The Sun, The Moon, and Their...

By NoSoulChara

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You a dumb idiot with bumbling AuDHD end up stuck in the PizzaPlex, where you hide in the Daycare making a ne... More

Not a chapter
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
The New Job
Not an update
Movie Talks (Part 1)

Puppet Bonding

188 9 14
By NoSoulChara

(3:30 A.M)

Both me and Sunny rush over to one of the kiddie tables, to get everything ready for the SEWATHON as I'm calling it. "YOU WAIT HERE, (N/N) WHILE I GET THE SUPPLIES," he says before the clip on his back catapults to the rafters to act as a grabbling hook and takes him to the balcony, that's kinda a boring name, especially since the thing looks like a god dang tower from a castle.. Castle Sol maybe? eh I'll workshop it.. Wonder what's back there? Oooohhh, is it their room? All the other entertainment animatronics have areas to themselves at night. So why shouldn't they have one too?

I finally see Sun come out onto the balcony with his arms full of crafting supplies, stuff I'm guessing you wouldn't want kids to get their hands on, especially if it is gonna be used for outfits or puppets, not to mention the sewing stuff. Sunny looks down at me from the balcony, and moves backwards, keeping their eyes in front of em'. Once they are at least 5 feet away from the balcony they run forward and leap off Castle Sol, keeping their arms huddled around the supplies, "CANNNON BALLL," they yell, as a wave a plastic balls erupts into the air. The entire thing leaves me giggling at the silliness making me wish I could do that, but y'know made weird flesh thing kinda gets in the way of that, don't wanna kill myself accidently.

Sun's head pops up from the ball pit, with them raising their arms above his head holding all the supplies, which he was able to hold onto, like a child with a present on Christmas morning. "GOT IT, (N/N.)"  I yell out, "SUN THAT WAS AWESOME !!" His rays spin on his head clearly excited as he makes his way out of the colorful pit I yell out impatiently cause I have no patience what so ever, "COME ON, GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE SO WE CAN DO THIS!!" "COMING." They get to the table both of us basically vibrating with excitement as we both start getting everything set up. Of course Sunny is showing me how he makes his puppets, it's honestly surprising he got all this scrap material, except maybe the felt. And even though I know that making even one puppet will take days maybe even weeks I'm really excited.

Then my alarm go off, FUCK I FORGOT THE TIME..


Sun is just as fazed as me, frantically trying to stay in control, but of course he can't, the screams are just as bad as last time. Before I can even think of what I'm doing and more importantly before Sun shifts into the mean moon guy, I grab the pages with me and Sun's designs on them and dart to the security desk, with the NIGHTMARE RIPOFF hot on my tail, I hear him giggling hoarsely behind me, "GO AWAY YOU HECKIN' JERK, !!" I yell out, as I knock a bunch of toys off one of the kiddie tables. "Clean up, Clean up,"  I finally get to the desk and flop into the chair there, giving him a look.. They're still cleaning up the toys, cause apparently that table had alot of them, probably from Sunny playing earlier.. They were arranged as if someone was still playing with them, and had left for a little bit. I feel a pang of guilt in my chest.... I decide I'll play on my phone for the next fifteen minutes, like I did last time, I don't want to give this jerk the satisfaction of whatever they want from me, most likely to watch me suffer and get angry.. The guy did try to kill me. "You must have a death wish, Grown-Child, to come back~" I almost roll my eyes at this robot, "I said I was gonna last time," "and I had assumed you were lying, like all Naughty Children do," he said while looking at their claws, which I can tell thanks to my phone's light are a dark blue though I make a point to only side-eye them and not give them my full undivided attention, "Yeah, well I'm horrible at lying." I state shrugging looking at my phone, "So I was gonna come back, anyway." I say the last word with added  weight. "Well, and I shouldn't have expected a Grown-Child to have any intellect." Now that made me a bit miffed, but I chose to ignore them. Continuing on my phone looking at the time (3:49 A.M.).  "You Deaf now too or are there just no words in that tiny skull of yours?~" And ignoring begins now in full swing, cause I pull out my headphones, and start blasting my playlist that I use to draw with. The effect is immediate, even though neither Sunny or the Creep Moon Guy can move their facial features, just by body language alone I can see him shaking with fury and clawing at the edges of the desk. Then I spin the chair around to the wall, so I don't gotta see him anymore. Even when he goes over to side of the desk, where I can see him I just keep spinning my chair away. Till finally, (3:59 A.M.)... And I kinda debate giving the finger, but no Sun would see that.

Unceremoniously the lights blast to life, "OW" I immediately cover my eyes.. "(N/N) ARE YOU OKAY," "Yeah, yeh I'm fine. Just a lot of light, forgot to close my eyes," I say as I spin around my chair to him wringing his hands together worried most likely about me after seeing the jerk again, "Hey I'm fine. I dealt with him last time," "BUT" "No butts dork, I did it last time with no real issues... " I get up from my chair and hop over the desk... almost anyway since I again trip cause I didn't learn my lesson last time. But I don't fall cause Sunny grabs me by the arm, which can circle the circumference of my upper arm which shouldn't surprise me given their height (which is like double mine), "(N/N) CAN'T YOU JUST GO AROUND THE DESK LIKE ALL THE OTHER WORKERS," he says as I reorient my self and he lets my arm go. "NO, CAUSE THAT'S TOO BORING SUNNY.. AND (N/N) DON'T LIKE BORING," I say crossing my arms and puff out my cheeks... Okay I see the child thing, and I immediately, before Sun can say anything, spin around and grab Sun's wrist, which I obviously can't fully grab, "COME ON, we got a felt buddy to create ya' dork!!!" I yell, also grabbing the papers we were working on, as I try to drag Sun back to the kiddie table which causes them to babble confused for a split second, before immediately laughing that wonderful robotic laugh of theirs, cause I obviously can't move them myself, but they concede and start following me us both giggling now. As we rush over to the kiddie table, we past the table I knocked everything off of.. ."Hey Sun," I say a bit quieter than normal, "sorry I ruined whatever you were doing over there..." "(N/N) THERE'S NO NEED TO BE SORRY ABOUT THAT, I CAN JUST SET IT UP LATER.. PLUS IT'S ALREADY BEEN CLEANED UP..." I look back at the table and while yes it's reorganized it's not how Sun had it.. "Yeah, but look I just know how much it irks me when my siblings would touch my toys, especially if I was playing with them." I stop myself before going into a full blown rant about my sibling moving my stuff when I wasn't looking, and then I'd blow up at them. "WELL, I CAN JUST SET IT BACK UP LATER, (N/N) I DO HAVE A PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY." "Oh yeaaahh, that makes sense.. Seeing as you would need to know every kid..." We finally get back to the kiddie table with all of the puppet stuff. And start designing some more!! The two of us spend a long while just figuring out the basic concept of the puppet, what will they be, their personality cause we can't just make a new friend with no personality. And my dumb butt decides it wants a flower maiden, after a lot of brainstorming from me and Sun, those pretty girls with the apron dresses and the baskets for picking flowers, but cause I'm so creative, I wanted them to be a guy. So we both goof off, getting all of the design narrowed down. So we came up with the name Ernest, I just googled old English names cause neither me nor Sunny boi had anything good, and Ernest just sounded like a nice name. "OKay, okay, kay kay kay.. He has to have a flower crown and a couple cool-like dreadlock braids, cause yarn duhhh, and a really cool hair bun, which also needs flowers!!!" I say all excited as I draw Ernest out having to stop myself from kicking my feet, cause I almost flipped the table earlier, cause surprise kiddie tables are heckin small!! "OOHH, AND HE ABSOLUTELY NEEDS A SOFT CUTE FACE, HE NEED SOME KIND OF EYELASHES" "YEAH, what were you thinking they should look like Sun.." "HHHHMMMM, WELL NOT OVERDONE OR DONE FROM THE CORNER OF THE EYE, CAUSE THAT WOULD EASILY MAKE HIM LOOK TO FEM..." "Yeah, okay how about just two small lashes under the eyes that could be mistaken for blush, and some cool eyes... SQUARES" I yell out drawing the pupils like little rectangles without any shading inside them. "OKAY, NOW AN OUTFIT.... HMMM, WHAT ABOUT ROYAL BLUE SHIRT." "NOO, He's gotta have a dress, cause he's a flower maiden, even if he's a guy... But I do like Royal blue to be the main color!" and I continue, "OH YEAH, okay back to da face, it's gotta be a bit more rigid.. Cause a round face will make him look to fem, and he's gotta be androgynous.. But what face shape... HMmmm?" "OH, WE COULD MAKE IT A CURVED SQUARE, KINDA LIKE HIS EYES," "YES, THAT'S IT. SUNNY YOU'RE SO SMART!!!"

Sun sputters a bit at that, "OH, UM!!! I-IT'S NOTHING (N/N). I MEAN I'M NOT ALL THAT SMART. I COULDN'T HELP YOU SOLVE ANY OF YOUR SCHOOL QUESTIONS A FEW DAYS AGO." Oh yeah forgot I had asked for some help on a chemistry problem, it wasn't the problem the wording through me off, but Sun wasn't able to help me in that department, but I figured it out in the end. "No, Sun not Book-smart like moi' but creative-smart. I mean, I love art, but I'm not full of ideas all the time, heck you were the one who got my brain kicking into high gear when you came up with the Fantasy Trope!" I say as I continue drawing Ernest out. I make his limbs a bit blockier, "AND THAT'S NOT A BAD THING,"... I balk for a sec, "NOT BEING BOOK-SMART I MEAN... THAT'S SOMETHING THE PARENTS ALWAYS TALKED ABOUT.. SAYING THEY WANTED THEIR KID TO ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS.." "WHAT!!!??? OF COURSE IT'S NOT BAD. Sun, art is a huge part of welll.. I was gonna say being human, but I mean in general it's a part of being an individual. It allows us to show how we think, it allows for others to see themselves in others art, and helps us learn about ourselves. People who say art is not meant to be a job are just unappreciative and don't understand what life would be without it. Or think it should be created by A.I.... " I think for a moment, "WAIT THAT CAME OUT WRONG, I mean the A.I. that most companies use not you.. Where it is only an algorithm and nothing more.. And steals from artists." I breathe having my rant over with. "BUT (N/N) WOULDN'T YOU BE AGAINST A CAREER THERE, SEEING AS YOU'RE STUDYING ZOOLOGY BUT NOT PURSUING ART?" He asks so ERNEST-LY... okay brain stop being stupid it's serious mode time, "Well no, Sun when I was a kid I juggled the idea of being an artist, I still do. I just knew if I did art as a job.. It'd become an obligation, where I have to follow another's instruction. My art is mine, and I want it to remain something I enjoy, not to say that artists in their fields don't enjoy their art, it's just different for each person. And for me I get to distracted, in anything I do. Plus I wouldn't be able to choose what I wanted to really do either. It's why I chose zoology as a major, because every species is different from each other. Meaning I can have variety." I say drawing out Ernest's vest and sleeves, "Plus animals are a passion of mine, I love understanding them, I'm not doing that to better society or to prove I'm smart. Just to make myself happy in my job..  Whatever job that might be!!" I say smiling over at him.

After that chat we both work throughout the night on the character at least, and Sun showing me how to build a puppet. We both make sure to remember to keep an eye on the time. Every time it's 20 minutes before the hour I get behind the desk with some paper, also the sheets we're working on cause I don't trust the Lunar Madness Freak to not try and wreck our wonderful Ernest. Also every piece we are currently working on gets brought to the desk. I mostly ignore the Mad Hatter, yes cause he has a hat, by continuing whatever me and Sun were doing a prior to lights out. Also by blasting my headphone music, I also decide to keep everything close, since both Sun and The Evil Lunar, can touch the edge of the desk.

The night flies by, with me waving to Sunny-boi as I exit the daycare heading to my car. I get to do this tomorrow and on Friday, and after that I get to stay home for a Monday. So brain remember the schedule Monday and Tuesday get to the PizzaPlex at 11:00 p.m. and same on Friday. The rest of the week do school work and rest. Okay, I CAN DO THIS CAUSE I'M AWESOME!!! 

(Time Skip)

We continue the next day on the puppet making head-way with it, I of course do my job first.. And have to stop myself from trying to clean up areas, cause do parents seriously not clean up after their kids or themselves.. But I do make a point to hang a bit more out with Chica and Freddy, also Map-bot cause they are the best guide.. I think I would have gotten lost, especially in the arcade if they hadn’t found my dumb-ass. I do make sure to text Sun Friday that I wanted to get to know Chica and Freddy better.. I felt real bad about it though… Mostly cause I know they have little to no visitors, but I digress. I need to be able to be friends with everyone, cause these guys are all cool. Like I know, I know it’s not my obligation to hang with them, but I also know none of them have anyone, other than kids,who treat them with respect or even as people. Which is bullshit, like how could these guys have full conversations, with emotions and things that make them sound human, without people questioning it? Or better yet, without this place getting some pushback for making Sentient A.I… So here I am with Chica, ranting about school issues.

