Yashiro's Anger

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(random question but would you guys like it if i just started adding in music I like to each of these chapters?)

TW: Cursing? Do i need to Tw this?

~The next day, Your POV~

"So then, we both like each other, what now?" I asked Hanako, who wasn't with Yashiro for the day. 

"I'm not sure, what do you want to do now?" He said.

"I... think I need some more time to process everything before we move forward with anything."

"Okay, I'll wait as long as you need. I'm always close if you need me."

We hugged each other, and I smiled. I was happy. However, when Yashiro stormed through the door, it was clear that she was not. 

She glared at me, motioning for me to follow her. I walked outside of the bathroom with her.

"I'll be back in a minute, Hanako," I sighed. 

Yashiro walked down the hallway a bit, ducking into an empty classroom. She turned to look at me, seeming a bit huffy. 

"Y/N... what's wrong with you?"

"Huh?! What are you talking about? I don't think I did anything... did I?"

"Don't play dumb, I know that you know how I feel about Hanako."

"What do you mean? I thought you two are just friends," I saw where the conversation was going, and I wasn't a fan.

"I like Hanako, and you know that! Why would you say those things about Hanako, knowing that I like him? Actually, I probably like him more than you do!"

"What the hell? You don't know anything about our history, or my feelings!"

"I don't care! I like him, and you're an ass for saying that you like him when you knew that I like him!"

"Firstly, I had no idea that you like him, I thought you two were just friends. Secondly, you just met him like two weeks ago, you can't be sure about how you feel yet, and I've known him for literal lifetimes. Lastly, you can't even bring yourself to say that you love him, so how can you say that you 'like' him more than I do?" I sighed.

"How can you know anything about how I feel about Hanako?" She continued to express her anger, but I honestly gave up on fighting her. 

I knew how I felt about Hanako, and while I didn't know exactly how Yashiro felt about him, but I did know that she was just a hormonal teenage girl with a lot of emotions. I didn't want to stifle her emotions, but I also wanted her to know that her anger towards me was wrong and unjustified. 

"Look, maybe you should go get mad at Hanako for not telling you about my existence sooner. It's not my fault that you had no clue I existed until like, yesterday." I left the room.

I wasn't going to tell Hanako about this unless it came up, as it wasn't really his business. I didn't want him to leave a good friend of his simply because she was a little angry. I looked down at my hands. I had the ability to get Yashiro out of our lives entirely. But I wouldn't. That wasn't fair to her, and her emotions would mellow eventually. It had only been a day or two, but I know my jealousy towards her had already mellowed. I knew it was only a matter of time before she calmed down anyway. She just needed to process her feelings. 

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