Kou and Mitsuba

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(yes i am going to make a mitsukou ship side story deal with it)

~Kou's POV~

I watched as Mitsuba took some photos of the falling leaves, the final insects of the season, and the birds heading south. I smiled, watching as his head peered up from behind his camera at me. He waved, I waved back. 

He sighed when he realized the birds had flitted away. I laughed.

"Are you done now? It's nearly sunset!" I waved my hands, feigning annoyance. I couldn't be annoyed with him, even if I tried. His short pink figure made it hard to be angry at all. 

"Almost... just a few more pictures!" He snapped a picture of a monarch butterfly that perched on a pink flower. 

I sighed, then laughed again. He was really the sweetest boy I had ever met, and I couldn't believe that I ever forgot about him. He was adorable. I shook that thought from my head.

What would Teru think if he found out I had a massive crush on a ghost?

"There's no such thing as a good apparition," He reminded me in my memories.

~Mitsuba's POV~

"Okay, I'm done now, let's go." I dropped my camera, letting the strap hang from my shoulders. 

"Took you long enough!" Kou shouted. He stood from his cross-legged position on the grass, wiping the grass from his pants. 

"Grass-ass!" I pointed, jokingly.

"Shut up, camera nerd." He shook his head.

"I think you should shut up, lame-ass traffic earring," I flicked at the large, orange earring he always wore. 

We climbed the stairs, Kou stopping on the landing. 

"Aw, can't you go up the stairs?" I poked fun at him.

"Not fair! You don't have to walk up the stairs like I do!" He shook a fist at me, and I laughed.

"You wouldn't hit someone as cute as me, would you?" 

He punched me in the shoulder, just to prove me wrong. He looked over the railing, and up at the twilight sky. While he was turned around, I quickly grabbed my camera and took a photo of him. 

It was perfect. I sighed, and Kou turned around. "Huh? What are you shooting, the sky?" He asked.

I scrambled for an explanation, "Um... Just.. something that's been important to me lately."

"Can I see it?" Kou reached for the camera, and I jerked it away from him.

"I'll... I'll show you when it's developed."

"Okay, well, let's go back now."

I nodded, and we went back into the school together. I thought about my own words. I supposed it wasn't a lie, when I said it was something important to me. Kou had been very important to me, and I guessed he always would be. I smiled to myself. 

"What are you smiling about? Some girl or something?" He bumped lightly into my shoulder teasingly.

"Girl? No, I'm just... really excited to develop these pictures." I hugged my camera to my chest. 

"Heh, whatever you say."

(Sorry for the short chapter you will get lots of angst next chapter to make up for it so be ready to cry :P)

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