Chapter 27 - A Sunny Sunday with Friends

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Charlie's POV

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and small streaks of light coming in through my curtains. I rub my eyes a little bit before I notice Nick's arms tightly around me. So tight that I think he must be thinking I might run away. I wrap my arms over his and tighten my grip. I think I might have held him too tight because he makes a small groan before shifting around. "Char." He mumbles into my hair. He sounds so hot when he's grumbling while he wakes up.

I turn around in his arms and see his eyes are still shut but he has a soft smile spread across his lips. I kiss his lips softly and he flutters his eyes open. He pulls me closer and kisses me again, humming against my lips happily. "Nick." I mumble in our kiss. He pulls away slightly and kiss my forehead before opening his eyes completely. "Good morning, baby." He whispers softly which causes me to smile brightly. I slide my one hand up his chest slowly until I am cupping his cheek in my hand, brushing my thumb over his cheekbone. "Good morning, sweetie." I say. He starts to rub small circles just below my shoulder blades as he smiles. We stay like this for a few minutes, enjoying so alone time.

"What are our plans for today?" I ask him. He doesn't answer so I look up and see his eyes are closed again, he is snoring softly. I kiss his cheek before prying myself out of his embrace. I grab a long sleeve shirt and pull it over my body quickly. I open my bedroom door and take a step out but before I shut the door behind me, I watch him curl up tighter in my blankets. I shut the door behind me and walk to the kitchen. I turn the kettle on before walking around to look in the common room. Everyone is sleeping on top of each other, including Tao and Isaac. They slept out here instead of in their rooms. I laugh to myself.

I look around and see Tori laying next to Michael, hand in hand. I smile to myself, happy that my sister found someone that gets her. I make myself and Nick some tea. When I am finishing in the kitchen, people are starting to stir. I quickly make my way back to my bedroom just as I hear people start to talk. "Here you go." I say, handing Nick a cup. He shifts so he's sitting all the way up, his back resting against the wall. "Thank you." He says before taking a sip. He hums to himself before patting the space right next to him. I climb into my bed, sitting next to him. He wraps his one arm around my shoulder as he takes another sip from his cup.

"What do you want to do today?" Nick asks after a few minutes of comfortable silence. I take a sip from my cup as I think. "I kind of want to be out. I don't really care what we do but I just don't want to be cooped up all day." I say which causes him to chuckle. I place my cup down on my nightstand. "Are you laughing at me?" I ask dramatically. He places his cup down next to mine before posing in a thinking face. "I might be. You, Charlie Spring, want to be out all day?" He asks as he starts to laugh. I climb on my knees before turning around to sit on my legs. I cross my arms around my chest and open my mouth. "Sometimes I don't like to be a hermit." I laugh. I lean forward and kiss his lips.

When I pull back a little, Nick pulls me right back to him. In one swift motion, he moves so he's laying on top of me, our lips never breaking. Our kisses start to become more fierce just as a knock comes from my door. Nick pulls back from our kiss and sighs. He climbs off of me and goes to open the door. "Hey Tori. Come in." He says and moves out of the way. I move to sit up, pulling my legs to my chest anxiously. I look at Nick quickly. "I will give you some space?" He asks. I nod my head slightly. He grabs a t-shirt from the floor. He gives a small smile as he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"How are you doing Charlie?" She immediately asks. I don't answer quickly and I tighten my grip on my arms around my legs. The force causing my cuts to hurt so I loosen my grip. "I am doing better." I say as I change my position, sitting with my legs crossed now. "What happened?" She asks, her tone full of concern. I roll my eyes, trying not to get angry. I know she's only doing it because she cares. "It's nothing Tori. It's over now. You don't have to worry." I assure her. She places her  hand on my knee. "Charlie, I can't help unless you tell me what happened." She says defeated, her eyes softening. I look all over her face. She looks so sad, like she might actual cry which I have not seen her do since we were little.

Never Be The Same - A Charlie and Nick Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن