The Unwanted Child {1}

Oleh mmultixaep0

71.1K 1.4K 193

The Unwanted Child Jaycee Jordan also known as Jay to her friends was an average kid who got sent to the cel... Lebih Banyak

The 100 + 1
My brother
Last man on the ark
The Woods
Acid Fog
The Ark
Contents under pressure
Day Trip
Unity day
I Am Become Death
The Calm
We Are Grounders ~Part 1~
We Are Grounders ~Part 2~
✨ Graphics ✨
The Ark
The Saved
Human Trials
Fog of War
Log Into an Abyss
Remember Me
Survival of the Fittest
Blood Must Have Blood
Nothing But Lies
The Lie's Between Us
Three Months
Ye Who Enter Here
Bitter Harvest
Terms and Conditions
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red Sky at Morning
Perverse Instantiation

My brother, my responsibility

2.1K 44 5
Oleh mmultixaep0

Last night after Bellamy and Jaycee's conversation, she was still lying down because she couldn't really stand up without assistance. She couldn't sleep. Not with Jasper groaning in pain, she was so upset that he was hurt. She couldn't sleep until Jasper was okay. There was a time when she tried to get up from the lower level and climb to see Jasper but when she got up and started walking she fell, Monty had to bring her back to her makeshift bed. She would get upset when she couldn't see Jasper. So Monty said that he would go check on him for her.

That's when it happened, Jaycee heard Jasper scream in pain and she finally had the chance to climb up the ladder, she then saw what was happening and then Octavia entered "Stop it! You're killing him." She yelled, "She's trying to save his life." Finn told her. All of a sudden Bellamy interrupts "She can't" he told them. Then Wells stands up to Bellamy "Back off" he tells him in a hushed tone. "We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die," Clarke told him. "Kid's a goner. If you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy." Jaycee just scoffed because she actually thought he was a decent person after their conversation "Sorry if my brother's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters." Jaycee told him with an angry tone. "Take a look at him." He told her, "He's a lost cause." "Bellamy this is her brother, she isn't giving up on him, I know you wouldn't give up either if it was me in Jaspers's position." She told him "I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope." "That's because there is, and just because you don't think there is Bellamy, doesn't mean shit to us, to me!" She yelled at him.

Bellamy just looks at them all. "This isn't about hope, it's about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself." Jaycee stands up, "To do that you're going to have to kill me" Then he just walks away. Then turns to his sister "Octavia, let's go" "I'm staying here" she told her older brother. "Power-hungry, self-serving jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. No offense." He told Octavia. "Yeah. Bellamy is all that. But he also happens to be right." Finn said to them all. "Clarke, please, help Jasper. I'm begging you" Clarke looked at her "I'm going to try my best. For now, I need water" Jaycee nodded and went down to go get some water. She felt good, but she was in a little pain, but nothing she couldn't tolerate. She ended up getting water and then hearing Jasper, again, the other delinquents kept getting upset with him and saying to put him out of his misery. She was furious but couldn't do much because she was hurt, the last thing she needed was to pick a fight with stupid kids.

Jaycee ended up seeing a girl. Maybe 12? or 13 at most. She thought that she was a little too young to be arrested. She got curious and followed her. She was going to tap her shoulder when she turned around and screamed "Hey it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you" Jaycee told the young girl. "What are you doing out here?" She asked the young girl"I can't be near the kid that's dying," she told Jaycee as she sighed. "C'mon we shouldn't be out here, I'll keep you company okay?" The girl looked at the pretty older woman and said okay. "What's your name?" The girl looked at her "Charlotte" she smiled at the young girl "I'm Jaycee, but you can call me Jay" They both smiled at each other. As they were walking back they stepped on a twig and then a knife became really close to Charlotte's head. The delinquents said, "Get it!" As they were talking about the boar.

"Who the hell are you?" Bellamy asked the little girl "Charlotte" she said nervously "What the hell are you two doing here? Especially you angel? Aren't you hurt? Or did you forget?" Jaycee just looked at him, covered Charlotte's ears, and said "Don't you have another girl to sleep with?" and rolled her eyes. "Oh, are you jealous?" he smirked at her. "In your dreams Blake," She told him with an attitude, Bellamy then looked at the younger girl between them "I almost killed you. Why aren't you back at camp?" He asked them "Well, what with that guy who was dying, I just... I couldn't listen anymore." She told Bellamy truthfully

"There's Grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl." Atom told her "I'm not little," she said in a defensive way. Jaycee just smiled at the girl. Bellamy looks at them "Okay then" Bellamy pulls out a knife and gives it to Bellamy. "But you can't hunt without a weapon. Ever killed something before?" Charlotte shook her head no. "Who knows, maybe you're good at it" he then looked at Jaycee and they held eye contact. Charlotte was in the front with Atom and Jaycee and Bellamy were near each other.

