A Dangerous or a Lovely Situa...


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Monsters..... that is what they were called. Vampires, werewolves, and witches were the ones that were seen i... More

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Side characters
Side characters pt 2


74 2 5

No one's POV:

"What a long day!!" Hyeju groans, she flops herself all over on the sofa and drops her backpack on the floor.

Hyunjin slaps her ass, dropping her bag on the floor also and sits on the couch beside her, Hyeju exaggerates with a small cry from the slap.

"Please- that wasn't even that hard." Hyunjin rolls her eyes and hits Hyeju on the same place as before.

Once again Hyeju exaggerates and lets out a cracked scream.

"Guys! Let's get dressed! It's almost time for the mission!" Yerim excitedly jumps up and down with her backpack still on.

Hyunjin shakes her head and pats the spot next to her on the couch. "Go put your backpack away first and come sit, it's still early, we have an hour and a half."

Yerim sighs and nods as she runs up the stairs to put away her stuff.

Hyeju groans, "I don't want to go on the fucking mission! I'm tired." She whines on the sofa and closes her eyes to take a nap.

Hyunjin rolls her eyes, "You are such a lazy ass, school wasn't that bad!" She slaps Hyeju once more on her ass.

"That's cause you got to see your crush Jeon Heejin! Yea! I know you have a crush on her! While, I don't even get to see my woman." Hyeju whines and pouts.

Hyunjin scoffs, "Your woman?! You mean- KIM Chaewon?! Last time I checked- she's not your type."

"Of course she is- she is perfect for me! Not only does her visual stand out from others, she is gorgeous! More gorgeous than you and Jeon Heejin combined!" Hyeju smirks. "Not only that! She is sooooo smart! Plus the way she talks is so quiet- but also crunchy- so beautiful~" she lets out a sigh while smiling to herself.

Hyunjin looks at the younger in disgust.

"I didn't know you had the hots for KIM- you know she doesn't even like you back and her friends will glare at you if you make any moves-..." Hyunjin gets cut off by Hyeju.

"KIM?! Who said I liked Kim?! That Kim Chaewon is not even close enough to beat my Park Chaewon~" She scoffs at the older and turns to lay on her back.

Hyunjin shrugs, "Well you clearly heard me say KIM CHAEWON- but only payed attention to the Chaewon part, gosh your so whipped." She shakes her head with a sigh.

"Yah! Be quiet! It's not like I'm the one who got rejected by their best friend that has been a long time crush." Hyeju smirks.

"Oooooooooo! She got you good, unnie!"

Yerim interrupts their conversation from the stairs and quickly runs down to give the girl laying on the couch a hi five.

Hyunjin scoffs and mumbles a "whatever" under her breath that the two couldn't hear.

"Anyway! Guys! Guess what?!" Yerim takes a seat on the floor, facing the two girls on the couch.

"Guess who has a crush~?" She smirks at the two.

Hyunjin and Hyeju glance at each other in confusion. They then point to themselves then shrug when Yerim shakes her head.

"Nope not talking about you two whipped gays, I'm talking about Jiwoo unnie!" She smiles excitedly.

The two just blink their eyes, unamused.

"It's pretty obvious she has a crush on that hag looking girl, that arrives at school for no apparent reason to look all seducing and hot while picking up the "Odd 3" girls." Yerim scoffed at the name "Odd 3".

She continued, "Or maybe just to talk to the principal because your girl got in trouble for accidentally punching a teacher in the face when she tripped and fell that one time." She points at Hyunjin.

"I saw how quick you reacted and tried your best to not run over to help her up." Yerim smirks and raises her brows teasingly at Hyunjin.

The girl blushes and denies her action.

Yerim rolls her eyes, "Anyway, enough about you, I heard that the hag girl said her name is Youngsoo and she's Japanese, but her name is actually Sooyoung and she's Korean! Shocked right! Yeojin actually told me."

Hyeju looks at her with confusion, "Yeojin? You mean Im Yeojin? The small 5th grade dwarf?"

Yerim covers her mouth with a gasp, "Oops." She says. "I may or may not be friends with her... and also she's not a dwarf, idiot!" She points at Hyeju angrily with a pout.

Hyunjin watches on the side and eats bread she suddenly pulled out of her pocket.

"Whatever- she is a dwarf and you can't do anything about it." The youngest pouts and crosses her arms with a scoff.

Yerim was about to complain when someone's stomach grumbled.

"Ok- whose stomach was that?" She asked the two on the couch.

Hyeju points at Hyunjin, who is eating bread and is almost halfway done.

The older shakes her head with a slight blush, "It wasn't me." She says with bread in her mouth.

