Chapter 4 - First Day

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Charlie's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off on my nightstand. I can't help but let out a small grunt. Yesterday Tao, Isaac and I spent the entire day organizing and reorganizing the apartment so we all agreed with the set up. I could barely feel my arms by the time I went to bed.

I quickly climb out from under my blankets and tidy my bed before rummaging through my closet for something to wear. I settle for a pair of blue ripped jeans, a solid black t-shirt, and a fuzzy long sleeve. I grab my dirty white converse and take all of my things to my bathroom. I take a slow shower, trying to hold myself together. I am really nervous, I have three classes today and they are all across the campus and I have about 10 minutes to get from one to the other. Also, my Mother kept calling me yesterday and leaving me text messages about telling her exactly how my day goes and what I plan to do after my forms. It was really frustrating.

After I finish in the shower, I wrap the towel around my lower half while I blow dry my hair, carefully fixing any curl that doesn't lay correctly. I put my clothes on and walk out of the bathroom to see Isaac walking down the hallway to the common room. "Hey Isaac!" I say when I walk into the common room, heading towards the kitchen. I pour myself some cereal and sit down at the table with him. "Hey Charlie. You still good to walk to campus together?" He asks. I mix the cereal around with my spoon before looking up at him. "Yeah, are you okay to leave in a few minutes? My first class is at the furthest end of the campus." He closes his book before going to the refrigerator. "I am good with that. Let me just get my oats and I can eat this as we go."

I grab my backpack from the small table by the front door and sling it over m shoulders. I take my bowl and dump out the cereal before placing it in the dishwasher. Isaac grabs his bag from the kitchen chair and cautiously grabs his book. I grab my keys from hook by the door and shove them in my pocket. It's 7:15, my first class is at 8:00. "Isaac what time are your forms again?" I ask when we reach the crosswalk just shy of the campus sidewalk. "I have Creative Writing 201 at 8:00 and then my elective at 12:00. So I will be on campus until then. You?" We start to walk before I answer.

"I have Spanish 201 at 8:00, Creative Writing 201 at 9:15, and my elective at 10:30. I might go to the music hall and see if there is a club for me to join. Then I will head back to the apartment." Isaac chuckles before he says "Tao is kind of lucky, most of his forms are at night. He doesn't have to wake up early." I can't help but laugh. "He really does hate to be woken up by the sun." I joke. We reach the first building on campus when Isaac says that this is where his Creative Writing Form is. "Do you maybe want to get lunch when my class is done? You should be done with finding the Music Hall." I just nod my head while giving a small grin.

I continue walking, walking right through The Green until I reach the Languages Hall. When I get inside, my room is the first one by the entrance. I am one of the first ones in the classroom so I take a seat towards middle of the rows of desks even though its 7:45. I take a quick look at my phone and see a message from Tori.

IMeassage: Tori Spring
Good luck with your first day Charlie. Let me know if you need anything. Maybe I will see you later?

I respond just in time because I am interrupted by "Charlie!" I look up quickly and see Tara and Darcy come quickly into the room. "You placed into Spanish 201? Nice!" Darcy says as she throws her bag across the back of the chair next to me. "My Dad is from Spain so I would hope to place high." I say, chuckling. Tara sits to my other side, slinging her backpack onto the desk. "At least you only have to take 2 semesters of a language, that's nice. You can focus on the forms under your major." Tara adds. It's really nice having people in the class that I already know. It makes it a little less nerve-wracking.

Never Be The Same - A Charlie and Nick Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن