Defamation [Neuvillette X Rea...

By Corflos

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Justice is not at all what it seems in Fontaine. [Does contain heavy topics] More

The Nutcracker
The Wish
The Comedian
The Rain
The Juggler
'Not Detective'
Press Conference
The Opportunist
Milkshake Party
The Limit
The Trial
Lovers' Duel

A Court's Fool

706 31 1
By Corflos

Since that day your meetings with Neuvillette were much more casual as you dropped the strict formalities. Of course you wouldn't forget the importance of maintaing a basic guide of professionalism. It's not like he'd let you completely cross the line either, no one has proved it to be possible to form a close and personal relationship with him in any context.

Though you've already witnessed small moments of him causually doting over the Melusines it was becoming much more apparent why he valued your position. He was protective of them but alas due to his reputation he is limited in his involvment in their affairs since it wouldn't be necessarily fair.

However this happened to result poorly for your own reputation. You took on the role of acting like their guardian of justice. People believe you got the short end of the stick; Melusines tended to become part of the Marechaussee Phantom a much more elite group of authority led by Neuvillette and yet you were still considered under the Maison Gardiennage. Not to say being a Garde is unimportant but it definitely isn't classified as special either.

You believe if people saw his more causal side he wouldn't be viewed as this stoic apathetic figure. That was just another responsibility you had, take the role of the fool with a feather so his title remains pristine and legitimate. If his capability to serve as Iudex of Justice was questioned again it could lead to a collapse in the justice system.
You understood his job was difficult, a heavy and lonesome burden to carry. Which is why you didn't mind humbly appointing yourself the extra role of serving as jester to bring out some laughs. More than often they laughed at you rather than with, even Neuvillette was guilty of that.

Menthe, a member of the Marechaussee Phantom that often stood by Café Lucerne, has asked you to accompany her to the petite furniture shop. The shop retailed furniture and other homegoods especially for children. Menthe is self-conscious about her size and finds it to be the hardest part about integrating into human life so she feels a little embarrassed about entering the store.

"You know Menthe, I actually think childrens furniture is way better with their fun designs."
you say walking by her side

her eyes turn to the side to glance at you
"That's because you're childish... but, I wouldn't mind ocean themed furniture either."

you grinned,
"That's the spirit!"

You stood by your claim, most adult homegoods were dull and modernized in a boring way. Luckily for Menthe they did provide solid colors so she doesn't feel as though her maturity is invalidated. They also had plenty of marine theme furniture and it was just so stimulating to the mind to see all the beautiful designs... why is this only limited to children?!
Melusines have a deep connection to the ocean and are excellent divers, Everallin, another member of the Phantom has a keen observation on the ocean's movements and is able to report signs of storms ahead of time. So it's sensible Menthe values the ocean as much as the others do.

You pass by an isle of decorative plushies and a certain one happens to catch your eye with it's cute beady ones, an Otter. You hadn't noticed before but it sort of resembled Neuvillette in appearance. Picking up the plushy with a smirk you hold it towards Menthe

"Heh guess who this is, (Order! Order in the court!)"
you make a terrible attempt at sounding like Neuvillette

she gapes at you
"Are you mocking Monseuir Neuvillette?!"

"What- pfft no.. that wouldn't be very professional."
you quickly defend

"Mhm.. well now that you mention it, it does look like him."
she tilts her head to observe it closely

"Maybe we should keep this small joke between us, I got a little carried away.."
you laugh awkwardly

A store employee approaches the two of you,
"Excuse me, we have a big favor to ask of the Melusine."
she says, crouching down to menthes level.

uh oh, number one rule about speaking to a short being is to not lower yourself to their level.. it can be offensive. Menthe controls her displeasure from the belittling action and allows her to ask her favor,

"We are having a mascot event today and the child that was supposed to act as the blubberbeast is out today... we were hoping you could fill in since you'd definitely fit in the costume."

"You want me to wear a child's costume? That's a little embarrassing.."
she tells the employee

"Wait- if you do it we'll heavily discount your purchases made for today."

This deal appealed to Menthe but she was still a bit hesitant about facing the humiliation alone so you so generously offered to also help out.
"Menthe, would you feel better if I did the event with you?"

