Chapter 18 - Being Out

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Nick's POV

Once Charlie falls asleep, I just hold him tightly while I rub small circles on his back. I can't fall asleep, I am too worried about him.

Am I supposed to bring this in the morning...

Am I supposed to ignore it....

You can't push him Nick, he needs to be comfortable enough to talk to you about this... if you don't ask, maybe it will happen again?

He does not deserve this at all. Charlie is such a caring person. He has such a big heart. He is probably the best person I know.

My thoughts race all night until the sun pops through the curtains of Charlie's window. The sun hits Charlie's face, the beam enhancing his facial feature. His jawline. His nose. His lips. I can't help but look at this beautiful person in my arms. How did I get so lucky?

Charlie stirs slightly before opening his eyes. He gives a small smile before he covers his mouth to yawn. I kiss his forehead softly, followed by his cheek. "Hi." I whisper, tightening my grip around him. I don't ever want to let go. "Hi." He whispers back before stretching up to kiss my lips softly. "How did you sleep?" I ask, trying to hide my concern. He raises himself on one elbow, looking down at me. He moves his hand to rest against my cheek before he softly brushes his thumb over my cheekbone.

"Did you sleep at all Nick?" He asks. His hand makes its way to brush through my hair. I close my eyes, savoring his touch. I can't help but smile. When I open my eyes again, Charlie is smiling brightly down at me. "Hmm?" I hum as I get lost in how amazing he is looking in the sun. He completely sits up, his back resting against his headboard. He pulls his knees completely to his chest. I sit up, turning to face him. "Nick..." He pauses before resting his chin on his knees, looking at his bed instead of me. "You didn't sleep." He flatly states.

I wrap my hands around my bicep, nervously my index finger draws circles on my bare skin. "I just... Um. I needed.." I don't even know how or what I want to say. "You should have slept too, Nick. I don't want you to worry about me." He says, embarrassed. I reach for his hands that are holding his legs tightly, this causes his legs to straighten against mine. I hold his hands tightly, my thumbs rubbing his knuckles. "I wanted to make sure you were okay, that's all." I settle with that.

He starts to shake his head, probably to apologize but I start speaking. "I just want you to know that I am here for you. In every possible. I want this. I want you and I want all of you. Char, no matter what." He just looks at me with almost a blank stare on his face. Maybe it's not a blank stare, maybe he just doesn't believe me? There is an awkward silence between us. Tears start to well up in my eyes and I feel like they are on the verge of escaping my eyes.

When I loosen my grip on his hands, intending to get out of bed, he tightens his grip. He quickly hops on his knees and pulls me into his arms. He's shaking slightly though. I pull him down on top of me as I lay flat on my back, my hands accidentally lying on the bare skin of his lower back. He doesn't say anything so I slide my hands up under his shirt until I reach his shoulder blades. He leans back slightly, a small grin on his face. The first and second signs that I didn't over step...

We lay like this for over an hour. Him laying on my bare chest, me rubbing small circles on his back. Just enjoying the closeness. I don't want this to end.

"Nick and Charlie!" Its Elle.

Charlie jolts slightly before making eye contact with me. His eyes wide. He's about to climb off me but I am so overwhelmed by him that I wrap my hand around the nape of his neck and crash his lips to mine. He doesn't pull away. Instead, his hand glides through my hair and a small moan escapes his lips when I kiss him harder. I giggle against his lips before I feel him smile against me.

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