Beauty The Beast

By Anonymous_QueenDom

1.7K 65 0

***Note: It's all fiction.*** A beast. A human. Both are destined to be soulmates. One thinks that it's unfai... More

1 | The Wait
2 | The Arrival
3 | The Threat
4 | The Mistake
5 | The Pet
6 | The Decision
7 | The Chase
8 | The White Continent
9 | The Seekers
10 | The Unusual
11 | The Beast
12 | The Promise
13 | The Riddle
14 | The Weapon
15 | The Night
16 | The Back Door
17 | The Prisoners
18 | The Plan...Gone Wrong?
19 | The Forest
20 | The Chinchilla Valley
21 | The Rescue
23 | The Call
24 | The Nostalgia
25 | The Vision
26 | The City
27 | The Reunion
28 | The One
29 | The Truth
30 | The Search
31 | The Return
32 | The Conference
33 | The Alverales

22 | The Revelation

26 1 0
By Anonymous_QueenDom

"Alphard, are you bleeding too?" Laura asked as he lowered Will onto a bed.

"Might be, but I don't feel the pain so I don't exactly know." He rushed to Laura's side and carried Luna from beside her before lowering her onto the couch. "I hate it when she does this!" He raked his hand through his hair in frustration, knowing exactly what she'd done and caught Luna smiling even in her state of half consciousness. "This seems funny to you?" He got to Will's side and began cleaning his wounds.

"What did she do?" Dorian asked.

"She somehow manages to tolerate and ignore her pains dad, so that I wouldn't feel it. I doubted it before when she got hurt the first time after we found we were capable of feeling each other's pain too, but now I'm sure she does it knowingly." He took to apply antiseptic on Will's injuries. "I think we feel 50 percent of what the actual one who's hurt feels, how am I supposed to feel if she herself doesn't!?" He yelled, still frustrated.

He finished tending to Will and got beside Luna. She took her jacket off and it was easy to plaster her wound as she was wearing a sleeveless crop top.

After Luna had passed out at the entrance of the workspace. They'd sprinkled water on her face which woke her up, after that they got to the clinic. By now Luna was able to at least stand on her own if not feel completely okay.

"Check with your arm too." Luna said to Alphard.

He was wearing a black full sleeved T-shirt and so it was difficult to tell if he was bleeding, or not. He pulled the T-shirt over his head and inspected his arm.

"See, this is what she does." He pointed at his arm. "She's got a 3 inch long cut which is bleeding enough to soak her jacket and all I got is this!" All of them stared at his arm.

A small scratch.

No blood, just a scratch as if a mosquito had bit him and he'd scratched to soothe the itching while sleeping.

Put that d*mn shirt on. Luna thought.

Nope, sorry. He dismissed her and smirked visibly.


"Protect him," A faint mumbling got their attention. Luna immediately shot up on her feet and rushed to the bed.

"Uncle, come here." She called out, Dorian got beside her. "Hold her hand, make her feel you're with her." She placed Camille's right hand on Dorian's. "Don't rush it, keep it gentle, we don't want her stressing out." Dorian nodded and closed his eyes.

Luna sprinted across the room and held Alphard's left hand, feeling him struggling with his emotions. She rubbed the side of his arm with her free one.

"Alphard...protect Alphard." Camille mumbled again. Alphard pressed his fist to his mouth to keep him from shedding tears.

They all saw Dorian's left cheek turn a little red near his ear, since Camille's right side was visible to them, they couldn't see the change in her. A second later Dorian stood there as he'd before, only now his wolfmark was on his cheek.

A cresent with a couple stars near it. The mark of the royal knights.

Alphard took a step towards his mother, but Luna stopped him.

"Not now, let her collect her senses fully first." She pressed her right hand comfortingly over his arm.

They watched as Camille slowly opened her eyes and looked at Dorian; her expression changing from merry on seeing her mate to concern for her son.

"Dorian, they're after Alphard ___"

Dorian gently released her hand and stroked her forehead.

