Rebellious Omega (potential D...

By WonderfulSeal

11.2K 391 48

And there Dream went. Walking back into a school of Alphas glaring at him as if he was an piece of unclaimed... More

Chapter 1 - Bad Start To A Long Day
Chapter 2 - Whose The Freak?
Chapter 3 - The Group Introductions
Chapter 4 - I SAID FUCK OFF!
Chapter 5 - You Remind Me Of Someone From My Childhood
Chapter 6 - Stubbornness
Chapter 7 - Black Eyes
Chapter 8 - Calming Down
Chapter 9 - Keep This A Secret
Chapter 10 - Force feeding
Chapter 11 - Family Time?...
Chapter 12 - Homework
Chapter 13 - Go to bed!
Chapter 14 - Pancake Morning
Chapter 15 - Can We Talk
Chapter 16 - The Talk
Chapter 17 - The Fight...
Chapter 18 - Pick Up
Chapter 19 - Slow Eater... ?
Chapter 20 - Healing Abilities
Chapter 21 - Secret Didn't Last Long...
Chapter 22 - Childish
Chapter 23 - Start To A Bad End
Chapter 24 - Confrontation
Chapter 25 - Memory Overload
Chapter 26 - Breathing
Chapter 27 - Planning On Skiving
Chapter 28 - Do We Have An Issue Here
Chapter 29 - Crashing Tubbo's Lesson
Chapter 30 - Making The Teacher Submit
Chapter 31 - Dammit!
Chapter 32 - I think his name begins with a 'N'
Chapter 33 - Foolish being the overprotective brother!
Chapter 35 - Detention
Chapter 36 - The Forest
Chapter 37 - The Pillow
Chapter 38 - A BIG Secret Spilled
Chapter 39 - Dreams Views
Chapter 40 - Shlatt Socialising
Chapter 41 - Foolish taking the hint
Chapter 42 - Casual Morning
Chapter 43 - Digesting the night before
Chapter 44 - Break Time
Chapter 45 - Dream being Dream
Chapter 46 - Holding Dream back
Chapter 47 - At the Bakery
Lets Discuss what to do

Chapter 34 - Uneventful English

154 6 0
By WonderfulSeal

"Hello Dream, its nice to see you still walking" Mrs Dons laughed, "I've got him from here Phil".

Phil put his thumbs up and walked off.

"He said you wanted to see me?" Dream asked sitting on one of the tables.

"Yes- It's about your homework" Mrs Dons started.

"You don't agree with it..." Dream mumbled automatically assuming the worst.

"On the contrary, with a bit more effort, you could be a great speech writer" Mrs Dons replied, "I'm very proud, I send an email to Puffy to let her know".

"I- REALLY!" Dream asked shocked.

"Most know the way your life is at school, especially with your gift, you can read the emotions you feel in your writing" Mrs Dons explained, "the main thing needed in a good speech is emotion. You need the audience to understand you view".

"I suppose that is some good news" Dream responded shocked that he did something well in school, "so I didn't fail?".

"No Dream" Mrs Dons laughed, "You actually got the highest mark in the class".

"But it was so short" Dream described, "and I knew there was definitely some spag mistakes".

"Mabey, but of all the homework that'd been handed in, yours stuck out the most".

"Are you sure it's mine?" Dream asked wanting confirmation.

"I'm very sure it is yes, you need to give yourself some credit. You might find it hard, but when you relax and focus on work, you do extremely well" Mrs Dons praised.

Dream was sat there a little shocked, he was only snapped out of it when his phone rang, it was Puffy.

"Puffy's calling can I take this?" Dream asked.

"Go ahead lovely, Phil wanted you to just be away from the other outside so stay in here for it" Mrs Dons replied taking a sip of her coffee and putting some headphones on. She was one of those teachers who listened to music whenever they can.

So Dream picked up the phone.

"DUCKLING IM SO PROUD!" Puffy yelled from the others idea of the phone.

"Thank you Puffy" Dream replied.


