Never Be The Same - A Charlie...

By fandoms_of_feels

9.8K 210 77

This is a love story of Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson: Charlie Spring is a freshman at Leeds University wher... More

Chapter 1 - Leed's Move In Day
Chapter 2 - Orientation Groups
Chapter 4 - First Day
Chapter 5 - Rugby Oppener
Chapter 6 - Pre-Game Angsts
Chapter 7 - Jealousy
Chapter 8 - Those Bad Thoughts
Chapter 9 - Meeting the Parents
Chapter 10 - The First Move
Chaper 11 - Secrets
Chapter 12 - Monday Blues
Chapter 13 - The First Sleepover
Chapter 14 - Band Jams and Boyfriends
Chapter 15 - Official First Date Jitters
Chapter 16 - Is This Okay?
Chapter 17 - Overwhelming Emotions
Chapter 18 - Being Out
Chapter 19 - I Deserve to be Happy, Right?
Chapter 20 - Little Confessions, Big Steps
Chapter 21 - You're Not Just Our Captain
Chapter 22 - Playing Dirty
Chapter 23 - Dancing Queens
Chapter 24 - Trying Something New
Chapter 25 - Bar Hopping Halloween
Chapter 26 - Getting Comfortable
Chapter 27 - A Sunny Sunday with Friends
Chapter 28 - Those Pesky Words
Chapter 29 - Graduation Preparations

Chapter 3 - Dinner at the Diner

344 9 4
By fandoms_of_feels

Nick's POV

"How was your orientation group Nick?" Imogen asks.

I put my phone face down on the table that is covered in piles of papers. All of these leftover papers. I did say not to print so many. I shuffle through the papers and my clipboard, noting the students that didn't show up. I feel someone looking at me so I look up in front of me. Imogen is squatting right in front of the table at my eye level. She has a genuine smile spread ear to ear. "What?" I ask, chucking a little.

"Did you not hear me Nicholas?" She jokes, roughing my hair up a bit. I run my fingers through my hair to flatten it back out. "No I did not hear you Imogen. What did you ask me?" She stands back up and sits down on the corner of the table. "I just asked how your day was! Did you like your group?" I smile and nod my head. I take my clipboard and toss it in my backpack before answering.

"Yeah, it was fun. I enjoyed it even more than when I was in the group last year. My group was really quiet and no one wanted to interact-" Before I finish, Tara interjects. "Well we had these HORRIBLE ice breaker games. They were not fun at all. I hated it so much. I spent the whole summer working on my games so it would be more interacting!" She grabs my shoulder and and gives it a small rub. "At least I found a friend that day." She adds, causing me to give a small grin.

"Well I had a crap day." Ben comes into from the hallway into our conference room. "Why, what happened?" Imogen quick says, jumping off the table. She skips her way over to Ben and holds his hand. She bats her eyes and I can't help but look back at the table. She could make it a little less obvious. I tune them out and grab my phone again.

Insta: Leed's Rugby Squad
Harry: Party at the Rugby House tonight to celebrate the new semester! Pass along.

I can't help but roll my eyes to myself. All my Rugby mates just want to party this year. It's really only because Harry's parents bought him a house so he and some of the rugby guys can have large "friend gatherings." That's at least what he said his parents called it. I am sure they know the real story but don't care. Some of the guys like Otis, Sai, Christian and myself decided we did not want to join in the whole "house thing" and got an apartment a little off campus. Not that we don't like to party, but we don't like to party all day, everyday.

"You going to the party?" Elle asks from behind my shoulders. "I guess so. It's my team." I say, shrugging. She smiles at me and says "I will let Darcy know. Maybe when the party starts to stink, we can go to the diner?" I nod my head and send a quick response to the Rugby Squad.

"Let's cross these "t's" and "dot our "i's" so we can get out of here as soon as possible. We got big plans tonight!" Sahar says, flying into the run laughing.


As I approach the House, I can't help but hear the blaring music. Even with the windows up in my car. Before I even put the car in park, Darcy starts to open the door eagerly. She has not stopped talking about this since Elle messaged her. "Darcy!" Tara scolds and grabs the inside handle to shut it closed. I quickly put the car in park. "Whenever anyone wants to leave, please let me know. Okay?" I say as we climb out of the car. Elle, Sahar, Darcy and Tara nod enthusiastically, even letting out little squeals. Imogen rode with Ben, of course.

They start running to the blaring music while I follow slower. I hear the door open and immediately am met by Harry. "Oi! Mate!" He shouts above the music and hands me a half full plastic cup. I smell what's inside the cup and am immediately struck with the strong sensation of liquor. "Rugby season starts in a few days! Take a load off!" He adds before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me inside the front door. I am immediately surrounded by the other rugby lads and they all start talking over one another. I try to engage in as many parts of the conversations as I can follow without going dizzy.

"Nicholas! Ben won't dance with me, can you please?" Imogen begs, plowing her way through the rugby circle. Before I can answer, she pulls me thorough boys and to the middle of the crowded "dance floor." I just stand there and swirl her around a little. This only lasts a short amount of time before I hear Harry behind me. "This is your chance, Mate." He shouts close to my ear. I turn my head a little to look at him and hold back rolling my eyes. "Tara! Where is that girlfriend of your's?" He shouts when we both spot Tara come down from upstairs.

He approaches her and I can't look away from them. I can't exactly hear or even read their lips but I can tell Tara is getting irritated. "Imogen, I have to go." I quickly walk over to them right in time to hear. "Why can't you just stop with this Harry?" She shouts, throwing her hands to her side. She sees me coming and gives me the "wide eye, lets get out of here" stare. I nod my head and throw the keys to her as she heads to the door. I start making my way through the crowd, yelling for my friends. I round them up one by one until we are all walking in a line for the door.

"Where are you going Nick? I was just joking, mate. Tara Jones knows that." He says chucking. His face is flushed from the alcohol and his eyes are more relaxed. "Harry, just piss off!" I say, pushing him out of the way of the door. Right when we take the first step off the front porch, Tara comes up in my car. She climbs over and sits in the passenger seat right as I open the door car door. I immediately start to drive when Tara starts talking. "Why does he have to say such stupid crap? Like, I am a lesbian! I am not into a three-way or anything so why can't he just keep his mouth shut. I think I would rather him say homophobic stuff over asking to join Darcy and I...." She takes a long, deep breath. "I can't believe I am wishing for the days when we were in Year 11. Wow." She shakes her head. Darcy puts her hand on her shoulder, her thumb slowly brushing against her skin.

"I am really sorry Tara. He is such a dick." Sahar says, throwing her hands lightly into the air. "Me too. He really hasn't changed since Truham." Elle says through a sigh. "Well, if we all still want. I can take us to the diner. Milkshakes and chips?" I suggest, changing the subject to something a little more upbeat. "Yes please!" They all shout in unison. I can't help but laugh.

When we get to the diner, we take the big round booth in the back corner. Our usual spot. If we have my rugby roommate come, we pull a table and multiple chairs up. It just seems like the best spot for us to be kind of loud but not too noisy. "Do we need menu's or are you getting the usual?" Micheal, our regular server, asks. "Usual please." Elle answers, smiling brightly. "Two round please Micheal!" Tara yells with a laugh.

We just sit and talk a little about what forms we have this semester and how life is going. What we did this summer. The usual.

When Micheal is placing our second round on the table, Elle stands up and walks towards the front of the diner. "Who is she talking to?" I ask the girls. "Um, I can't tell. She went around the corner." Sahar replies. A few moments go by before I see Elle coming back from around the corner with three boys.

"Isaac!" I shout and stand up to approach him. I give him a little fist pump. "How are you mate?" He gives me a bright smile and tells me about his food shopping trip. "Tao! You nut!" Tara shouts through a squeal. She climbs across the table and goes to pull the very tall and lanky boy into a tight hug. "Everyone this is Charlie! He was one of my orientation students and he brought his friends Isaac and Tao." Elle says as she places her hand on this black curly haired boy. He has a red beanie on, a band t-shirt, a tradition flannel, black ripped skinny jeans and white high top converse. He gives a shy smile and small wave to the group. I can't help but notice his smile lines. His eyes scan the group until he reaches me. When our eyes catch, I inadvertently look away. My heart, unknowingly skipping a beat.

