Another Ghost (Hanako x Gende...

By isimp4villains

2.2K 112 32

You (Y/N) are part of the school's seven wonders, but your story is less known. You are a part of the story o... More

Yashiro Nene
Fish Girls and Forever Contracts
Jealousy Blossoms
The Fourth Stair
Talk with Yako
Skyway Avenue
Yashiro's Anger
The Confession Tree
The Four O'clock Library
The Pink Boy
Radio Tales
Kissing and Telling
Kou and Mitsuba
Becoming Number 3
Making Memories and Matches
Mitsuba's Memories
Hanako's Revelation
Dates and Donuts
School Dance Dates
School Dance
Spider Lilies
Early Christmas Special!!
Yashiro and Aoi, Lovers or Not?
Little Things, Big Plans
6 Months
6 Months (Part 2)
Author's Note (helpppp)
Eclipse Soul
Eclipse Lover
Wandering Storms
Authors Note (thx for 1k)
The Love of a Human
Kou's Dilemma
Happy Endings (Final Chapter)

The Red Book

77 5 1
By isimp4villains

(hmmm I wonder why im always so productive so close to bedtime???)

~Your POV~

Tsuichigomori stood in front of one of the bookcases. 

"Hanako's book should be around here somewhere. Though it might not be under the name you'd expect."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yashiro asked.

"Look for the name Yugi Amane. That should be Hanako's book."

"Why is his name different in the library?"

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Hanako announced loudly.

"Well you tell me then Hanako! Why's your name different in the library?" Yashiro huffed.

"Hanako is the name the students gave me when they learned about the bathroom ghost decades ago. Yugi Amane is my real name. Though I'm sort of trying to forget that name, so don't you start calling me by it."


"Ah, here's the book you're looking for Yashiro." Tsuichigomori pointed up to the only red book in sight. 

Just as I had expected. Hanako's past was not something to be looked at, and neither was his future.

"Aw man, why's your book red Hanako?" Minamoto asked. I had almost forgotten he was with us. 

"Not sure. Maybe don't look at it though. Hey, your book is right next to it Yashiro, maybe it's fate!" He grabbed Yashiro's white book from the shelf, handing it to her.

"Maybe you should see if this library is actually all it's chalked up to be," Minamoto suggested, "See if it's actually your life or not."

Yashiro flipped through the pages, her eyes widening. She stopped at a page that was entirely red. "Hanako, why is this page red?" She asked.

"That's your future. You're not supposed to look into your future."

"Oh, but it's so interesting I'm sure!" She flipped forward, and I watched her eyes glance quickly over the pages before the entire book began to quickly douse itself in red ink. 

"Yashiro, put it down!" Hanako shouted, and she dropped the book just as the red began to stain her fingers. 

Tsuichigomori picked up the book delicately in between two fingers and placed it back next to Hanako's book. Now there were two red books. 

"Did you get to read anything?" I asked in spite of myself.

"Um, I think it said that I'm going to get my first boyfriend, but that's all I got to read."

Tsuichigomori took her hand as a large shadow morphed into existence behind her. "We have to go," He said quietly. 

"Why?" Asked Minamoto.

"Don't ask questions. We need to go."

The shadow bent and curved into a shape that looked suspiciously like Yashiro. Though it was to be expected when Yashiro was the one who read the future.

It stood up, now facing her, and she looked terrified. 

(help why did it feel like i was cheating when i looked at the fandom wiki for the 4 pm library)

"Tell me a deep secret, and I'll let you go. Something you've never told anyone," The shadow whispered. 

Hanako slowly raised his hand. "I have one, but you have to promise to leave."

The shadow nodded. 

"I... I really like donuts."

We all gasped in surprise, and the shadow seemed to wither away. I didn't even know that about him.

"What kind of donuts?!" Yashiro asked.

He looked away, like it was an embarrassing thing to say, "...Any of them, but plain ones are my favorite."

"Alright now, thank you Hanako for your bravery, now let's go somewhere where that thing can't get us again. I may be the representative of this library, but I can't really control what it does." Tsuichigomori motioned everyone to follow him. 

Soon, we made it to his private office, where everything was a bit scattered and messy except for the desk. On the desk was a rock. It looked fairly insignificant, but I knew that rock had much bigger meaning to him. 

"What's this?" Yashiro picked it up.

Tsuichigomori smiled gently. "It's a moon rock."

"Looks like any old rock to me," Minamoto gazed at the thing Yashiro held.

"Well, I assure you it's not. This is a real moon rock. One of my students told me so." He smiled subtly at Hanako, then proceeded to take the rock from Yashiro's hands, tossing it gently between his palms. "He would always come into my office after classes, and talk to me about his day. He always seemed kind of beat up, so I helped him a lot. One day, he came in with this, telling me that it was a moon rock from space." 

He took a deep breath before continuing, "He told me that it fell right in front of him, like it was made for him. He gave it to me that day, saying that I should keep it safe somewhere, because he was leaving to go somewhere. He was meant to be your science teacher here you know, the books told me so. He left me that day, and I still keep this moon rock safe." He blinked, and Minamoto and Yashiro looked a bit sad.

"Where did he go?" Yashiro asked.

"Nowhere. He read his future and he wanted to change it, that's why his book is red now. So instead of being your science teacher now, he's gone. Well, not gone, but he's not entirely here." Yashiro and Minamoto asked more questions, but Tsuichigomori refused to elaborate.

Hanako looked a little relieved at that. "Okay, we should probably go now, since it's almost 5 P.M."

"Hey Tsuichigomori?" Minamoto asked as the teacher stood from his chair, putting the rock back in it's place.


"Why do you listen to Hanako all the time, aren't you older than him?"

"I am older than him, but he is a lot higher ranking than I am. Actually, all of the school wonders will listen to Hanako, since he's number 7."

"Really? Hanako's more powerful than you are? You're a big huge spider guy!" Yashiro exclaimed.

(not entirely sure why i didn't mention that earlier but shhh it doesnt matter)

Tsuichigomori nodded. "Now, let's go before you hurt my ego even more." He made an exaggerated pouting face before following Hanako out of the library.

(ok that was a little longer than I expected this chapter to be but i warned you guys that might happen anyway i have to go to bed now so goodnight!)

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