"I know, I need to break my foot more often apparently" Dream replied.

"Dream you should not joke about hangs like that!" Puffy scolded.

"I know, I know..." Dreams tarted, "has Phil filled you in on today yet?".

"What did you do this time?" Puffy groaned.

"Well, I got detention for skipping class and being in Tubbo's Social studies class" Dream explained.

"Why the fuck were you in Tubbo's class, and of any lesson social studies" Puffy asked.

"He cried his little heart out to me last night because Mr Bont was bullying him; So I went to his lesson with him and showed him he can stand up for himself" Dream explained.

"As much as that is such a stupid idea, I probably would have done the same thing" Puffy said, "was there anything else?".

"Oh yeah, I passed out again today and I have a gigantic bruise on my forehead" Dream described.

"WHAT!?" Puffy shouted over the phone.

"Some Alphas came up from behind me and shoved me to the floor... Sapnap defended me while I blacked out and well..." Dreams tarted.

"Did you trigger more memories?" Puffy asked.

"Yes, but they were so blurry and weird" Dream explained.

"Are you okay now" Puffy asked knowing what Dream was going to say.

"I'm fine, Foolish is making me use an ice pack" Dream replied.

"As he should be" Puffy said. Dream heard Niki in the distance from the phone shout for Puffy.

"I'll have to see you later Duckling, Niki needs me in the front, do you want me to pick you up later?"

"I can walk don't worry" Dream replied, "I'll see you later Puffy".

"Bye Duckling" Puffy responded ending the call.

Mrs Dons was very engrossed in her work and had forgotten Dreams existence in the room. He just took is normal seat in the back of the classroom and opened his bag to see if he could find anything fun to entertain himself with. By some miracle Percy Jackson and the lightning Thief was in one of the back pockets.

So that's where Foolish put it.

He took the book put of his bag and opened the book the page he last finished on, where he found a sticky note.

I'm all caught up to you, when you Finnish, hand it back and I'll Finnish

- Foolish

He actually started reading it, Miracles are truly real.

Dream started reading and was within minutes hyper fixated with the story.

He didn't know how much time had passed but before he knew it Sapnap had sat down next to him and the rest of the class were funnelling into the room. Mrs Dons was by the door welcoming her students into her lesson.

"Hey Dream, Fundy said he won't be here today, he said something about preparing for a tournament" Sapnap recalled.

Now that got Dreams attention.

"WHICH TOURNAMENT?!" Dream demanded.

"I don't know, PT something?" Sapnap replied.

"PT Highlights?!" Dream asked.

"I think so yeah, what is it?" Sapnap questioned.

"Only the most competitive Inter-school and outer-school competition" Dream explained, "It's a series of event across one school day, no schoolwork is done, the select team go against other school to try and win!".

"Who's on the team?" Sapnap asked.

"Does it look like I know?!" Dream answered with an, 'Are you stupid' face.

"Have you been on it?" Sapnap asked.

"I have for the past 3 years, Techno has for the past 2 years. The others weren't usually interested" Dream said proud of his reputation.

"I'm guessing that's were you won many awards for the school then, or that's what Techno said" Sapnap observed.

"Well I've broken a lot of records if that's what you mean" Dream shrugged.

"Casually" Sapnap laughed at Dream bluntness of it all.

"I don't usually go around saying I'm a record breaker, I more just do the competitions and enjoy it" Dream explained, "it's one of the few times the school isn't throwing me shade".

"That's so sad..." Sapnap muttered.

"I was very close to be best player last year, but they have some stupid status superiority, even if I wanted to be, I could never be first" Dream complained.

"How is that fair!" Sapnap argued.

"It's not, the coach said he'd see what he could do about it for this year, If I get offered a position, there's a chance I might actually have a chance of winning" Dream chirped in.

"At least there good news" Sapnap agreed.

"Bro we have like matching energy, it's kinda freaky" Dream laughed, however Sapnap's laughed in return sounded nervous.

[1075 Words Total]

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