Homesick | Charles Leclerc

Galing kay tonysnarky

374K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... Higit pa

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


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Galing kay tonysnarky

The next day, the group of friends had gathered in the bright, sunlit kitchen of their Italian villa. The atmosphere was a mix of curiosity and anticipation as Alexandra prepared to address her closest companions. They sat around the rustic wooden table, the scent of fresh Italian coffee lingering in the air, and the warm morning sunlight streaming in through the open windows.

Alexandra took a deep breath, her eyes filled with a newfound determination that had been growing within her over the past few weeks. She knew she had to share her thoughts and decisions with her friends, the people who had stood by her side through thick and thin. They all looked at her expectantly, their expressions reflecting a mix of concern and support.

"Last night," Alexandra began, her voice calm and steady, "Carlos and I had a long conversation." She could sense a shift in the room, particularly with Charles and Lewis, who exchanged a knowing glance. She decided to address their unspoken concerns later. "Carlos showed me what the media has been saying about me," she continued, "and I'm aware of how you guys tried to protect me by keeping me in the dark."

She paused, her gaze firm but not accusatory. "I appreciate your intentions, really, I do," Alexandra said sincerely, her eyes meeting each of her friends'. "But I'm pissed off that you've treated me like I'm made of glass, and that you've all made the decision for me, instead of asking what I wanted."

Her friends listened attentively, realizing that Alexandra had struggled with the feeling of being shielded from the harsh reality of public opinion. They knew she was fiercely independent, and while their actions had been well-intentioned, they understood why she felt the way she did.

"I understand why you did it, though," Alexandra continued, her tone softening. "You thought you were protecting my peace, and maybe you were. But it's my choice now. I need to take control of my narrative."

The room was silent for a moment as her words hung in the air. Then, the supportive nods and understanding glances from her friends reassured her that they were with her, regardless of her decision.

"Carlos and I talked for a few hours," Alexandra explained, her voice still unwavering. "He showed me what the media is saying, and he helped me understand why you guys did what you did. I get it."

She took a deep breath before continuing, "I've made a decision, and I'm not asking for your permission, but I'd appreciate your support. I'm going to attend the trial. I'm going to look that bastard in they eyes, and I'm going to make him pay for what he did to me."

Her statement hung in the air for a moment, and her friends exchanged glances. They were aware of the immense strength it took for her to make such a choice. After a beat of silence, they all nodded, their expressions unwavering.

"I'll go, regardless," Alexandra said, her gaze meeting each of their eyes. "But I hope you'll stand by my side. Your support means the world to me."

Without hesitation, her friends agreed to be there for her, pledging their unwavering support for her during the trial. Alexandra nodded in gratitude, feeling a deep sense of warmth and comfort in their solidarity. Carlos and Isa were looking at her with soft smiles, the couple nodding at her in encouragement.

But Alexandra had more to share. She looked at Charles, who had a confused expression on his face. "The trial is just the beginning," she explained, ready to reveal her next decision. "I talked to my family this morning while you were all asleep. I've asked them for permission to come clean, to tell my whole story."

The room fell into a heavy silence. Lewis finally broke it, his voice reflecting the concern they all felt. "Are you sure about this?" he asked.

Alexandra nodded firmly, a hint of determination in her eyes. "I'm not entirely sure," she admitted. "But I can't hide forever. Before I go any further, I want people to know the truth about the woman they're supporting."

Charles nodded silently, his concern for her evident. He stepped closer to Alexandra, his hand reaching out to gently cup her face as he looked deep into her eyes. His voice was soft and full of emotion as he asked, "Amor, are you sure? Once you start this, you can't back out. Are you sure you're ready to face it all—the media, the fans, the hate?"

Alexandra met his gaze with unwavering determination. She nodded and kissed him, a grateful smile on her lips. "I'm sure," she replied, her voice filled with resolve. "And I know I won't be alone. Thank you, everyone."

