Smg34 Oneshots and ArtBook!!

Von HiImherefornoreason9

5.3K 141 441

Oneshots! [Probably wont update often!] This will include My Art only! I will make everything i put in this... Mehr

~Before We Begin!~
~ A Day of Rest ~
~Just Another Villain~
~Where did you go?~
!Art and Hc's!
!WOTFI 2023!
~Happy Halloween!
~White Chocolate Boy~
!Merry Christmas...Art!
-Redraws- [Art]

~Just for the Day~

560 8 104
Von HiImherefornoreason9

[.This will be another fluffshot (boy I wonder what my favorite category is....) Credit to @F1shee for the idea! This is about 3 & 4 having to look after Mario alone in the castle, just like parents. (Just like parents CAUSE THEIR GAY FOR EACH- ok I'll stop.) Onto the story. Trigger Warning: Blackmailing[pretty much], Bruises, and Mario. Mario is a trigger warning in and of himself ong. MARIO GETS TO BE IN THE DRAWINGS BTW!! YIPPEE!!]

Smg4 groaned, staring at Meggy.

"You're seriously gonna leave me alone with him? FOR A WHOLE DAY???" 4 half-yelled gesturing toward Mario, who was doing God only knows what to spaghetti.

"Well, not exactly alone!" Meggy said smiling.

Smg4 just titled his head in confusion, staring at Meggy skeptically.

'What do you mean by that?' 4 broke into the memes voice, raising an eyebrow.

"I might've asked 3 to help you." Meggy chuckling

"Wha- HOW DID YOU EVEN GET HIM TO AGREE??" Smg4 shouted in confusion, stunned that a person like 3 would agree to something like this, let alone babysitting Mario of all people.

"Well...ahhah.." Meggy stammered nervously looking for words.


Meggy grabbed her phone, she was excited for the 'girls night' her and Tari had planned! They were going to a movie, get food, and probably gossip. She was more than excited, she was pretty much jumping up and down at the thought of it, but then she thought of the fact that she would be leaving 4 alone with Mario, which probably wasn't idea. That's when she had an idea. Oh Meggy Spletzer you are amazing! She thought to herself, opening contacts and scrolling till she saw "SuperMemeGay-rdian3" she chuckled at the name she had given him and opened the contact.

Meggy: Heyyyyyy

SuperMemeGay-rdian3: What do you want? 😐

Meggy: Wellll, I need a bit of helpp...

SuperMemeGay-rdian3: Just get to it, I don't have all day.

Meggy: You think you could help 4 Babysit Mario?

SuperMemeGay-rdian3: The hell? No.



Meggy: I read a bit of it 🙂 I'll spill the tea if you don't agree.

SuperMemeGay-rdian3: ...

Meggy: Well?

SuperMemeGay-rdian3: FINE FINE I'LL HELP.

Meggy: Good, good. Be there as soon as possible! [Read 8:34AM] (Hehe Funni)

-End of Flashback-

"I'm...just really good at persuasion?" She grinned

"Ok, yeah can get going now" 4 sighed, turning back to Mario.

Meggy skipped out the door and joined the rest of the girls from the cast as they walked away, already happily chatting. 4 just sighed, closed the door and turned around, now facing Mario, who was still doing whatever the hell he was doing to spaghetti.

"Alright Mario it's just me and you for now so if you could just beha-" Smg4 was cut off by a loud 'WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'

Mario had begun to levitate in a sitting position, his mustache grew, and his eyes crossed. He began to accelerate before crashing into the wall at insane speeds, breaking a large hole into it. The planks landed awkwardly, snapping everywhere and making a mess on the tile floor. Smg4 flinched at the large crash noise. Turning to look at the hole, as the morning sun shone through, and the cold air was let in.

"OH COME ON, MARIO GET BACK HERE-" 4 shouted, running out of the hole into the morning air. It was a brisk morning, smg4 could hear the leaves crunch beneath his brown boots as he ran, this would be nice if Mario wasn't speeding to who knows where. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud, then a disgruntled groan, and then a extremely ear piercing "MY PINGASSSSSSSSSS" from Mario. 4 continued to run until he saw Mario curled up into a ball, holding his knees tightly to his chest, rocking back and forth and he whimpered and cried loudly.

