concern and control | satoru...

By lostfractures

40.1K 1.2K 695

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Chapter 01: Awake at Night
Chapter 02: Rescue
Chapter 03: Unfair
Chapter 04: Past and Present
Chapter 05: Combat and Consequences
Chapter 06: Provocation
Chapter 07: Chaos and Calm
Chapter 08: Limits of Authority
Chapter 09: Respite and Rebellion
Chapter 10: Weak Point
Chapter 11: Unspoken Fears
Chapter 12: Fury and Rage
Chapter 14: Unravel
Chapter 15: Concern and Control
Chapter 16: Assault
Chapter 17: Slipping Away
Chapter 18: Christmas Eve
Chapter 19: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 20: Broken Trust
Chapter 21: Bad Fortune
Chapter 22: The Beach
Chapter 23: Ultraviolence
Chapter 24: See What I've Become
Chapter 25: Sacrifices
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Chapter 13: Love and Betrayal

828 28 24
By lostfractures

"Satoru!" You screamed into the communication earpiece, panic racing through your veins. "Satoru, respond! Are you okay?"

But there was nothing but an eerie static on the other end. Amid the smoky haze, your heart pounded in your ears. The shockwave from the explosion had thrown you slightly back, but you were nearly on the edge of the building within a second, ready to jump right into the fray.

Megumi swiftly grabbed your arm, his grip firm yet not hurtful. "Don't," he said. "You rushing in there blindly will help no one."

"But he's—"

"The strongest," Megumi cut in. "If there's anyone who can handle this, it's him."

You knew he was right, but the gnawing dread within you was relentless. Before either of you could react further, an overwhelming energy engulfed the vicinity. The sky darkened ominously, and the ambient noises seemed to muffle. Colors distorted and space itself seemed to warp as an intricate pattern sprawled across the panorama.

A domain expansion.

Your eyes widened as you beheld his signature domain, unlike any other sorcerer's domains. From your vantage point, you could see the vast and seemingly infinite expanse dominated by cosmic-like designs, shimmering lights, and an impossibly tall figure standing in the midst.

Megumi exhaled slowly, clearly relieved. "He's got it."

Your breathing steadied a bit, but the weight in your chest didn't fully lift. You whispered, more to yourself than anyone else, "Don't die on me, Satoru."

The Unlimited Void stretched out, enveloping the entire area with its terrifying gravity. The very air felt heavy with power, each shimmering light reflecting the unparalleled control Satoru wielded. Though you knew it was powerful, the sheer force emanating from it was still intimidating. Every so often, distorted echoes of the conflict within reached your ears.

A sudden burst of cursed energy surged from a different part of the building, drawing both your attention. "What the—" Megumi began.

Before he could finish, Yuji's voice broke through the communicator, urgent and breathless. "There's another group! They're attacking from the west side. I'm engaging, but—"

The transmission was suddenly cut off, replaced by a wash of static. Your heart raced. The villains had staged a multi-pronged attack, utilizing the focus on the domain expansion to launch a secondary strike.

Megumi's and your eyes met for a fleeting moment, and there was a silent understanding. "Let's go," he said before the two of you were already sprinting towards the west side of the building. The intensity of the cursed energy was palpable, with each wave feeling more foreboding than the last.

You reached the edge of the building and peered around. The sight that met your eyes was alarming. Yuji, caught in a fierce battle against multiple cursed beings, desperately trying to hold his ground, with another curse ready to take position as soon as one was defeated. You could see how strained he already was.

Without hesitation, Megumi sprang into action, his divine dog bursting forth to engage one of the curses. You followed closely behind. Drawing your katana, you infused it with your cursed energy, its blade shimmering with a dangerous aura. Together, you and Megumi sliced through the chaos, converging on Yuji.

"There are just too many!" Yuji's voice echoed through the chaos as he brought down another curse.

You wasted no time and hurried to his side. The three of you swiftly formed a defensive triangle, ready to confront the relentless onslaught of curses. However, this formation crumbled as another curse lunged forward, ruthlessly splitting your group apart. Its malevolent gaze fixed upon you, quickly narrowing the distance.