Elle introduces us all to the boys and I take a seat at the booth while the boys grab some chairs to pull up alongside the table. "Do you guys want milkshakes? We just got ours and I really could use some more chips." Darcy says, laughing a little. She reaches out and shakes each of the boys hands. Micheal quickly comes by and takes the boy's order. I take a sip of my milkshake, wrapping my hands around the glass with both hands. Why am I so nervous?

"What flavor is that?" I hear. I look up quickly and see Charlie pointing at me. "Uh." I clear my throat. "It's bubblegum." He covers his smile and laughs. "I didn't think anyone besides children ate bubblegum anything." He jokes. "You're funny." I laugh, my uncomfortableness quickly leaving my body. I push the glass towards him. "It's better than you'd think. It's one of my favorites." He takes the straw and looks at me while he takes a small sip. "Oh my god." He grins. "That is so bad, Nick. How can you enjoy that." Micheal comes and drops the milkshakes and chips off.

Charlie plunges his straw into his milkshakes and hands it to me. "Try that." He shyly says. I take a sip and my eyes slightly widen. "That's delicious!" I say, pushing his glass back to him. "I am known for making good decisions." He chuckles. I give a bight smile and look away quickly. "I will have to follow you on those decisions some time soon." We both laugh, looking into each other's eyes. His are bright blue, catching the light from the florescence surrounding us.

Charlie and I can't help but talk to each other, and each other alone the rest of the evening. I have a really good feeling about him but I can't help feel like I know him from somewhere...

"Tao, where did you say you went to school again?" Tara asks the tall boy. 'Truham, I think Nick, you went there too?" He asks me, breaking the focus I had with Charlie. "Yes I did." I say, nodding slightly. "Isaac, Charlie and I have been friends since Year 7. We are even roommates!" He continues to talk, pulling everyone into a conversation about Truham-Higgs memories.

Charlie... Charlie... Spring!! Oh my gosh.... He was the kid that was bullied by the older students when he came out as being gay... I remember yelling at Harry when he was making fun of him the one day in the changing room after rugby.

"I think we better get going though." Isaac interrupts the conversation. "We have to organize some things at the apartment. You know?" Everyone shifts at the table. "You are right. We probably will need to go out again so we need to put a list together of what we have and what we need." Charlie comments. "We should get going to. That okay, Nick?" Elle asks. "Oh yeah. It is almost midnight." I say, glancing at my phone screen. We all place some money on the table and wave at Micheal before heading to the door.

We get to the car lot and say goodbye to everyone. "I am a hugger so!" Darcy says as she has each of the boys before climbing into my car. Elle hugs Charlie and waves at Tara and Sahar before they climb into the car. Isaac and Tao start walking to the cross walk without Charlie. I quickly shove my hands in front pockets.

"Uh, by Charlie. Maybe I will see you around soon?" I say. I take my one hand and run my fingers through my hair. "Here." Charlie says, handing me his phone with Instagram pulled up. "You can message me if you want." I search my name handle up and click the follow button. "Great. Thank you!" I say way too enthusiastically, my face flushing slightly. I hand him back his phone. He takes a few steps backwards before giving his small wave and showing his shy smile. I raise my one hand and place it out, waving it slightly.

I get into my car and I drive to the girls apartment without speaking a word, the girls non-stop gabbing. "Thanks Nick!" The each say before walking up their walkway. I wait for them to get inside and shut the door before driving away. The entire ride home, I can't help but think about Charlie and his friends. How easily Charlie and I bonded.

When I get to my apartment, I see the lights are off. I quickly and quietly go inside and up to my bedroom. I slip my shirt off and put on my sleep shorts before sliding under my blanket. I plug my phone in to charge and right as the screen lights up with the charge screen, I see an Instagram notification.

Instagram: charlie_spr1:
It was really great getting to know you Nick. Next time we go out, I will absolutely make sure you never order bubblegum anything again x

I can't help but hold back a small laugh before responding quickly, a smile naturally falling on my lips while we talk for what feels like hours.

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