As her friends offered their support and encouragement once more, Alexandra felt a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that the path she had chosen wouldn't be easy, but with her friends by her side, she felt stronger than ever. Together, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With their friends gathered around in the warm and welcoming kitchen of their Italian villa, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation as Alexandra shared her plans for the future. She looked around at each of their familiar faces, a sense of purpose burning in her eyes.

"As I said," she began, her voice filled with conviction, "this is just the beginning. I've decided that I want to work closely with charities and dedicate my free time to campaigning and protesting for women's rights, especially when it comes to issues of abuse."

Her words hung in the air, and it was clear that this wasn't merely a passing thought; it was a commitment she had carefully considered and now embraced wholeheartedly.

The girls, a tight-knit group that had shared countless moments of laughter and support, immediately offered their assistance, their expressions reflecting determination. There was an unspoken understanding among them that they were ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with Alexandra, supporting her mission to make a difference in the world.

Their enthusiasm was contagious, and Alexandra couldn't help but grin as she thanked them for their unwavering support. "Thank you, guys," she said sincerely. "Your support means the world to me."

Across the room, the boys had been listening, their expressions varying from contemplative to thoughtful. Daniel, ever the one to consider the implications of decisions, voiced his concern, his tone gentle but earnest, "Are you sure about this, Lexi?"

Alexandra met his gaze, her own unwavering as she nodded firmly. "I'm sure," she replied, her voice carrying a sense of conviction that left no room for doubt. She appreciated Daniel's thoughtful nature and was touched by his concern.

A brief pause followed her response, during which Daniel absorbed her resolve. It was clear that if Alexandra had made this choice, it was because she believed in it with every fiber of her being.

One by one, the other boys in the room voiced their commitment to supporting her. Charles stepped forward once more with a warm smile, his eyes filled with pride and admiration as he reached out to kiss her. "I'm proud of you, amor," he told her sincerely. "And I promise to stand by your side every step of the way."

As the room filled with the collective determination of their group, Alexandra's decision had unified them in purpose. Her choice to step into the spotlight and use her platform to advocate for women's rights had been met with the unwavering support of her friends. Together, they were prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead and make a meaningful impact on the world. It was the beginning of a new journey, one that they would embark on together with unwavering determination and solidarity.


Red Bull Confirms Alexandra Heroux's Return for Belgian GP as Sergio Perez Continues Recovery

Heroux Set to Make Triumphant Comeback Following London Assault

Red Bull Racing has officially confirmed that Canadian driver Alexandra Heroux will make her highly anticipated return to Formula 1 at the Belgian Grand Prix, stepping in for Sergio Perez, who continues his recovery from extensive surgery following his crash earlier in the season.

In a statement released to the press earlier today, Red Bull Team Principal Christian Horner shared the exciting news. "We are pleased to announce that Alexandra Heroux will be back on the Formula 1 track for the Belgian Grand Prix. Lexi is doing exceptionally well and is eagerly looking forward to her return to racing," said Horner.

This announcement comes after a challenging month for the British driver, who was assaulted at a London nightclub in a harrowing incident that shocked the world. The attack reportedly left Heroux with injuries that required immediate medical attention and significant recovery time.

Alexandra Heroux's return to Formula 1 marks a triumphant comeback following a month of rehabilitation and healing. Her resilience and determination have been an inspiration to many, and her return to racing is eagerly anticipated by fans and the motorsport community alike.

The Belgian Grand Prix, held at the iconic Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, will take place on the 29th August. As Heroux gears up to get back behind the wheel of her Red Bull Racing car, the motorsport world is abuzz with excitement and anticipation. Heroux's return promises to be a poignant moment in the sport's history, showcasing the strength of the human spirit and the unwavering support of her team and fans.

Formula 1 enthusiasts worldwide will be tuning in to witness Heroux's return to the track, hoping to witness her triumphant comeback at one of the most challenging and storied circuits on the F1 calendar. The Belgian Grand Prix will undoubtedly be an emotional and memorable race as Heroux takes her place among the world's top motorsport talent once more.


