Spider Lilies

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(hehehe i've returned with more music for you guys)

~Your POV~

Hanako dipped down with me and kissed me as the song ended. I spun around one more time, enjoying the feeling of the heavy skirt spinning with me. 

The intercom crackled on, with Sakura's monotonous voice making an announcement to the people in the gym. 

"Everyone find your partners for the final dance of the night. Natsu, play the music." She clicked off, and everyone rushed to find their dance partners as a slow melody began.

I was with Hanako, Kou was with Mitsuba, and Aoi was with Yashiro. We waltzed circles around the gym, when hundreds of spider lilies were released above us. They danced around us and all the other students like feathers in the wind. 

Hanako kicked up a few, grabbing one and tucking it behind my ear. I looked around as all the other students gathered as many as they could in their arms. Mitsuba picked up a bouquet of them and handed them to Kou. Aoi had already managed to weave a crown of them for Yashiro. 

"Y/N, do you know what red spider lilies represent?" Hanako asked.

I wracked my brain for a moment, "They're usually associated with death, right?" I looked at the spidery red petals all around us, careful not to step on any. 

"Yeah, but they can also represent rebirth and change. Maybe they represent us in a way. We've certainly changed."

"I like that thought. We definitely have changed." My skirt whirled and picked up a few more spider lilies that were caught in the lace trimmings. 

We laughed, reminiscing on the memories of our living days. I remember, right around the beginning of November, when we went out to the graveyard and decorated the graves. It was an act of remembrance, to place the single spider lily on each stone. 

I remember the rashes we had after running through the forest picking spider lilies. How we would sit and scratch at them until they bled. How we covered our hands in gauze to stop the burning sensation in our palms. How my mother would always get angry when we came home with a handful for her. 

She always said, "One of these days you kids will learn your lesson." 

I sighed, letting myself fall into Hanako's arms as the music faded. 

"Thank you for bringing me here tonight," I said as he pulled me upright again.

"Thank you for suggesting the idea."

"You're very welcome," we said together, then laughed. 

"Okay, I have to change out of this dress now. I'm sweating bullets!" I laughed, rushing to the bathroom and stripping down back to my usual outfit.

I came back out carrying my heavy dress, and Hanako was waiting for me. 

"Let me take that." He held out his hands, then nearly collapsed as I dumped it into his open arms. "You were wearing this thing?!" He swayed back and forth as he swung it up over his shoulder.

Once he got his balance, he held out his other hand for me to hold. I gladly took it, and we walked back to the bathroom together. 

(hoaslbfawefpi i'm crazy over this chapter i love researching things :DDD)

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