From the shadow of the imposing curse, you could hear Megumi's desperate shouts reached your ears. Steeling yourself, you whispered something, channeling your cursed energy. With a swift and powerful motion, your blade sliced through the curse. As the creature split into two, Megumi's Divine Dog materialized, leaping to your side, offering a protective shield.

"I can handle this!" Your shout was directed toward Megumi, who was already embroiled in another intense battle. Either he didn't hear your words, or perhaps he chose to ignore them.

As the relentless wall of curses closed in, you suddenly found yourself isolated, caught between them and the unforgiving wall behind you. To your right, Megumi's Divine Dog valiantly held some of the curses at bay, but from the left, you battled the unrelenting onslaught alone. Despite your efforts, their overwhelming numbers continued to force you back.

Wait. Where had the others gone? Their presence was obscured, lost amidst the chaos.

A fleeting moment of panic overcame you. But before you could contemplate further, an overpowering aura engulfed you from behind, sending a shiver of instinctual dread down your spine.

Whirling around on your heel, you confronted a sorcerer, his presence so bone-chilling that it seemed to crystallize the very air around him. His gaze held a calculated malevolence far beyond that of any ordinary curse user. In this moment, it was clear. He was an enemy, not an ally.

He unsheathed a weapon, pulsing with cursed energy, and sneered, "You're the one they've all been talking about."

You held your katana firmly. "Who are you?"

"No need to know the name of your murderer"

As he lunged towards you, Megumi's Divine Dog suddenly leaped in, intercepting him momentarily. But the sorcerer was fast, dodging the creature with ease and redirecting his focus back to you. The two of you clashed, weapons meeting in a blinding spark of energy. The force of his strikes was unlike anything you'd encountered before. Capitalizing on your momentary bewilderment, he delivered a powerful strike to your side, sending you skidding across the ground.

"What a tragic waste to kill such beauty."

As you struggled to regain your stance, a disorienting haze clouded your vision. The searing pain from the wound on your side hinted at its seriousness, more grave than you had initially assessed. With a pained face, you applied pressure to the injury, desperately trying to stem the bleeding. "Don't flatter yourself," you retorted through gritted teeth, "It will take more than that to bring me down."

In a seamless motion, you swung your katana in a swift arc aimed straight at his head. The sorcerer, reacting with lightning reflexes, ducked and raised his own weapon in a defensive maneuver. The chilling clash of steel against steel resonated throughout the vicinity, sending bright sparks scattering as your blades met in a relentless exchange.

Each of your strikes was met with an equally violent counter from the sorcerer. Your footwork had to be impeccable to evade his relentless lunges, while your blade engaged in a rhythmic dance of offense and defense, searching for a vulnerability in his guard.

"Why are they so eager to see you dead?" he hissed, evading a sweeping arc of your blade before launching a deadly thrust toward your heart.

"Wouldn't you love to find out?" you retorted, deftly sidestepping his thrust and attempting to exploit an opening in his exposed flank.

The clash of your blades reverberated with such intensity that it sent vibrations coursing down your arms, yet neither of you yielded an inch. Sweat trickled down your forehead as you parried, sidestepped, and launched attacks with the utmost violence.

However, the gash on your side had become an increasingly burdensome liability. With every swing and every step forward, a sharp, biting pain shot through you, and the blood loss was beginning to make your vision blur.

Recognizing your weakened state, the sorcerer seized his advantage, relentlessly pushing you back. Just as it seemed you might be overwhelmed, a swift, shadowy blur streaked across your field of vision. With bared teeth and a menacing snarl, Megumi's Divine Dog lunged at the sorcerer from an unexpected angle.

Caught off-guard, the sorcerer momentarily lost focus, and you seized the opportunity. You summoned every ounce of strength left within you and unleashed a sweeping blow. He managed a frantic parry, but the sheer force of the strike sent him stumbling backward.

"Who sent you?"

"You think I'll spill the secrets so easily?"

Unyielding, you pressed on, "Who sent you?"

As you lunged forward with precision, he narrowly evaded your attack. However, he hadn't accounted for the intervention of Megumi's Divine Dog, which clamped onto his ankle. Caught off-balance, the sorcerer found himself exposed. Seizing the opportunity, you drove your katana through his hand, firmly pinning him to the ground.

"Who fucking sent you?"

