Chapter 17 - Overwhelming Emotions

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❗️Triggers: Mention of OCD tendencies, anxiety, panic attack, Self Harm
Charlie's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating against my wooden nightstand. I blink a few times and as I reach for my phone, I feel Nick's arms tightly around my waist. I smile to myself before I carefully reach my hand out. I look at the caller ID, Tao.

Me, whispering: Tao?
Tao: Charlie, Charlie is Nick with you?
God what is that music is blaring and there is so much talking and shouting in the background
Me: Yeah, why?
There is a long long pause
Tao: Can he pick us up? Please?
I can't control the loud sigh I let out before checking the time. It's almost 04:00.
Me: I'm sure it's fine but there is too many of you for his car.
Tao: Elle's car is here, she was supposed to be DD... Can you drive with him and drive Elle's car?
Nick stirs next to me before opening his eyes. I sit up and press my fingers against the bridge of my nose. He looks at me and mouths, What's wrong? I just shake my head and hold up a finger.
Charlie: Let me go wake him up to ask. Text me where you are.
Tao: You are the best!
And with that he hangs up.

I sit up completely and place my head in my hands, trying to not overreact. I know I said if he needed anything to call, but I meant like an emergency or something... There is Uber and Lyft...

"Char, what's happening?" He asks, his voice full of concern. It's dark in the room but I can see the slight outline of his body. He moves his hand to rest it against my cheek. Before I can say anything, he brushes some of the hair from my eyes. I sigh again and move my hand to place it over his. "Tao called. He asked if we could go and pick them up and then I could take Elle's car back." I feel his hand move to the nape of my neck, his fingers twirling my curls. "That's okay, I don't mind." He whispers before pulling me close, his lips pressing softly to mine. "Let's get ready. You can text them when we get to the car." He is so caring and selfless.

"You wake up grumpy, don't you?" He asks, chuckling as he climbs out of my bed. I hear him move around until the light flashes on, blinding me. I squint before answering. "No I don't!" This just makes him giggle. He walks over and plants a kiss on my forehead  before running his hand through my hair. "Sure you don't, Mr. Grumbadumbasaurus." I open my mouth wide before giggling myself.

When make our down to the parking lot and to his car. Once we hop in and buckle up, I text Tao for the address. A few moments later he messages back "Livewire."

"Have you heard of 'Livewire?'" I ask him, showing him my phone screen. He nods his head before putting his car in reverse. As he drives he holds onto my thigh, his thumb brushing softly over my pajama pants. I scroll through his Spotify until I put on the "Spotify DJ" feature so we can listen to anything random. We drive over 25 minutes to get to the place and when we pull up, I see Darcy leaning on Tara. She looks like shes asleep. Tao looks like he might throw up, Isaac looks really out of it, Imogen is actually throwing up on the ground...

We slowly approach them, Elle starts to wave. Nick puts the car in park and right when I open the car door, I am hit by an overwhelming stench of vodka, puke, and sweat. "Charlie!" Elle says and pulls me into a tight hug. Thankfully she doesn't seem that drunk, maybe just a little tipsy. "Hi Elle, are we all good to-"  My sentence is cut off by Darcy throwing up on my Converse. I turn back to look at Nick, who is still sitting in the car, and he looks incredibly disgusted. I close my eyes before step out of the puke pile, shaking my shoes off my feet. "I am going to just leave these here..." I say, trying not to freak out.

Why is everything getting out of control? First Tao's call, now my favorite pair of shoes being ruined... All I wanted to do was sleep with Nick, go to breakfast, and go Halloween costume shopping...

Never Be The Same - A Charlie and Nick StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang