My One Piece (Book I)

By Lord_Roronoa

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Monkey D Luffy... A Cheerful, Carefree Young Man from East Blue wearing a Straw Hat set sail on a Small Boat... More

Author Note (I).
Chapter-1 The Execution.
Chapter-2 The King Of The Pirates
Chapter-3 The Pirate Hunter.
Chapter-4 To The Marine Base.
Chapter-5 Punishment for 7 days.
Chapter-6 My First Mate..?
Chapter-7 A Thief, A Pirate Hunter & A Prisoner.
Chapter-8 The Clown.
Chapter-9 A Mysterious Woman
Chapter-10 Orange Town.
Chapter-11 The Buggy Pirates - I.
Chapter-12 The Buggy Pirates - II.
Chapter-13 Captain vs Captain / Swordsman vs Swordsman.
Chapter-14 A Sling Shooter.
Chapter-15 The Merry
Chapter-16 The Black Cat Pirates.
Chapter-17 The Going Merry.
Chapter-18 Dracula Mihawk Hawkeye.
Chapter-19 The All Blue.
Chapter-20 A Promise.
Chapter-21 Battle OF The Swordsman.
Chapter-22 Between Life and Death.
Chapter-23 Arlong Pirates.
Chapter-24 Arlong vs Luffy.
Chapter-25 Going After Our Navigator.
Chapter-26 Nami's true face.
Chapter-27 Luffy, Help Me..!
Chapter-28 The Two Wings vs Two Gills.
Chapter-29 Fight or Die Trying.
Chapter-30 Arlong Park Fall.
Auther-Note (II).
Chapter-32 The Loguetown.
Chapter-33 Zoro vs Baroque Works.
Chapter-34 Zoro vs Luffy.
Chapter-35 Is She Good Or Bad..?
Chapter-36 I'm Sorry, Zoro..!
Chapter-37 Wax Statue.
Chapter-38 Nami's gonna die.
Chapter-39 Return Of The Evil King.
Chapter-40 He is My Big Brother...
Chapter-41 You Must Survive, Vivi..!
Chapter-42 Let Me Join You.
Chapter-43 Zoro and Robin..?
Chapter-44 Partners..?
Chapter-45 Nearly Dead.
Chapter-46 It's Getting Worse
Chapter-47 Worried about a Friend.
Chapter-48 Sanji vs Zoro.
Chapter-49 The Spirits.
Chapter-50 The Shadows.
Chapter-51 Sacrifice for My Captain.
Chapter-52 Death and Alive.
Chapter-53 Zoro (And/VS) Nami.
Chapter-54 A Massacre.
Chapter - 55 The Awakening...
Chapter-56 The End..?

Chapter-31 The New Beginning.

87 5 0
By Lord_Roronoa


The night falls short...
The Village and the villagers after a very long time enjoying the festival of freedom..
For 8 years, Arlong and his Minions been terrorizing the islands but because of The Straw Hat Pirates,
They are finally free.

Nami is sitting on the balcony of her house watching the happy faces on her villagers.
Sanji is serving delicious meal for everyone on the village and flirting with every women he came across...
Ussop as usual telling ridiculous made up stories about his glory adventures and for some reason, everyone's buying it.
Luffy being him as usual stuffing his belly with food.
Zoro is been treated at the Coco-Yashi hospital and getting rest for the time being.

Nami and Nojiko were with Zoro but he refuses to even look at Nami, insisting he wants to be alone and get some rest.
Nami still with a sad look agreed and got out.

"What's his deal anyway..?
You must've did a real number on him to be this angry..
He doesn't even look at your face, Nami..!" Nojiko ask with a suspicious smirk,

"I got no choice, Nojiko..!
From day one when i get on board with Luffy and others,
I felt something that i haven't felt in years... Joy..! Happiness..! Fun..!
I was getting too attached to them..
Especially to him..
Even simple conversation and arguments with him only drew me closer to him.
But considering what i was supposed to do to get our Village back from Arlong, i did what i thought was right. Even though Luffy, Ussop and Sanji understands why i did all that, Zoro still refuse to forgive me.
I need a lot more time to gain his trust again." Nami says looking at Zoro through a window,

"Oh My God, Nami..!
You and that Swordsman..?
I never thought my sister is capable of having these kinda feelings.." Nojiko says teasing Nami with a laugh,

"Shut up..!
It's not like that..
Besides he's not the romantic type of guy as far as i know.
To be honest, i don't think he'll ever get any feelings towards any women..
He's stubborn as a rock.." Nami says with a shrug walking away with Nojiko,

"What about the blonde one..?
He seems kinda nice and a Gentleman..!" Nojiko ask with a smirk,

"Who, Sanji..?
Well he's polar opposite of Zoro.
Zoro's not interested in any woman,
Sanji is interested in every women." Nami says with a sigh and a giggle to which Nojiko giggle aswell

After long hours,
Everyone is partying, Luffy and Ussop were dancing with the Villagers,
Nami and Nojiko were drinking sake watching The Villagers dance and talking sisterly stuffs when Sanji is just being a servant of Ladies.

Zoro walked in rubbing his back head toward the party.
People received him like a hero with cheers and applaud, thanking him for all his efforts..
They offered him barrels of sake which he accepted with a wide grin.
He walked to Sanji giving food for everyone,

"Ohhh, Someone seems hungry..!" Sanji says with a smirk,

"Shut up and give me something good to eat, I'm hungry..!
It's the least you can do considering i saved your ass from the fishman.." Zoro says with a smirk,

"What..? I saved your ass.." Sanji says with an eyebrow rise,

"You don't even get your hands dirty." Zoro says with hands crossed,

"Atleast i don't need three Swords to prove I'm a man..!" Sanji says with a mocking smirk,

Zoro with a glare picked up the plate and walked away while Sanji just laughed it off.

Suddenly, The Villagers stopped partying as they got visitors from The Marines...

"MARINES...! FORM LINE.." The Marines arrived at Coco-Yashi village surrounding the party,

There walked in Garp with a smirk looking at the party,
Zoro grabbed his Sword but Bogard warn not to..

"So these are the Straw Hat Pirates..!
Marines, Arrest them..!" Garp says with a smirk,

"Sir..! The Straw Hats didn't destroy the village... It was Arlong.." Koby says trying to defend The Straw Hats,

"You have your orders, cadet..!" Garp says ignoring Koby,

"No..!" Koby says standing infront on Garp kinda surprising Garp and Bogard,

"What did you say..?" Garp ask with a glare,

"I said no, sir..!" Koby says standing his ground,

"You do realize there are severe punishment for disobeying direct orders..?" Garp says with an angey glare warning Koby,

"I disagree with those orders, Sir..!" Koby says still standing his ground,

"Me too..!" Helmappo says joining Koby in this small rebellion,

"Huh, Right..!
Anyone else like to follow their lead..? Or do you all want to follow orders instead..?" Garp ask with a smirk at the Marine Soliders,

Some Marine Soliders got Zoro, Sanji, Nami and Ussop at gum point when Garp grab Luffy and drag him alone.

"I gave you every opportunity to follow my path, To become a respected Marine..
But instead you chose to become a Pirate..." Garp says with a disappointed sigh,

"No Grandpa..!
I've always been a Pirate.." Luffy says with a smirk,

"No more running boy..!
Last chance, Give it up..!" Garp says warning Luffy,

"You know that's not my thing, Grandpa..!
And if you wanna stop me..
You have to execute me and even then, I'll die with a laugh..
Just like how Roger died." Luffy says with a smirk,

Hearing that,
Garp snapped as he punched Luffy with full force send him flying.

"Then show me what you got..!" Garp says taking off his coat,

Luffy gets up and stretch his hand to punch Garp but Garp sensed Luffy's punch and dodged it.
He then again punched Luffy at his guts, sending him away into the pile of woods.

"This is what you always wanted, right..? Well I'll show you what Marines do to Pirates.." Garp says with a smirk walking to Luffy,

"I don't want to fight you, Grandpa..!" Luffy says with a glare,

"You been fighting me your entire life." Garp says Punching Luffy.

Luffy jumped away as Garp break the woods and then take his hand off ripping the wood apart,

"When are you gonna learn that you can't win..?" Garp says yelling at Luffy, Punching his face, throwing him away into an old building,

Sanji put his cigarette down and was about to run help Luffy but Zoro put his sword in front of Sanji,

"What are you doing, Marimo..?
Luffy needs our help..!
That old man is too strong.." Sanji says with a glare,

"It's between Luffy and his Grandpa,
Let them settle this.." Zoro says looking at Luffy getting his ass kicked by Garp,

With no other choice,
Sanji stand down and watch Luffy fighting Garp,

"I thought i trained you better than this.." Garp says with a shrug,

"You did..!" Luffy says with a glare,

Luffy stretch his arms grabbing two pillers and step back to get momentum. And within seconds,
Luffy with a bullet speed, fly towards Garp to punch him..
Garp easily dodge Luffy's rocket attack and punched on his guts to pin him down.

"You don't know how dangerous this world is...
Grand line isn't some child's game.." Garp says picking up Luffy in the air,

"I told you...
You aren't ready..!" Garp says with a glare,

"You can hit all day long, Grandpa..!
But I'm never gonna give up on my dream..." Luffy says with a grunt of pain glaring at Garp,

"Is that so..?" Garp ask with eyebrows rise,

"You said you want me to be a Respectful Marine, Like you..?
Where were those Marines when Coco-Yashi village is being terrorized by Arlong for 8 years..?
Marines are not The Honorary ones and The Pirates are not treacherous ones,

I'm going to The Grand Line...
And i will find The One Piece...
And i will become...
The King Of The Pirates..!