“I am so god dang ready for this week to be over Chica, I hate FINALS… " “Awww, Chick I’m sure it’s not so bad.” I look over at Chica with a look of utter horror, how doesn’t she get it. “Chica, you.. don’t…. understand.. ONE OF THE CLASSES IS BULLSHIT!!!” I scream out, “It’s my math class and the teacher is no god dang help what-so ever, we had to make a fucking discord just so we all could understand the material given to us!!! And even then I understood nothing- nothingggg!!!” I say standing up grabbing her shoulder pads, as if I was grabbing a shirt, and slid down her chest to the floor dramatically. She just giggles at me.

“Hmmm, how about we change the subject, where have you been disappearing to since Monday, I kinda wanted to see ya’ after your rounds.” “OH, uh… The daycare..,” I say nonchalantly. She just stares at me in disbelief. “What?? You sent me there on that first night, you know when a bunch of animatronics were trying to ARREST ME,” “Yeah, but that was cause no other area was safe from the others, and the Play one is really good at keeping everyone out!! But, you saw the other one that first night too, since we have to deal with the hourly power offs, usually that stops anyone from going there again.” “Well, it didn’t stop me.. Sunny had been in there all by himself for a whole ass week, and if I know anything about the mind, it’s that isolation isn’t good for anyone.” I add on before Chica gets a chance to speak, “Plus, I like Sunny!! He’s fun, and cool. Also HE GAVE ME ATTENTION!! So now he can’t get rid of me, at least for a while!! That’s how this works, you did the same thing so I’m not gonna leave!!”

She just shakes her head at me, “I’m just worried. In the short time I’ve known you, I have found you are very impulsive.. I worry you’ll get hurt. Or forget the time, the Daycare Attendant is.. alot worse than the others, like so much worse.. He’s— why the area got shut down after all…” I just stare at her… What??

“What?? ” “OH, You didn’t know.. The glitch affecting the Daycare Attendant mostly affected the Nap-time version, not the Play one.” I stare at the floor thinking.. “So he’s not like that… Not really…” She stares at me, “No, He’s a prankster sure.. but he never tried to terrorize the kids or…. injure them before..” I stand up abruptly, “I Gotta go!!” I exclaim, “WAIT, (N/N),” rushing out of Rockstar Row before I can get told no… Sun… How many bad things have I said about your friend!?? OF Course the Moon Freak is the friend Sun keeps referring to!! AND WHY DIDN’T I FIGURE IT OUT SOONER WHY ELSE WOULD THE DAYCARE GET SHUT DOWN!!! HOW DO I HELP THOUGH?!!

I rush down to the daycare, and for the first time ever use the doors, I don’t even think about being childish right now. I try to slam them open but they’re locked, so I do what any reasonable person would do and scream, “SUN GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE!!! RIGHT THE HECK NOW!!!!!” The affect is immediate I hear running and gears turning before the two wooden doors open, almost hitting me in my face, but I move back. Sun rushes towards me and pushes me behind them, as if protecting me..“(N/N) ARE YOU OKAY, WHY ARE YOU USING THE DOOR!!!?? DID SOMEONE BREAK IN, DID YOU GET HURT???” “WHy- WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME!!??” I yell frustrated. “About WHAT??” he’s looking over at me confusing “ABOUT THE MOON FREAK,” he sighs. “I didn’t want you to leave.. On that first night or be scared (N/N),” he says uncharacteristically quiet and wringing their hands together, which angers me a bit more (not him being quiet but misunderstanding me). “NO, ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, ABOUT WHY THIS AREA WAS SHUT DOWN. SUN I COULD’VE HELPED… I … COULD,” Fuck now I’m crying. Sun just stares at me, with those blank white eyes.. “(N/N) I … cause..” He just looks down his rays shrinking into their faceplate, “You couldn’t have helped… It would take a professional to get the bug out, one that FazCo refuses to hire.… I didn’t want you to worry, that I was infected too…and could hurt you”