"I kept my promise, I did my best to ensure his safety." He looked at Alphard. Luna let go of his arm making him look at her. She nodded for him to go forward.

"Mom..." He choked on his own voice. Camille turned her head to look at where the voice had come from.

She looked back at Dorian in confusion. She felt like it was only yesterday that she was captured and now here was a twenty something old guy calling her his mother. Dorian noticed and spoke to clear the confusion.

"It's been 18 years since that horrible accident, Camille." Dorian spoke. "He's twenty five now."

Her lips quivered as she turned to look at Alphard. He got beside her and kissed her forehead, her hands, her cheeks.

"Mom..." He breathed as she pulled him close and ran her hand over his head.

Luna held on to Laura, watching the reunion. Alphard pulled back and stood beside his mother holding her hand, Camille's eyes fell on his mark as he was still shirtless.

"Your mark came in. You found your mate?" She asked.

"You've a lot to catch up on, mom. Before we dive into it, meet your old friends." He pointed at Laura.

Camille recognised her, Laura was the same as she remembered her, but with some grey hair here and there. Laura walked to her friend and smiled at her.

"Welcome back, welcome home." She tucked a few strands of hair that were falling over Camille's eyes, behind her ears. Camille smiled back at her friend.

"Where's Will?" Camille asked. "And your daughter Luna? She must be grown up too."

Laura moved a little and Camille's eyes fell on the girl standing behind Laura. She looked at her and back at her friend, finding the resemblance between them hard to not notice. Luna stepped forward and interlaced her fingers with that of Camille's.

"Kindness is always respected, wherever you find kindness you'll find respect too, but if you think you found the latter where there's no sign of the former, then you're mistaking fear for respect." Luna bent down and kissed Camille's forehead.

"Oh, Luna." She stroked Luna's head and looked at others who were waiting for an explanation as to why Luna said what she did. "I once told her that when she felt like her classmates were taking advantage of her kindness."

"Alpha... Luna," Came Will's voice from the other side of the clinic.

All of them went to his side leaving only Dorian by Camille's bed. Will opened his eyes and immediately recognised his surroundings. He tried to get up.

"Stay put dad, you're still weak." Luna pressed him back to bed. "Alphard." She looked at him, he nodded and took an injection to give Will a shot.

"There, this will ease with the pain." Alphard said.

"Who else is here?" Will tilted his head to look at the one from whom he caught a familiar, but unknown scent. It felt like a long forgotten one.

"Will, it's me." Camille answered sensing he was asking about her.


"Yes, dad. We found her while looking for you."

Then they began filling Camille and Will with the events they'd missed. Camille was in utter shock and she hasn't even heard the actual news.

"How did you end up in there, mom?" Alphard asked.

"I went there again, Alphard." Luna answered. "The dome we found her in has water beneath it. If you swim towards North from the dome, you'll emerge out of the lake in the forest. I suppose that aunt Camille dove into the lake while trying to escape them."

"Yes, Luna. They injected copper into me when I refused to talk, someone tried to get into my head to get the information, but I blocked it the best I could and ran towards the forest. Then I decided to go into hibernation. At some point after diving into the lake I must've gone into the slumber."

"Hibernation? But neither wolves, nor do the humans hibernate, aunty."

"Yes, but as werewolves we're capable, Luna. It's too much of a risk, but I decided to do it because then the copper wouldn't react the same way it'd while I breathe normally and no one could get into my head either." She inhaled. "The water must've carried me to where you found me. I vaguely remember that I pulled myself out and tied my clothes to something in the dome so that I don't fall back into the water."

Luna sensed Alphard's confused feelings. She thought for him to hear.

Yes, the base of the dome was closed when we found her. I'll explain things to you later when we're alone. Alphard gave Luna a slight nod.

"Alphard, Luna. The weapons aren't in the Chinchilla valley as you guessed..." Will began.

"We know, uncle. Luna knowingly did what she did. She suspected that the person will try what he did." Alphard said.