YAHAHAAHAHAHAHA" Luffy says started laughing which reminded Garp about Gol.D.Roger.

Garp dropped Luffy on the ground and started laughing aswell..
Everyone back there looked confused on why Garp and Luffy laughing..

"Have it your way, Boy..!" Garp says looking at Luffy,

"Marines, Lower your weapons..!" Garp says ordering The Marines to lower their guns,

"What are you all standing here for..?
Arlong Pirates are still on the lose..
Hunt them down and arrest them." Garp says with a smirk sighing,

"What about The Straw Hats..?" Nezumi ask with an annoyed look,

"What about them..?" Garp ask with a confused look,

"Arrest them too..!
They are the real criminals.." Nezumi says with anger,

Zoro had enough as he grabbed Nezumi by his neck..

"Trying to rain on these people's parade, Now that's just rude.." Zoro says gripping his hold on Nezumi's neck,

"This is for stealing my people's treasure and for letting Arlong terrorize us for all these years.." Nami says walking up to Nezumi, taking her stick out and beat Nezumi to the ground...

Garp looked at them with a sigh that he knows this is inevitable for Commander Nezumi.Luffy walked close to Garp as Garp turned towards Luffy.

"I kinda knew i'd never be able to change your mind..!
You're stubborn like your old man..
Like your grandpa..
But i know who you are boy..
I just wanna make sure you knew it too." Garp says with a shrug,

"You were testing me..?
Couldn't you have gone a little bit easier..?" Luffy ask with a confused look,

"Where's the fun in that..?" Garp says with a shrug,

Garp walked to Luffy and put his hands on Luffy's Shoulder with a caring look,

"You're a Man now, Luffy..!
You're on your own now..
Just be careful." Garp says tapping Luffy's Shoulder and walking away,

"No, I'm not alone, Grandpa..!
I got my friend.." Luffy says with a smile,

Garp just smiled and walked away..

The next morning...
It was a beautiful day with sun shining bright, reflecting the seas making it sparkling, Nami was at her mother's grave talking to Bellemere..

"I done it, mom..!
We set our village free..
My finally my own again..
I can move forward with my head held high..That's what you always wanted, right..?
I'm sorry i didn't understand the sacrifices you made for me...
But now i do, i know what it means to fight for the family...
And i promise I'll never lose sight of that...

i know it's late but,
I hope you'd be proud of me.." Nami says getting emotional,

Luffy was sitting on Nami's house eating Tangerine when koby visited him...

Come to see us off..?" Luffy ask with a happy smile,

"I don't think that's a good idea, Luffy..!" Koby says with a smile,

"Come here to arrest me cause that's not a good idea either..!" Luffy says with a smirk,

"I'm not here as a Marine, Luffy..!
I'm here as a friend..
I gotta show you something..!" Koby says smiling and giving a paper to Luffy,

Luffy opened it to see it's his first ever wanted poster..

"You did it...
You finally got your face on a wanted poster, with 30M Berries on your head, Nezumi's last act of revenge.." Koby says with a proud smile,

Luffy stand there stunned in joy,
Looking at the paper, and then at Koby, and then at paper again..
He smiled and then started screaming,

YES....YES...YO.. WHAO..! WOAH..!
That's a lot of Berries..!" Luffy screamed in joy,

"Highest bounty in The East Blue.." Koby says with a proud smile celebrating with Luffy,

Luffy ran to The Merry where his friends are...
He showed them the wanted poster,
While Zoro look proud, Nami look shocked,

"Hey Look..!
I'm famous..!" Ussop says with a surprised smile,

"What are you on about..?
That's Luffy's wanted poster.." Sanji says with a confused look,

"Not just Luffy..." Ussop says with a laugh pointing him on the poster standing behind Luffy,

"Sorry guys..!
Maybe if you work a little hard,
You'll get a bounty too.." Ussop says with a dance,

"That doesn't count..!" Sanji says with a depressed puff cheek,

"It's okay to be jealous, Sanji..!
Feel what you need to feel" Ussop says mocking Sanji,

This is stupid.." Sanji says with a grunt,

"This is gonna make things much harder...
With that price on your head,
Every Bounty Hunter in the East Blue will be gunning for you.." Zoro says looking at Luffy,

"Not just Luffy,
They're gonna be gunning for all of us.." Nami says with a shocked look,

"Then it's a good thing we're not staying in The East Blue...
We're going to The Grand Line.." Luffy says with a smirk,

East Blue...