A growl from her stomach is heard.

Hyunjin nervously laughs it off, "Be quiet stomach." She pats her tummy.

Hyeju cocks out a laugh and tries to retain herself, while Yerim sighs and shakes her head.

"Let's order some food or whatever, or maybe we have some ramyeon. I'll go see if there's any ramyeon in the kitchen." Yerim jolts up from her spot and walks towards the kitchen while humming.

Hyunjin's stomach growls again as she finishes her bread in one bite.

"Wow- you finished that bread in a jiffy, but what do I expect- you're a bread lover." Hyeju shrugs and gets relaxed on the sofa for a nap.

Hyunjin's stomach growls as a response.

Hyeju sits up annoyed, "Go to the kitchen and stuff yourself with bread! That stomach of yours keeps growling like crazy!" She pokes her stomach, only to feel muscle through the shirt.

"What the Aeong! How do you have more muscle than me?! Have you been working out on secret?!" Hyeju pokes her by the arm a couples times.

Hyunjin tries her best to avoid Hyeju poking at her but fails completely when she breaks out into laughter from the younger tickling her on her sides.

"Stop! Stop! Please!" Hyunjin chuckles. "O- ok! I did! I did work out in secret!" She lets out another laugh.

The younger stops and grabs the older by the arm.

"Wow- so hard unnie." Hyeju gripped on Hyunjin's arm, feeling nothing but hard biceps.

Hyunjin grinned, "Of course, how else will I beat those monsters up."

"Guys guys! I found cookies!" Yerim, who just came out of the kitchen in search of ramyeon but instead got distracted with a jar of cookies, interrupted the two.

She had a bunch of cookie crumbs coming out of her mouth from stuffing her mouth with cookies.

"Gimmie some of that delicious shit!" Hyeju ran over to the girl and shoved her hand in the jar Yerim held.

"Yah Hyeju! Throw some over!" Hyunjin lays on the couch and has a hand on her growling stomach.

Hyeju takes a cookie and breaks it into four pieces, "Get ready unnie!" She mumbles with cookies in her mouth.

Hyeju throws one out of the four pieces into the air towards Hyunjin. Quickly standing up, Hyunjin leans slightly to the right and catches the piece of cookie into her mouth.

She chews it with a hum.

"Where did you find such goodies, Yerim? My stomach loves it!" Hyunjin pats her stomach in happiness and licks her lips, wanting more cookies.

Yerim grins, "Oh just in the shelf that says Jungeun." She grabs a handful of cookies and stuffs them in her mouth.

Hyunjin's eyes widen, "Did you say- the shelf that says Jungeun...?" She questions.

The younger nods.

Hyunjin facepalms and groans, "We aren't supposed to go through that shelf! Jungeun unnie is gonna be sooooo mad when she finds out we ate her cookies!" She panics.

Hyeju laughs, "It's not like she can do anything to me, I'm sure she is as weak as you are, Yerim." She jabs Yerim by the arm with a chuckle.

"What was that Hyeju? I can't do anything to you? I am as weak as Yerim?" A voice is heard behind Yerim and Hyeju.

Hyeju's chuckling dies down to nervous ones.

"AHHH UNNIE!!" Hyunjin screams, looking behind the two.

There, Jungeun stood with her famous Mom lip pose and an eyebrow raised.

Behind her stood Kahei and Jiwoo snickering together.

"U- unnie~..." Hyeju turns around and chuckles nervously at the older.

Jungeun glares at her, "This is the first time that Jungeun isn't scared of Hyeju and Hyeju's first time of being scared of Jungeun." Kahei whispers to Jiwoo who agrees and snickers.

Someone's stomach growls, and interrupts the silent glares that Jungeun is giving Hyeju.

They all look at Hyunjin who stands there, embarrassed.

She chuckles and pats her stomach, while Yerim and Hyeju facepalm, Jiwoo and Kahei chuckling even harder and Jungeun sighing.

"Hurry up and eat you slow poke!" Hyeju yells at Hyunjin.

The girl is busy stuffing her face with tteokboki and bread at the same time, trying her best not to choke.

All the girls are waiting for Hyunjin to finish her food so they can get going on their missions.

Taking a chug of water, Hyunjin stands up, chewing in a disgusting manner and puts her vest back on that was filled with knifes, a gun and extra packets of bullets.

"Finally!" Hyeju yells and starts to walk out of the house to one of the two black cars that sit on the driveway.

"Alright guys, we are going to the city hideout and you three are going to the one in the forest."

Jungeun points at Hyeju, Hyunjin, and Jiwoo, to take the black car, then signals to Kahei and Yerim to get going to the other car on the driveway.