"You're wasting your breath," he retorted with a taunting smirk. In response, you applied more pressure with your boot to his already injured hand, eliciting a guttural scream of pain.

"Not nearly as much as you're wasting my time."

With a swift and calculated move, you retracted your katana and severed his fingers, pinning him down again through his arm. His pained hiss filled the air, "You'll pay for this."

"Will I?" you asked, your tone playfully mocking.

As the sorcerer gathered his cursed energy, an eerie aura enveloped him. Suddenly, dark tendrils of malevolent energy surged from his fingertips, coalescing into a menacing spiral that shot toward you like a sinister tornado. Panic surged through you, and you instinctively took a step back, but his attack came to an abrupt halt. You opened your eyes, realizing you had stopped it—naturally, as if it were an innate instinct.

Fuck. Did you finally master your cursed technique??

Not only had you halted it, but now you could feel it—the malevolent energy coursing through you, threatening to consume you. Yet, you knew you were the one in control, harnessing the power of his cursed energy. Redirecting this force, you channeled it back into him, causing him to gasp as the overwhelming pressure threatened to crush his very core.

"Tell me. Who. Sent. You?"

His body writhed, struggling against the cursed energy over which you ruled. "To hell with you!"

However, the sinister tendrils of his cursed energy appeared to entwine your emotions as well, magnifying your ruthlessness. Almost in a trance, you drew back your katana, letting it glide with chilling precision through his shoulder. His anguished scream pierced the stillness, but you remained unyielding, your grip over his cursed energy tightening, threatening to rupture him from within.

Upon their arrival, Megumi and Yuji came to an abrupt halt, their eyes fixed on the disturbing scene unfolding before them: you, exerting a sinister control over the sorcerer, tormenting him with his own cursed energy. The raw intensity they saw in your eyes sent shivers down their spines. The ferocity they witnessed was deeply unsettling, a stark contrast to the comrade they had thought they knew.

"Who sent you?" you demanded, your voice teetering on the edge of rage.

Megumi's steps were hesitant as he approached. "Stop—This isn't like you."

The sorcerer groaned beneath your unyielding force, but your focus remained unwavering. "I won't ask again. Speak!"

"You're letting this power consume you!"

Without turning, you snapped, "Stay behind, Megumi!"

With each step Megumi took closer, his concern deepened. "These emotions aren't yours," he murmured, almost to himself. "This isn't who you are."

In that moment, you weren't so sure anymore. The line between your true self and this cruel self had blurred.

Suddenly, a familiar presence enveloped you—a gentle hand covering your own, which had clenched tightly around the hilt of your katana, still embedded in the sorcerer's flesh.

"Easy, love," Satoru whispered soothingly.

Your breathing, previously ragged with adrenaline and anger, gradually began to slow. The presence of Satoru brought a measure of clarity to your mind. Gently, he turned your face to look at him, his piercing blue eyes searching yours. "You have to let go," he urged softly.

You blinked, slowly becoming more aware of the situation surrounding you—the chaotic battlefield, the injured sorcerer, the worried expressions on Megumi and Yuji's faces, and the comforting yet authoritative presence of Satoru. Megumi took a deep breath, visibly relieved.

Satoru's fingers tightened around your hand, grounding you in reality. His intense gaze bore into yours, searching for a trace of the person he knew amidst the cloud of anger and aggression that had shrouded your judgment. The adrenaline rush from the fight began to ebb away, replaced by a sharp sting of guilt and realization. The weight of what you had done felt like a vice around your chest, constricting your breath.

What had come over you? This uncontrolled brutality wasn't like you, or was it?

"Take her away, Fushiguro," Satoru's voice was resolute. "Withdraw with Nanami."

Before you could fully comprehend what was happening, Megumi's strong grip pulled you away from the chaos. You cast a fleeting glance back just in time to witness the sorcerer, now securely bound, sporting a malevolent smirk even as blood oozed from his many injuries. However, that smirk swiftly transformed into a grimace of agony when Satoru delivered a swift punch, sending teeth flying from the sorcerer's mouth.

"Don't look," Megumi's voice was soft yet urgent as he and Yuji guided you away from the gruesome scene.