"Uuuugh... Mario get off, you're heavy as hell." Smg3 groaned, sitting up slowly shoving the still crying Mario off his chest. "I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this.."

4 walked over, laughing quietly through heavy breaths, slowly kneeling down and speaking slowly to Mario.

"If you stop crying I'll give you extra spaghetti"

Mario perked up, immediately ceasing to cry, and wiping his face furiously trying to get rid of any evidence of him crying. Smg4 just chuckled and smiled, then turned his attention to 3, who was still sitting on the ground wincing in pain.

"You ok 3?"4 questions, crawling toward him.

"Agh- Yes, I'm fine, that idiot collided with me." Smg3 scowled at Mario

Smg3 rose to his feet, stumbling a bit, but ultimately keeping his balance. He proceeded to casually walk through the hole in the castle, Smg4 followed him, waving Mario along.

"What should we do?" Smg4 stared at the other two smiling brightly.


"Of course you do." 4 sighed walking to the kitchen, opening the fridge.

"Oh god...4 said

"What is it now?" 3 grumbled wobbling over to peer into the fridge as well.

"We don't have any left...''4 responded, keeping his voice quiet and soft so Mario couldn't hear, like avoiding letting a child hear there's candy.

"Do you have dry Pasta? We could just make some.." Smg3 retorted

"Well, uh yeah,....I just don't know how to make it-" 4 chuckled nervously scratching the back of his neck.

Smg3 stared at 4, for a moment. He sighed, beginning to look around for the dry pasta.

"I'm sure it can't be that hard" 3 retorted, reaching for a cupboard.

4 watched, as 3 fully stretching his body out reached around, before he suddenly grunted, grabbing his side and beginning to fall back. 4 immediately ran toward three, grabbing his waist, holding him up.

"OOOO, MARIO SEES GAE ACTIVITY" Mario yelled pointing at the two, who turned to him surprised.

3 desperately pushed 4 off, grabbing his side as his face flushed a bright red, making him look like Mario's Hat. 4 just stood there confused. 4 rolled his eyes and reached for the pasta box.

"3 you sounded super confident- do you know how to do this?" 4 sighed, turning toward 3.

"MARIO KNOWS HOW :DDDD" Mario shouted, grabbing a pan and beginning to spin again.

"Mario no" 4 sighed.

"You need a pot of boiling water, are you seriously that braindead?" Smg3 growled, still tightly gripping his side

"Jeez- okay, boiling water yeahI can do that-" 4 grumbled.

"CAN MARIO HELLP??" Mario said, jumping up and down like a small child.

4 and 3 looked at eachother, smiling.

"Sure Mario!" 4 grinned

"Why not" 3 scoffed, ever so slightly smiling.

"ALRIGHT~" Three sang out, slowly taking his hand off his side and steadying himself. "4 put the stove on high! Mario get a pot and fill it with water!" 3 said smirking

The 3 of them began to work carefully as the SMG' pair, let Mario pour the pasta into the now boiling water because Mario really wanted to. Before 3 gave further instructions on how to make the sauce he sighed.

"4, I'm gonna head to the bathroom to check on my side- it hurts like hell" 3 remarked.

"I'll go grab some painkillers from my room and come along! It seems pretty bad-" 4 smiled softly, wanting to help his boyfr- his friend. Mario turned to the both of them and his eyes crossed.

'Why are you gae?' Mario remarked

"We aren't gay Mario I'm just going to help 3 with his side-" 4 sighed.

"Mario thinks you're going to make out!" Mario said, staring at the duo.

"MARIO!" 4 yelled

"No nope no no no" 3 said quickly walking out of the room, face red as ever.

4 follow soon after only turning for a moment to look at Mario.

"Please watch the pasta- we won't be long." he said calmly.

[this is the bit with the bruise in it, if you don't wanna read that scroll until you see the end of the bruise bit message!]