"Yes sir!" Jiwoo shouts, saluting the older and dragging the other two, who are chuckling, to the car.

Jungeun rolls her eyes and sighs.

"I bet Hyunjin unnie and Hyeju dared her to say that." Yerim snickers.

Jungeun ruffled the younger's hair and pulls her to the other black car that's left on the driveway, not noticing Kahei sitting comfortably in the drivers seat with glasses on.

Yerim gets into the backseat while Jungeun takes the shotgun.

As she opens the door, she looks at Kahei weirdly, "Why are you wearing glasses, unnie? It's just a mission, plus the sun is down.." She slides into her seat and buckles her seatbelt.

Kahei turns her head towards the younger and smirks, "Hyunjin and Hyeju told me to wear glasses to look cool while driving."

Yerim hears what she says and snickers, "You're always cool unnie!" She pats Kahei's shoulder and slumps back in her seat, texting Hyunjin and Hyeju about their trick they told to Kahei.

"Oh! Also, they told me to put down the window so I would look even more cool." Kahei starts the car, rolls down the window, and starts driving, before Jungeun could say anything.

The three girls finally arrived to the forest hideout, after stopping by the cafe to grab some bread on the way, because Hyunjin kept being annoying and whining the whole time because she was still hungry.

They all got out of the car that was parked a few distances away from the hideout.

Jiwoo, who was their driver, hopped up and down in excitement, while a tired Hyeju followed behind her, and Hyunjin followed the both of them while eating her bread.

"I can't wait to kill those beasts! I love the look on their faces of when I kill them, they look at me like it's their last moment to live." Jiwoo pumps a fist in the air in front of her, and takes out one of her well sharp knives from her belt of knife holsters.

Hyeju chuckles, watching the older flip her knife in the air and catch it, "Just like Yerim said, "Others' pain is my happiness!" I can't believe she said that." She playfully shoves Hyunjin, causing the girl to drop her piece of bread.

Hyunjin eyebrows furrow and she stops to stare at the piece of bread on the ground.

She lets out a small whine at Hyeju and starts walking towards her, angrily.

"U- unnie, pl- please- it was an accident I swear!" Hyeju stutters and backs away slowly, putting her hands in front of herself, defensively.

"Hyunjinnie~! Unnie has some bread! Over here! Come here!" Jiwoo calls for the younger like she is a pet of some sort.

Hyunjin, upon hearing just the word bread, she turned towards the older, who held up a piece of bread in the air and waved it to intimidate the girl.

Following the piece of bread that moved side to side, Hyunjin suddenly pounces like a cat and lands on Jiwoo, who fell to the ground with a small gasp, laughing, seeming like the younger would pounce on her daily.

Hyunjin snatches the bread with her mouth and pounces off of Jiwoo.

"Thanks for that, unnie. I didn't want to get on Hyunjin unnie's animal side when something happens to her bread." Hyeju thanks Jiwoo.

Hyeju lifts the laughing girl from the ground and drags her, cautiously, behind Hyunjin, who eats her bread while leading them to the hideout just up ahead.

Upon their arrival, they expect the hideout to be more- secretive?

The door that- well- was there at the entrance was now long gone to the ground, laying beside the entryway.

"Ok- who kicked down the door?" Hyeju says discreetly.

A shrug came from Hyunjin who sniffed the air, "You guys smell that? I smell smoke and the smell of blood shed." She asked the two beside her, as they stood on front of the entrance.

Hyeju and Jiwoo sniff the air, "I don't smell anything..... You just have a better sense of smell unnie! Why you gotta do us dirty!" Hyeju points at her with a scoff.

Jiwoo sets down her pointed hand, "Where can you smell it?" Jiwoo asks Hyunjin.

The girl points at the wide open entrance.

"Good girl~" Jiwoo pats her head and links arms with both the younger girls.

"I am the leader now so follow me through the hideout and don't get lost or out of my sight. Okay?!" She says excitedly, leading them through the entrance.

Hyeju groans, "We aren't children, unnie." She takes a look around the building.

Hyunjin nods in agreement and also looks around.

What they see inside is a circular hallway that most likely goes around the small building and out back to the entrance.

They walk, with their arms together into the circular hall as Hyunjin leads them, smelling the source of smoke and blood, not knowing that there are a trio of monsters in the building fighting for their lives at the exact moment.....

I hope you liked this chapter.........!!

Sorry for the late update...........!

I wanted to get this update done before Christmas, listen and stream The Carol 3.0 ARTMS Version!

How does Hyunjin have a good sense of smell........???

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