Will's eyes widened slightly.

"You did well, my children. It was a smart move." Will agreed.

Alphard saw his mother's frowning face. He understood that she knew about the weapons being connected to the mate bond and was confused as she hadn't heard the actual news. He chose the moment to break it to her.

"Mom, this Luna..." Alphard wrapped his left arm around Luna's shoulders. " also the Luna to this Alpha."

"You two...mates?"

"Yes mom," She looked from Alphard to Luna.

"With all this going on... Did you two... Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" She asked Alphard.

"No aunty, we haven't gone through with the mating ritual. We won't till all this comes to an end, we cannot risk it." Luna replied, Camille sighed in relief. "Go put on that shirt now, Alphard." They laughed.

"I knew the lengths his mate would go to protect him, I wasn't wrong." Camille pulled both Alphard and Luna to her chest.

"How were you so sure about him being one of us, Camille?" Dorian asked.

"If you remember, he was born soon after the full moon's effect ceased and something happened an hour later when you were away to get the medicines. I haven't told you about it." She took a deep breath before continuing. "His mark appeared just where it is now and his eyes turned green. It happened for a split second before everything went back to normal. I almost thought that I was imagining things, but then the mark I saw was not any other one, it was the Flake of Alverales. I was in a serious dilemma whether to tell anyone, or not and chose not to despite what I believed."

Luna thought about something and decided to ask Camille.

"Aunty, I was born on a full moon night with the mark and have retained it till now. Does it mean something that I'm older than Alphard by a month?"

Camille frowned for a second as if thinking something then she smiled.

"You were born with a purpose and are fulfilling it without even knowing about it. His protector was born before him." Dorian pitched in and asked about them getting each other's wounds. "Unfortunately, it'll continue till they mate. Once they're mated, though they'd be able to feel exactly what has happened to the other, whether if it's a small scratch, or a profusely bleeding wound and sense where exactly the injury is, they won't go through it like they do now."

Alphard then remembered something. The one unusual thing they'd discussed before.

"Mom, how did my mark happen to appear when I turned sixteen? Don't wolfmarks appear when mates meet in person?"

"Yes Alphard, they do. But to answer your question; Luna, what we're you doing on that day?" She asked.

Luna gave it a thought. Then her eyes widened.

"Oh, boy!" She exclaimed covering her face with her hands.

"What's it?" Alphard asked. Luna slowly turned to face him.

"Every year I wished you on your birthday, Alphard. I did that year too, then my mind wandered off to how my mate would be as I was also sixteen. Then my eyes fell on a photo of ours we took at that meadow when we were five..." She blushed and whispered the next part. "...I took it to my lips."

"It's not only about you, Luna." Camille said, smiling a little. "You young man, what we're you doing?"

"I...I... Why is this even a question?" He asked.

"Bearers of your mark feel everything a bit intensely, now answer." Camille said.

"Mom, do I really have to say it?" They all laughed at his response.

"Okay, we'll let it slide. You got your answer though, didn't you?"

"Yes, yes."

"But keep in mind that your beast could get out of control easily, Alphard. So it's best you fill your thoughts with your mate whenever you're in your wolf form and away from Luna, if you're with her then it wouldn't be a problem." Camille said.

"And why is my energy off when I'm in my human skin?"

"That's because, our Beauty is The only Beast in your story. You're just a human without her presence..."

"I brought this upon him?" Luna asked visibly shaken by the revelation. "No, no..." She raked her hand through her hair.

She was ready to die alone over ruining a human's life, the last thing she needed was to hear that she was responsible for Alphard's change of lifestyle. She started backing away from them, from the room that suddenly made it difficult for her to breathe.

"Luna, calm down..." Alphard tried reaching out for her.

"Stay away from me, Alphard!" Her eyes teared up.

Meanwhile Laura filled Camille with what she'd missed and she understood why Luna was acting this way.

"Luna, come here." Camille called out. Luna looked at Alphard and his mother understood her fears. "He won't touch you till you approve. Now come to me." Camille assured.

