Demented Reality

由 BamiRe06

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Victoria Adeleke; the sunshine in the abyss of darkness of her friends and family. Energetic, loving, caring... 更多



56 10 25
由 BamiRe06

Victoria's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ;which was the voice my beloved 7 normal boys from Korea. I struggled to grab my phone which was on the bedside next to Onome who was still sleeping. I finally managed to turn it off before getting up to go to the restroom. I brushed my teeth, had a quick shower before changing to my swimsuit then i headed to the pool. Yemisi was sitting by the pool, staring at the water, completely unaware of her surroundings. I decided not to talk to her and just entered the pool.

Yemisi's p.o.v

Victoria walked towards the pool and just dove in without much of a hello. She was probably disgusted in me also. I'm a fucking mess. She swam around before sitting next to me.

"Are you disappointed or not suprised?" I moved my feet lightly.

"Not suprised as in i expected it or i already knew?" She said. I turned to look at her but her gaze was focused on the water.

"I don't understand"

"Remember when i asked you if you ever felt like a liar?" She asked. I nodded remembering the conversation. I was in one of the empty classes and she came to sit with me and had asked if i ever felt like a liar, putting up a front to hide the real me from everyone even people i loved and i responded saying no. She scoffed and told me that if i thought I was fooling anyone, I wasn't fooling her.

"Did you know then?" I turned towards her crossing my legs.

"I mean anyone who could not see the tension between you and Nosa needs to check their eyes. You guys weren't exactly subtle. " she smiled slightly.

"Since i had no way of proving it and you guys weren't saying anything to the group, i just decided not to talk then i got confused when i saw senior Bassey talking to you and you were smiling in a... i don't know how to describe how it was but it was like there was something there and then this happened" she explained.

"I don't even understand how I got myself into this fucking mess" I covered my face in frustration. She patted my back.

"Why are you even with Senior Bassey of all people? I can see you like Nosa very much but why are you doing your" she paused not wanting to say it as it was.

"Having casual sex with him?" I raised my eyebrows

"Yes that. You have to explain to Nosa or you lose him. Nosa is sweet, handsome and boyfriend material bro. The guy be church boy but looks like a playboy. His dress sense is top notch and he's decent when it comes to academics and he spoils us, me especially. If i count how much money e don spend on top my ice cream, I fit build house" I laughed at her silliness.

"I'm serious o, you have to open your eyes and get him back bro, you wan leave my boy for low rent Naira Marley, come on now. You are better than that" At this, I had teared up from laughing so hard.

"Victoria you are not serious" she smiled at me while nudging me slightly.

"I know this thing is deeper than it is, and i won't force you to open up to me or shit but I need you to be honest with yourself if the reason is truly worth losing Nosa and losing yourself also" she said calmly. Her eyes told me she had an idea of what the reason was but she would not push me to confirm it. That's just who Victoria was, she knew and saw a lot of things but will never say a word.

"I appreciate the fact you are trying to look at it from my perspective but I know if I tell them, they won't understand" I sniffed.

That's because your reason is dumb and you know that but you are stubborn.

I stood up and pulled Victoria up. As we were about to walk into the house, Nosa and King were making their way out. My heart ached seeing him. He had his poker face, the one he uses when he's hurt. I had promised him that I would never be the cause of that face but where we are today. I hadn't even realized that I had stopped walking till Victoria tugged me gently.

"Hey King, Nosa my baby booo" Victoria smiled at them. They stopped and we all stood outside.

"Hey, are you okay?" King came closer to Victoria and held her inspecting her arms. That was when I realised there were marks on her arms that looked like fingerprints. They are red and looked fresh.

"Toria what happened?" I looked at her arms feeling worried.

"It's nothing serious, I just... just.." she trailed off not being able to complete her sentence.

"That guy go chop better beating from Ezekiel and I go add my own" Nosa spoke up, I nearly jumped at the closeness of his voice. He had moved closer to where we were and was in front of me and I had to restrain myself from holding him and beg him not to leave me. Though he was in front of me, he didn't look at me, not even a glance, it was like I was invisible.