Media day at the Belgian Formula 1 track was abuzz with excitement, and it wasn't just about the anticipation of the upcoming race. The news that Alexandra Heroux was making her return to the sport had ignited a wave of curiosity among reporters and fans alike. The atmosphere in the press conference room was electric, with cameras flashing and reporters speaking in hushed tones.

Alex Albon, Lance Stroll, and Sebastian Vettel sat waiting on the stage, their faces lit up by the sea of flashing cameras. They exchanged friendly greetings and smiles, eagerly anticipating the arrival of Alexandra and Charles. Ten minutes behind schedule, the power couple finally made their entrance. Alexandra's radiant smile and Charles's supportive presence instantly garnered applause and cheers from the assembled reporters.

Without wasting any time, the F1 PR agent opened the floor to questions, and every hand in the room shot up. Lance Stroll leaned over and playfully wished Alexandra "good luck" with a warm smile, earning a chuckle from her.

The first reporter addressed Alexandra, asking her how she was doing after the traumatic attack. She returned the smile and replied warmly, "I'm doing very well, thank you. I appreciate all the support I've received."

Another reporter jumped in, asking if the summer break had been beneficial. Alexandra nodded, her gaze shifting to Charles for a moment, "Absolutely. Spending time with my friends over the summer was incredibly healing."

The topic then turned to the impending trial of Jackson Morgan. A hush fell over the room as the PR agent tried to steer the discussion back to the drivers' summer breaks. "Heroux, don't answer that. I'll remind you all that questions are only supposed to be regarding the sport, and the drivers summer breaks - not ongoing legal proceedings."

But Alexandra, undeterred, overruled her. She sighed, her eyes showing a hint of determination, "Yes, I'll be attending his trial. I want to look him in the eye and watch as justice is served, and I want to be the last person he looks at as they drag him away to rot for the rest of his miserable life," Her candid response left the room in stunned silence, not expecting such a fiery retort.

At the back of the room, another reporter called out, "Why do you think Jackson attacked you of all people?" Charles tried to change the topic, but Alexandra shook her head.

"I'm not ready to share that story yet, but I promise I will when the time is right. Until then, please respect my privacy."

With that, she firmly asked the reporters to move on and direct their questions to the other drivers. Surprisingly, none of the other reporters raised their hands. It was Sebastian Vettel who decided to steer the conversation toward lighter topics. He turned to Alex Albon and asked, "Did you do anything exciting over the summer break?"

Alex Albon's face lit up as he launched into an enthusiastic account of his travels with his girlfriend, Lily, and her golf championship. Alexandra, always one to find common ground, latched onto the conversation, asking more about the golf championship and showing genuine interest.

As the conversation continued, the room gradually returned to its usual rhythm, and the press conference moved on to discuss the drivers' summer escapades. While the world eagerly awaited Alexandra Heroux's return to racing, in that moment, she was just another driver chatting about her summer break, finding strength in the bonds of the F1 family.

As the press conference concluded and the drivers started to leave, Lance Stroll gently grabbed Alexandra's arm, causing her to stop and look at him in surprise. He wore a sincere expression and said, "I'm really glad you're okay, Lexi. It's good to have you back."

Beside him, Alex Albon nodded in agreement and lightened the mood, adding, "Yeah, someone's got to help babysit Max around here." Alexandra chuckled at the friendly banter and exchanged warm goodbyes with the group before they parted ways.

Seb, Charles, and Alexandra made their way to the hospitality area. Inside, they grabbed some water, found a comfortable spot, and took a seat. The atmosphere was more relaxed now, allowing them to unwind after the press conference.

Sebastian, always the thoughtful one, was the first to broach the subject of Alexandra's candid and bold answers during the conference. He leaned in and asked gently, "Alexandra, are you sure you want to attend Jackson's trial? I mean, we all understand your desire for justice, but it's going to be a tough ordeal."

Charles, sitting on her other side, offered his support by holding her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Alexandra took a deep breath, looking at both of them with determination in her eyes. "Seb, I appreciate your concern, but I need to do this. It's a step I have to take, not just for myself, but for anyone who's ever been through something similar. I can't let fear control me, and I won't hide from this any longer."