Luna slowly made her way towards the bed. Camille took her hands in hers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd be ___"

"No Luna, you didn't bring that upon him. Your bond just helped him bring his true self out. It was already late when his beast was let out for the first time, but if it wasn't for your bond and the love that he felt for you, his beast would've died in without being able to show itself and you know what happens when a shifter doesn't let its animal out?" Luna shook her head.

"I don't know."

"Their own beast becomes the reason for their death," Camille concluded.

Luna tightened her grip on her hands. The room fell eerily silent.

Alphard could've been dead? She turned to look at her mate.

He took a step towards Luna, then stopped on remembering his mother's words. He wasn't going to touch her without her consent.

"You make me feel alive, Luna." Alphard said, opening his arms wide.

Luna ran into them and he wrapped his arms around her tightly, kissing the top of her head. He let go of her when she calmed a little down and watched as she wiped her tears.

"Dad, I think it'd be best if you stay here for until we end this madness." Luna spoke. Will nodded in agreement. "We should keep it from Greg too that we found dad." Luna told Alphard. "Everyone rest, I'll get us something to eat." She put her jacket on and walked out of the clinic.

"Luna, wait!" Alphard ran towards her.

"I cannot take you with me. You're dead, remember?" Luna said, he snorted.

His Luna was back, the lively one.

"Then take this with you." He kissed her. "I'm sorry you'd to continue alone earlier."

"It's all right, Alphard. I didn't go in hopes to find dad, I just went back to the Chinchilla valley to check with something that I suspected. Who knew the trail would lead me to where dad was?" She said. "Now go, take care of them. Make sure no one tries to contact them."

"Take care," He said.

"Put that shirt on at least now." She repeated."

"Why? This look distracts you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Very, very much."

"Very, very much?" He repeated. She pecked him once more and made her way out of the workspace without saying anything else and heard Alphard laugh behind her.

Luna went to the restaurant that she usually ate in with Kel and Darcy. She made her orders and had to wait for some 20 minutes before she could leave the place.

When Luna walked out of the restaurant, she bumped into someone she knew very well. Actually two.

Kelvin and Darcy.

"Darcy! Kel!" She stepped towards them to hug them, but they backed off.

It was clear that they were still mad at her. She sighed and tried to speak, but was stopped.

"We don't have any intention to get involved with murderers." Kelvin shot.


"Now that you've killed Alphard, is Greg next in the list? Honestly though, we wouldn't be surprised if you come for us and 'Mrs. Sylve' too." Darcy spat.

"You think I killed him? It was an accident!"

"You gave the shooting orders." Darcy argued.

"You know I'd to, my duty and post demands so. I cannot let a prisoner escape."

"Agree that it wouldn't have come to this if he wasn't a prisoner," Darcy pointed.

Before Luna could respond, a man in his late thirties came running towards them from across the road. He was dressed in an uniform indicating that he was an security guard.

"Are you Darcy?" He asked.

"Yes," She answered.

"You forgot your reports at the reception desk, the doctor saw you from inside and asked me to give it to you." They understood that he was from the hospital opposite to which the restaurant was.

Luna wondered what had happened to Darcy that she was visiting the hospital.

"Thank you." Kelvin collected the reports.

"She also said that it's not good for you to stress out yourself in this phase as that will affect the baby." He looked from Darcy to Luna who he thought was the reason for Darcy's distress, but then he recognised her. "Oh, good day, Ms. Royalves." Luna just nodded in response and he walked back to the hospital entrance.

"You're...pregnant?" Luna asked.

"Your 'post' and 'duty' are calling you." Kelvin mocked.

"Darcy, ___"

Before she could say something, the two of them strolled into the restaurant. Luna cried her way to the workspace. She remembered the day when they learnt that Kelvin and Darcy had consummated their bond. Darcy was throwing up badly while Luna stayed by her, trying to ease her friend. She remembered Darcy telling her that Luna will be the one to hear it first when Darcy falls pregnant. Luna wiped her face before the doors to the workspace opened and came face to face with her mate.