"I guess it would be fine if we both looked silly."
she entertains the idea

"Oh that would be really great, Louie needs a break from his suit."

"What exactly is Louie's costume?"
you ask

You stood in front of a mirror next to Menthe at the employee's lounge rethinking all your life choices that led up to this moment. The moment where you'd dress up as a Flatcrest Fulmar, the bird itself was actually pretty cool but the costume made you look like a big blue chicken. Menthe's costume was pretty round and hard to walk in as she was only able to waddle.

"This discount better be worth it..."
you muttered

she sighs

The event consisted of you both advertising the furniture and displaying their functional use. It took a lot of will for you to force the energy and optimism as you humilated yourself in front of crowd of children and adults. After two hours of that the employee came back with an awkward smile.

"Louie might have closed up the lounge a little early... so you can't change here. However, as compensation we will handle the full costs of your items."

"I've got a bone to pick with this Louie guy"
your tone is distasteful

"Free stuff."
Menthe reminds you

"Oh and here, we took some pictures."
she hands you and Menthe each a candid photograph of the both of you next to eachother in the costumes.

"How nice..."

You step out of the store with a free otter plushy, an embarrassing photograph, looking like a chicken and with no dignity left whatsoever. The worse part was that it was becoming rather late so you had to rush to Palais Mermonia... in costume. You could already imagine the reactions as you hesitantly reached for the door, inhaling deeply before walking in.


"PFfft- Was the feathered hat not enough? Did you need a whole chicken outfit?"

"Late and in a chicken costume?"

The gestionnaire ladies were all amused by your display,
"Alright get the giggles out."
you sigh

"You're not seriously going to see Monseiur Neuvillette like that are you?"
one of them asks

"Just.. let me get this over with."
you held your head with dread

"Wow, you must have lost your mind out there. Okay, hurry along then."
they sign you in to speak with him.

You knock on the door before entering and see him sat at his desk per usually only this time organizing his papers to  be put away for the night. He pauses upon seeing your ridiculous outfit, at first he thinks it's another one of your attempts to make him laugh so he brings his fist to his mouth to laugh in.

"It seems as though you had an eventful day [Name]."
he composes himself seeing that you had an exhuasted expression

"You would not believe... I accompanied Menthe to the furniture shop. An employee offered us a discount if we did a mascot event for them."

"And they let you keep the costume?"

"Ah no, I have to return it tomorrow since they closed up too early. On the bright side they gave us free stuff."

You show him the plushy and the photograph, which he holds both in his hands to examine closely. He stares at the picture noticing your smile; despite your exhaustion now he could tell that deep down you must have had a lot of fun, even Menthe.  Though seeing it in person is just as amusing so he let's out another laugh... it seems like with you he tends to do that a lot.

"Hm, You always have the most entertaining stories to tell about every strange little scenario you get yourself into."

"It's my shtick"
you shrug

He places the otter and picture on a table next to a phonograph, a device that plays music.
"I think I shall place them here."

"You're keeping it?"
you ask as he uses the items you worked hard for as decoration

He tilts his head confused
"I thought you were gifting them to me."

"Oh- silly me, yeah just keep that embarrassing photograph of me and Menthe here in your office."
perhaps he wanted it because she did look adorable in the little blubberbeast outfit.

"Well if you want to see it you're always welcomed to, it'll be right here."
he assures you as if you were concerned with the picture

"I don't appreciate you taking my otter hostage though, I worked for that."
you cross your arms, he can keep the picture but the otter was yours.

"Really? I thought this was compensation for your fashionable tardiness."
he crosses his own arms to match your stance

"But I wore a chicken costume for it..."
you express devastation

"Im afraid visiting hours will be ending shortly, if you wish to see your otter longer you'll be sure to be on time, yes?"

"Pfft- I didn't know you knew how to be funny."
you giggle at him taking hostage over your plushy seriously

his tone is hearty
"Oh i'm serious, the otter stays."

you shake your head in defeat
"Alright fine you can hold onto it, but if I find out it's damaged in any way..."

you slowly step towards the door, pointing back and forth between him and yourself
"Any damage at all... This will be a case taken to court for custody."

"I'll be sure to take good care of it then."
he laughs

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