“SUN, I KNOW YOU’RE NOT INFECTED!!! I WOULDN’T HAVE KEPT COMING OTHERWISE!!” After that, I finally breathe, having exhausted my voice from yelling and crying.. “I know, it’s not my business.. and I only have know you for about a month.. but I care about you Sun… You…. let me be me around you… That’s rare for me…” I look at my hands, “I’m not like the parents who came here before, or the guards, or the teens. I genuinely care… Not cause y’all are stupidly good designed robots… but cause of WHO you are…”

I look up at him, “I guess… I’m just not used to having actual friends around me.. And knowing now… I feel useless again… cause I can’t help… And I know that. but it doesn’t stop me from wanting to…” His hand moves to my shoulder, as he’s kneeling in front of me, his face in front of mine, which is still crying, “Just you caring is enough.. (N/N). I don’t get that from any adults.” I immediately hug him and his arms slowly wrap around my back, he’s warm like the sun. “DO YOU STILL HAVE ROUNDS TO DO.?” “Nah, finished that a while ago.. Only got an hour before shift ends… but, I don’t wanna go tonight.” I breathe out, still trying to get my voice back. “What?” he tenses their arms around me.I think more about it for a second before committing.. “Yeah, I don’t want to leave. My finals aren’t done, but I can finish Sunday since they aren’t due till next Thursday. Plus I don’t wanna go before we talk about… all this.. If you’re okay talking about your other?”

“Can.. we talk about it later today.. Sometime after your shift officially ends and yes… I’d like you to stay.” I nod against their chestplate, “Yeah I’d like that. It’d give us both some time to cool.. I’m sorry for yelling by the way… I shouldn’t have gotten up and arms about that.” He lets go of me and stands up, “No, (N/N) it’s okay. I understand, you worried. Like I did today, when you yelled for me on the day you said you wouldn’t show.. And more importantly used the door to get in,” he walks towards the big doors. “Listen,” I bemoan, “I literally ran over here the minute Chica spilled on what was happening. I didn’t even think about what I was doing. Just, gut I think or emotions or both..” Even if Sun forgave me I still shouldn’t have done that.. I should have thought before acting… Curse my impulsiveness.

We both walk into the daycare, and cause I had just cried for like 5 minutes, I’m now just drained. So I head over to what I call the stuffy pit, it’s where all the stuffed animals are which is alot, and just flop inside. And pull a random Rattle Snake plush over my eyes to keep out the light.. About a minute or two later I feel myself get tapped, which I squawked and jumped at not expecting it, my stuffy falling off my face letting me see Sun in front of the Stuffy Pit. “Here, figured you were thirsty,” in his hand he’s holding a fizzy can with Roxy on it, Grape. I’ll take whatever I can get. I grab the can and start chugging it. “Better,” I nod. I look at the can, and start fidgeting with the Snake’s rattle which actually makes the sound, Oooohh cool. “You know, normally I wouldn’t get these.” “OH?” “Yeah, way to syrupy for my taste, and I guess sweet as well, I usually go for a Dr. Pepper. But I already know FazCo refuses to sign any deal with any soda chain, which is really weird, also no name-brand stuff.” Sun decides to get in the pit with me, falling into all the stuffies and looking like he’s drowning in all the fuzziness, which makes me giggle. Once he finally rights himself on a giant teddy he gives me a go-on motion. “Well, normally at fast food or restaurants the company signs a deal with a soda brand. Though they can sign more than one deal, and have two brands, many restaurant chains opt to only signing one for cost reasons. So like Taco-bell only has Pepsi brands. But For some reason here, FazCo thinks it’s cheaper to create an entire new line of products only sold in their venues and in bulk on the website.”

I hear a buzz on my phone.. It the alarm, so I know to get to an office.