The area had descended into an eerie silence. The countless curses that had once pervaded every corner had now entirely vanished, leaving behind an unsettling calm that replaced their earlier terrifying presence.

Had Satoru managed to exorcise them all?


"—those sorcerers, man, they just—"

"—think there were like five? Maybe—"

"—just popped out of nowhere! Couldn't catch them until—"

"—and we barely held our own. Her power, though, that was—"

"—it wasn't even her cursed energy—"

"—hey, what if Gojo knows something about—"

"—if they hit us again, we might not get so lucky—"

Voices. Echoing. Swirling. You try to catch them. Grasp them. But they slip away. Your body feels heavy. Your mind, foggy.

"Is she okay?"

The battle. The voices. The power. It all melds. Blurs. Unraveling and fusing. You clutch your hands. Trembling. Trying to hold on. The sorcerer. Your powers. Questions, swirling. Blending with the voices. Chaotic.

A hand on your shoulder. Megumi.

Megumi's voice cut through the fog in your mind, "Are you okay?" he asked.

You nodded, the action slow and deliberate, as if you were testing out your body's ability to respond. "I'm good" you managed to say, your voice sounding distant to your own ears.

He let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "You had us worried there for a moment. You completely zoned out."

"I—I don't know what happened," you admitted, your brows furrowing as you tried to piece together the fragmented memories. "The sorcerer—he wanted me dead."

"Shhh, calm down. We'll figure it out," he reassured, gently kneeling down to meet your gaze. "But right now, you need to rest. You've lost a lot of blood."

You glanced down at your side, the reality of your injury settling in. "I'm fine, I need to understand what happened back there."

"—And you will," Megumi said, "But not right now. Right now, we need to get you patched up and safe."

"Where is he?"

Without saying his name, he knew whom you meant. Megumi's gaze shifted over your shoulder, his posture subtly tensing as he acknowledged the new presence.

"I'm here."


You turned, your movements slightly hindered by the pain in your side, but there he was. Satoru Gojo, with his white hair and mesmerizing eyes, stood just a few feet away, his gaze fixed on you. There was a moment, just a brief moment, where time seemed to stand still.

And then you were moving, pushed forward by a force you didn't know you still had after this day. Satoru met you halfway, his arms opening just in time to catch you as you practically fell into him.

He enveloped you in a tight embrace, his arms wrapping securely around you. You could feel the strength in his hold, the solidness of his presence. And for a moment, the pain from your wounds seemed to fade away, overshadowed by the overwhelming sense of safety that came with being in Satoru's arms.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry I wasn't there in time."

You clung to him, your fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt as if it was your lifeline. The pain from your wounds made a sudden return, a sharp, biting sensation that was exacerbated by the tightness of Satoru's hold. But you didn't care. The pain was a small price to pay for the comfort his presence brought.

"I was so scared," you whispered against his chest.

"I know," Satoru replied, tightening his hold on you ever so slightly. "But you're safe now. I've got you."

Suddenly, tears welled up uncontrollably, and you couldn't contain them any longer. The haunting images of the cursed sorcerers at your feet began to resurface once more.

"I'm a monster, Satoru," you began.

"Don't say that."

"I'm a monster!" you yelled against his chest.

The sobs racked your body, shaking you to the core as you realized your actions' full extent. "I tortured that sorcerer, Satoru. I could feel his pain, his fear—and I just kept going," you choked out, your voice laced with despair.

Satoru pulled back slightly, just enough to tilt your chin up and make you look at him. His eyes bore into yours with an intensity that left no room for argument. "Listen to me," he said firmly, "You are not a monster."

"But I—"

"No," he cut you off, "You were defending yourself and your friends. That sorcerer would've killed you if given the chance. It's okay."

"This power—It didn't consume me—it was mine. I'm not any different from him—or any other curse."

"No," he insisted, his voice gentler now, pulling you closer to him, "You are human. You are not defined by the cursed energy within you."

A tear traced its way down your cheek as you whispered, "Maybe it's not the cursed energy. Maybe it's me."

"Even so," he said with utmost sincerity, "nothing about you, nothing that you are, could ever scare me."

Lying arm in arm, the warmth of Satoru's embrace enveloped you, creating a sanctuary where the turmoil of the outside world could not reach. The gentle rhythm of his breathing synchronized with yours, and in that moment, everything else ceased to exist.

