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The first race back at Silverstone was an electrifying event, and the media was abuzz with excitement as the F1 paddock filled up with teams and fans alike

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The first race back at Silverstone was an electrifying event, and the media was abuzz with excitement as the F1 paddock filled up with teams and fans alike. Among the crowd, a familiar face caught everyone's attention – Alexandra Heroux, hand in hand with Charles Leclerc, walked through the paddock with an air of confidence and grace.

The cameras surrounded them almost immediately, eager to capture the moment, but Lexi and Charles kept walking, undeterred by the spotlight. Their smiles were genuine, and they seemed to have perfected the art of ignoring the noise around them over the summer break. 

Inside, however, Lexi's emotions were swirling like a storm. She'd spent the past two months avoiding the spotlight, seeking solace in privacy as she tried to move on from the difficulties she'd faced in the past four months. Holding onto Charles' hand tightly, she worried she might hurt him. However, Charles was unfazed, basking in the joy of having his friends and girlfriend by his side, and excited for the season to restart. He was proud of Alexandra, and after a difficult start to the Summer Break with a new blog post being released, he was happy she'd allowed her friends to help her through it. 

After Max had discovered the blog post that night in the restaurant, the drivers quickly sat down, making arrangements for the summer. Alexandra sat in the corner, tucked into a small ball on her chair as she cried, both from the shock of her father's tweets, to the anger she held toward the blog that kept ruining her life. 

As Charles had tried to console her, the others had come up with a simple plan: help her. Immediately the suggestion was thrown that they should spend the break together (for the most part, at least) and that they could all use some time to bond away from the track. 

Carlos had quickly suggested the idea of hiring out somewhere in the mountains of Greece, and it didn't take long for everyone to agree. For the first two weeks, Alexandra barely ate, slept and talked. She would sit like a ghost around her friends, an empty shell of the person she used to be. 

Slowly, and with Charles' help, she began to eat, little by little, and would go on little walks along the beach when it was dark, and she knew there were no cameras around to see her. While the drivers all spent time around their loved ones too, there was a group that stayed by her side consistently through the break. 

Lewis, Lando, Daniel, Max, Charles, George, and Carlos were with her every step of the way, with Max even going as far as flying Kelly and her daughter out to Greece so he could spend time with them, without leaving Lexi's side. As the break went on, Florence had the idea to hire a boat and spend the last two weeks sailing across Europe. 

It was a well-loved idea, and it gave them each an opportunity to spend a few days with their own families. Toto and his family met them in Croatia for a weekend, and he was shocked to see the difference in the girl since the last he'd seen her. 

Before the break, she looked like she was ready to collapse from exhaustion at any moment, tired and frail as she walked around the paddock with no energy. And in Croatia...well, she was back to pretty much her old self, with one exception: she seemed happier. 

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