She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts before continuing, "I want to share my story, and I want to fight for those who can't speak up. Jackson hurt me, but he's not going to define who I am or what I stand for. I've been given this platform, and I intend to use it to make a difference."

Sebastian and Charles exchanged a glance, both understanding the depth of her determination. Sebastian offered a supportive nod, saying, "Then we'll stand by you, Lexi, every step of the way. We're here for you, no matter what."

Charles echoed Sebastian's sentiment, gently kissing Alexandra's forehead and saying, "You're incredibly brave, Amor, and we're proud of you. Just promise us you'll lean on us whenever you need to. I don't think the press are going to back off anytime soon,"

As they continued their conversation, a group of press suddenly walked past the window, their cameras at the ready to capture any glimpse of Alexandra. She waved at them, offering a friendly gesture, before deciding to have a bit of fun. She stood up, moved to the window, and playfully blew them a kiss before pulling the blinds down, causing Charles to burst into laughter.

Sitting back down, Alexandra joined in the laughter, knowing that she had briefly distracted the eager photographers outside.

Their moment of amusement was interrupted by Kimi Räikkönen, who entered the room with his signature no-nonsense demeanor, loudly complaining about the swarm of press outside. "Will you all fuck off!" He shouted.

However, as soon as he spotted Alexandra, his expression softened, and he let out a genuine laugh, remarking, "I should have known you were the reason for the circus outside."

Alexandra couldn't help but playfully mimic a curtsy and replied with a grin, "I'm the dancing monkey, Kimi."

Kimi joined the group, Sebastian tossing him a bottle of water as they all exchanged greetings. He asked Alexandra how she was doing, to which she shrugged, not entirely sure how to put her feelings into words.

Kimi nodded in understanding before adding, "Toto's looking for you, too."

Alexandra furrowed her brow, surprised by the mention of Mercedes Team Principal Toto Wolff. Kimi continued, explaining, "I'm no gossip but-,"

"Liar." Sebastian shot back. "You're the biggest gossip on the grid."

"I've got nothing on Russell and Gasly." Kimi grinned. "Anyway, word on the street is that Bottas might be leaving Mercedes after this season."

Sebastian grinned mischievously, leaning in to add, "And rumor has it that you might be a part of the big picture, Ally."

The news piqued Alexandra's interest, and she exchanged glances with Charles. Change was in the air, and it seemed that her return to Formula 1 was stirring up more than just media attention.

Sebastian's eye-roll was followed by a straightforward explanation. "Come on, Ally, you aren't stupid. Toto is going to offer you Valtteri's seat." Alexandra raised an eyebrow, a mix of disbelief and shock painted across her face. She had never anticipated such a scenario.

Intrigued, she leaned forward and asked the obvious question: "But why would Valtteri leave Mercedes?"

Kimi, ever the straightforward communicator, replied with a knowing smile, "Valtteri is sick of being in Lewis's shadow. He's just too nice to admit it."

Alexandra and Charles exchanged glances, the pieces of the puzzle starting to fall into place. The competitive nature of Formula 1 often meant that a driver like Valtteri Bottas could find it challenging to flourish alongside a dominant force like Lewis Hamilton.

Kimi, ever perceptive, turned the conversation toward Alexandra's potential decision. He asked her if she would take the contract. Alexandra admitted that she wasn't sure. She appreciated the unwavering support Mercedes had offered her from the beginning, but Red Bull had been performing well recently, and she had a deep trust in Christian Horner and Max Verstappen.

Kimi reminded her that her current seat with Red Bull wasn't permanent, and that brought a frown to Alexandra's face. Returning to AlphaTauri, where she had previously driven, wasn't an appealing prospect.

Sebastian, the voice of reason, chimed in, telling her she would need to make a decision sooner rather than later. Alexandra nodded, realizing the urgency of the situation. She turned to Charles, seeking his input.

Charles, with a grin, shrugged and said, "Well, you'll probably beat me in a tractor, so I'm not getting involved for the sake of my own ego."

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