Long Way From Home

By Queen-Bunny-Books

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This takes place in the 21st century. Paring - David (Lost Boys) x Luna Dwayne (Lost Boys) x Luna Marko (Lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

429 8 0
By Queen-Bunny-Books

He watches me, eyebrow quirking and I pause for a moment. He can hear what I say right? Oh, that's weird, huh. I forgot about that.


 I was quiet for a moment, not sure how I could prove it. I take my phone, opening it with shaking hands and going to YouTube, but the signal in the cave was shit. I bit my lip, going to my iTunes and finding the movies I own. I clicked on the Lost Boys, going to the very beginning. I play it, hearing the song start and feel the others come in closer, crowding me to see the screen. David's hand slowly begins to lose its grip as he watches, seeing himself on the carousel with each of the boys following him. Seeing the way Kiefer looks, and sneaking glances at David, I can't see any difference. For a moment, I'm torn between believing this is the real David. But no, this isn't some stupid fanfiction. Now, I know I did not get teleported into another dimension and placed in the laps of the Lost Boys. No. Just no, I have no time for fairy tales.

I stop it right after they kill the security guard and look up at David. His eyes slowly travel to mine, and I have no idea what he is thinking. I can't read him, I've never been good at that-reading people I mean, especially boys, or men, whatever. His hand isn't squeezing, which I suppose can be seen as a good thing, but I'm still not sure.

"Hm, so what, she from some different planet?" Paul's voice breaks the silence, speaking right into my ear as his nose trails along my hair, sniffing me. I flush, uncomfortably but I'm only able to hunch my shoulders up as someone places a hand on the back of my neck. My body freezes, my heart sputtering like a car, practically failing my body as I begin to think they are going to eat me. Maybe if they did, I would wake up in my own world? Somehow, I doubt that, but hey, wishful thinking.

"A different dimension." David scoffs, as if he doesn't believe his own words, and I don't blame him, because I don't really believe it either.

I shake my head, "I can leave." His eyes narrow, fingers digging into my cheek, and I wince. "I think, I don't know."

"No," David states, leaning back and letting go of my face. I rub it, still aware of how close the other three are.


"No," He echoes, and I blink, face still wet from crying. Are they going to eat me? "You stay here and tell us more." I can't do anything but stare at him with my mouth open.

I shift on the couch, the thin blanket not even covering me as I hug it to my chest. I lay on my side, the light of the sun leaving me wide awake. That and also the fact that I was still reeling with what had happened just last night. I was supposed to be at my aunts, suffering the cousin I hate the most because she's a spoiled little shit, but here I am, in a cave in Santa Carla, with vampires. Well, four vampires and two halves. I met Star and Laddie last night, when David had called for them to come out. Apparently, they would go to a back room that was saved from the earthquake whenever the boys brought home humans. They thought I was to be a meal and didn't want to be in the same room when I died. That I understood, but I was a little shocked that they were so...so nice?

Star was actually not as stuffy and sulky like how I read in fanfictions. She was sad for me, for being mixed up in it, but when I told her I wasn't from this world she was all over me. She asked question after question and seemed to be very interested in the laptop I brought from my car and my phone. Laddie was sweet, and warmed up to me quickly, but I think that was because I didn't try to push myself onto him. He was a runaway, at least that's what I remember reading, and didn't want to force myself into his face. I let him approach me first, and when Star had warmed up to me, he seemed to take it as the greenlight.

The nightcrawlers were asleep now, and I wasn't. I loved sleeping all day, don't get me wrong, but I usually sleep in the sun. I sit up, running a hand through my hair. It was late noon, and I decided to go out to my car. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders, shuffling to my shoes and grabbing my bag. I was hungry and decided to go into town. I would be back and knew that the boys probably wouldn't care. I was coming back, not leaving, so that is what mattered. I had slept for a while, about five or six hours, but my head hurt now. I climb out of the cave and scrunch my face at the sunlight. Jesus, being in a cave really did make you sensitive to the light.

I make my way to my car, passing the boy's bikes. I unlock my car, humming when I sat down in it. It was warm and stuffy, and I sank back into my seat. I took a deep breath, rubbing my eyes. Okay, I can do this. I open my door and go to the back, rustling through my bag for an outfit for today. I put on black tight workout leggings, a black thong so I don't have underwear lines. Most of the time I don't wear any, but I do have a few cute pairs with me. The thought of having sex with one of the boys crosses my mind, but I quickly make that go away because no-I'd probably die. It was warm today, so I decide to pull out a t-shirt. I bite my lip when I see it has a black shirt, with lost boys in white at the top and the boy's name is a circle a bat in the middle. Huh, comical, and funny, but also not really giving away that the boys are vampires. Who here would know their names? Yeah, no one. Plus, I kind of want to see what they would do. I completely forgot I brought this with me. I slip it on and get into the front seat. I don't put on makeup, as I'm not really that focused on my looks. Also, I didn't bring any. I throw my hair into a high ponytail, taking note I would need to wash it tonight or tomorrow. I wonder if the hotel has running water.