Yet, his words pierced through.

"I love you."


The itch was unbearable. You cautiously attempted to loosen the bandages wrapped tightly around your torso, seeking even the slightest relief. However, a gentle hand quickly halted your movements.

"It will bleed again," he whispered, his breath warm against your ear. The itchiness subsided as his calming presence enveloped you. Your eyes locked with his, his bright blue gaze holding you captive, while Nanami continued to speak in the background.

"—they knew how to lure her out."

"It was a trap, again. But what's our next move?" Megumi posed the question, his back against the wall.

You had managed to get back to the school and had your wounds tended to, fortunately Megumi had escaped with minimal injuries. Despite your own pain, his safety brought you comfort. Meanwhile, Yuji was completely exhausted, his cursed energy drained, necessitating a period of rest and recovery.

"I suppose he didn't say much, did he?" Nanami queried, casting a glance toward Satoru, who was seated next to you, his arm protectively around your waist.

"Not much he could say without teeth."

"You could have left him a few."

"He should have just talked the first time I asked."

Nanami held Satoru's gaze for a moment before shaking his head slightly, standing up to pace the room thoughtfully.

"The sorcerers who attacked today were professionals, and they knew exactly where to find her," he mused aloud.

"They weren't aware of her cursed technique," Megumi interjected, the lines on his forehead deepening as he massaged his temples. "They came to kill her, oblivious to her power. So—contract killing?"

Nanami nodded in agreement. "Most likely, and that's concerning."

"I'm certain I've felt one of their presences at school before. It was unmistakably familiar," Satoru added.

Nanami paused, considering this new information. "Perhaps we should be searching for the enemy not outside these walls, but within them."

"And how many new faces have joined the school recently?" Megumi questioned.


Before Nanami could respond, Satoru interjected, "I had one of the assistants compile a list of all new recruits and visitors over the past few months."


"And then what? Do we interrogate every single one?"


Before the discussion could progress further, you interrupted, "Hold on, what are you all saying?" Every gaze in the room turned to you.

Nanami cleared his throat, "We're considering the possibility that there's a traitor within the school, leaking information to those who want you dead."

"Or, someone from within the school itself wants her gone", Satoru added.

"What?" Your voice raised, more than you intended.

Nanami shot Satoru a cold glance.

"I'm merely considering every possible scenario," Satoru explained, his demeanor nonchalant.

Megumi pushed away from the wall, his expression serious. "So, she's not safe even here?"

"It seems unlikely."

"Maybe it's for the best that your relationship has come to light. If there is a traitor, they might think twice about acting within the school, especially with you around," Megumi suggested, directing his words at Satoru.

Relationship? You questioned the term internally. Was that the right word for it? Your mind flashed back to Shinjuku, to Satoru's words. You hadn't had a chance to fully digest that moment.

Nanami redirected the conversation. "Have you noticed anything unusual lately? Anyone observing you or acting out of the ordinary?"

"No, not that I can think of," you responded hesitantly.

"There is one person," Megumi interjected, locking eyes with you. "Jack."

"He's harmless," you dismissed quickly, not wanting to entertain the idea. "I wouldn't credit him with much intelligence."

"He does seem to have a certain fixation on you, though," Megumi pointed out.

"Who's that?" Satoru inquired.

"The blond guy who attacked her last summer," Megumi explained, "the same one we ran into in the school hallway earlier."

"Him?" Satoru scoffed. "He's no threat."

"Are you sure?" Megumi pressed.

"Absolutely," Satoru affirmed confidently. "I sense nothing noteworthy from him."

"Nonetheless, we shouldn't disregard any possibilities," Nanami interjected, his tone firm. "We need to be vigilant and consider everyone a potential suspect, no matter how insignificant they might seem."

Satoru raised an eyebrow, considering Nanami's words. "Fair point. We'll keep an eye on this 'Jack', just in case."

The room fell into a tense silence. Nanami crossed his arms, deep in thought. "Listen, we need to tighten security around the school and keep a close watch on any newcomers or visitors. Second, we need to discreetly investigate anyone who has had recent interactions with you, to see if we can uncover any connections to the attackers."