Windmill Village, Dawn Island...
Makino reading news paper at her bar and saw Luffy's Wanted Poster...
A gentle smile formed on her lips with a proud look.

Syrup Village, Gecko Island...
Kaya drinking tea while reading Newspaper at her mansion saw Luffy's Wanted Poster and smiled..

"Oh Ussop-Kun..!" Kaya says noticing Ussop in the back of Luffy's Wanted Poster.

Baratie, Middle Of Nowhere...
Zeff walk through his kitchen with Luffy's poster on his hand and pin it on Employee of the month board with a smile.

At a Bar, Unknown Place...
"30 Million..? Hahahaha...
I'll kill that little shit myself.." Buggy says with a laugh and anger,

"If you don't i will.." Alvida says showing her glass up in the air with a smirk,

Marine Vessle, Middle Of Nowhere...
"Haha... Hell of a first bounty..
I guess there is some of me in him after all.." Garp says with a laugh and a proud look,

"Sir..! I don't regret my actions..
And I'm ready to take the punishment.." Koby says standing in the back,

"Me too, Sir..!" Helmappo says with a nervous tone,

"Following orders doesn't make you a Good Marines..
But following your own code will.
So job well done." Garp says with a smile,

"So you're not gonna punish us..?" Helmappo ask with a relieved smile,

"I wouldn't say that..
My training methods have been called the worst kind of punishment.
So... you think you're up for it..?" Garp ask with a smirk,

"Yes sir..!
I wanna get stronger to hold my own against someone like Luffy..!" Koby says with a proud look,

"And you, Cadet..?" Garp ask Helmappo,

"I wanna show everyone that Roronoa Zoro is not the only one knows how to use Swords..
I wanna get stronger too.." Helmappo says with a proud look,

"Maybe the old cheff was right..!
It is their turn.." Garp says with a proud look,

"You're training begins tomorrow..
Dismissed.." Garp says walking back to his desk,

Some Remote Island, Grand Line...
Mihawk walk on the beach towards a Pirate crew halted on the shore..

"Camping on a beach..!
What a carefree man you are.." Mihawk says walking up to their Captain,

The crew get their guns ready in case of a fight...But their Captain looked at Mihawk and yawned,
He is none other than Luffy's mentor,
The Captain of The Red Haired Pirates,
Red Hair Shanks..

"Come on lads...
We're in the presence on The Mighty Warlord Of The Sea..
Show a little....respect.." Shanks says getting up with a hangover,

"I'm afraid I'm not in the mood for a dual today, Hawkeye..
I'm a wee bit hangover.." Shanks says rubbing his eyes,

"I'm not here to fight..
Not when you're half the man you used to be.." Mihawk says with a sigh,

"I could still take you..
With one arm tied behind my back...
Hahahahaha" Shanks started laughing since he only got one hand,

"I recently ran into someone who might be of interest to you..
A boy you mentioned long ago." Mihawk says handing a wanted poster to Yassop,

He opened it to see it's Luffy's Wanted Poster..

He really did it..!" Shanks says with a proud smile,

"No way..!
It's Luffy, he's a Pirate..!" His crew says recognizing Lil old Luffy,

"He's a Captain..!" Beckman says with a proud laugh,

"I guess we better watch our backs.." Yassop says with all of em laughing,

"Bring out the reserved booze boys.." Shanks says with a smile,

"I thought you're hungover..!" Mihawk ask with a sigh,

"Oh lighten up, You Sobber son of a gun.. Drink with us.." Shanks says inviting Mihawk,

"I suppose a drink wouldn't hurt..." Mihawk says with a sigh,

"This is cause to celebrate..!" Shanks says screaming in joy to which his crew scream in joy,..

The Going Merry sailing the sea,
Luffy surprised Nami with Tangerine trees on the back as a little piece of home to take with their journey..
Nami got emotional and thanked everyone but Zoro still avoid contacts with her.. Nami had her concerns but she's fine with it for now.

"By the way guys..
Come with me, i got an idea.." Sanji says inviting them all to the deck,

There Sanji set up a barrel in the middle of the deck with a smile,
They all looked surprised but Ussop and Nami Have no idea what it is..
Luffy and Ussop ran to the barrel in excitement when Zoro and Nami just walked there.

"I am gonna find the all blue.."
Sanji says putting his leg above the barrel,

"I am gonna be King Of The Pirates.." Luffy says putting his leg above the barrel,

"I am gonna be The World's Greatest Swordsman..." Zoro says putting his leg above the barrel,

"I'm gonna draw The Map of The World..." Nami says putting her leg above the barrel,

"I'm gonna become The Brave Warrior Of The Sea..." Ussop says putting his leg above the barrel,

They all take a vow to be The Crew, The Nakama, The Family and to help each other to achieve theor goals..
All together as,

To Be Continued...


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