I turn on my car, plugging my phone in the charge and hook it to my aux, playing Billie Eilish's song Bad Guy, dancing in my seat to the beat. I drive to town, seeing that people were out for the late evening, the sun starting to fade into the distance. I would have to either hurry back after eating, or maybe just wait here because I bet the boys were coming this way anyways. Did I really want to drive all the way back? No, but I also really wanted to ride a bike with one of the boys. Yeah, who gets to have that experience and live to tell the tale? I slip into a diner, walking in to find it as somewhat busy but not so that it made me feel bad for the lone waitress. I take a seat at a booth, sliding in and watching as the lady came over.

"What can I get ya to drink Hun?" I think for a minute, before just ordering a water. I wondered for a moment if I had enough cash, but after looking at the prices on the menu it seemed I would. I was so engrossed in picking some food I was startled shitless when the woman came back.

"I'll just have the cheeseburger?" It was almost a question, and I got a side of fries and no onions. I ate slowly, enjoying my meal, but I was soon feeling the strain of the day on me. I blinked, taking a deep breath before placing a tip down and leaving, the large to-go vanilla milkshake in hand. I walked down the boardwalk, the sky dark and I knew the boys were probably up by now. I wondered if they were angry with me, but I hoped they knew I wasn't leaving, I mean, I left my laptop there. No way was I leaving that behind.

I take in the lights and carnival feel, passing a group of boys when I felt someone slap my ass. I freeze, hearing obnoxious laughter behind me. My face twists in anger, and I close my eyes as I feel my body heat up with rage. One, I hate when boys do this, but I also hate being touched. I hate it, I hate it, I am fucking hate it. I take a deep breath and open my eyes, walking away from the laughter. My mood was ruined, and now all I wanted to do was turn around and fucking kill them. Flashes of murdering the boys appear in my mind, and I spend about a good minute or two talking myself into it and how it wouldn't affect the plot of the movie. But no, I shouldn't kill them. I'm not a vampire, and I don't want to get caught. Also, I had a feeling David might use it against me.

I sip my shake, eyes trained on my phone as I make my way to my car, sitting inside and getting ready to go back to the cave when someone taps on the window. I scream, dropping my phone and turn to see a smirking Dwayne.

I roll it down, "What the fuck?"

He gives me a deep look, "You left."

"Yeah, sorry, I was hungry, and I didn't want to snoop through your lair...also I didn't think you'd guys fancy an early wake up call. I should have left a note." I nod, shrugging my shoulders and he shakes his head.

"It's fine, we'd find you anyways. I was sent to get you." I nod, and he starts his bike, which was parked right next to my car. I follow him back, parking and getting out. I finish my shake, the straw making an obnoxious sound as I enter the cave, the other's all turning to look at me with eyebrows raised. I stop, swallowing the last of my ice cream and give them an awkward smile.

"Evening, have sweet dreams?" Do vampires dream? I would think so, or maybe it's just a very deep dark blank sleep. Huh, that would be a little sad if they didn't dream.

"Bring back anything?" Paul asks, and I shake my head.

"No, sorry, I didn't know what you guys like...also I didn't know if you ate for show or not..." I trail off, scratching my head, blinking at the ground as I pulled my thoughts together. "It actually occurs to me that I don't know a lot about vampires. At least, in this universe."

I toss my shake into the barrel, watching it burn for a moment before taking a seat on the sofa, right beside a spread-out Paul. His arm is behind me on the couch, and I look over to David to see his eyes on me. I look away, unsure if he wanted to say something or just look.

"What's the plan for tonight?" I asked, pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them, glancing around at the faces.

"Go to the boardwalk, grab a bite to eat..." Paul trails off, glancing at me as he brings a joint to his mouth. He leaned back, legs spread and looking actually really tired for someone who slept all day. "Want some?" He asks after seeing me watching him take a hit. He holds it out as an offering, and I shake my head. "Don't smoke?"

"Can't, I have asthma. I'd be a coughing mess with just one hit. If you have edibles, I'm down for those." I watch as he turns to Marko, who tosses him a baggy, and I watch as he shakes it at me. My eyebrows shoot up, watching him open it and offer me a brownie. I take it, not even caring to ask what type it is. Are there even types of pot brownies? It's all weed right?


"Do I go slow or just?" I motion to it all, "Just, just eat it all or?"

He smirks, "You pick, you'll be fine either way." I hum, nodding as I take a piece and eat it, tasting it. It actually doesn't taste that bad, not like the others I've had before. I wonder if he's made it himself, but I doubt it. He probably bought it. It's gone before I can even think, and I lick my fingers, tasting the chocolate.

