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Charles and Lewis stood at the airfield, a private jet waiting to take them to London after the race

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Charles and Lewis stood at the airfield, a private jet waiting to take them to London after the race. As they chatted about the day's events and their plans, Lewis's phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID, puzzled by the unexpected call from Sebastian.

Answering the call, Lewis could immediately sense the panic in Sebastian's voice. "Seb, what's wrong?" Lewis asked, concern evident in his tone.

Sebastian's words came out in a rush, "Where's Alexandra? I've been trying to reach her, and I can't find her anywhere."

Realization struck Lewis like a lightning bolt. They hadn't realized that Sebastian, not having joined them for dinner the previous night, was unaware of Alexandra's whereabouts. Taking a deep breath, Lewis confirmed the news that had been circulating on the gossip blog. "Seb, the blog is right. Lexi's back in Brexton. She went to confront her father."

Sebastian's voice trembled as he processed the information. "She's in danger," he said urgently. "Her father can't be trusted. I need to be there with you guys."

Lewis and Charles exchanged worried glances, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "We'll wait for you," Lewis assured, sensing the urgency in Sebastian's voice. "But you need to explain what's going on, Seb."

Sebastian's voice was firm, determined. "I can't fully explain over the phone, but you have to trust me. I'll be at the airfield in twenty minutes. Just wait for me. Please."

The call ended, and Lewis looked at Charles, concern etched on his face. "We need to get to Brexton," Lewis said, his voice filled with worry. "We have to make sure she's okay."

Charles nodded, panic settling in. He immediately dialed Alexandra's number, but there was no answer. Fear gnawed at him as he realized that Sebastian's urgency was grounded in something serious. They needed to get to Alexandra as quickly as possible, with Sebastian's help.

"Somethings wrong."


As the weight of the truth settled in, Alexandra's world shattered. The revelation that her mother had an affair with Christian Horner was like a sledgehammer to the fragile foundation she had built her memories upon. The memories of her childhood, the ideals she had held dear, all crumbled into pieces around her, leaving her feeling lost and overwhelmed.

She couldn't contain the surge of emotions that crashed over her like a tidal wave. She stood, and with blurry eyes ran from the house.

Overwhelmed by the weight of the truth, Alexandra's body betrayed her, succumbing to a powerful panic attack that ripped through her, leaving her trembling and gasping for air. The grass beneath her seemed to spin as her vision blurred, and her stomach churned with a mixture of nausea and despair.

As she doubled over on the ground, the truth seemed to suffocate her, threatening to consume her entirely. She vomited, the physical manifestation of the turmoil that was tearing her apart from the inside out. The panic, the grief, the anger - it all mixed together into a storm that raged within her.

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