Smg3 reached the bathroom and unclipped the skull pin on his overalls, letting the overalls side drape down giving 3 access to the bottom of his purple sweater, he pulled on the side of the cloth, looking down at his side. The skin was a rough purple, fading into a darker purple in some spots, and turning a bit red in others. He sighed, it was a pretty bad bruise. 4 walked in looking down at the bottle of painkillers he had brought, reading the ingredients. 4 looked up and stopped in his tracks. Damn that was a bad bruise. 4 walked up to 3 sighing, and leaning down next to his side. 3 just looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey man, no need to be embarrassed." 4 said smiling.

3 sighed, finally looking over at 4, finding comfort in his smile. 4 had gotten a washcloth and soaked it in warm water, and slowly applied it to the bruise putting slight pressure.

"ACK OW- 4-" 3 yelled out, flinching continuously.

Mario busted down the door, screaming as soon as he came in.


"OH MY GOD MARIO WE AREN'T! I'M JUST HELPING 3 WITH THE BRUISE YOU CAUSED." 4 yelled, accidentally putting more pressure on the bruise then he intended to.

"OW, OW 4, 4 GET OFF. JESUS CHRIST THAT HURTS '' Smg3 yelled flinching uncontrollably [Author: that happens to me all the time when I get hurt- I'll just flinch a lot for no reason. Just me? Or? Also there won't be anything more on the bruise yall good now I totally did not write that scene just so Mario could interrupt. Why would I ever]

"Sorry!" 4 yelled moving away from 3.

3 sighed pulling his sweater back down and re-clipping his overall strap.

"It's fine scrub..." Smg3 said looking away

4 smiled brightly, grabbing 3's hand and walking toward the kitchen. Mario sprinted in front of them quickly going over to the pot to look at it very closely.

"OOOOOOO" Mario said

"OH GOD IT'S ON FIRE" 4 shouted

The kitchen flew into panic, Mario trying to eat the now on fire pot of pasta, four screaming perched on top of the counter, screaming. 3 trying to put it out while also screaming.

It took awhile, and putting Mario on a leash to get the fire, luckily it was just something on the edge of the pot that had caught aflame, so the pasta wasn't burnt! 3 showed 4 how to cook the onions and slowly simmer the sauce, as Mario watched, getting to pour in ingredients every now and then and stir the sauce, which made him happy. And finally after all of that chaos, a few fires, and some gayness as Mario would put it, they finally were able to put a pretty good looking spaghetti onto the table, fist-bumping as Mario dug into the dish. They were all pretty proud of themselves, Mario said it was really good, though he says that about most spaghetti. It still looked good though, and was probably more edible than Meggy's cooking, so it was good enough!

"What should we do now?" Smg3 said, actually sounded happy to be there, and excited to continue his time there.

"Oh I have an idea." 4 smirked

Mario excitedly started hopping after he heard the idea, going to go grab some soda boxes.

The girls walked toward the castle, chatting about the movie they had gone to see, and laughing with one another. Tari noticed the large hole in the wall in the castle, she immediately got concerned.

"G-guy do you think the boys are alright?" she stammered, gesturing toward the hole in the wall, hugging a plush duck in the other hand.

"They're probably fine" Meggy stated, rolling her eyes as she walked up to the door. She smiled as she opened it, not exactly ready for what came next.

The boys were stationed in the middle of the castle entrance area, Smg3 sitting on a makeshift throne made of soda boxes, as the other two stood at his either side.

The girls stood there confused as ever as the boys broke into a fit of uncontrollable laughter at their facial expressions.

"This is why we can't leave you 3 alone, even if it's just for the day." Meggy said, laughing 

[Done! This one took awhile! Honestly the second drawing of the whole body 3 of them, I included just because I REALLY wanted to draw that. I wasn't sure how to write Mario so I hope that was okay Lmao.]

[Words: 2076!]

[Alright people. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of titles ready, but I'm not sure which to write.. thats why your deciding which one I write next. BY JUST THE TITLE. So basically you won't get to know what the shot is about. You just get to know the title, and pick which one you like best! one with the most votes wins! Here are the Titles:

"Just Another Villain"

"I'll Help you"

"Sweetest Torture"

"Something Worth Losing"

"A Handprint and a Smile."

"Where did you go?"

"All Alone"

"Longer than you'd Like"

"Continously Bad"

"An Ocean of Emotions"

"Bad Idea" 

Those are the titles! Pick away! Hope you enjoyed!!]


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