(5:30 A.M.) I groan, throwing the snake back over my face, “I just wanna sleeeppp. For like a day.. Who knew crying would exhaust someone?” I say sarcastically. “Hey after.. the last outage do you wanna continue the puppet.” I think for a moment.. “No.. Sorry, it might just be the drain. Or my brain needing something a bit different, at least for a night. But as much as I love doing that with you, I just kinda wanna hang today. Maybe rant or just watch a show or movie. But only if you wanna do that.” “OH, MOVIE PLEASE!!” He says so excited, and I grin. We spent the next few minute just resting in silence. I look back at my watch, 10 minutes have passed, so I groan grabbing the Rattle Snake plush and wrapping them around my shoulders, this is now Snake Friend I think in my head, and head to the desk. Sun takes a minute to register what I’m doing, but comes over with me. “Okay so Movie… hmm, what have you watched,” I ask now spinning in the chair, needing some stimulation since I’m not in Stuffy Haven anymore. “Only company approved stuff.. Which admittedly isn’t much, mostly just FazCo shorts and the like..” “Okay… After lights come on, I’ll ask about preferences.. but it’s 1.. 2.. 3..” On three the light shut off, and Sun backs up before it happens, and I decide none of that today. And hide under the desk and just nap with Snake Friend. Though for the first time since I’ve been here in the same room with The Nap-time animatronic, he leaves the daycare, most likely for patrol. Wish I had a blanket, one of mine preferably. I’ll bring one next Monday, and leave it here. Though I do start shaking Snake Friend’s rattle a bunch, it’s nice to hear a noise outside the quiet nothingness. And decide to add to the noise with my own weird noise. AKA SONG!!!

~Snake friend, is the newest bestest friend,—

With a rattle that shakes and shakes and shakes with no end

With their super cuttie face and long ass tail— I love Snake Friend!!

Yes, I love Snake Friend, cause their tail shakes with no end, —and they might not have scales but that okay—

Cause I love them being soft and fluffy just as much— ~justtt asss muchhh~And their cute little cat eyes look into mine— and I love them so~

Before I’m done, I hear raspy giggles coming from behind me muffled. “AWW, singing to a little stuffy huh. Little tot,~” A bit miffed my song got interrupted. NO ONE INTERRUPTS MY DUMB ASS SONGS, and by that I mean everyone does. I can’t do much to stop someone from interrupting me, but still. MY POINT STILL STANDS. I stick my head out from under the desk and blow a raspberry at him, and go back under… Should I throw something at them… No save that for another day, I just go back to singing my Snake Friend Song



The entire song Moon-guy is trying to stop me, by being annoying or just saying rude crud, but I just get louder. Till the lights flip on, and I peak my head up to see Sun staring and giggling at me, cause it wasn’t just one head popping up but two, cause snake friend is resting my scalp. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, “(N/N) IS SNAKE FRIEND STAYING ON YOUR HEAD NOW,” “WHY, YES, BECAUSE WE…. ARE …BOTH KINDRED SPIRITS!!” I say with a big ass grin, “OH, HOW SO?” They ask leaning on the desk, trying and failing to hold in the giggling fest, as I do the same, “Because, WE ARE BOTH ADORABLE AND SUPER HUGGABLE,” I exclaim stretching my arms wide out, though this causes Snake Friend to fall off my head onto the floor. “NOOO, SNAKE FRIEND. MY DEAREST COMPATRIOT, FOREVER GONE.” I writhe in fake agony, with fake tears and everything, leaving Sun a laughing mess, and kneeling over dying of laughter.

“So about that movie?” I say completely shifting tones and bending down to retrieve Snake Friend. “Okay, SO I REALLY LIKE THE FANTASY STUFF WITH MAGIC AND EVERYTHING!!!” “OKAY, got IT! I think either Nimona or Puss in Boots: The Last Wish would be a good first pick!!” I say, “WHAT’S EACH ABOUT?” he’s really excited, I swear if he had pupils they would be stars right now. I go on to explain the plots, trying to also hone in my excitement. “Okay, Nimona is a movie about going against social norms, in a society that pushes against it, with of course magic.. Also about friendships and building trust. Also it’s like a modernized fantasy world.” “OOOOHHH, THAT SOUNDS COOL, WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER!?!”

“Okay so Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is about confronting one’s own mortality and coming to terms with it. Also about trust and Found Family, all while having more of the older fairy tale elements, some awesome fight scenes.” I add, “Also before asking both are feel good movies, there are periods of angst and trauma in both. But the movie are pretty light-hearted outside that. Also GORGEOUS ANIMATION IN BOTH,” that bit leaves me stimming . “So which one, we’ll have to watch from my phone, but I always have my charger!! So batteries are no issue” “Hmmm… I WANNA WATCH BOTH… THEY BOTH SOUND SO COOL (N/N).” I smile a bunch cause both movies are great, “YEAH, LET’S DO THIS.. but first I gotta go clock out and change out of uniform, give me about 10 to 20 minutes kay’!!!~~” I yell rushing out the doors, which Sun has opened for me, through the flashlight charger, I’ll ask ‘bout it later.

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