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The therapy room, a haven of muted tranquility, resonated with the soft hum of a white noise machine. A gentle glow emanated from a salt lamp, casting a warm and subdued light that enveloped the space.

Dr. Railey occupied her well-worn chair, a silent witness to countless stories of resilience and vulnerability. Her eyes, pools of empathetic depth, bore witness to the subtle nuances of her patients' struggles.

Today, those compassionate eyes were fixed on Alexandra, who sat on the plush couch with an air of weariness.

Alexandra, a mosaic of fatigue and resilience, embodied the ebb and flow of life's challenges. The lines etched upon her face told a story of restless nights and quiet battles fought in the solitude of her mind. Dark circles beneath her eyes, like shadows of unseen burdens, hinted at the tumultuous nights that had preceded this encounter.

The room seemed to carry the echoes of a not-so-distant past, a haunting déjà vu that lingered in the air. Alexandra's eyes, ever evasive, avoided prolonged contact with Dr. Railey's gaze, revealing the internal struggle she sought to conceal.

Adept at deciphering the unspoken, Railey sensed a familiar weariness—a resonance with a time when healing seemed an elusive mirage.

Dr. Railey, framed by the serenity of the therapeutic space, observed her patient with a blend of empathy and concern. She hadn't seen Alexandra look this scared since her first visit to the office almost four years ago.

Alexandra, in turn, engaged in a silent dialogue with her own thoughts, her internal landscape marred by the remnants of nightmares and echoes of past traumas.

As Dr. Railey initiated the conversation, a compassionate inquiry etched into her expression, Alexandra found herself at the crossroads of disclosure. "How have you been since our last meeting a few weeks ago?" The therapist inquired, her tone a soothing melody designed to ease Alexandra into the realms of self-reflection.

A wearied smile played on Alexandra's lips as she acknowledged, "I've had better days." The shadows that danced in her eyes betrayed the weariness that lingered beneath her composed facade. Dr. Railey, perceptive and empathetic, recognized the weight carried by her patient.

"What's been going on, Alexandra?" Railey posed the question delicately, mindful of the intricate layers of emotions that hid behind the words. Alexandra's response, initially framed in a soft laugh, veered into the realm of vulnerability.

"I know Charles called you. I know he told you." There was a hint of apprehension in her admission, a subtle plea for understanding.

Dr. Railey, a beacon of reassurance, offered a gentle response, "This is a safe space, Lexi. You can talk about whatever is bothering you." The words hung in the air, an unspoken promise of confidentiality and understanding.

Alexandra, her gaze momentarily fixated on the rhythmic pulsing of her own heart, sighed. "Nightmares. They won't let me go. I thought I was past this, but..." The sentence lingered, a poignant ellipsis that encapsulated the hesitance to give voice to the specters that haunted her sleep.

In the quietude of the therapist's office, the weight of unspoken fears and resurfaced traumas lay heavy. Dr. Railey, a stalwart companion on this voyage of introspection, awaited Alexandra's willingness to confront the shadows of her dreams and navigate the labyrinthine corridors of her subconscious mind.

"Tell me about the nightmares. What's troubling you?" Dr. Railey's voice remained a calming presence, encouraging Alexandra to articulate the visceral experiences haunting her sleep.

"I see him. Jackson. He's there, as if he never left. The fear, the helplessness—it's all so vivid." Alexandra's measured words hung in the air, painting a poignant picture of a hauntingly familiar torment.

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