This time with the shirt on.

"Why did you cry?" He asked.

"I didn___"

"Luna, you know it's no use lying to me."

"Let's eat." She walked past him and made sure their parents ate their fill.

The fact that she wasn't eating didn't go unnoticed by Alphard. He'd felt her in some sort of emotional pain and couldn't help himself from pacing in front of the workspace door. He hated that he couldn't go out and be able to wrap his arms around her to console her.

Both Luna and Alphard checked theirs parents one last time for the day before leaving for their room. Luna kept avoiding conversation with him and it was just about time that he lost his temper.

"Luna, please don't shut me out." He sighed. "It hurts." That made her look at him after what felt like an eternity later.

"I met Kelvin and Darcy." She whispered. "She's pregnant." A faint smile touched her lips.

"They're still mad at you, aren't they?" Alphard asked, she nodded.

"They think I'm a murderer because I killed you," She laughed a little. "And that I'll go after them and Olivia too after killing Greg." Alphard stared at her, gaping a little. He couldn't believe they'd said that to Luna. He felt like he was the reason she was suffering this much and that she's lost her best friends.

He suddenly stood up.

"I'm going to tell them___"

"Don't act foolish, Alphard." She pulled him down to sit on the bed. "I cannot risk your life, I've already told you this."

"They've got no right to make you feel this way, not without knowing the truth."

"That's the catch there! They don't know the truth, I know that if they're aware of the truth they'd never act like this."

Alphard embraced her. She was willing to battle the world to save him, willing to lose her friends for his safety. There was no doubt that he loved her, but now he felt grateful.

He made her lie on the bed and got comfortable beside her, still stroking her back in comfort.

"Why do you care this much?" He suddenly asked.

"Because I know how it'd end if I don't..." He kissed her forehead.

"What's it that you wanted to tell me about the cave we found mom in?" He asked.

Luna told him about how the two caves were connected and how any weight on the altar from the cave the weapons were in caused the base of the dome they found Camille from to open.

"The base of the dome was closed because there was no weight on the altar." She explained, then added. "Oh and the pool we bathed in, you'd emerge out of it if you swim towards South from the dome."

"I see..."

"You see, or will see that doesn't matter now. Tell me what you were doing on your sixteenth birthday."

"I thought we were going to let that one slide." Alphard mumbled stiffening a little.

"I didn't say so, it's something about me, so I deserve to know." Luna reasoned and pulled away from his embrace. "I'm waiting."

"Ugh, fine. I was looking at some old album, it had our childhood photos in it. Then I began imagining things..." He trailed as a pink sheet covered his cheeks.

"What kind of things?" Luna narrowed her eyes at him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Nothing of that sort, I swear! I just wondered how you'd look like at that age, grown up and all, you know, sweet sixteen." He shrugged.

" were figuring out my figure?"

"Sort of," He shrugged again, admitting.

"Was it anywhere near what I'm like in person?"

"Are you trying to seduce me, Luna?"

"Do I need to?" She smirked.

"F*ck it!" He cursed and pinned her to the mattress. "Don't blame me if you don't sleep tonight, you started it."

She smiled at him, stroking his face and brushing his hair away so that she could look into his beautiful eyes. Then she pulled him close.

"Maybe that's what I want,"


Author's Note:

Good day! How's it all going? Good? Great? Not so good? Okay? However it may be, it's life ups and downs are a part of it, so why chase after something we cannot afford while we can be happy with what we have?

Okay, too much life lesson, but guess situation makes one talk such things.

How was this chapter? Lemme know in the comments!

Read my other stories on Wattpad #Crowded Silence (completed) #Holding On to Silence Until; You Came Along (ongoing)

Follow me here and on IG, link on my Wattpad profile, or simply type in anonymous_queendom

Read, comment, vote and share.

Thank you!

Hope you enjoy :-)

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