"Baby, see your hands now. My fine babe is na having marks on her melanin skin, haew God" Nosa said in a sad tone playfully. Victoria hugged him and pretended to cry.

"Babe I'm alright fr, I just need you to buy something for me from wherever you guys are going, preferably food o and make sure that one doesn't go and look for he who shall not be named" she said jokingly while Nosa just nodded smiling. My heart skipped.

God his smile is so beautiful

And you successfully wiped it of his face yesterday.

"Hope you guys realise I'm still here sha" King rolled his eyes at them.

"Abeg abeg, my babe dey talk guy, no put mouth" Nosa placed his hand on Victoria's shoulder.

"King is just jealous that he will die alone" Victoria smirked at King who scoffed and began to walk away.

"Meet me at the car when you're done"

"Vicky I'll see you later" he hugged her and was about to walk away when my hand grabbed his arm.

Fucking reflex.

He froze, like he legit became a statue. I didn't even know what i was going to say but I just couldn't bear the fact that he didn't even glance at me once. My heart was shattered. Finally, he turned back to look at me and I tried my best not to shrink back at the lack of emotions in his eyes.

"I..I..just... I'm sorry" I winced at how my voice cracked. He blinked twice before chuckling. I looked at him confused as he began to laugh and he had tears in his eyes. Is this guy okay? I continued to look at him confused.

"You're sorry? Sorry for what?making me like you, then date you? Or for cheating on me with someone who has been a dick to me?" He smiled at me while my heart broke even more.

"I mean its cool if you are saying sorry for being a disgusting, lying slut" If my heart broke before, it was destroyed now. Stomped on, blended, discarded and completely evaporated.

"What?" I managed to say.

"Oh sorry, my mistake. I should have stayed within my limits. Why would a babe like you want a guy like me? Unworthy of you, not satisfactory enough. You know the worst part" he chuckled. "I told you what you meant to me and how this dude gave me shit for most of my life but you." He turned into the cold statue once again.

"Its calm honestly, I don't hate you or anything, you aren't a slut ,you just picked the better man and I'm sorry I wasn't the one" With that he walked out on me.

I don't know how long I stood there staring into the space but I know Melissa and Asi came out to get me. They brought me to our room and i just stared at them blankly.

"Don't you think we deserve an explanation?" Asi crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. She looked annoyed while Melissa's face was just blank.

"What the fuck do you expect me to say? I'm sorry that i didn't tell you about Nosa and..."

"Not that, we already knew about that" Asi waved me off and i just looked at them silently.


"I said we knew, what we want to know is why you did this with Bassey of all people? The guy has been a major dick to Nosa and to us" Asi said calmly but she was annoyed.

"You guys won't understand" I looked away.

"My nigga don't start that fucking bullshit, do you know how badly you've fucked up guy. I have an idea of why you did this and If thats the reason, then I'm fucking disappointed in you guy" Asi walked away.
Melissa just sat there quietly.

"Mel i.."

"Guy you messed up. Its the same reason abi? You embarrassed us bro, you embarrassed your man and most importantly you embarrassed yourself. All for a dumb reason" she shook her head in disappointment.

"That's why i said you all won't understand. Its okay. I'm sorry for causing embarrassment or any shit like that" with that I turned away from her and faced the window.

"You are very mad hope you know?when you are ready to stop this self destructive attitude, you know where to find us" she slammed the door.

They don't get it. It had to be done. I had to be with Bassey to prove a point to that bitch. To that demon, to that witch. She's a thorn in my side and they will never understand.

A/n: hi guys. I know, i know, I've been gone for too long😭. Its school oo and their bad network. Its out for my blood. Ive missed yall. I'm going for December break soon so I'll try my best to update. 

Anyway, how was the chapter? How do you feel about Yemisi's behavior? What could be her reason?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Please dont forget to vote, share and comment 🙏

See ya later.💕


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