Your eyes subtly widened, the full weight of the situation dawning on you.

Catching your uneasy glance, Nanami assured, "We won't let anything happen to you."

A quiet "Thank you" escaped your lips, though uncertainty lingered in your voice. Your interactions with Nanami had been limited, making his concern feel somewhat unfamiliar. Yet, you realized that perhaps he, like Satoru, felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his students.

Beside you, Satoru's hold on your waist tightened just a fraction. "We can't disclose this to anyone."

Megumi gave a small nod in agreement. Contrarily, you shook your head, "What about Nobara and Yuji? They should know."

"Every additional person in the loop is a potential security risk," Nanami interjected firmly.

"They won't spill. They're our friends," you countered, your voice strained.

"It's a precaution, for your safety," Satoru interjected, his tone soft yet unwavering.

"But what about their safety? They're in danger just by being near me. They need to be aware, they need to know."

You couldn't accept it. They were your friends; you didn't want to keep secrets, not anymore. Suddenly, you stood up, rejecting the entire situation, perhaps even trying to suppress it, and left the room in swift strides. Megumi instinctively moved to follow, but Satoru held him back with a subtle gesture, choosing to follow you himself instead.

Satoru was quick on your heels, reaching out to gently grab your arm. "Come with me." he said, leading you away from prying eyes down the hallway and into an old, dimly lit training room. Dust particles hung in the air, giving the room an eerie atmosphere.

As he closed the door behind him, Satoru turned to face you, his posture tall and commanding. "Punch me," he said.

"What?" You were taken aback by the unexpected request.

"Punch me if it helps."

"I don't want to, Satoru."

Satoru's expression remained serious, and he took a step closer. "You're angry. I get it. Punch me to let it out."

You stared at him, baffled by the unexpected request. "I'm leaving," you said, attempting to turn around and head for the door.

But Satoru had other plans. With surprising speed and precision, he executed a swift kick to your kneecap, causing you to sink to the ground, your eyes wide with shock and pain.

Your head snapped in his direction, disbelief etched across your face. "What was that for?"

"Fight me," Satoru repeated firmly.

"I'm not going to fight you," you said as you pushed yourself to your feet.

"Fight me!" He shouted, determination in his eyes, as he lunged forward with a punch, and you narrowly dodged it.

"Stop it!" You backed away, unease and frustration mounting.

"Make me!"

As Satoru continued to advance, you found yourself backed into a corner of the training room, his punches coming relentlessly. Each blow brought you closer to the wall, your emotions already frayed. You felt trapped, with nowhere to escape.

"Prove to me you're more than that damn cursed technique!"

With his relentless pursuit and your surging anger and frustration, you were finally pushed over the edge. In a moment of raw emotion, you threw a punch towards him, aiming for his jaw and, it hit. He did not dodge, he did not even try.

You froze in shock, "I'm—"

"Punch me again," he cut you off, his jaw clenched a few times as he eased the punch's impact. There was something in his eyes that reassured you. Yet, hesitating, you shook your head.

"Or are you no use without your cursed technique?"

His words stung, pushing you to strike him again, this time with more force. Emotions fueled each blow—anger, confusion, and fear coursed through your veins. As you hit him, you realized it wasn't only about your friends, but everything that had happened—your powers, the sorcerer, the secrets.

Satoru stood there, letting you strike him, absorbing your punches without his infinity stopping you from feeling the impact on his skin. The room echoed with the sound of every punch, the tension and frustration you had bottled up finally finding an outlet.

You punched him until your fists ached, until your breathing steadied, and until the storm within you began to calm. And then, you let your arms drop, the catharsis of the act finally giving you a sense of release. You breathed heavily, your gaze dropping to the floor, while his arms encircled you once more.

His presence was as calming as ever, a soothing balm for the storm within you. Satoru's fingers gently traced along the back of your head, over your hair, his warm breath caressing your skin.

"You really seem to enjoy punching me, huh?"

"Promise me that everything will be okay," you whispered, your head nestled against his chest.

Satoru tightened his hold around you. "I promise, we'll make things right."

You longed to believe his words, yearning to cling to that promise as if it were a lifeline. However, somehow, you couldn't.

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