Hey little bookworms, hope you're liking the book so far!

Czytaj Dalej

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