"What are you doing here" Bellamy asked the pretty girl. "I saw Charlotte so I followed her, no one should be alone out here, I'm not going to let Charlotte end up like my brother." she sighed. Bellamy stayed silent and then told her "I'm sorry about what I said." Jay just scoffed "Are you? Because it seems to me that you meant every damn word" she said, not making eye contact with him "cmon angel. You know that I didn't mean it." She just sighed again "I want to believe you, but I can't. Not after what you said. And not after how you are leading these kids." Bellamy looked at her. "You're finally 18." Jaycee stopped and looked at him "How'd you know?" Bellamy sighed. "When you asked me to help you to see Jasper, I heard what you said," Jay sighed "Of course you did, it doesn't matter, I'm 18, should have been floated but I'm here. Let's just drop it." 

They continued to walk around to find any source of food, but they couldn't find much. There was a tense moment between the two older people. "Do you hate me now? After what I said about your brother?" Jaycee just kept walking. "C'mon, go off on me like you always do. Shout, scream, say something. I know you're angry... at me, at the grounders for what they did to your brother-" Before he could finish what he was saying she snapped. "Don't you ever bring up my brother in front of me again!" She yelled. "I am so sick and tired of hearing your stupid excuses! They mean nothing to me, Bellamy." She then turned around and started walking but then stopped. "What the hell is that?" Jaycee looked in front of her and she couldn't move, she was panicking, and she didn't know what to do. Before anything bad happened to her, someone pulled her. It was Bellamy, he was pulling her till she started to run, she was in pain, but she rather be in pain than die from whatever hell that yellow mist was.

She kept running with Bellamy and Charlotte in front of her, but then she heard someone yelling, it was Atom. "Bellamy! Bellamy, please help me!" Atom yelled. Jay then turned around to go help and find Atom but someone grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a cave. She looked at Bellamy. "No..." she told him and shook her head "No. No! We can't leave him!" She tried to push Bellamy out of the way but he wouldn't budge. "Bellamy! Let me go! Bellamy! please!" She kept trying to push him out of the way. "Bellamy! Jaycee?? help me! please! Someone! anyone!" Atom Yelled while he was getting burned by the acid fog. "Bellamy if you don't let me go, I will never forgive you, I will hate you till the moment I die!" Bellamy didn't care if she hated him, all he cared about was for her to be safe. "I'm sorry angel..." Jay just shook her head 'No' pushed him one last time and went to sit down far from him in the cave.

Jay just sat there, another kid died. She didn't know what to do, she hated that people were dying, and she felt like it was her fault. She was going to close her eyes and fall asleep when she heard Charlotte scream. "NO!" then Bellamy wakes up and tries to wake up Charlotte. "Charlotte, wake up." He told the young scared girl. "I'm Sorry" is all Charlotte could say to him. "Does it happen often?" All Charlotte does is sigh. "What are you scared of? You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do about it." The young girl is confused. "But... I'm asleep." is her answer. "Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep."  Charlotte looked at him "Yeah, but... How?" Bellamy sighed, then looked at Jay, she averted her eyes from him. "You can't afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death, fear is death. Let me see that knife I gave you." Charlotte then gives him the knife. "Now, when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that knife and you say, 'screw you. I'm not afraid.' " Bellamy hands the knife back to her, Charlotte then grips it tightly with both hands and repeats what Bellamy had told her many times until he nods in an approved way. "Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep." Charlotte smiled at him and went back to sleep.

Jay sat there and started thinking about everything that happened from the beginning of her brother's almost-death experience to Atom's death experience. She couldn't handle knowing that she could have helped Atom and still left him out there to die. It wasn't fair for her. "Stop overthinking" Jaycee looked up and saw Bellamy across from her. She just looked away. "You need to stop, this isn't your fault that Atom is dead..." She scoffed and shook her head. "No, it's your fault because if you would have let me go out there, I could've helped him!" She then breathed in because she didn't want to wake Charlotte up. "You would've died too. I wasn't going to tell Monty that his best friend is dead" The thing was that he didn't do it for Monty. He did it for himself. He didn't want the girl to die, he had thought about it before and he believed that it was his job to protect the girl no matter what.

All Jay did was stare at the ceiling of the cave, she then closed her eyes and fell asleep.



Omg!!! The beef between the two!

Don't worry, it will get better I promise.

Keep reading and give suggestions! Love you all!

(Word Count 1887)

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