It doesn't take long. My head feels a little fuzzy, which isn't new to me. I've been high before, and since I don't usually smoke or eat it that often, I often get hit hard with it pretty quick. I open my eyes when I feel fingers at my neck, and I blink, trying to focus. I didn't even know I had them closed. I hum when I feel tingling in the right side of my neck. Paul's playing with a little lock of baby hair, curling it around his fingers. Usually, I would be against someone touching me, my neck or the hair around my neck especially. It's very sensitive for me, and turns me on, so I obviously don't like it when I'm not in the mood for it. Also, I don't like people who I don't trust or know to touch me, and I usually like to be the one to initiate physical contact. However, the way Paul drags his nails over my skin, brushing the hairs behind my ear makes me melt. I like it, a lot. I stare off into space, moving my head to the side ever so slightly to give his hand more room.

"Mm, there she goes." Marko's voice is far off, and I see him come from the corner of my eyes, walking over to sit beside me. I give him a lazy grin, seeing him glance at Paul behind me, his signature smirk curled his lips.

"Did-did you make your jacket?" I ask, looking at him, the high giving me a relaxed courage.

"Yup," Marko grins, eyes trailing over my body.

"That's cool," I nodded, looking at it. "So, like...your hair. You-you have it that long when you were human or-or can vampire hair grow? I mean, I would think not, because like-you don't age..." I look to Paul, seeing a cheeky smirk flashed over his face.

"Here is the rambling."

"Marko." I turn back to him, seeing he leaned into the sofa, foot propped up on the makeshift table before us. "Marko, you-you have really pretty hair. I wanna know your secret." He leans in, and I stay still, watching him closely. "Is it fake? It's fake, it has to be. It-it took Alex Winter like...nine hours? I think to put his fake hair on. He didn't do it obviously, but-but he said it took a long time and it hurt." I wanna touch it, and I watch as he takes some from behind his head and pull it over his shoulder, holding it close to my face.

"It's real," He smirks, smug about it.

"Yeah," I hum, the tips of my fingers brushing the ends. It was so curly.

"I think she likes your bro," Paul's words are close, his chin resting on my shoulder and I flush. Turning to shush Paul, because that was a secret.

"Paul-shhh." I turn to him, our faces really close. "It'secret!"

He chuckles into my ear, his lips brushing my cheek in such a way that it could be a kiss. "Sorry girl, I won't tell anyone." His arm comes around my shoulders, his free hand coming around my neck, thumb brushing my cheek. His hands were big, and it was hot. That was nice. Gosh, how did these guys know ways to turn me on?

"I think she likes that Paul," Marko brings my attention back to him, and the weed is fucking with me because I wouldn't let them do this if I was sober. I'd be so tempted, but no, I wouldn't do it. But I want it, and the weed is making me submit to those wants. I smile at Marko, eyes fluttering when Paul's fingertips trail along the front of my throat. I look over as a squeak catches my attention.

David is standing from his chair, walking over in determined strides and for a moment he looks a lot like Spike, which is hot. Spike was my favorite. He watches me, eyebrow quirking and I pause for a moment. He can hear what I say right? Oh, that's weird, huh. I forgot about that.

"That's enough," he says, and I feel Marko and Paul disappear. Despite their lack of body heat, I feel colder with them gone. I feel like I'm being yelled at as well, thought the words were directed for Marko and Paul. I hadn't realized that I had been squished between them. I look up at David, head leaned back. I felt small under his gaze, but it wasn't a bad feeling. He looks at me, and I grin.

"Is your hair color natural?" The question was so sudden that it seemed to shock him for a split second, but he composes himself just before the boys laugh.

He smirked down at me, "Get up, we're leaving."

I watch him turn and walk to the exit, "Where are we going?"

"To the boardwalk." Paul says, pulling me up, keeping me balanced as he leads me out. I look behind to see Dwayne and Marko trailing us, Star and Laddie as well. I was lead out into the night, to the bikes. I grab my bag from my car, stumbling as I look through it to make sure I had my things. My phone was charged all the way and I zip my bag closed as I turn to the boys.

"Hop on girl," Marko nods, bike already started. I walked over to him, pleased that I get to ride with him. I was unsure because I was doing my first ride while high, but I don't think they would have let me do it if they knew something bad would happen or let it. He helps me on, telling me to lean with him and where to put my feet. I wrap my hands around his waist, feeling his stomach that wasn't covered by his cropped shirt. I giggle, images of Alex Winter in his signature cropped shirt fashion in the Bill and Ted movies, and also this one. I think they saw how good he looked in Lost Boys with one and was like, 'he needs one in these movies. I'm glad they did, he looks hot.

"Hold on tight." Marko calls and I squeeze him just in time as he takes off. I give a small 'whoo' in surprise before I let out a laugh. This was fun. I loved it, I haven't even been on a bike for five seconds and I wanna do it forever. 

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